Finding Your Way Back Home

Happy together
The one sock drawer

I believe that eventually all prayer petitions will be answered. Yesterday I was busy doing laundry. I was putting away the wash when I noticed a lone ankle sock in the middle of the floor of my bedroom. I don’t invest a lot of money in socks and have paid the price for this. In 2019 when I was working for my daughter Sonja during the Christmas season, the socks I wore were quitters; they kept creeping down past my heels. I was miserable! During my break I walked over to Lululemon (brand name ) to purchase a new pair. For the first time in my life I paid $15 for one pair of socks. This was one of the wisest fashion investments I have ever made. I wanted to purchase more of the same socks, but I could never justify the expense; so I took very good care of this pair. A few months later one sock went missing. I wanted to cry, but instead I took apart all of the folded sheets and pillow cases in search of the Lulu sock. I also prayed to find it as well.  I have a drawer dedicated to lost socks in hopes that one day the partner will show up. When I found the Lulu sock on the floor I was suspicious of the find, but when I examined the sock, sure enough, it was the infamous missing sock. Furthermore this sock had been missing for more than a year and a half. I ran down the stairs and asked Mike if he put the sock there. “What are you talking about? And why would I put a sock on the floor?” he answered. “Then how did it get there?” I thought.

Being United

A Facebook acquaintance recently suffered a horrific car accident. Through the fault of a careless driver, a mother and small child crossing the street were killed. The man was spared with severe injuries  and several broken bones. This person is not serving God but is gifted in many areas of his life. He suffers from animosity and anger that stems from his childhood. Both parents were abusive and he has carried these wounds with him to this day. I noticed from a recent posting that he is questioning his life and why he was spared. In our journey to reach our Maker, we live a life with or without God. Sometimes God allows us to go through these trials so that we can turn to Him. God is the Master of all, and He has many ways to get us to turn to Him. Those who are gifted intellectually and are on the road to self-destruction, God will physically slow them down. In this man’s case he has no choice but to be patient with his healing. God is actually killing two birds with one stone. Physical healing takes self-control because even if you don’t believe in God, you start to question His existence or blame Him for the mishap. The Lord is also healing this man spiritually by keeping him bedridden.

The Encounter

I met this man years ago and recognized the void in his life. This was supposed to be a festive family gathering, but it was not festive for him. He intentionally ignored his mother and the stress between this man and his father was evident. But I also noticed that this person had a passion for life and he shared this love with his wife. In a short conversation he shared with me that his neighbors thought he was involved in witchcraft. I, too, recognized this dark side, but I answered, “Maybe they don’t know the true you.” Since that day I started praying for him. The Lord revealed his brokenness; now I understand why he is dabbling into the occult.

We All Want Answers

I remember when my brother Robert was first  diagnosed with cancer.  He and his wife were desperately looking for answers. They got involved in “New Age” and all that that entails. They were praying to some Hindu gods to heal him. This experience was so  real  that my brother and younger sister Norma levitated while in a state 0f nirvana. Our mother knew this was not of God and quickly reunited with the one true God. It took a lot of prayer to pull Robert out of this belief;  but then he finally surrendered. He was truly at peace when the Lord took him home.

My journey is not so different.  As a young, radical feminist I was transformed by the love of Christ. There is no turning back when you’ve reached this true spiritual pinnacle. God allowed me to experience life as a free spirit with so much passion in my beliefs. I’m familiar with life without God. In my case it was riddled with anger and a passion to make things “right” but it was my “right,” not God’s. So when I came to the crossroads of my life, I took the well-lit road. My decision quenched my thirst for the ever living waters.

The sock is symbolic of how God longs to unite us to Himself. I never gave up on finding the missing sock. God never gives up on us in our journey to find Him. There is great rejoicing when we are united.

I’m still baffled about the appearance of  the sock, but I’m elated that I have them back together again!

My Prayer

Dear Lord, You know of whom I have written this story. You know his name, You know his brokenness, and You know of his pain. This person is on the road to recovery.  Lord, speak to him in dreams; allow him to hear Your audible voice. Touch all those who are in the valley of decision. Clear their path and bring them into Your sheepfold. Amen.

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Satan is Real

The Hotel del Coronado

Years ago when Mike and I owned a tortilla factory we were part of an association call TIA (Tortilla Industry Association). Once a year this organization got together for an annual convention. In 1981 we had so many other obligations and were not planning on attending the event that year. At the last minute Mike announced that we were going to San Diego for the convention. Our reservations were hastily made, this was the first and only time we had stayed at The Hotel Del Coronado Resort.

The Hotel Del Coronado, also known as The Del, is located just across the San Diego Bay from San Diego. The Del is a beautiful Victorian beach front resort, and in 1977 it was designated a National Historic Landmark.

