Lynda, Lynda, Lynda, Listen to Me!

On my way to Mass this morning, October 1st, a car passing on the opposite side of the road hit a two-by-four. With great speed it bounced in front of my car. There was no time for me to react; it was as if this sizable piece of wood flew over my windshield in slow motion. From the corner of my eyes I saw as it landed on the side of the road. My first thought was that today is a good day for confession.

While waiting for confession I scrolled through my phone for the “Act of Contrition,” because after all these years I’ve yet to memorize this prayer. I was praying and asking God to bring to mind all my venial sins.


The avocado seed, just like the one in my dream

I Pray

I really do spend a lot of time in prayer. I pray while driving, I pray the Rosary – throughout the day my prayers are constant. But how effectual are my prayers? I’m not going to publicly confess my sins, but anger was the main purpose of the confession. I am angry: angry about the pandemic, angry about politics … You name it and I will find a reason for anger. My precious confessor asked me how my prayer life was. Explaining my prayer life mixed with anger did not sound so good. The priest did not put these words in my head but he asked me, “How can you have anger with prayer?” Then he asked me if I set aside a time especially for prayer. “Yes, I’m always praying,” I answered. He gave me a look of concern and replied, “You’re too busy, and you are not setting aside special time to be with God.” He looked at me with eyes of love when he spoke these words. He went on to say that if I was truly in deep prayer, there would be no room for anger. He was so right. I get so easily distracted with the things of the world. Our confessionals have not been opened yet so this confession was taking place while sitting on the steps leading to the entrance of the church. In my mind I was thinking, “How am I going to get up from here?” This precious, holy priest took 15 minutes of his day to set me straight. We muffle God’s voice when we get too busy. God wants us to listen to Him.

The Warning Dream

On this same day the Lord gave me an early  morning dream. This is the dream:

I was in charge of a beautiful mansion. I knew the couple who owned the house. They entrusted their home to me for a few days. I don’t recall who was staying with me, but there was a young child. I had to put toys out for the child, so I moved other, larger toys around so the child could freely jump on the trampoline. I moved a rocking horse near the bed in the master bedroom. The couple arrived earlier than expected. The house was in a shambles; everything was out of order. I had forgotten to water two plants. These plants were seeds of avocados with toothpicks holding them in a jar. The owners of the home lovingly brought this to my attention. I had laundry on the kitchen counter that needed folding; nothing was in place. Then I realized that I forgot to feed their dog. When I woke up, I knew exactly what the dream meant.

The Dream’s Interpretation

The beautiful mansion represents God’s church;

The child was under my guardianship;

The couple  represents those that God has entrusted to me in prayer

The master bedroom represents intimate time with God in my prayer room;

The rocking horse represents the clutter getting in the way of prayer;

The couple arriving early was a warning to me to be prepared in prayer;

The seeds of avocados symbolizes fruit or prosperity;

The laundry represents cleaning/prayer but not doing it in the correct way;

The dog represents unbelievers.

The small child was under my guardianship. I paid attention to taking care of the child but failed to have reverence for the master bedroom because I placed a rocking horse next to the bed. The master bedroom is a holy place where you meet God. The couple arriving early helped me see the errors of my way. The avocado seeds represent the lack of attention I was giving to not setting aside special time in prayer; they were dried up because of my neglect. These were big seeds that symbolized fruit or prosperity. God has entrusted me with big things that need a lot of nurturing before they can grow. The dog was symbolic of unbelievers, which means that I was not feeding them either.

Roses for Our Lady
Roses from my garden

Through this dream I pieced together what was needed to train me in prayer. My gentle confessor took me by the hand and brought me off my holy soap box. He explained to me that you cannot drive and pray at the same time because attention must be given when driving. This attention takes your focus away from prayer. He introduced me to Lectio Divina and reminded me about St. Therese of Lisieux,  and how she, too, suffered from anger.


St. Therese’s garden Lisieux, France
Statue of St. Therese asking her father’s permission to become a nun at age 15
St. Therese’s childhood home Lisieux, France

St. Therese of Lisieux

October 1st is the feast day of St. Therese of Lisieux. This saint was the youngest person ever elevated to Doctor of the Church by Pope John Paul II in 1997. I started by ordering the autobiography  The Story of a Soul by this great saint who is also known as the “The Little Flower.” If you know me you know my love of flowers. My home is always adorned with fresh flowers, especially roses. This was my first connection to her. Also at a very young age she showed great maturity. I was that child too; and just like St. Therese  I remember stories from my childhood as if they happened yesterday. At the age of 15 she entered the Carmelite community in the Lisieux convent because she knew all along what God had called her to become. St. Therese died at the age of 24 of tuberculosis, but what she gave in her writings were golden secrets from Heaven to draw us closer to God.


