A Family Affiar

Geroge, Norma, Jo, Mike and me

We are five.


The Urquidez Clan

Brothers and Sisters

When our sister Jo comes into town, she makes sure that we all get together. Brother Mike lives in Banning, George lives in Palm Desert and Norma lives in Arizona. The desert is a perfect spot to meet. We never know how many of our nieces and nephews are going to make it to the gathering, but this time we were 22 total.


Angela, Nick, Lee, Reina, Maya, Nadia me, Michael, Rong Mike and Rocky

Las Casuelas

This Mexican restaurant is great for accommodating a large crowd. We ate, visited, and danced. I used to have pretty good dance moves, but something happened. It seems that I’ve been doing the same dance since I was in my teens! My rhythm has left and, as I sadly watch the videos of my uncoordinated dance moves, I laughed!


My brothers are the kindest men, and I love spending time with them. My sister-in-law Mary, George’s wife, is like our sister. To spend time with my niece Gina is an experience of love doubled with laughter. Her brother Robert is back in school, getting a degree in psychology with an emphasis on substance abuse.


Mike’s son Rong’s daughter has recently graduated from the University of Redlands and is currently working for the city. It was such a joy spending time and getting to know her better. Her brother Michael is a freshman in college and is also doing great.

Rong, Natia , me, Norma, Angela, Jo and cousin Nellie

My nephew Nick and Lee’s daughters are so grown; Maya is also in college and her sister Reina is a freshman in high school. Maya is a great golfer and played in the high school band; Reina is on her high school track team.


Sophie,Jo, Robert and George
Rocky, Mikos, Lucas, Jacob, Frankie, back row Angela, Jenny, me, Nick, Sophie, Russ, Sonja and Mike


Jo is an amazing woman who knows how to bring unity to our family. She is one of the strongest women I know; she takes risks and can do anything she puts her mind to. Since Jo’s children were young, she has never traveled without them.

Jo’s youngest son, Rocky, and his wife Angela were in Las Vegas on a business trip and were the first to arrive. The following day Jo, her son Nick, and his daughter Sophie, along with Jo’s grandson Frankie arrived.

While Rocky and Angela stayed in Newport Beach, the rest of the clan stayed as our guests.


Norma is the hardest working woman I know, aside from her job at Canyon Winds, she also babysits her grandchildren.

Jo and I called Norma before the trip to inform her that she would be staying with us in the desert. Norma and cousin Nellie are besties, but since it was only going to be a day-and-a-half visit, we forced Norma to stay with us. Mike did not join us on the trip because he was not feeling well, so all three of us slept in the king-sized bed. It seemed so unfair that I was in the middle between them because Norma suffers from leg cramps and I sometimes need to use the restroom.

It was a nightmare because Norma had to get out of bed, besides I drank way too much water! Every time I got up I’d say, “You should have stayed with Nellie!” Besides that Norma was drinking all of our Margaritas! She was feeling no pain she did get a leg cramp and the drama that ensued was hilarious!

Growing Old

We are all getting up there in age, and some of us are pretty much falling apart. Since we were changing our coverage this year, both Mike and I had physicals. There are so many more prayers I need to add for myself. As much as I hate to take medications, it seems that is the only alternative. One of the medicines that was prescribed was spiking  my sugar, so now my primary doctor wanted to put me on a diabetes pill. After a consultation with another specialist, he took me off the meds to see if it brought down my glucose.

Truly I’m at the mercy of God and doing my part to lose more weight and exercise more. Since COVID I’ve lost almost 25 pounds, but apparently that’s not enough. So I’m back to cutting out what I love most: bread and tortillas. My favorite snack is  chips, especially Doritos. I know it’s so bad for your health, but I still love them. No more cookies either!

The Eye Ulcer

Jo got up extra early last Monday and was complaining about her eye. The entire day she was rubbing her left eye. As a result of her sleeping in her contacts she developed an ulcer. My neighbor is an optometrist so I called him. He advised us to put an antibiotic in her eye and asked, “Did she bring her glasses?” I answered, “No.”

I called my optometrist and made an appointment the following day. Turns out that Jo developed an eye ulcer, because she slept in her contacts. Her pain level was at at ten, and it has been a week since developing the ulcer and she is still in pain. To add insult to injury her right knee gave out, and now she struggling with walking. Lord help us, we’re falling apart!

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for all of my siblings.  Keep us healthy until we meet again. I pray for Jo to have complete healing of her eye and knee. Lord, I pray for Mike and me for total healing. Please heal me so that I do not need to take any more medications. Amen .



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My Political Two Cents

I’m Back!

As an 18-year-old youth I was a registered Democrat. In my twenties the Peace and Freedom Party took hold of my young, pliable mind. My thoughts were deeply entrenched in the thoughts that liberated and freed my cerebral branches. I had a mind with God in the shadows, a mind on its own path. I was taking in anyone who would listen, not realizing back then that I had a gift to influence others with seeds of toxic ideologies that had taken hold of my soul. I believed in women’s rights and all that their agenda represented. No man was going to rule my life. This mind had only room for self; my views settled comfortably, and they controlled me. I was angry, but not really sure why.

“There is a way which seems right to man, but its end is the way of death.”  Proverbs 16:25

The Republican Party

As far as I was concerned the Republican Party was evil, hated minorities and only represented the rich. My jaded thoughts were steeped in my heart;  my entire family were registered Democrats; our thoughts were one; we ate the same manna laced with relativism. We had a picture of President Kennedy in our living room, he was our demigod.  Our mother loved him and taught us to respect and love our Commander in Chief. President Kennedy will always rate high in my heart.

