With the news of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the true colors of people’s personalities come out. I feel that many of these pro-choice believers are unaware of the true facts in this case. For instance, who was Roe, and did she actually get an abortion?
Norma McCorvey
Norma McCorvey is the pseudonym for the “Roe” in Roe v. Wade. This woman led a terrible and complicated life. Her background included an alcoholic mother, sexual abuse, reform schools, and drug and alcohol abuse. When her pregnancy was made public, she had already had two daughters who she had given up through adoption. She sought an abortion during her third pregnancy, but, due to the stricter laws in Texas, she could not abort her baby in that state. Of course this started Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision in 1973 that allowed women to get abortions. The irony in this case is that Norma never got an abortion! Her child, a baby girl, was born and given up for adoption as well. Norma’s unstable childhood and adult lifestyle was evident throughout her troubled life. Many times, in order to get paid, she would often say what the reporters wanted to hear. She would later become a “Born-Again Christian” but even with her religious choices she vacillated; she struggled to find peace. In her later years she became Catholic; she was given the last rites as a Catholic. According to her friend of 20 years, Fr. Frank Pavone, (National Director, Priest for Life and Missionary of the Gospel of Life President) she was pro-life and fought for the protection of the unborn.
The baby, who was born during the tumultuous Roe v. Wade years, led a life without the interference of her birth mother until she was 18-years old. Her name is Shelly. She was adopted, but by the time she was ten-years old her parents separated. Shelly and her mother moved from Texas to Washington state. Her adoptive parents were both unaware of Shelly’s birth mother and how famous she was.
The National Inquirer hired Toby Hanft, an investigator, to help find the Roe baby. Hanft was no stranger to researching and finding the parents and children of adoptive families. She herself had given up a child for adoption. When she did find Shelly, she felt it was better to break the news to her about her mother in person. The first meeting was outside Shelly’s home. Hanft was gentle in telling Shelly that she had found her birth mother. Most adopted children long to find their birth parents and this was also true for Shelly. Shelly took the investigator’s card and told her adoptive mother, Ruth, about the incident. The investigator told Shelly who her mother was. This information was too much for an 18-year-old to handle.
Norma’s interest in finding Shelly was to gain money and notoriety because she already had two daughters. By locating the Roe baby she could profit financially. At this time in Norma’s life she was still pro-choice.
Shelly did not want this type of publicity. Although she and Ruth agreed to the story in the National Inquirer, their names would remain anonymous. Ruth had hired an attorney to protect her daughter’s identity.
According to The Family Roe an American Family, by Joshua Prayer, Shelly spoke to Norma on several occasions but never met her infamous mother in person. Shelly is married with three children, so she struggled with forgiveness towards her mother for wanting to abort her. To determine whether she is pro-choice or pro-life still remains a conundrum. She did keep all three of her children.
Reversing Roe
I watched this Netflix program a few days ago and was not at all surprised by the biased presentation. Our world has been led to believe that abortion is a simple procedure and then you’re back to normal. All this hype about how our country is going to suffer because of the recent decision of the Supreme Court is baffling. Everything is out in the open, the doctors who perform these procedures are fighting for the woman’s rights? What they fail to mention is the lasting emotional impact it has on the women. They fail to mention the connection with breast and ovarian cancer as well. None of these sensitive issues are ever acknowledged by these biased programs, which are designed to spread pro-abortion indoctrination.
by Scott Somerville
The rate of breast cancer is rising rapidly in the United States,[1] (Figure 1) and in many other countries around the world.[2] The rate of breast cancer is also rising at an alarming rate among certain subgroups in America, such as young African-American women[3] and poor women in certain states.[4] A fraction of this rise can be accounted for through known risk factors, but a full 60% of the increase has remained a mystery to scientists.[5] The popular press has been filled with articles such as “A Puzzling Plague: What is it about the American way of life that causes breast cancer?” (_Time_, Jan. 14,1991) and “In Pursuit of a Terrible Killer” (_Newsweek_, Dec. 10,1990).
What is the cause of this sudden surge in the breast cancer rate? Recent, reputable, and repeated medical research indicates that it may be abortion. Abortion of a first pregnancy interrupts the growth and changes which enable the breast to produce milk, leaving the breast at a heightened risk of cancer. This risk, multiplied by the millions of induced abortions around the world, can account for the mysterious jump in the breast cancer rate. This report discusses the twenty-two published studies which document a link between a first-pregnancy abortion and an increased risk of breast cancer, and concludes that women need to know about this risk before they choose abortion.
The Laci and Connor’s Law
Laci was pregnant with her son Connor when they were both murdered by her husband Scott Peterson. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 is ratified in 38 states, that 75% of the United States. What part of this law is misunderstood? Nothing! Because it states “child in utero” as “a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb”.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines “child in utero” as “a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb”.
The law is codified in two sections of the United States Code: Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841) and Title 10, Chapter 22 (Uniform Code of Military Justice) §919a (Article 119a).
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
My Prayer
Lord, You know my heart, and in no way do I intend to offend any person with this information. Please protect all unborn babies and help us to understand that these babies were conceived for a reason. I pray for these innocent lives, the ones that are going to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimers, the ones that will discover a scientific method to solve climate control. Lord, save us from all atrocities and bring unity to our country. Mostly, I thank You for the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Amen.