My Dyslexic Mind

Since I have learned to live with dyslexia my entire life, you’d think that my husband would offer me a little forbearance.

Right and Left

I had to pick up Mike from the service department for his car. Mike had to make several phone calls, so I drove home.  The navigation was set to get us home. The  Indian man’s voice said, “Make a left turn and then another left turn.” But for some unusual reason, I made a right turn. Mike quickly responded, “Didn’t you hear him say turn left?” “Of course I did,” I answered. Needless to say the small detour was another indication on how my brain operates.


Dori, our Pilates instructor, has become accommodating to my special needs. She no longer uses “turn right or turn left;” instead she says ” turn to the wall or turn to the front door.” I find this most helpful and am grateful for her kindness.

I know my right from my left,  but it’s the whole concept of how it switches when you’re directly facing objects. For instance, when someone says, “It’s in the left side of the right cabinet,” my brain goes amok.


Not one person in my family who has a driver’s license allows me to drive with them. If I am driving to a new location, I make several mistakes getting there. My younger grandsons know I mean business when I say, “Nobody talk, nobody talk!” It’s an indication that my brain is focused on arriving at the destination. For this reason I always allow myself an extra half hour for travel.

Even with a back-up camera, I still can’t back up the car in a parking spot.

Double Booking

I cannot recount the many times I have double-booked dates. We received and evite about a month ago for our friend Willie’s 60th birthday bash. I replied that we were attending but forgot that  this same evening was our granddaughter Maddie’s sending away party! She left for college the following day.

Tik Tok

I know the Chinese are all up in our business with Tik Tok, but I use it for several reasons. I promote my Blog, and I get a lot of useful information. Recently I started following a lady who uses castor oil for many purposes. This caught my attention because it mentioned weight loss and a flatter stomach.

Castor Oil

I’m going to continue using castor oil, praying for a positive outcome

I had been experiencing stomach issues for several years, so I purchased a generic castor oil brand  from the local CVS drugstore. I swallowed two large spoonfuls and wanted to immediately  regurgitate the foul taste. I promised myself that I would never, ever put that horrid stuff in my mouth again. The greasy oil was placed in the back shelf of the medicine cabinet and I forgot about it.

With the new revelation of weight loss, I quickly pulled it out and started to use the thick, greasy castor oil again. The lady from Tik Tok said to put some in your belly button and to rub it all over your stomach. The first night was a mess. Since I was standing the whole belly button thing was not functioning properly. After a few mishaps, I can say that I got this procedure down to a science.

The Eight-Pound Loss

After two weeks of  using the castor oil I felt better. Every morning without fail, I jumped on the scale. We own an obnoxious scale that announces your weight out loud. Both Mike and I have figured out that if you jump off the stupid scale, you can see the weight without hearing it.

Last week I got on the scale. Something happened. As I watched the scale quickly change numbers, it registered an eight-pound loss! I ran to tell Mike, “Oh my gosh! I just lost eight pounds!” Mike  just smiled and returned to the numbers he was crunching on the computer. Our guest bathrooms has a polite scale that always registers two pounds over the obnoxious one. I got on it and the number showed a six-pound loss. Again, I ran to share the great news with Mike, but he ignored my excitement.

Sharing The Good News

Because losing eight pounds overnight is a big accomplishment,  I could not keep this information to myself. My best friend Helen was on her way to the airport, so I could not bother her with this wonderful news. Besides she’s a naysayer, and I wanted positive support for the weight loss. I called my two sisters with the news;  both Norma and Jo wanted more information about this new-found miracle. I called Lorrie, an old family friend from Colorado; she, too, was surprised but during the entire conversation she kept laughing about the situation. Then I called Sarah, Helen’s  daughter-in-law. She was so happy for me and said she believed that this type of thing is possible.


When I called my daughter Sonja, I knew she was going to ask me a battery of questions. Her first response, “What do you mean, that’s impossible!” Then she asked me if my clothes were fitting looser. At that point I felt a little insulted, and I remembered as I was putting on my pants that I had to lie on the bed to zip them up! I blew that off as a fluke. Suddenly Sonja wanted specific information about the castor oil.

I went to Mass but after I returned I got on the scale again. It read 100 and something one. Indeed I had lost eight pounds overnight! Praising God for the miracle, I went about my day.

Bad Night

Like the rest of the world I brush my teeth and wash my face  before bedtime. But now I was adding castor oil to the routine. I decided to get on the scale one last time; then I realized that I had transposed the last two numbers! I did not lose eight pounds but gained one pound! Mike was sound asleep when I shook him awake. “Mickey, what am I going to do? I told all these girls that I lost eight pounds, but in reality I gained one pound!” Mike was quick to reply, “I knew all along that it wasn’t true! You need to come clean!”  “This is so embarrassing! Please tell me what to do!” I cried. “You need to call them or text them first thing in the morning. Aye, yai yai, why are you so crazy?” Mike grumbled.