Mothers Do Know Best

Our mother always had a political influence on me, and up to her dying day she exercised her right to vote. I loved and respected this lesson that she instilled in all of us. She was a patriot and always rooted for the underdog. I honored her dedication to always be heard.

The Transition

Imagine being part of the Peace and Freedom Party and then becoming a Born-Again Christian (I am now Catholic). This was a paradox and the two forces collided with only one winner. During these formative years at Biola University the Word of God was taking hold of my heart, and I could no longer be angry surrounded with so much peace. The growth in my beliefs superseded all, and nothing was more important than  pleasing God. My life was finally on track; this gradual but gentle change caused me to see things in a different light. Understanding the meaning of life, the purpose of why I was born, and how God chose Mike as my helpmate was part of His plan. As I surrendered my will to God, my mind was maturing to understandwhat was expected of me as a Christian.

President Trump

I voted for this man because I knew he would make changes. We may not all agree on the fast pace he is taking,  but, in reality, he only has four years to clean up the mess. In the usual manner I will continue to pray for God to guide President Trump in every decision.


No bueno

I pray for all undocumented immigrants who have been in our country for many years, the ones who are law-abiding, God-fearing good people. We need to protect them and develop a system that will help them to become citizens. I understand the protest, but what baffles is that they’re  flying  flags from their countries. Am I wrong to think that Americans like myself feel that this approach is not helping the matter? I can almost guarantee that these protests are organized by Americans, not undocumented individuals. Regardless of  our different opinions, immigration must be conducted in a humanitarian manner.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for undocumented, law-abiding, God -fearing  individuals, that they would be treated justly, especially those who have lived in this country for many years. Lord, guide the hearts of those newly elected officials that may seek Your counsel in every decision they make. Lord, protect those who serve You. Amen.



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The Key To A Good Marriage

Our Sacramental Marriage, January 22, 2022

Mike and I will be celebrating our 53rd wedding anniversary.

The Transition

As a young bride I lived in a world of bliss. God was secondary because I wanted freedom. In my past blogs you can read about the years I spent protesting against the war in Vietnam, along with any far Left Wing political wave that came my way. Then I  got the wake-up call from God.

God First

God must always be first in a marriage. If you did not prioritize God in your marriage, there will be conflict. Then the conflict will turn into division. You draw your lines, set boundaries and somehow, without prayer, you may get through without resolving the issues. For instance, in my case, I’d  quietly  place these unresolved issues on a  shelf as ammunition for the next battle. It took me years of  maturing and mostly turning to God to soften my hardened heart. I was that person who had to explain why, how, and when I was offended. I wanted remorse, but instead God taught me to forgive.


Forgiveness is an essential tool  God has bestowed on us. I’m an extroverted, unorganized, strong-willed person. I married an introvert with a Type A personality. In other words, if we played  in an orchestra I’d blow the trumpet while Mike would play the violin. God knew what he was doing when he brought us together because, in an extraordinary manner, we balance each other. Forgiveness is one of the most important elements in a marriage.

It does not matter how deep the offense may be, if there is love there is always room to forgive. Of the many times Jesus spoke on forgiveness the verse that stands out the most is from Matthew 18:21-22:

You should never lie or keep secrets from your spouse. Remember, God always exposes the truth. When the truth is exposed you have two choices: continue in the sin or ask for forgiveness. That is why God gave us a free will. If you are not truly sorry, you will fall back into the sin.

Don’t air your dirty laundry, especially on Social Media. Some things you can never take back. Social Media should be used to edify, not to tear down.

Larry and Helen, our best man and matron of honor
Godly Friends
As a couple we only have a handful, of good friends. We surround ourselves with people who are like us, who inspire and encourage us. A good friend will always want the best for you and will never give you wrong counsel. You can’t trust someone who is not aligned with your godly beliefs. Be careful who you trust with the delicate matters of your life. You may not realize it but some friends may be jealous of your relationship and offer you the wrong advice.
For Better Or Worse
I knew from our first Christmas that Mike was a keeper because he showered me with so many special gifts. These were-well thought out gifts: a beautiful dress, a nice pair of block-heeled shoes and perfume. To this day Mike continues to give from his benevolent heart to all of us. He never holds anything back when it comes to our grandchildren. They know that Papa will drive miles for that special something they’ve requested.
When Sonja was in second grade, Cabbage Patch dolls were all the rage. Guess who stood in line at Toys R Us to make sure his little girl got her doll?  If Mikos wanted a certain baseball card, Mike made sure he purchased it for him.
When I got home from the hospital with COVID, Mike made all of my meals. He did everything to make me feel comfortable. When he is under the weather, I do the same for him. We are a team; through all our trials we will remain steadfast because God is by our side.
Our Blessed Marriage
Mike and I renewed our wedding vows through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony  on January 22, 2022, at our parish St. Norbert.  If you read “The Long Overdo Wedding” from a previous Blog, I thought we celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage when we renewed our wedding vows in Rome at the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. Our friend, Father Pat Hussey, officiated, but there was no paper trail to validate our original nuptials. When this was brought to my attention by Father Leonard Mary, I knew I had to fix it. Despite the fact that the world was still suffering from COVID, we planned a wedding. From the invitations to the venue, to getting all of our other sacraments in order, by the grace of God we did it.

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that  all marriages would seek Your holy counsel. Comfort those who are hurting, and surround them with those who will guide them in the right direction. Bless those couples who have endured lasting marriages, because they are a beacon of hope. Lord, because Your first miracle was at the wedding in Cana, grant couples who need a miraculous healing in their marriages the grace to forgive. Amen.

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