You Cannot Serve Two Gods

Every Democrat voted against Sen. Rand Paul’s amendment to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood, Sen. Paul explains that Plan Parenthood’s abortion business “ends the lives of 320,000 babies every year. That’s about 900 babies every day.” (Article from the Washington Examiner, April 23, 2018)

Our beautiful grandson Wil born a preemie, fighting for his life
Our perfect Wil today reported that Planned Parenthood received more than $543 million in fiscal year 2016-2017. The site added, “It is forbidden from spending that money directly on most abortions, but pro-lifers warn that subsidies earmarked for non-abortion purposes ultimately enable abortion groups to commit more abortions by freeing up money from their other revenue services. Duke University healthcare analyst Chris Conover estimates that taxpayers end up covering almost 25 percent of all abortion costs.”

With the recent action of the most vile Governor Cuomo from New York to make into law that you can murder a full term baby after delivery, the newborn is like a sacrifice unto the demons from Hell. How did this pass our closed eyes? How In God’s name did this monster get elected into office? And how many Catholics/Christians voted for him?

Clichés are a simple way to back out of uncomfortable conversation, like “To each his own.” But it’s the ignorance of not knowing the truth that will not only hurt you but also those around you. Abortion is a subject of which I have great personal passion. I always vote pro-life, and the rest I leave to God. There are very few Democratic politicians that are pro-life, but yet there are almost half of Catholics that support these politicians, and many Christians follow the same suit.

To God, there is nothing more appalling than a lukewarm Christian. Making the sign of the Cross and receiving Communion does not mean you serve God! What God asks of us is to defend the rights of the unborn, but many lukewarm Catholics are too caught up in defending the welfare of the poor, and being swayed by the liberal media. When will the Catholic Church wake up? We must realize that only if we are in unity can we battle these fiery darts that the enemy has so gently cozied into the spirits of these lethargic Catholics and Christians.

How can we unite if half of us are lost because some of the shepherds have lost their way? It is unfathomable to believe that some priests, bishops, and pastors are behind this effort. How can the lay people be led if the leaders are not sure of the right path? We are to be winning souls, but how can we if there is such division within our Church? How do these politicians get away with their sinful acts, and still attend Mass, and have the shameful audacity to take Communion? I am not God, but I almost guarantee that their sins are not absolved, because they go back and commit the same offenses against God.

This infuriates me to the point of taking issue with even the popular Cardinal Dolan, of New York. He refuses to excommunicate Governor Cuomo because of stipulations in canon law. Dear Cardinal Dolan, the canon law of the Catholic Church is not the Bible, and you did not properly represent your people; your actions make many question their faith, and the refusal to excommunicate Governor Cuomo misrepresents our Church’s core beliefs. Doesn’t the Catholic Church have enough problems already? Dear God help us!

Now I ask the 40% of Catholics that are supporting the dark side: If it is not about life and love, then what is your walk about? How do you pray knowing that you support this evil? How do you dismiss this heinous act and not make it a priority in your decision when it comes to voting?

I am a Catholic and will remain in my faith, and I will fight to the end to clean up our Church.

Yes, you can came back at me about President Trump, and calling out all his past and present sins, but please take into account that he is an outspoken pro-life president. To me that matters, because he has the interest of God in doing what is right.

I wrote and copyrighted this song a few years ago:

The Door

I still quite don’t understand

The mother of all nature cries out because she can

Who will hear the thunder of the voices not allowed to speak?

Who will rise up for all the strong, the young, and old, and weak?

They are all abandoned to the ways of not

What was good was soon to be forgot

They look the wrong direction seeking trust

Where can they turn in a world of lust?

Pound the doors of Heaven when you sin 

Then you go back and do it all again

What do people tell you when you look for good advice?

Does it really matter in this place unsupervised?

Oh the lost soul, the lost hope

Pound the doors of Heaven when you sin

Then you go back and do it all again

The innocent delight in the attention of the present light 

Who will hold you to it when you cannot even fight?

Pound the doors of Heaven when you sin

Then you go back and do it all again

In the world of plenty much is given to the lost

Who will they remember when looking in despair?

What a world we live in in need of great repair!

Pound the doors of Heaven when you sin

Then you go back and do it all again.

