LAX Excursions

Ann and Jacob whale watching excursion (no whales)

I have driven to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) three times this summer. As a favor to a dear friend I took sweet Ann, who was traveling on a pilgrimage to France, to LAX.  Since Ann was also our house guest, we both had to get up at the crack of dawn in order for her to catch her 7:00 a.m. flight.

Sonja’s Family

Sonja booked a crazy flight on Sun Country. Have you ever heard of this airline? Me neither. It shares the same terminal as Southwest. Sonja’s family flight was scheduled to depart at 10:45 p.m., so I suggested we leave for the airport at seven-thirty.

the tunnel

On the way there, I thought to myself, “What if I fall asleep on the drive home?” Then I made a loud announcement, “We need to stop and get coffee so that I don’t fall asleep!” After all we were way ahead of schedule, so I got my coffee fix and $18 later we were on a sugar high.

Sepulveda Off Ramp

It was Sunday, July 2nd, the day the entire world decided to take a flight out of LAX. We exited on to Sepulveda Boulevard only to discover that  the tunnel leading to LAX was in a serious gridlock. What should have taken five minutes took over 45 minutes. It was torture! We all commented on the lone white tennis shoe on the side of the rode because we were going stir crazy. By the time we reached the terminal they were in panic mode. Not me, I was all wired up and ready for the drive home.

I’m not sure, but it seems that I ran a red light at LAX. It was a side way light that popped out of nowhere. I got plenty of honks and it must have ruffled a few feathers. I thank God that no one was hurt by my ignorance and continued the trek home.

The Rosary

Night driving has become a challenge and driving through Los Angeles is unfamiliar territory. With my GPS set for home address, I hit the highway. I was intimidated by the semi trucks’ loud sounds as they barreled past me, so I started to pray the Rosary. Using my fingers as guides, and sometimes getting confused as to how many Hail Mary’s I’d recited, I’d start the decade over. Needless to say, it was most efficacious because I prayed my way home.

By the time I arrived (45 minutes later), Sonja and her family had not been cleared through security!

4th of July

Mikos, our son, and Jenny, our daughter-in-law, invited us to celebrate the 4th of July. Lately I have been batting 500 with my desserts, so I offered to bring something to the gathering. I decided on chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.

Me and Maddie

I got out all my ingredients and followed the recipe, but something was not right. Every time I turned on the mixer, oats were flying all over the counter. I carefully reviewed the recipe and it said to mix until smooth; but there was nothing smooth about this mixture. I mixed again, and this time the oats landed in my hair! I was dumbfounded and running out of time. I desperately tried to form cookies, but, again, the oat flakes were not holding together. I was not going to let this amateur recipe get the best of me so I decided to dump the mixture into a baking dish. The outcome was a disaster, and the mixture took a life of  breakfast bars. I struggled to cut the hard mix to take to Mikos and Jenny’s house.

The Reluctant Chef Strikes Again 

We had a wonderful, quiet 4th of July. We enjoyed a seven-layered dip, hamburgers, corn on the cob, and  noodle salad. Both Mike and I were pleasantly surprised that Maddie joined us, because she is either working or spending time with friends. Will was at the beach with his friends.

By the time I  served my concoction, it was as hard as a  brick. Jenny took the first bite, looked at me and  asked, “Do you like these?” My reply was, “I’m not going to answer that.” I knew how bad it was because I almost broke my tooth with the first bite.

the butter

The following morning I was going to warm up something in the microwave. Much to my surprise as I opened the door, I found the missing ingredient: two sticks of butter! The next day I was still sweeping up dried up oats from the debacle.

LAX Again

I knew that Sonja and her family were returning on Friday, but I was not sure of the time. I heard her say 3 o’clock  or seven, so I decided to call her. “Oh, let me check, we get in at 10:45,” she replied. “10:45 p.m.!” “Really? Why didn’t you tell me before hand?”  Mike was upset too and Sonja heard her father say, “Are you kidding? 10:45!” After hanging up the phone  I picked a cat fight with Mike about the situation. Poor Mike!

I made a plan to leave the house at 10:00, giving me plenty of time to get to LAX. Then I received a call from Sonja,”The flight is delayed 30 minutes, should we take an Uber?” I bit my tongue and, as much as I wanted to answer yes,  to my surprise I said, “No, I’ll leave at 10:30.”

I experienced the same traffic jam getting off of Sepulveda. Gridlock again! I saw the same stupid white tennis shoe. It was 11:20 by the time I made it to the gate, and though my family had landed, they were being detained like prisoners on the tarmac.

Sun Country

Sun Country is at the mercy of Southwest, so when their planes land, the passengers need to wait for Southwest gate to open. I understand the logic for Sonja, Russ and the boys to take this boutique airline because it has a direct flight to Minneapolis; but the inconvenience and extra time it takes is not worth the effort.