Our Stay At The Del

I do not like to be alone; frankly speaking, I get a little freaked out. Before COVID, Mike was always traveling, sometimes three days in a row. My sleeping pattern suffered from the fear of being alone at night. I prayed the Rosary and placed a crucifix under my pillow to calm my spirit. In my case, I believe that I have yet to deal with childhood trauma having to do with scary ghost stories. Thank God, my fears have almost left me!

Kate Morgan

I love antiques, so when we walked into the lobby of The Del, I was aww struck with all the dark wood and the stately pillars holding this magnificent building together. There was some  sort of glitch with our late reservation but when it was all sorted out we headed up to our room. We were staying in the original section of the hotel, I cannot recall the floor or the room number, but the room was  set up with two long twin beds. Between the beds was a oversized antique dresser. We headed downstairs for the evening festivities and came back up to the room for the night. Mike was overly tired and quickly fell asleep. I got into my long bed and was wide awake. Something was not right. I felt uneasy and scared, and because of the huge dresser I could not reach out to Mike for safety. Then I heard a loud scream, and by that I mean LOUD SCREAM! It was a woman’s voice. Immediately after the scream I heard a gunshot! In a muffled voice, I tried to scream for Mike to get up; but because of my fear, my voice sounded like a whisper. I was not serving God the way I am today, so all I could say was, “Please God, Please God!” By this time my eyes were glued shut. I still do not understand why I opened them, but what I saw was beyond my imagination. Right after the gunshot, with my eyes wide opened, I first heard someone running outside the window. Then I saw the rapid movements of a man’s arms as he tried to escape. Again I desperately called for Mike, but he was dead asleep. My body was petrified and I couldn’t move. I silently waited for the police to arrive but this never happened. By the time morning arrived, all I wanted to do was investigate what I witnessed. I got up to look out the dormer window, but there was only a pitched red roof! It would have been impossible for someone to run the way I witnessed. At breakfast I was stupefied when I tried to explain to Mike what I had experienced. He looked at me like I was a crazed storyteller.

The Haunted Hotel

I knew what I witnessed that night was real, so I did some investigating of my own. It turns out that The Del is haunted. In 1892 Kate Morgan, a young woman in her twenties, checked into the hotel alone. It was believed that she was there to meet a married man for a rendezvous. Five days later she was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. The San Diego coroners determined that it was self-inflicted (but there is a lot of skepticism surrounding that story). Could it be that I  saw the man who murdered her? I heard her scream before he shot her in the head to make it appear as if it was a suicide. Is this why Miss Morgan haunts the hotel? Is it because her murder is still unsolved? Either way it was not a pleasant welcoming spirit, which means it had darkness attached to it.

Satan In Action

Satan is real. If you don’t believe me, go to Skid Row in Los Angeles. Drugs and alcohol play a major role for Satan. Once these spirits enter into your body, you become aligned with the Devil. I’ve seen it time and time again. The crazed look in peoples’ eyes, the altered behavior – all these changes occur with substance abuse. In the case of the young woman Kate, a spirit of depression came upon her;  whether she took her own life or she was murdered by her lover, the evil spirit of death was within her. She was alone and depressed. This, too, is an open invitation for Satan; he attacks us when we are the most vulnerable.

It’s In The Bloodline

Just as we inherited our looks from our ancestors, evil spirits can be passed on as well. In a previous Blog I wrote about Michael, a homeless young man. He mentioned to me that both his father and grandmother died of heroin overdoses. Michael then added that he, too, was addicted to heroin. That’s three generations! It doesn’t have to be like this because we can sever these past sins from our ancestors’ bloodline through prayer. No one’s bloodline is pure, and it takes special spiritual training to rid our bloodline of these impurities. For our bodies to function in a healthy manner we can’t have any infections in our blood. It works the same way spiritually; in order to operate with a pure mind we can’t have any outside influences that can alter our thinking.

Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour.

Listen To The Voice Of God

Once Satan gets ahold of your thought pattern, He comes in for the kill because you’ve crossed over into his territory, and you’ve become His slave. Remember Satan’s assignments are to rob, kill, and destroy; there is no hidden agenda with him. But remember God has a plan for all of us. If you or a loved one is suffering the effects of depression, self-hate, believing that no one cares for you  or loves you, you are sorely mistaken. Why? Because nothings is impossible with God, He is in the business of healing. Through trusting and praying you can cross over to the light.

10 A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, teach us to become prayer warriors for our loved ones. Help us to understand how to fight spiritual battles. Give us the right ammunition to quench the fiery darts of the Enemy. Equip us with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, to offset the plans of Satan. Satan, you are defeated! We stand in the gap for our loved ones, and command you to leave in the Holy Name of Jesus! Amen.

