Don’t Be Robbed of Your Blessing

Do you remember the story in the Bible about Jacob wrestling with God?


Jacob was destined for a great inheritance, even though he was the second-born son in the birth order.  God told his mother Rebekah that Jacob would receive the special blessing.

Rebekah knew that God favored Jacob over his brother Esau. Though they were twins, Esau would have the right to the blessing because he was the first-born son.
As the boys grew older, Esau, who was a hunter, came home famished and begged his brother Jacob for lentil stew. He sold his birthright to his brother for a bowl of stew!  Jacob, along with his mother managed the entire scenario in order for Jacob to receive the blessing from his father Isaac. (Gen 27) As the narrative of the brothers continued, Jacob, because of his brother’s murderous intentions, had to flee.
Jacob’s New Name
Many years and several chapters of Genesis have passed, so I pick up the story in Genesis 32:22-32. Before he meets his brother Esau, Jacob has a heavenly encounter. He wrestles with God but this match lasted throughout  the night. Even with a dislocated hip socket Jacob  did  not give up: he wanted his blessing. God granted his blessing and changed his name to Israel. The blessing took place right before  Jacob and Esau met. It was a reconciliation between the two brothers that could only take place with God in the midst.
Why did God give Jacob  a new name? He received his new name  Israel because he never gave up the struggle. Israel’s meaning is “the one who struggled with God.”
Our Sin
We are all sinners, and share some of the characteristics of both Jacob and Esau. (John 1:8-9)  The correlation between these struggles is that we are always going to be wrestling with God because of our sin. But in our case, God will always win. Sin is a constant reminder that we need courage to remain in the fight. We will always get wounded, but the wounds are a stepping stone closer to God. It takes years of training to attain spiritual growth. Jacob had to wait 14 years before he could marry Rachel.
In every instance in the Bible there was always a mountain that our great patriarchs had to ascend to reach God. For Moses  it started with the angel of the Lord appearing to him at “the mountain of God Horeb.” Moses was alone when he received his commission from God. That’s how it works; we must separate ourselves from the world in order to truly hear from God. Moses did not want the responsibility of saving his people. He questioned and wrestled with the idea of God’s will for his mission. In the most authoritative manner, God spoke to Moses:
The Ten Commandments
Mount Sinai was the next mountain for Moses to climb. There he received the Ten Commandments from God.
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