© Lynda Ciriza



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How We Have Stayed Married for 47 Years

Mike and I were married January 25, 1972. After 47 years of marriage, I believe I can offer some helpful advice. These are just four keys that I have used in our marriage:

God first, Husband Second

Mike and I are different in many ways; our diet, our politics, our workout regimens, but yet we manage to find balance in our marriage.

When I left the Catholic Church for a season, Mike had a difficult time accepting my newfound faith. Mike believed that the “Born-again” Protestant faith was too emotional, and that the services were too long. I was so busy growing by leaps and bounds in my newly found faith, and becoming a good Christian, that I lost sight of the fact that we had become unequally yoked.

When the Lord called me back into the Catholic church, Mike decided to made a serious commitment to attend Mass with me as a family. The Catholic Mass is structured, and so is Mike, he understands the status quo of the service and feels comfortable.

Things were shifting in our lives when we returned to our cradle faith. I now make it a priority to attend Mass every Sunday. My prayers are a personal dialogue with God. I pray before the Blessed Sacrament regularly. We all need special graces to make a marriage work. Both Mike and I understand the importance of God in our lives.

God should always be first in your lives. Many marriages fall into disarray because the spouses fail to follow this order. For example, if a man puts his mother before his wife, this will just cause dissension between the wife and mother-in-law. The husband’s message to his wife is that his mother is more important.

If a wife puts their children before her husband, the husband will feel the void and look elsewhere to nurture his emotional needs.

Roles have changed and marriage is a two-way street. Mutual respect is what is needed to keep that open line of communication. Communication is the main factor in filling your needs in a marriage. Half of our workforce is made up of women, and this changes the household responsibilities. Men need to help more with running the household.


Prayer is the bond that firmly holds a marriage together. I cannot go one day without asking God to help with my daily endeavors. Through all of our marital trials, God has always been in the midst. At times, when I do not feel His presence, so my prayers became more intense. The Lord will never leave us, or forsake us. Mike and I pray together, especially for our children and grandchildren.

Mike is a special man that does much for our relationship. He washes my car, fills it with gas, and regularly brings me fresh flowers. Many times Mike cooks for our family, and he helps me clean up our home. Why does Mike do all these wonderful things? Because I am submissive to him as the head of our household, I fuss over him! If you confuse your role in a marriage, as feminists would have you believe, you will have no peace. This is a saying that I have coined: “If you want to be treated like a queen, treat your husband like a king.”

I always thank Mike for all that he does for me. Sometimes I will call him just let him how much I appreciate him. We must always be appreciative of our husbands; we all need affirmation. Showing gratitude toward your husband instills in him his proper godly role. A good man will go above and beyond when he is shown true love.

Never nag; this is the worst display of berating a man, and a sure way of causing great division.

Do Mike and I have arguments? Yes, we are human, but it’s how we learned to resolve our differences that has changed. We try to not let the sun go down on our anger. After an argument with Mike, I ask him something as simple as, “Are you ready to have dinner?” We do not rehash the argument. We move past it by allowing the Holy Spirit to heal the present situation. I occasionally will slam a door, because it does release tension. As wives, we need to know how to handle a difficult situation; picking your battles carefully is the most important advice I can give you, I learned from my friend Helen.

Ephesians 4:26-27 New King James Version (NKJV)

26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give [a]place to the devil. 

Leave the little things to prayer, and address the big things in a calm manner. A lot of times when things escalate, read the body language, or the tone of voice. Learn how to walk away without causing pain or saying unkind words that you will regret; this works both ways.


I know that there are a lot of things in my life that need improvement, and we need to take into consideration that our husbands do not come perfect from the marriage factory. My biggest dilemma is patience. I struggle from lack of patience, and in turn I make Mike suffer. Patience is a virtue, and it has taken a lifetime for me to understand, so pray for me. I still toil with the misfortune of being easily irritated by things that are out of my control. I’m a complainer, because I have yet to mastered patience.

Marriage is a daily task that needs special attention. Start your day with prayer. If your husband does not pray with you, read him Scripture, starting with Proverbs.

James 1:4 New King James Version (NKJV)

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be [a]perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Godly Friends

Sometimes you need to talk to a good friend or trusted family member to help you sort through spousal disagreements. Always go to people who serve God and want the best for you and your husband. Many times just by talking to my sister Norma, or my dear friend Cindy, I feel a cloud is lifted. Spirit filled-friends always offer solid advice, and can quench a fire before it get out of control. My daughter Sonja recently shared with me that I was not being gracious about a concern that I was going through with Mike. She was right, and I took her counsel to heart. If this does not work, go to counseling, which has worked for us. When we are sick we seek the expertise of a doctor, and when our head is not right we need to seek the assistance of a therapist, a Christian therapist. Talk to your priest, or your pastor, go to confession, get rid of the anger.

