Regardless of whether you realize it or not, Bible idioms are pervasive in our everyday language.
The Blind Leading The Blind
How many times have we used that phrase? This idiom was one of my favorites when my kids were growing up. I used it to make a point for becoming leaders not followers. This verse comes from the book of Matthew 15:14. Jesus used this analogy to lead his disciples away from the erroneous teaching of the Pharisees.
Matthew 15:14 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
14 Let them alone; they are blind guides (of the blind). If a blind person leads a blind person, both will fall into a pit.”
The blind leading the blind is in reference to incompetent people being led by incompetent people.
No Rest For The Wicked
We should all understand what this verse represents. Despite every effort, you will get caught in the tangle of webs you created. A wicked person’s mind is always tormented. No one ever escapes the wrath of God. Our Lord will hand you a rope for your rescue; the choice is yours; you can choose to escape by confessing your sins or let go of the rope and fall into your own pit. God does not want us to fail, but our free will gets many by thinking once you open the door to sin, it can easily close. Furthermore when sin is attached to your soul it’s a lot deeper than you think. It’s only through deep repentance and prayer that you can dig your way out of this sin.
Isaiah 57:20-21 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
20 But the wicked are like the tossing sea which cannot be still, Its waters cast up mire and mud. 21 There is no peace for the wicked! says my God.
Wicked people will be exposed for their sins; if something was done against you or your family, you will witness their downfall. As much as you want to celebrate, it’s time to pray for them to get right with God.
Go The Extra Mile
Going the extra mile simply means doing more than is required of you.
Last Friday we had breakfast with a relative who is going through chemo therapy treatments at the City of Hope. I wanted to share some photos that a friend posted on social media. After many attempts to use the wifi I could not get on. A kind waitress patiently walked me through the steps, and after a few minutes I was able to share the photos. This waitress went the extra mile to help me.
Matthew 5:41 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
The Good Samaritans, Larry and Helen
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.
The Good Samaritan
A Good Samaritan is one who help someone in need and does not expect anything in return. ( Luke 10:25-37)
Last month we were meeting our friends Larry and Helen for dinner. This particular restaurant was right around the corner from both our homes. Larry and Helen’s home is closer than ours so it was surprising that we arrived first. We waited a few minutes to be seated then I received a text message from Helen, “Go ahead and order an appetizer. We’re running a little late.” Meanwhile it took another half an hour before they arrived.
On their way to the restaurant they witnessed a lone biker take a serious fall going downhill. They pulled over to help the stranger. The man was from out-of-state and decided to take a bike ride.
As a result of the accident, the man was pretty banged up and his bike was inoperable. Larry loaded his bike onto his vehicle and drove the man to his car. The grateful stranger thanked them profusely and offered them money, but Larry and Helen refused to take any reward.
The Holy Spirit will guide our good deeds; on this particular day three people were blessed: the Good Samaritans (Larry and Helen) and the stranger. This man will never forget the kind acts of Larry and Helen.
The Handwriting On Wall
The handwriting on the wall is a warning that disaster or danger is near. You will not be able to avoid it.
When this message was written, it was near a lamp stand so that King Belshazzar could clearly see it. The only person in the kingdom who could interpret its meaning was Daniel. Daniel explains that it was “sent out” by the hand of God. (Daniel 5:5-12)
The message was clearly for Belshazzar, the Chaldean King because he was slain later that night.
These types of warnings are not to be taken lightly. The handwriting on the wall may give you an opportunity to avoid imminent disaster. For this reason warnings give us an opportunity to change the wrong direction we are headed. God always makes a way for us to repent and return to Him.
Can a Leopard Change Its Spots?
Even though nothing is impossible with God, sometimes because of stubbornness you can’t change the nature of a human.
When evil people have it in their spirits to commit an evil act, nothing will change their minds. They have surrendered all to the Enemy, and their evil nature will guide their dark spirit to sin.
Jeremiah 13:23 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
23 Can Ethiopians change their skin, leopards their spots? As easily would you be able to do good, accustomed to evil as you are.