By the time they finally deplaned, it was well into the next day. Surprisingly, when I woke up the following morning I had racked up nearly 2,000 steps!

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank You that I am still healthy enough to drive. Thank you for granting traveling mercies to our family. Heavenly Father, teach me to become a more gracious servant.

Bless all who are traveling. May they reach their destinations safely. Amen.



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The Unknown God

Paul’s Mars Hill sermon

Saint Paul’s eloquent address  on Mars Hill in Athens has always been one of my favorite sermons.

Saint Paul had just escaped for his life from Berea because of the controversy he caused with the Jews in that area. The commotion caused by stirring up the crowd was too much for them. Paul was sent by boat to Athens. Paul was supposed to wait for Timothy and Silas to arrive before he started preaching, but he could not stand being surrounded by so many idols., It sickened him.


Saint Paul coined the word” idolatry.” Yes, the word idol is mentioned many times in the Old Testament, but it was Paul who first used the term idolatry. He had to give a name to the offenses of these people whose polytheistic beliefs were leading them astray.

Paul The Pharisee

We must realize that Paul was raised as a Pharisee and the Jews had been taught that there was only one true god. The idea of worshiping false idols was a grave sin for the Jews. Paul’s cultural background would not allow his spirit to be soiled by the Athenians idol worship. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he began his mission to teach the great philosophers a lesson on worshiping false gods. His patience grew thin; he could not wait for Timothy and Silas to take the great stage to pull down these idols.

Paul, as usual, would start his ministry at the Jewish synagogues. From there he would walk the public square, speaking to whoever gave ear to the sound of his preaching. Paul’s message was about Jesus and the Resurrection.

Greek Philosophers

By the time Paul arrived in Athens, the country had been under Roman rule for over 200 years. The Roman’s strong-armed military could never change the culture of Athens, which was known for its rich philosophy. Athens was the center for teaching and learning of philosophy. Wealthy merchants sent their children to Athens to glean from the knowledge of the Greek philosophers. After all, this was the home of Plato and Socrates.  Paul would have no problem in gaining an audience because he, too, was a great philosopher.

Because the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers were intrigued by Paul’s words, they invited him to speak at the Areopagus. It was considered a great honor for a foreigner to receive this invitation because only the elite, learned men of Athens were allowed to speak there. Paul’s audience would now be Gentiles. His education and spiritual desires would play a major role in his famous sermon.

The Message 

Paul’s heartfelt sermon was directed to the Athenians’ belief in many gods, including the “unknown god.” As in the times of Paul, we live in a world of idolatry. So many people are looking to their gods to bring them happiness. The world is filled with unknown gods because until we seek and find the One True God, we are restless.

“Lord, You have made us for Yourself. And our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” St. Augustine

Paul  gains the respect of  the Athenians by acknowledging their religious beliefs. He cleverly uses the notion of the unknown god to replace it with Jesus, the known God. The Greeks were offended by the message about the Resurrection. Before Paul  finished  his speech, he had gained the support of Dionysius, a judge of the Court of Areopagus. (Acts 17:22-34)

Who do we reach on a daily basis? My attempt to reach one soul at a time gives me great joy. This Blog has a solid following in China. It is my responsibility before God to tell the truth. China and the US share a common ground; both countries are in desperate need of the One True God. We, the people of this great country, need to be redirected to seek God in all aspects of our lives.


Saint Dionysius

Are You  A Dionysius?

Dionysius, like Paul, was highly educated; he came from parents of great means who sent him to Egypt to finish his education. Paul was sent from Tarsus to Jerusalem to study under the great teacher Gamaliel. As a young man, Dionysius was studying in a town called Heliopolis near the capital of Cairo when on Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ death, darkness came over all the land. This experience never left him. No philosophers could give him a solid reason for this great phenomenon, but Paul clearly gave truth to the meaning of the eclipse.

Meeting the Mother of God

When Dionysius learned that the mother of Jesus was alive, he visited her in the Holy Land. He had many discussions with our Blessed Mother and was there when she was assumed into heaven.

Dionysius became the first Bishop of Athens, a mystical writer and was canonized a saint. He is the patron saint of Athens and is venerated as the protector of judges and the judiciary.

My Discipleship

The Lord opened the door for me to attend BIOLA University (Bible Institute of Los Angeles), a private Christian college in La Mirada, California. I was serving God as a Christian during my education at BIOLA. I could never have attended this college as a Catholic because at that time Catholics were not admitted to this college. God knew that I needed insight into what the Protestants believe so that I could reach out to them as a Catholic. I realize this was part of God’s plan for my ministry.

My Prayer 

Dear Lord, I pray for all who are called to be disciples of Christ to step into their roles of leadership. Lord, set the stage for our preaching. Whether at an open forum or workplace, lead us to be the example to win others to You. Use us in these turbulent times to shed truth to those looking for their unknown god. Amen!