Fr. Leonard celebrating Mass in Liseiux, France


Lisieux is a small village in Normandy, France. In October of 2017 I planned a Marian journey. A Marian journey involves visiting different locations where our Blessed Mother appeared. Lisieux was one of our destinations. This was the trip where my wallet was stolen on the very first day. It was a trip without money because I could not have Mike wire money due to our one-night stays at each holy site. Fr. Leonard Mary was our chaplain, which meant we celebrated daily Mass. For this reason it was one of the most magnificent spiritual trips I have ever experienced.

I remember walking up the hill to Les Buissonnets  (St. Therese’s childhood home) and being surrounded by beautiful flowers. Only recently did I make the connection as to why the Lord allowed me to visit Lisieux. I needed to bond with St. Therese in a spiritual manner.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You that You came to me in confession. Thank You for loving me enough to show my confessor what adjustments need to take place in my prayer life. Lord, draw me closer and closer to You. Show me Your beautiful sacred wounds and place them on my heart so that I never forget what You have sacrificed for us. Teach me to be patient, and allow Your Holy Spirit to dwell in my heart always. My desire is to always hear Your still, small voice. Lord, I pray for the mantle of St. Therese to truly love and understand Your love.  Amen.

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Wake Up Call

Photo via
Photo via The Catholic Courier


I’m a normal American wife, mother, and grandmother who is scared for the future of our country.  You will never see me post anything on social media that is offensive, because you can’t win people over with hate.  I have quietly unfollowed several friends and family members who continually bombard their space with controversial, disrespectful and demeaning information about the candidates running for president. One pattern that I found in these postings is the anger that is attached to their beliefs. This unfiltered anger goes a lot deeper than they realize.

White Privilege

It’s painful to watch white people being so degraded that they are being shamed for being born white. No one should be behaving in this manner or apologizing for something that they had no responsibility for. Antifa and Black Lives Matter have made themselves a goose down bed and have comfortably become one. Antifa has its roots dug deep in the hearts of white college students being taught to hate our country and the color of their skin. It is these white students who should hold the infamous title of “white privilege.” Their parents have paid an average of $50,000 for their education, and they have repaid them with the hatred that they learned in their Ivy League colleges.  I am so tired of seeing this scene played out in the news. We have so many forces allied against us, so I am praying that all my grandchildren attend Christian colleges that are grounded in truth and not based on Cancel Culture.


Do you realize how many so-called celebrities donated to the “freedom fund?” Do you know what the freedom fund is? This was funding to bail the rioters and looters out of jail. Chrissy Teigen generously donated $200,000 to help the looters in Los Angeles get a free pass. It would take too much time and effort to name all the Hollywood elite who have contributed millions to bring our country down.  Kamala Harris posted on her Twitter account information to help with the funding. And she’s is running for Vice-President? How can people not open their eyes to what is happening? Are they blind to the truth? Hollywood has to protect all the filth they put out, so they need the help of politicians to continue to corrupt the masses. There are only a small handful of faith-filled actors who still believe in the truth in this unscrupulous, exploitative culture of Hollywood. They are not alone because, though we may not be carrying signs in support of our Christian faith, we are many.

To The Sleeping Christians

I was once a liberal in every sense, but this led me to irresponsible thinking. My thoughts were not Christ-centered; I only thought about myself. I had the mindset to save the world by being vocal and making sure that what I had to say was heard. If you did not side with me, then you were mistaken, and it was my duty to make you think as I thought. That did not go over well, and I learned a hard lesson in life: the only thing you can change is yourself. Slowly my walk with God became the focus of who I am becoming today. The media is behind all this radical chaos. This is how it works: if you keep hearing the same thing over and over again, your mind starts to believe it. For instance, you may tell your child everyday, “You are stupid, and you will never amount to anything!” What is the child going to believe? Please! I’m begging you from one Christian to another! Stop believing the lies the media is feeding you. This is what is destroying our country! If you really believe in God, do what is right in His eyes. The Bible teaches us how to be good citizens, God wants the nuclear family protected. God wants us to follow the Ten Commandments. Serve only one God, don’t use the Lord’s name in vain,  go to church, honor your mother and father, don’t kill, don’t cheat on your spouse, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t take things that do not belong to you. How hard is that?

A Mind of Your Own

Just because your parents were of a certain political group does not mean you are bound to follow them. Things have radically changed and Christians need to come together and do the right thing. I vote Pro-Life because I follow God’s Ten Commandments. I recently read a post about minimizing the killing of babies through abortion. It was addressed to Christians, making them feel that it was perfectly acceptable to kill the unborn. “If all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed…That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth.” This quote was by none other than the radical, feminist  nun, Joan Chittister, who did a play with words by changing pro-life to pro-birth. Pro-Birth? What this radical feminist is leaving out, there is no birth because she is making it acceptable to kill the unborn.  This nun is among the shameful, secular religious who use God to quote the Devil. Yes, I am afraid that there are still many wolves in sheep’s clothing among us Christians, but we serve a God Who will expose all. I pray that all Christians who are misguided will have a great awakening before it’s too late. I was liberal because I was raised that way. God changed who I was so that I can hold that lamp for those who seek the truth. To God ALL lives matter!