How God Created Me

I am in good company with dyslexia; Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Richard Branson and Cher all struggled with this disorder. In my case, there are so many gifts to dyslexia. I can listen to two conversations and know exactly what is being said.  I have a gift of being quick-witted, with a reply forming  in my head instantaneously. And I can tell a good story. I work for God and I am an excellent employee.

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for always helping me fix the messes in my life. And thank You for the gift of dyslexia  because it makes me uniquely dependent on You and it keeps me humble. Amen.

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From Boys to Men

Brian, Mitch, Carter and Mikos

Our son Mikos was in the 7th grade when he was  initiated into manhood.

The Accident

Our home was always the hangout house. I remember one day when the boys came home from school talking about Jeff, a classmate of theirs who had been hit by a car that afternoon. They had no idea of the severity of his injuries. They talked about how Jeff was a prankster and that he was going to be fine. I walked into the room to explain to the boys that this was a serious matter, but the boys could not comprehend the gravity of the situation. I tried to contact the hospital to check on Jeff’s condition, but because I was not family no information was disclosed. We would find out later through a mutual friend that Jeff was in intensive care. Jeff’s grave condition became worse. He was in a coma but came out of it long enough to tell his family how much he loved them; then he  died shortly thereafter. Mikos and his friends were in shock after hearing the news.

I never met Jeff.


I agreed to take some of Mikos’ friends to the funeral services. Mitch, our neighbor, was a good friend of Mikos.

Mitch was my sweet friend too. He was the type of kid who grew on you – not a know-it-all  but he had a brilliant mind. Mitch was always visiting us. I would greet him at the door to tell him that Mikos was not home. I’d tell Mitch to come back later, but he’d talk his way into staying. “I’ll wait for him here,” he’d say. He offered to vacuum for me while he waited. He was adorably charming and had an old soul.

Mike coached Mitch and Mikos , Mikos kneeling, Mike behind him and Mitch standing next to Mike

Of all of Mikos’ friends, Mitch processed Jeff’s death differently, in a more mature and sensitive manner. It was surreal to see how Mitch was emotionally connected to Jeff’s passing. I had planned to take my son and a few of their friends to the funeral services when Mitch called to ask for a ride. “No, I can’t take Mitch without his parents’ permission,” I remembered telling Mikos. Then  Mitch’s mom called to inform me that Mitch had her permission to go with us.

The Christmas Poinsettia

Jeff’s passing was right before Christmas and Mitch had purchased a poinsettia plant for Jeff’s family. Mitch’s mother was at work, so Mitch asked me to take him to deliver the flowers personally. I did not feel comfortable because I did not know the family personally.  Once again, Mitch’s convincing words persuaded me to take him. My daughter Sonja and I waited in the car for Mitch while he visited Jeff’s family.

Mitch’s Accident

Less than a month later, a young, novice driver caught the sun in her eyes and failed to see Mitch crossing the street. Mitch was riding his bike to catch one of Mikos’ basketball games when he was hit by the car. On the same infamous crosswalk where Jeff was hit by a car, Mitch met the same fate.  From our home I heard the ambulance and then the  helicopter that airlifted Mitch to the specialized head trauma department of a nearby hospital.

Mikos came home with the tragic news, but this time he understood the severity of the situation. I knew Mitch well, but had only met his parents a couple of times. Mikos wanted to go to the hospital, but that was out of the question; we were not family and out of respect I did not want to intrude.

Saying Goodbye

For several days Mitch fought for his life, but due to his severe head trauma it was only a matter of time. Mikos came to me and pleaded with me to take him to the hospital to say goodbye to Mitch. I explained to my son that the only way that was going to happen was if Mitch’s family personally called us. The following morning, Mitch’s mother called to inform us that there was no brain activity and that we could come and pay our respects.

As Mikos and I  walked into the hospital room, we could not fight back the tears. As I touched Mitch’s arm my heart was aching for his family and what they were experiencing with this unexpected blow. This beautiful boy with a brilliant mind was taken too soon.

My husband Mike and Mikos, along with Mitch’s friends, served as pallbearers for their young friend.

The Traffic Signal

Villa Park is a small community that wanted to keep the aesthetics of rural living without any traffic signals. Driving through Villa Park there are many stop signs, but during school sessions the middle school and high school converge at the same crosswalk. It is very busy. After Mitch’s death, the community gathered to protest and petitioned the city to place the only traffic signal in Villa Park.