I will never waste my time attempting to convince others that they are wrong in their thinking. I do not want people to agree or think like me; I’d rather they be led by the Holy Spirit in their beliefs. Believe me when I say God is always correcting my flawed behavior and redirecting me to holiness. Only God can change a reprobate mind.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I pray for all who are going through cancer treatments. Heavenly Father, in their darkest hour reveal Yourself to them and offer them hope and healing. Lord, I pray for all world leaders to fall on their knees and humbly seek Your great counsel. Lord, heal the brokenhearted and comfort them in their hour of need. Jesus, You have all the answers to all of our needs. Amen.
Top picture: Torie, and me, Rocky, Frank Bottom: Frank and Nick
I visit family in Louisiana at least once a year. My sister Jo fell in love with Frank, a sailor on leave who was visiting a friend in California. Jo married this southern boy when she was only 19 years old. She and Frank had four boys.
These boys bleed gulf water and love their fisherman’s paradise state. So when Frank, the eldest of the boys, now a grown man, invited me on a fishing venture, I knew this would be an unforgettable experience. This story is about one day in late June, 2003.
Frank owns his own fishing boat, and though that speaks volumes of his love of the sport, to him it is a passion.
The night before our adventure, Frank called me to inform me that he would pick me up at 4:00 a.m. The day before, my mind was running wild with thoughts of having to use the bathroom while on a small boat. What if I had to use the bathroom in the middle of nowhere? I tossed and turned all night, worrying about this bathroom issue. It was not until 6:30 a.m. that Frank finally pulled up.
Jo reminded me that this was going to be an all-day ordeal and asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this. I did have second thoughts, but only because of the bathroom situation. In spite of this reservation, I reluctantly said yes. My other nephew, Nick, was going with us as well, and they invited Resio, a friend of theirs.
Lesson One
I had not yet buckled my seatbelt when Frank spoke in a very solemn voice, “Now, look Aunt Lynda, one thing you have to remember: that hook can take your eye out so you must be very careful when casting.” It was 7:00 a.m. by the time we were gassing up the boat. Frank yelled that this was the last call for the public bathrooms.
We hit the highway, back into the country of lush green. As we pulled into Port Sulfur, I realized that I needed to use the facility again.”Go in the bushes, Aunt Lynda,” yelled Frank. “What?” There was no way I was going to do that! So I carefully watched as the guys were busy getting ready to launch the boat, and found that the truck would be my shield. “I can do this,” I told myself. In the meantime Resio and Nick did the unthinkable and the boat broke away from them. They were both in panic mode and were able to get the boat docked in a quick motion.
Lesson Two
As the wind hit our faces and the boat bounced off the water, we were headed to the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the natural beauty of the gulf, sprinkled with patches of marsh. Our captain, Frank, knew exactly where to go, so as we settled in, he instructed me on how to cast my line into the salty water. At first I could not figure how to hold the fishing line, and so many times my casting went short distances from the boat. Frank patiently reviewed the process over and over, each time saying, “This is the last time, Aunt Lynda.”
We were using shrimp for bait, so Frank told us to cut the shrimp into three pieces. This grossed me out because this disgusting yellow substance oozed out and got embedded deep into my fingernails. Many times when Frank was not looking, I used the entire shrimp. When Frank busted me, he told me that I would never catch anything with that much bait.
Meanwhile Resio, the self-proclaimed fisherman, was using whole shrimp the entire time! Resio was either fixing his fishing line or messing with the tackle box. At no time did he displayed any fishing etiquette, though he shared whopper fishing stories which I did not believe. Frank once tripped on his pole and Nick lost the “big one” because his line became entangled with Resio’s. From my recollection of this trip, Resio was in the thick of everyone’s business. Resio claimed that he almost caught a shark, but unjustifiably blamed me because his line was tangled with mine. I never connected with Resio because he was a big talker and a know-it-all.
Along with all these mishaps, we were being eaten alive by flies that seemed to have sharp teeth. Frank told me that they were sand flies.