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Our Lukewarm Culture

Rainy day, the Church of Thyatria

When the Apostle John addressed the Seven Churches in Asia Minor, he did so for the sake of correction. These churches had varying degrees of straying from God. Laodicea was one of the worst examples.

Laodicea was a thriving commercial city; it was known for its medical institutions, its advanced banking system, its exports of black wool textiles, and eye ointments. Laodicea suffered from spiritual poverty. When the Lord spoke to the Laodiceans, He accused them of being lukewarm. The unusual  history of Laodicea is that it did not have cold water like its neighbor Colossae, nor did it have hot water like Hieropolis (Pamukkale), which has hot mineral springs. By the time the water ran from Hieropolis to Laodicea, it became warm and mixed with other things, causing vomiting if one drank it. The Laodiceans could not swim in the waters because they caused infections that resulted in blindness, or ear infections that caused the loss of  hearing.

Revelation 3:14-20  New American Bible (Revised Edition)

14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea, write this:

‘The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the source of God’s creation, says this: 15 “I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. 16 So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 For you say, ‘I am rich and affluent and have no need of anything,’ and yet do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich, and white garments to put on so that your shameful nakedness may not be exposed, and buy ointment to smear on your eyes so that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and chastise. Be earnest, therefore, and repent.

20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.”

The words that Jesus spoke to the Laodiceans were harsh, but when someone is in deep sin, the only way to reach them is by telling them the truth. God is not interested in your wealth or your personal status in life. He doesn’t care if you’re highly educated with several Ph.D’s. He only cares that you follow His truth. The Laodiceans were so caught up in all their material wealth that they lost sight of their first love, Jesus Christ. What the Lord has to offer cannot be compared to money, the finest of black wool, or eye ointments. What He has for us is supernatural sight.


The real Nike goddess is located in Ephesus


Me in the waters of the Hot Springs of Hieopolis

Becoming Lukewarm

It’s a slow process to become spiritually lukewarm. It starts with believing in half-truths, and it ends with complacency. You make allowance for sin because you’ve become comfortable with the norm. It’s easy to give in and not get caught up in a dispute. When you’ve reached this level of misconstrued understanding, you’re sold out, or in this case you’re woke. A half-truth is a complex way in which the Devil can manipulate you into believing the lie. The Lord only operates in truth; you either follow Him wholeheartedly or you are categorized as lukewarm. We can’t sit on the fence when it comes to serving God. You don’t get to pick and choose what you want out of the Gospel: sin is sin. One thing is certain: once you’ve crossed over to a lukewarm spiritual mindset, it will take a supernatural act of God to bring you back to the truth.

Hot Springs of Hieropolis (modern day Pamukkale)

The truth has nothing to do with politics, vaccines or climate change. The truth is God is still seated on the throne, watching our every move. It pains Him to see the hate, the division, and how the world is lukewarm. Apathy has hardened the hearts of many because they close their eyes to the truth. Even though the Laodiceans invented eye ointments, they still could not see because of their spiritual blindness. Jesus waited for them, standing at the door and knocking. Jesus never forces His way into our lives. His gentle spirit makes a way for us through His messages. We must have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying.

I twice visited the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. They are all located in Turkey. The ruins are neglected with overgrown foliage because this country is 99% Muslim, and these ancient treasures are not important to them. Aside from Ephesus and ruins of Hierapolis (Pamaukkale), and Pergamum we were the only tourists visiting the other four churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

The Germans saturated the hot springs and medicinal pools for enjoyment. I rolled up my jeans, walked through the hot streams and felt the hot water run through my feet.

Ruins of the Church of Thyatira

These Seven Churches of Asia Minor in the Book of Revelation are a modern day messages to set us straight with God. Just as He did with the Laodiceans, our Lord stands at the door and knocks.


The last memory I have of our country being united was after 9/11. I remember attending Mass with my friend Helen and her son Jason. I wore a red shirt with God Bless America imprinted across the front. It was remarkable to see so many people at Mass that afternoon, our hearts were crushed. This genuine feeling of patriotism was shared by most Americans, as we grieved the loss of so many innocent lives that day. In total 2,977 were killed including 19 of the hijackers.  343 members of the New York Fire Department and 71 law enforcement officers sacrificed their lives on that dreaded day.

After 9/11 we were a united front; we sang one National Anthem. We all stood up in honor; not one person took a knee.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We supported the heroes and the firefighters. The police never imagined that one day some Americans would demand defunding the police. It was different then, but now we have a lukewarm ideology that prevents us from being united.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray that You continue to touch the hearts of those affected by the 9/11 attack. Twenty years have passed, but for them it was as if  it was yesterday. Lord, I beg You to restore unity in our great nation. Teach us to love and respect Your laws. Amen.


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