It’s difficult to understand why God allows illness or allows us to go through irrefragable trials. On the second night of being home from the hospital I asked God to give me a new direction in life. I was still recovering from COVID, but I knew that He had other plans for me.

As I prayed, the word “nonprofit” kept coming to me. I had never done anything like this, so I continued to pray. Again I received the word “nonprofit.” I asked theLord,”How and what should I do?” Then another word, “backpacks and for me to start with something small.” I continued to pray throughout the week about this matter. Then I took a leap of faith and ordered 24 backpacks. “Ok, Lord, now what?” I prayed again and sent out a few text messages. I wanted these backpacks to be filled with supplies, and that was going to cost money. I sent my granddaughter Maddie for supplies for one backpack so that I could estimate the cost. Then I received a response from Marianela, one of my dear friends. I had asked her to help with five backpacks; she immediately said “yes.” Then I received another text from her that she wanted to help with more. I told her to pray about it, and that’s exactly what she did. She went to church and said that the Lord told her to cover the cost for all the backpacks! This was a confirmation for me to continue with the project. I ordered another 24 backpacks. My precious friend Jane also helped me with filling more. I know that the Lord will continue to guide my first nonprofit project. I’m still working on establishing it; Sonja and Mike are doing research with the legal aspects of a nonprofit.
16 It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.

I want to leave a legacy to my grandchildren. I understand that their parents are doing a wonderful job in raising them. I want them to follow in the steps of the greatest of all servants, Jesus Christ. Maddie (Melon) stepped up to the challenge; she, along with two of her friends, picked up the supplies for the first 24 backpacks. It took them over three hours at Walmart to complete the shopping, I could not go because I’m still using oxygen. Sonja, Lucas and Jacob helped with the packing. Before Sonja arrived, chaos broke out between the boys (they’re both hot heads). I told them that we had to pray. The prayer was simple: “Dear Lord, we are doing this work for Your Kingdom. Bring peace and bless the work of our hands.” After the prayer all went smoothly . Since these backpacks are going to public schools I had the boys make cards saying “You are loved.” Will will make the remainder of the cards. A week later Maddie and her friend Sarah came to finish the packing. My granddaughter is busy with her volleyball team; she also has a part-time job that occupies most of her free time. I’m so proud of my family for helping with this loving project. These hours will be considered service hours for all who can help.

Title One Schools
There are twelve Title One elementary schools in the city of Orange. Title One schools were established to provide fair academic services for neglected, delinquent, homeless, students with disabilities, migrant children and at-high-risk students. In order for a school to be considered Title One, 40% of the students must be considered low-income to receive this federal aid. This program reaches over six-million students nationwide, primarily in the elementary grades.
During twelve years of working with Release Time Religious Education, I worked at four of these elementary schools. I am familiar with the hardships these students face. I have witnessed verbal abuse by teachers because these kids had trouble comprehending what they were being taught. Once I heard a teacher screaming at the top of her lungs while I waited outside the classroom to pick up the students. As I was leaving, I reported this incident to the office. With the Title One program, these students have an opportunity to excel in math, language arts and science through after-school programs.
In order to avoid any red tape, we did not go through the school district. Our daughter Sonja has a friend who is a teacher at one of these schools, so our first distribution will go to her school.
The Dream
I have a lot of dreams; some of them are prophetic. So much doubt comes to my mind about this project, but God always offers faith. On Sunday morning I had a dream that I was pregnant. This dream means that I’m birthing something new. I have to trust God for the provisions because He planted this seed, and this dream is a confirmation. God knows that I suffer with the St. Thomas Doubter Syndrome; that’s why He gave me this dream.
Age Is Truly A Number
When I headed the ministry for the homeless I was in my late 40’s. This was a 20-year ministry that ended because of my autoimmune disorder; I could no longer feed the homeless because of the open sores all over my body. Then COVID shut that door permanently. In a few days I will be 69 years old, but that is not going to stop me from serving the Lord. If you would like to be part of this nonprofit, you can reach me by commenting on this Blog or private message me. Hopefully within a few weeks the nonprofit will be established with a donate button. Please remember that even though Title One schools get federal funding, it does not trickle down to the parents. If you cannot support this project, please pray that all we do will be done for the glory of God.
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, we both know how much help I need to take on this endeavor. Please guide me in every decision, so that all donations will be properly distributed into the right hands. May I be ever mindful of what a great responsibility You have entrusted me with. I pray for those who are willing to support this project to pray first and to do it from their hearts. Amen.