Proverbs 31 is the last chapter in the Book of Proverbs.
Asking God
Asking God for direction in every area of your life will take discipline. I always ask God to give me a dream, a prophetic dream before going to bed. As much as I desire this, most of the time I sleep right through my dreams. But last Friday night, with all the interruptions by my cat wanting a drink of water, one part of a dream stuck. I distinctly heard “Proverbs 31.” During my slumber I kept repeating Proverbs 31 over and over again so that I’d remember it when I woke up.
Proverbs 31
This is a popular proverb, mostly known for portraying an ideal woman as virtuous, strong and selfless. Equally important to this proverb is verse eight.
Proverbs 31:8 New Catholic Bible
8 Speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves, and defend the rights of the destitute.
March For Life 2023 poster, same proverb the Lord gave me! Credit: Christina Herrera/EWTN
March For Life
This past Friday at the “March For Life” in Washington D.C., they did speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. This organization has been marching for 50 years. The estimate of those participating was between 50,000 and 100,000. Regardless of the many years or the people attending, no major news media thought it newsworthy.
Thank you, EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network), for your wonderful coverage of the March For Life.
The New Army
I talked to my friend, Brother Leo from EWTN, who was at the march and he shared with me that bus loads of high school and college students made up a large number of the participants. God is training a new army of millennials to stand up for the sanctity of life. These young people will not be swayed by false doctrine. A well-trained soldier knows where to stand on the battlefield.
In freezing weather March For Life participants endured the snow and walked peacefully from the State Capital to the steps of the Supreme Court. With peace comes love, and this was projected throughout the march. The Lord led the way.
God’s Confirmation
If you ever doubt if a message is from God or not, He usually confirms it. When I was searching for images of the March for Life, I came upon signage quoting the Scripture the Lord gave me in the dream! This was after I had written the Blog. Honestly, I can’t stop praising His name!
Proverbs 31:22-23 New Catholic Bible
22 She makes her own bed quilts and wears fine clothes of linen and purple. 23 Her husband is well respected at the city gates as he takes his seat with the elders of the land.
If I could hold a candle to this virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31, my road to heaven is a sure thing. I have accomplished many lifetime milestones in my Christian walk, but I still can’t follow a recipe to save my life. For this reason I’m an elusive Reluctant Chef, producing one bad meal after another.
I’m fully aware that I cannot make my own bed quilts nor do I favor linen; especially linen pants. They always stretch out too much and make me look two sizes larger. My favorite color is purple, and my closet is filled with this color.
Proverbs 31:26-31 New Catholic Bible
26 When she opens her mouth, wisdom issues forth, and on her tongue is kindly advice. 27 She keeps close watch on the conduct of her household, and she does not eat the bread of idleness.
I pray that one day every time I open my mouth, words of wisdom will ensue. On most occasions I offer sound, godly advice, but the best advice is to read the Bible and pray.
If my grandkids are not being good Christian examples, I turn into the biggest rat and tell their parents. They will not get away with bad behavior.
Proverbs 31:30-31 New Catholic Bible
30 Charm is deceptiveand beauty is fleeting,
but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Give her a share in what her hands have accomplished, and let her works bring her praise at the city gates.
I’m right on the cusp of fleeting beauty and, as my wrinkles become more pronounced, I can say my inner beauty is increasing my love for God. Dying my hair more frequently is the reminder that one day the transition from dark brown to subtle gray is not far coming. I will never alter my body to look younger, but I will continue to exercise. Planking several times a week for over 20 seconds is a grand accomplishment!
The Fear of the Lord is the balance in our beliefs, for without fear who are we accountable to? The fear of the Lord is not being afraid of God. It’s respecting His authority, trusting His love and judgment and being obedient to His commandments. Confessing our sins on a regular basis gives us the ability to not wallow in our transgressions.
The Fear of the Lord
We cannot be afraid to speak truth or to hide our love for God because we may be offending others. God gave us all a voice, and if your voice is filled with godly wisdom, start preaching. Tell the world about your life and how serving God has made you a better human being. Defend the rights of the innocent, especially those babies who deserve to have the right to be born.
Look to God for guidance and don’t look back on all your mistakes; rather, offer them up to God. Move forward and create your own march. Listen to the sounds of heaven and follow the greatest leader of all mankind: Jesus Christ! Become the person God created you to be. He will show you the way. Remember, you are only here for a season, so make a difference for the better.
Most importantly support pro-life candidates and pray for their victory. Yes, fear the Lord in trembling and be accountable for what comes out of your mouth!
My Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for this simple dream and the knowledge that came with the message. Continue to use me, an imperfect human striving to reach out to others. Amen.