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Shining Jesus’ Light

Jacob and me (Paco the dog)

I volunteer too much! This last week I not only volunteered myself for Vacation Bible School, but also dragged two of my grandsons.


Shining Jesus’ Light

The Guilt

I signed up Lucas, age 13, and Jacob, age 11; they were not pleased with the decision and Lucas complained daily. The worse day was the mandatory meeting the boys had to attend. I was scared to tell them that the meeting was from 1 o’clock to 3:30. Jacob was exempt because he had a prior commitment with Boy Scouts, but Lucas was available. “How long is the meeting?” Lucas asked. “I’m not sure.” I lied. Through the duration of the meeting I received three desperate phone calls begging me to pick him up. Then came the text messages blowing up my phone. “I need to be outta here by 2:30,” followed by, “I want to see my Dad.” Really with the “I want to see my Dad!” As bad as I felt, I responded that he still had an hour to go. I quickly followed with a text that I was ordering Chinese food for dinner and asked him what he wanted. When Lucas responded “orange chicken,” I knew that it was going to be fine.

The VBS Message

Each day of the week,  campers learned a lesson on how to shine Jesus’ light:

–When life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light;

–When people do not get along, shine Jesus’ light;

–When good things happen, shine Jesus’s light;

–When people are sad, shine Jesus’ light; and

–When people need help, shine Jesus’ light.

With each day of VBS,  the complaining became less and less. On the last day Lucas said, “It was fun, maybe I’ll do it next year.” Doing the Lord’s work changes the teen volunteers because for one week they set aside their personal needs and put the needs of others before their own. It’s maturity in the right direction.

Lucas and his crew

It’s In The Bible

How important is it to teach your children about God? It is the responsibility of all parents to guide their children in the direction of serving God. The best advice I can give any parent: don’t ask your children if they want to participate; tell them they must! I’ve heard so many parents say that their kids do not want to participate in any religion classes, or that sports come before God. News flash: you are the boss! And as a responsible parent, it is your duty before God to raise them accordingly.

I agree that children should be involved in other activities such as sports, but God must come first. This is a natural balance that our children need to thrive in life. Parents are the key, and when an example is not set for them, the child falls through the cracks and follows the things of the world.
Staggering Church Statistics

If the parent is not attending church, their children will suffer the consequences.

In an article written by Aaron Earls of Lifeway Research: ” According to a Gallup survey, childhood church attendance does make it more likely for a person to attend as an adult.”

If a child attended almost every week or more, 38% attend church at the same rate today. The percentage starts to dwindle down to 23% if they only attended monthly. And for those who seldom or never attended as a child, only 16% attend frequently as adults.


Raquel, Russell and me

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Introducing God to a child starts with these wonderful programs. It teaches them to love Jesus in their simple language. Though both of my grandsons were reluctant to participate in VBS, they quickly fell into their roles of leadership. Lucas was a crew leader; he and another boy his age were in charge of  five children ranging from pre-k to sixth grade. Jacob was on the God squad, helping in different activities. Russell and I were part of an adult crew VBS leader. Under our care were student volunteers who, like Lucas had as many as five children they were responsible for.

Setting A Positive Example

At this young age the campers are displaying different personality traits. A first grader in our group was very upset because she felt that another child’s artwork was better than hers. She cried with great disappointment. I pulled her aside and told her that her artwork was just as beautiful and that the little girl’s art is different but as beautiful as hers. Another little boy was non-verbal; his mother shared with us that he recently started to talk. By the end of the week this same non-verbal child was singing and dancing with the rest of the children. We did not treat him any different, but we paid special attention to his needs. This was a great stepping stone for him in becoming more social. I witnessed the difference this made for him – a transition to joy.

1It shall come to pass
    I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your old men will dream dreams,
    your young men will see visions.

The pouring out of the spirit is a special gift given to the agents of God. If you are not serving God, you will miss out on so many special gifts. The teens who helped with VBS were given special gifts and graces to help the younger campers draw closer to Jesus.
Walking in truth is living a Christian life. To live a Christian life is to help others on their journey. We are the “GPS” of the world. GPS gets their signals from satellites, but we get ours from God. Sometimes we need rerouting but we always find our way back to God.

It takes a lot of planning to have a successful VBS. At St. Norbert’s we have plenty of wonderful people who take charge of these tedious tasks to make a successful week. We had over 125 campers  and over 100 volunteers. A special thank you to all who  took so much personal time to give to the Lord. I do not know all your names, but God does. Great is your reward!

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for allowing us to participate in this great outreach. Sharon, Teresa, Maricela and Abraham are just a few of the many hands who worked tirelessly for the success of this wonderful program. The Lord looks down on you with a loving smile. Amen.

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