Celebrating Black History gives us clearer insight into the legacy left by many great African American men and women. We need this more than ever. I wanted to hear about Christian Black men who are positive role models, but they were overlooked by the news media’s coverage.
Lemuel Haynes is a wonderful example for teaching us how to operate in grace. Lemuel was born to a white mother and black father in 1753. As an infant he was abandoned by both parents and was taken into the household of Deacon David Rose of Granville, Massachusetts. There he served as an indentured servant until his 21st birthday. Because Lemuel had an appetite for the Word of God, he studied Scripture and wrote sermons.

Patriot and Preacher
Lemuel Haynes was a patriot who enlisted with the local farmer’s militia, the Minutemen. He was among the first of three African American men assigned to Ethan Allen’s famous Green Mountain Boys.
He was the first Black preacher to ever preach at an all-white church. Lemuel Haynes was anointed to preach, and was chosen in this time of great divide. After his involvement in the American Revolutionary War, Lemuel continued with his training in theology; he also studied Latin and Greek. He used the pulpit to denounce slavery; he referred to it as sin. He never held back from speaking the words that the Lord put in his mouth to speak. I can imagine the impact he had on some of the white congregation; they were either in shock or perhaps felt great conviction. Lemuel’s sermons stressed interracial fellowship, liberty, natural rights and justice. His prolific writings made him the first African American to be internationally published. He was the first Black man to receive an honorary Master of Arts degree from Middlebury College. Do you think that the public schools are going to teach the life and history of this great Black man? No! Lemuel Haynes would not be considered a role model today because his life’s journey was led by God.
Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Ben Carson was eight-years-old when his parents divorced. He and his brother were raised by their mother, who encouraged her two young sons to become better students by giving them reading and writing assignments in addition to their regular school assignments. Ben Carson earned a scholarship to Yale University an earned a bachelor’s degree in 1973 in psychology. He went on to receive a medical degree from the University of Michigan. His accolades and contributions to the medical field are many, including director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins. He was one of the youngest doctors in the United States to earn this title. In 1987 the then thirty-five-year old neurosurgeon received international acclaimed for separating two German twins born joined at the head.
Along with his wife Candy, they have collaborated on writing several books: America the Beautiful in 2014: Rediscovering What Makes This Nation Great and , A More Perfect Union in 2015.
Ben Carson served as the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for President Trump. Dr. Carson is a conservative who has expressed his opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage. He has stated his belief that homosexuality is a choice. You will not hear about him during Black History Month either.
Black Lives Matter
This nefarious organization has perverted everything educational and beneficial about Black History Month. They have hijacked the observance in public schools by inserting false narratives to indoctrinate our students about how racist our country has become. They have carefully woven their beliefs on transgender identity to make them sound reasonable and creditable. These are the new powerful leaders who will set the standard for Social Studies in American Public Schools.

The New Black Leaders
Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi are all trained Marxists. The media would never describe them this way; they would rather omit that word to make them appear anti-racist. All three of these women praise JoAnne Chesimard, who is now known as Assata Shakur. She is a fugitive convicted of first degree murder of State Trooper Werner Foerster during a shootout on the New Jersey turnpike in 1973. She escaped prison and has been given asylum in communist Cuba. Shakur has been on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list since 2013.
The following is part of their agenda:
We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. … We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence. …
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
So many organizations have given credence to the propaganda about how effective Black Lives Matter has become. They either join with them or get canceled for not believing as they do.
America’s history of slavery is real, and the impact it has on Blacks is profound and continues today. If you are not Black you can never completely understand their plight. Not until Alex Haley’s Roots did the atrocity of slavery become real to me. We need to fix racial discord in America, but it must be done with love, not hate. History will never change, but revealing the truth can help us understand why we are so divided. Black Lives Matter manifestos are not the answer. The real solution must come from within each of us. We cannot allow the mindset of Black Lives Matter to bulldoze our minds into believing a false ideology that is not true. We can’t continue with anger because of all the support BLM is receiving. Whether we agree with them or not, they have, and continue to received funding from major corporations to keep them going. Their interpretation of reality is hitting the classrooms the hardest. This troubles me because I cannot ignore the propaganda that our grandchildren will receive. I pray that one day soon their agenda will be exposed and truth and justice will prevail. Both Lemuel Haynes and Ben Carson overcame and excelled because of their belief in God. We cannot move forward without God. In the meantime I have made it my mission in life to accept all human beings as children of God.
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, help us to become more aware of why You are allowing us to go through this division in our country. Give us all a heart to love, and teach us to accept all races as one. You are the Father of us all, You love us all the same. Touch the hearts of the BLM leaders and remove hatred and anger from all of us. Allow us to see the hurting hearts of men so that we can walk in Your direction. Amen.