In the meantime Nick caught the most fish. His quiet demeanor calmed the fish as if he had hypnotized the redfish into the boat. Then there was Resio, who loudly caught a stingray and almost flipped the boat doing it. Frank yelled out, “Man, be careful of that tail! It will really sting you!” Both Resio and Nick were scared of the smiley fish, and Frank had to free the creature. I prayed that the fish would not die.
Frank announced that we would go to a new area. Nick, Frank and I sat next to each other. We were like human canned sardines, so even the biggest bump from the boat could not move us, as we were butt puzzles. We caught at least three dozen hard heads; I caught three but these fish are not edible. Once Frank caught a really big hard head and could not free it, so he mercilessly beat it against the boat. Nick, too murdered a hard head. I prayed that the fish would be healed of their hook wounds.
The Octopus
On the last part of the trip, I was anxious because I was the only one on the boat who had not caught a fish. Even Resio had caught a sizable trout. By now I was desperate and prayed out loud. As I opened my eyes I noticed a sea creature close to the boat and it had many arms. Frank said that it was an octopus and that I shouldn’t cast my line near it. I was intrigued with its spiny extensions, but it looked more like a giant tarantula than an octopus. Nevertheless I watched its every move.
I finally decided to catch a fish when I came to the realization that Nick was having all the fortune, because he had the best spot, the best pole and the best excuse. From the time we got onto the boat, Nick had to use the bathroom, but his brother Frank showed no mercy and never pulled the boat over. Nick refused to relieve himself because I was on the boat, so, because of his suffering, God granted him favor. By this time Nick was too uncomfortable to fish. I took his spot, along with his pole, but had to cast to the other side because of that damned octopus scaring all the trout.
I could clearly see the difference, as my line made the sound of a real fisherman’s as it cut through the thick humid air. It seemed to reach the ends of the sea, but it was not to be; still no fish. “No more bait!” Frank announced, as it was time to pack it up.
Fish and Wildlife Patrol
The Fish and Wildlife Patrol boats were docked as we pulled in. Again Frank schooled me on what not to say. “Remember, Aunt Lynda, you and Resio do not have fishing licenses, so don’t talk to them.” Really? I talk to abandoned cats and I was not going to miss this opportunity to find out if they needed Jesus in their lives. So while the guys were hooking the boat to the truck, I made small talk with the officers. One asked me what we had caught, and I wanted to tell them about all the hard heads that were wounded, but I held my tongue. I asked them what their jobs entailed and they said that they were there to make sure that the fish that were caught were the right size. I added that we measured all the fish we caught. Then I shared with them about the octopus, only to find out that there are no octopuses in the gulf. I looked over at Nick, and he smirkingly told me it was seaweed.
Fishers Of Men
On the ride home I thought of Jesus’ analogy and how He used the parable of fishing to train his disciples. Simon, Andrew, James and John were ordinary men who fished for their daily bread. But when they met Jesus their lives were completely transformed. They left everything they ever knew to follow HIm. With every action, every step they took, they were being trained to do God’s work. They had already developed the art of fishing. The disciples needed nets, looked for the perfect spot, and waited patiently to have a successful catch. In my experience I, too, had to learn how to be equipped with all the fishing gear.
All fishermen know that by being patient and quiet, they catch the reward.
“And Jesus said unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17
After attending Mass on Valentine’s Day, I asked our priest to bless me for a favorable visit with Mario.
The Weather
The weather forecast for that day was cold. So, while getting ready for the day, I decided to wear a Spanx undershirt. For those of you who are not familiar with Spanx, it’s a light-weight, tight-fitting undergarment. It’s meant to smooth your body. Layering was what I had in mind; besides the Spanx worked to keep me warmer. Making sure that my colors were within the required prison regulations, I wore black joggers, a gray and black light-weight sweater, with a black vest and a raincoat. Finally, I got it right! Now the jewelry: one bracelet, a watch, a necklace and earrings. Everything checked out perfectly!