I remembered peacefully marching with a large crowd of parents and children from Villa Park High School to City Hall.  It took the lives of two precious young men to have the traffic signal installed. I often think of Mitch and Jeff when passing this signal.

My Poem for Mitch

In my grief I wrote a poem for Mitch’s family,  which was read at his service:

O my son, the many things we’d say we’d do.

I have a hard time to find this real, this true.

The coldness of life has left me numb.

I ask you why, why my son?

You turn my way and hold me through this.

Is it your love I can’t understand?

Or is it my life which you want to command?

A life so young has now vanished I say.

But you, Lord, will not lead me astray.

Take my hand and I will follow.

Give me faith, at times mine is shallow.

I’m slow to remember, You, too, share my pain.

We share the same loss.

The difference…

Yours died on the Cross.

© Lynda Ciriza

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75 Backpacks

The crew: Jacob, Lucas, Will and Mike
Jacob, Jenna and Maddie
Jacob, Maddie and Jenna

In early June I ordered backpacks for the Ciriza/Driscoll Project. This is our third year with this task. I want our grandchildren to participate in a service project and to spend quality time together. I always purchase a few extra backpacks from Ross or TJ Maxx because we have extra supplies.

Will, me, Lucas and Jacob
Lucas, me, Will and Jacob

I prayed about adding 24 more backpacks to our project, making a total of 72 instead of 48. In June I ordered the backpacks along with some other supplies from Amazon. Within two weeks I received two boxes of  backpacks, with an explanation that the last order was running late. With no delivery date given I panicked and felt terrible because I was thinking that I took on too much.
“Why do I do this to myself? I should have kept it at 48!”  I added the backpack headache to the long list of prayers and waited for God’s reply.

Goodbye, Target

Since I no longer set foot in Target, I had three other choices for the rest of the supplies. Between Mike and me we carefully priced out our options. Amazon was the big winner for the bulk supplies like rulers, erasers, glue sticks , pencil pouches and some of the 2″ binders. The binders, along with the backpacks, were the most expensive of all supplies. The binders retailed from $4.00 to over six dollars. Staples had a great deal but you could only order 10 at a time. After three orders they cut me off, so I had Jenny and Sonja both order 10 each. As much as I tried to keep the inventory organized, I ordered too many binders but in the end it all worked out.

Hello, Walmart

I was never a regular Walmart shopper but things have changed. I love Walmart! And the school supplies were actually the best deals, 35 cents for spiral notebooks, crayola crayons 50 cents, and the notebook paper was only 84 cents.

As I walked around Walmart,  I discovered Fancy Feast cat food for 11 cent cheaper than the grocery stores. I was hooked, so now I make my weekly run to Walmart. I pray that they don’t go Woke!

The Donors

My first call is always to my dear friend Marianela. I asked her to pray about donating. She quickly texted me and said she was in.  Marianela offered to pay for the backpacks! Then I got a text message from Tess a family friend, who also donated. Mary, who was part of our homeless ministry, and our neighbor Adele were quick to respond to my Facebook request. Mikos and Jenny were more generous than in past years. Sonja and Russ donated more supplies and binders, and my sister Jo generously donated  as well.  Everything was falling into place, but I was still missing the last 24 backpacks.

After much thought and prayer I received a revelation to cancel the last 24 backpacks and reorder them. Within a week they were delivered!


My birthday dinner
Sonja, me and Mikos

My Birthday

I’m like a little kid when it comes to my birthday. I love to celebrate but I had this big project of filling the backpacks that I had to put on hold because we went on a weekend staycation. As much as I tried to relax, the project was like a dark cloud hovering over my every thought. Then I received a disturbing message from my friends in Nepal.


Jyoti, Indra and some of the children that they care for


I had traveled to Nepal and to the Tibet Border only once, but have made lifetime friends. As much as I would like to support their ministries, it was out of the question this time because I had the expense of the backpacks.

Indra and Jyoti

Indra and Jyoti run an orphanage in Katmandu, Nepal. I have been there and have met the children that they have rescued from being trafficked . Aside from the orphanage they also travel up the Himalayan mountains to minister to others in remote villages. Their means of transportation is by motorcycle. Indra was on his way to a village for a baptism when he was injured. He is in the hospital still recovering.  I promised to pray for Indra but could not commit to giving any money. It was weighing heavy in my heart, but all I could do was pray. I prayed and prayed until the Lord spoke to me at Mass.

Listening To God

On Thursday,  the feast day of Saint Lawrence, I received a message from the Lord. The reading was from 2 Cor. 9:6-10


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