The Unborn

We never gave them a chance to live. Among them were the climatologist who would develop new ways of slowing climate change. Among them were the great physicians who could have found the cure for cancer. Among them were the great college professors, who care about teaching the truth and not rewriting history. Among them were the fathers of the fatherless, willing to raise their children. Among them were the true religious anointed to lead the lost. Among them were the peacemakers who would have brought us out of this mess. Among them were the senators, governors, and future presidents. Among them were the ones who could have created a vaccine to stop the spread of COVID-19.

I have mentioned this statistic in a past Blog. African Americans represent only 13.3% of the American population; yet more black babies are aborted than any other race. 36% of all abortions are by black women. The number one killer of black lives in the United States is  Planned Parenthood through its legally sanctioned abortions. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  state that abortions kill more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. So why is Black Lives Matter aligning themselves with Plannned Parenthood? Because to them not all black lives matter. According to a study by Protecting Black Lives, 79 percent of surgical abortion clinics are located within walking distance of minority communities. Instead of  donations to Black Lives Matter, donations should be made to Protecting Black Lives because this organization works to protect black lives.


Seek the counsel of God

My Prayer

Dear Lord, unite us to become a force to protect all lives. I pray for the revelation of Your truth to guide us always. Lord, let all evil be exposed. Shed Your light upon those who struggle making important, life-changing decisions. Amen.

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Ushering in the Ten Days of Awe


This is the beginning of the Jewish New Year 5781. I may not have a full grasp of the rich traditions in the celebration of this High Holy Day, but I do know the greatest Jewish man that ever lived. Jesus celebrated this holiday with great reverence because he knew the One True God, His Father, and He was raised by Jewish parents.

Rosh Hashanah

This year Rosh Hashanah began on September 18th and ended on the 20th. This High Holy Day lasts two days, but both days are considered one long day of 48 hours. It is celebrated on the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. Rosh Hashanah is also known as the Feast of Trumpets, when the shofar is blown. According to tradition, this is a time of great repentance, when God judges all creatures.  During the ten Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, God inscribes the names of the righteous in the “Book of Life:” those who fail to make the list are condemned. Those unfortunate souls must perform a “Teshvah” or repentance. You have ten days to look inward and atone for all your sinful behavior. This is a time for the Jewish people to remember their history and to pray for the Jewish nation of Israel.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the holiest of all the Jewish holidays. Traditionally on this day the Jewish High Priest would set aside seven days away from his normal family life to prepare for the sacred Day of Atonement.

Leviticus 8:33 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

The High Priest withdrew to his chambers in the Holy Temple. Throughout the week he would immerse himself in the studies of the Law relating to the task that he had to perform on the sacred day. There was always a designated High Priest in case he inadvertently became defiled. On the Day of Atonement no one was permitted to witness the performing of the incense because they followed the strict rules of the Torah.


Image from the Temple Institute, two red heifers born in Israel

The Red Heifer

Once a year the High Priest would sacrifice a red heifer. He would sprinkle the blood from the cow on the Mercy Seat, and the ashes were used for purification of the Jewish people. It has been 2,000 years since the Israelites have atoned for the sin of their nation in this manner. The red heifer was used on the Day of Atonement in both Temples; the First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, and the Second Temple destroyed by the Romans.

Temple Institute Menorah
Temple Institute Table of Show Bread and other sacred vessels
Temple Institute Third Temple Replica

On several of our visits to Jerusalem we have visited The Temple Institute. This organization has dedicated their time and efforts to reconstruct all the vessels needed to build the Third Temple. One of the last things they needed was the red heifer. This cow cannot have any blemish and no white hair can be detected. The last time I visited the Temple Institute, they were still working on the DNA for the red heifer. Two years ago two red heifers were born; they are closely monitored for any defects. The news of the birth of these special cows can only mean that Jews are going to build their Temple in anticipation of the Messiah. This cow can not be older than four years. These are strict Levitical rules they must adhere to.

19 The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying: This is a statute of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect, in which there is no blemish and on which no yoke has been laid.

 Two goats were chosen for the sin offering; one goat was for the Lord and the other was the scapegoat. The Hebrew word Azazel (scapegoat) was the name of the place where that scapegoat was sent. Azazel is a high cliff in the Judean desert from which the goat was cast to its death. Upon this goat were the sins of all Israel.
My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for our nation to come together in peace during Yom Kippur. Lord, You are our High Priest, and we wait in anticipation of Your Second Coming. Lord, fill the earth with the sweet-smelling scent of Your holy incense. Allow us to hear the trumpets as they hail Your holy presence. We place all of our petitions upon Your Holy Mercy Seat. Consume them, and let them be a pleasing sacrifice. Forgive us of all transgressions, and bless us to become better servants in Your Kingdom. Amen.

12 he entered once for all into the Holy Place, not with the blood of goats and calves, but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. 13 For if the blood of goats and bulls, with the sprinkling of the ashes of a heifer, sanctifies those who have been defiled so that their flesh is purified, 14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God!



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