I lost my phone on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.
Holiday Parking
I normally park a distance from where I’m shopping in order to get some steps in. Because it was such a busy shopping day, I wanted a good parking spot; so I prayed and got the best spot! Stationing my car next to a handicapped parking was ideal. There was a woman ringing the Salvation Army bell directly outside Hobby Lobby. Before exiting the car, I looked in my wallet for some loose change: two dimes and several pennies, that was not enough money!
Hobby Lobby
Hobby Lobby is my go to place for inexpensive Christmas accessories, and I needed to purchase gift prizes for the Bingo game that we play every Thanksgiving. Of course I ended up with stupid, useless items that inevitably will be returned.
Salvation Army
Supporting the Salvation Army has always been part of the holiday season for me, so I felt a tug in my heart to give. Searching deep in every compartment of my handbag, I found a five-dollar bill. I got out of my vehicle and donated the money. Gathering all the stuff that I pulled out of my purse, I quickly shoved everything back into my handbag. I was almost home when I discovered that my phone was missing! “No phone detected,” read the screen in my car!
Back to Hobby Lobby
Through so many mishaps and two trips back to Hobby Lobby, Sonja found my phone! “Mom, it’s in the parking lot.” Upon returning, a white car was parked where I had originally parked. Needless to say, I was not having a good day. It had been several days since I had washed my hair, and I was not dressed for anything but cleaning the house. By this time I had gone home and got Mike’s phone. I made several attempts to look under the parked car, but I did not want to get on my hands and knees. I approached a young couple; the man had a cross tatted on his neck. “Excuse me, can you help me?” They both ignored my plea. Who could blame them? I looked like a homeless pan handler. “Please, can you help me, I’ve lost my phone?” They both looked at the phone I held in my hands, “No, this is my husband’s phone; mine is under this car.” The man agreed to look under the car but to no avail. There was no phone underneath the car.
Next Step
Mikos called me and told me that the phone was in the parking lot, but it wasn’t. So I drove to Sonja’s. “Mom, what is your Apple ID?” I did have it but it, was stored in my phone. Sonja was busy baking pies for Thanksgiving, and without the ID she could not help. “You’re going to have to go to the Apple Store to get this sorted out! Good luck with that on Black Friday!” Russ thoughtfully reported the lost phone to the Anaheim Police Department in case it was turned in. By this time my phone had stopped pinging; it was either run over or picked up to be sold on the black market.
The Landline
I begged Mike not to get rid of the landline; thank God we kept it, because this was our means of communication. Mike’s and Sonja’s cell and Helen’s landline are the only numbers I have memorized. I used Mike’s cell phone to call my sisters because I knew that on Thanksgiving Day I was going to be without a phone.