2 Corinthians 6:14 New King James Version (NKJV)

14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what [a]fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what [b]communion has light with darkness? 

If God hates divorce, guess who loves it? Always be aware that Satan wants you to fail in your marriage and will do anything to cause division. Recognize the signs of the Devil, and fight for your marriage. Become the fascinating woman God created you to be. Be the wife that when your husband walks into a room filled with people, he will scan the crowd until your eyes lock and you both know all is well with the world.

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The Border Walls Around Our Minds

Do you remember the terminology, “Silent Majority?” Richard Nixon used this term in a political speech 1969. The silent majority were discribed as people who did not publicly share their political view. They kept silent even though they had a voice. We have now formed a new group of standing your ground, and not allowing the others to voice their opinion. Today people are entrenched in their own ideologies, they do not want to hear, or consider what you have to say, unless you are in agreement with them.

I have a voice, but I also listen to that still small voice when the Lord is speaking. When it comes to the “Wall” you know the big white elephant sitting on the lawn of Capital Hill? Do we need the wall? Do we need border security?

My material grandparents were from the states of Zacatecas, and Aguas Caliente in Mexico. They crossed the border into California in the 1920’s, My oldest cousin Delia said she still has her father’s greencard. My entire life I suspected that my grandparents crossed illegally. After checking and confirming my cousin Delia’s information with our Tia Maria, the matriarch of the family, my tia said that both of our grandparents came into this country legally. Their purpose was to make a better life for their family. The unique thing about my grandparents is that they both became American citizens. They never took a penny from the government. They paid their taxes because they obeyed the laws of their new land. My grandfather was self-employed, the owner of a barber shop.

I recently had dinner with a Protestant clergyman. This kind man decided to join the caravan that was crossing the border in December. He said that there were very few people in the group that were coming for the same reasons my grandparents came. This gentleman also mentioned that for the most part, what he witnessed was angry young men that belonged to gangs. My friend is a humanitarian, and has always stood for the immigrants. He worked in one the largest school districts for years and knows the ins and outs of this great concern. I know what he is saying is the truth because I have known him for many years. He is a holy man of God who has no reason to lie.

The Word of God says that the truth will set you free. How are we to distinguish the truth from deception? I always ask God to reveal truth in matters like this. We are a country that was established as “One Nation Under God.” That still holds great value for me; when I see wrong, I want to correct it.

I researched the distance from Honduras to the US border and it is about 3,600 miles. With the influx of people crossing over to the US, where do they get their financial support to make such a long trek? They have to eat, drink water, but where does the aid come from? If the last group swelled up to as many as 6,000, did they all get across? If the detentions centers are empty on the Mexico side, where are these people? I believe that this money is supplied by a billionaire, who I will not mention, because not only do I take the 5th, I am not ready for that type of dirty retaliation.

Stephen Dinan, of The Washington Times on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 reported:

“HHS (Health and Human Services) paid more than 1.4 billion last year to accommodate nearly 41,000 UAC (Unaccompanied Alien Child) in its shelters, which means taxpayers paid about $670 per day for each child.”

You can check all the facts for yourselves, the money train is running at full speed, and we are the ones footing the bill.

I have read and researched the terrible plight of immigrants coming into our country. The gangs they are running away from are now infiltrating our country, and we should all be in an uproar about this. You can check these statistics for yourself through the government website of Homeland Security; these are real facts. And while you’re checking, make sure you educate yourself on how many of these gang members are in our prison system.

I pray that there is a way we could aid this desperate situation, but we cannot take on this burden.

We have turned into one nation under a dusty cloud. One thing I’m certain of is that the truth will always be revealed.

I pray a lot. I believe that our Lord is always in control, but we must do our part as well. We cannot continue to operate in hate without facts. Please seek the truth because without it our country will unravel. We cannot take on the problems of the world, but we can make a big difference by praying. I pray that this bit of information will enlighten you to seek the truth because the main stream media is riddle with half-truths and lies to lead you astray.

A half-truth is to get you to believe the lie, this is one of the oldest tricks of
Satan. Remember, truth is never arbitrary or subjective, it’s just the truth.

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