The Arrival
It’s not unusual for me to arrive 30 minutes before the 11 o’clock visit. I normally sit in the car and wait for a line to form. The guards are notoriously late, and on this particular day they arrived at 11:40. The first checkpoint should start before 11 a.m.
Tower four and the the two security gates before the second checkpoint
Completely out of character, a new guard at the first checkpoint waved the security wand over me while I was wearing my raincoat. I did not have to take off my rain boots either.”Only five at a time,” blared the speaker from tower four. We were the third group to pass through the security gates.
The Underwire Bra
When Mario was at Pleasant Valley State Prison, I had driven a little under four hours to visit him. For the first time I learned about the rule of the underwire bra. I was given two choices: go to the nearest Walmart or cut the wires out of my bra. This choice was simple; I cut the underwires out of the bra.
What a joy to hear your name called first in a room of about 15 people! The second security is more scrutinized, so my shoes and raincoat were placed in a plastic container. As I passed through the security door, it triggered the metal detector. “Excuse me ma’am, can you take off your watch and bracelet?” the guard asked. Confusion and frustration set in as I nervously attempted to remove my bracelet. Neither my watch nor my bracelet had ever trigged the metal detector before. I asked the guard, “Why do I need to do this? My bracelet is really difficult to remove.” Again it set off the metal detector .
This time the guard used the security wand and asked, “Are you wearing an underwire bra?” Sure enough, I had forgotten to put on a sports bra!
To The Shed
From a long distance I could see a shed for people like me who fail to follow the rules. In reality it’s a building, but I refer to it as the shed. As I walked in, I explained that I was wearing an underwire bra. “You can purchase a sports bra for $15,” said the woman at the desk. Forty-seven dollars was all I brought, and I was not about to waste it on a sports bra. Thank God I wore the Spanx! I quickly changed and had to get in line again.
The guard had instructed me to get in the front of the line; however, the people who were at the front of the line gave me a hard time. “We’ve been waiting a long time,” said a man, and his daughter knodded her head in agreement. I got a little street with them and answered, “Look, I was already inside and was sent back to take care of a problem and was told to get in the front of the line.”
I wanted to say “end of story,” but these people are rough around the edges. Then his daughter smugly asked, “Why were you sent back?” I wanted so badly to answer, “None of your dang business!” Reading the faces in the crowd, I softly answered, “I was wearing an underwire bra.” A loud sound, “Ohhh!” could be heard throughout the parking lot. I did the same at the second checkpoint I walked ahead of everyone. By the time all the drama was over and done with, it was almost one o’clock.
Mario had been moved to another section of the facility, so it took him 10 minutes to reach the visiting area. I made the decision to move our visit indoors.
Our lunch consisted of two Santa Fe Chicken salads, an egg muffin (for me), a cheese hamburger and a Philly steak sandwich for Mario. We shared Miss Vickie’s potato chips and Doritos, two Dr. Peppers for Mario, and water for me.
The Bible Study
I randomly opened the Bible to Ezekiel 36:24-27
Ezekiel 36:24-27 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
24 I will take you away from among the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you back to your own soil. 25 I will sprinkle clean water over you to make you clean; from all your impurities and from all your idols I will cleanse you. 26 I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put my spirit within you so that you walk in my statutes, observe my ordinances, and keep them.
God wanted Mario to hear these words, especially the part about sprinkling clean water over him to make him clean. This is in reference to baptism because in Catholic baptism we are cleansed of our sins. Godgives us a new heart, a heart that is repentant, allowing God to dwell in us. A new spirit, the Holy Spirit filters our thoughts so that we can truly trust God in all of our decisions.
Mario is a child of God who will excel in his life. He was chosen to train a service puppy because he is a model inmate. He stays focused on reading the Bible daily. His priorities are focused on getting his AA. He will be getting a puppy to train for service any day now. God has big plans for his life. Pray for him.
My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I give You thanks and praise for the wonderful work You are doing in Mario’s life. Make all these years that he has spent in prison seem like a few days. Give him the fortitude to continue searching for Your holy guidance in every area of his life. Lord, bless my sister Jo for helping me with funds to visit Mario. Amen.