Angel Encounters

St. Raphael, St. Michael and St. Gabriel

The Catholic Church acknowledges the name of three of the seven Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael. These three Archangels are the only angels named in Scripture. The remaining four Archangels appear in Christian and Jewish sources outside the canon of Sacred Scripture. They are: Uriel, Raguel, Zerachiel and Ramiel. The Greek meaning of angels is “messengers”; the meaning of arch is”highest”.

St. Michael

St. Michael’s name means “Who is like God.” St. Michael’s four responsibilities:

  1. To combat Satan;
  2. To escort the faithful to heaven at their hour of death;
  3. To be a champion of all Christians and the Church itself; and
  4. To call men from life on earth to their heavenly judgment.

On October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XII had a diabolical vision. After celebrating Mass in a private Vatican Chapel, attended by members of the Vatican staff and a few Cardinals, Pope Leo stopped at the foot of the altar and fell into a trance. He heard the voice of Satan speaking to God about destroying the Church. After the vision Pope Leo went immediately to his office and composed the St. Michael’s prayer. This prayer is to be recited after every low Mass.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

St. Michael is the patron saint of soldiers, police officers, grocers, mariners, sickness and doctors.

St. Gabriel

St. Gabriel’s name means “Power of God.” St. Gabriel  the Archangel is found by name three times in the Catholic Bible; once in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament. In the Book of Daniel, St. Gabriel foretold the coming of the Messiah. In the New Testament St. Gabriel first appears to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist, who was chosen to prepare the way of the Lord. He is then sent to the Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Jesus Christ.

St. Gabriel is the patron saint of messengers, telecommunication workers, and postal workers.


28 And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” 29 But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. 30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus.
St. Raphael
St. Raphael’s name means “God heals.” St. Raphael is mentioned in the book of Tobit. He is disguised in human form. He was sent to protect Tobit’s son Tobias and to heal his wife. Tobit’s eyes were  restored by his son Tobias (Tobit 11:10-12). The former Catholic priest Martin Luther removed the book of Tobit from the canonical table of contents. For this reason Protestants will not have this book in their Bibles.
St. Raphael is the patron saint of the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians and travelers.
14 I was sent to put you to the test. At the same time, however, God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. 15 I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord.
Pat and me

My Angelic Encounter

Whenever I traveled to the Holy Land, I always collected prayer requests. Some of these petitions came with specific instructions as to where the person wants them left. I had several prayer requests that needed to be left at the Church of The Holy Sepulcher in the Old City. I was sharing this information with my friend Pat, she mentioned that she had some petitions for the same place. It was our last night in Jerusalem, and we were leaving for the airport around noon. The Church of The Holy Sepulcher opens at 6:30 a.m., so Pat and I devised a plan. We decided to get up early and take a taxi to the Old City. We were on a mission to pray and leave the prayer requests at the Tomb of Jesus. We did not share this with anyone on the team. When the taxi driver arrived, we told him  where we needed to go. The man did not understand any English, and between Pat and me, we only knew one Arabic word. The driver dropped us off at the Damascus Gate, which is the main entrance to the Muslim quarters. This gate was unfamiliar to us, the gates we use and are familiar with are: the Jaffa Gate, the Lions Gate and the Dung Gate.

It was early morning, so I could smell the strong Arabic coffee brewing in private homes. Both Pat and I know the Old City pretty well, but this gate was throwing us off. We walked in deeper and still had no real direction as to where we were or where we were headed. Suddenly, a loud, rowdy group of young Arab men coming in from a late night were headed our direction. We were sitting ducks and did not know where to turn to avoid this uncomfortable encounter. Then suddenly a man appeared from out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?” he asked. I told him that we needed to go to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Without hesitation, he said, “Follow me.”  Without consulting or questioning, Pat and I  followed the man.

The Angel

The man led us out of the Damascus Gate, and we walked a distance outside the city walls until we reached the New Gate. From there we followed him through the fresh meat section of the Old City. When we reached the end of the corridor the man raised his arm and pointed to the right. He said, “This is where you turn to get to the church, this is as far as I can go.”  The Arabic man then disappeared. Both Pat and I came to the realization that we had had an encounter with an angel. We walked into an almost empty church, where we prayed for several hours. We completed our mission by leaving the prayer requests at the Tomb of Jesus.



Torie’s Angels

Our nephew Torie suffers from cluster headaches. This type of headaches are also referred to as “suicide headaches.” These headaches are a lot more intense than a migraine. To seek refuge from this pain, Torie would look for the darkest room of his house; even the slightest light would intensify the pain. These headaches cause vomiting. Torie was in the bathroom and laying on the floor after vomiting, He was praying the Hail Mary, and could not get up on his own will. Suddenly he felt his arm was being pulled; he counted seven angels. The angels led him to his bed where he slept until the pain subsided. Please pray for Torie, he has not experienced a cluster headache in six years.

My Prayer

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your holy angels to assist us in daily matters. Lord, I pray that we could experience the sound of Your holy choir and feel Your holy presence as they worship You. I ask special protection over our country. Bring unity and restore this wonderful nation. Amen.

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What is Your Purpose?

The Bible will lead you to “The Purpose Driven Life”

It was in 2003, and Father’s Day was fast approaching. I was looking for a gift for Mike. At that time I was attending a Catholic lay ministry located in Brea, California. Not far from the ministry was a Christian bookstore. I walked in and looked around for that special gift. A young salesman approached me and asked if I needed any help. When I explained, he suggested I purchase the book “The Purpose Driven Life.”

I had never heard of Rick Warren, the author of  “The Purpose Driven Life”, nor did I know about his ministry. This book has sold over 34 million copies and has been translated into 85 languages. Mike was one of the millions that enjoyed the book. This book was published in 2002, catapulting Saddle Back Church into becoming  a mega church. People were transformed because of Pastor Warren’s writings. This book was inspired by God; many Bible references are proof of that.

Every Moment of Your Life Matters

On a family vacation we invited our nephew Freddie. Freddie and Mikos were about eleven-years old. While we were swimming in Bass Lake, Freddie pointed to a kid and said, “Tia, I think that kid is drowning!” I looked over and said, “I don’t think so.” Then Freddie went to the boy, grabbed him and pulled him out of the water. The boy was indeed about to drown. By the time Freddie reached the shore, the boy’s mother came screaming in panic. Freddie was placed there at that exact moment to save this child. Why did I not recognize the warning signs? It was because God was going to use Freddie for this purpose, not me.

If you are still wondering why you were put on earth, then you have not found your purpose. We were all created for a purpose; our birth was no accident. Some of us are born to loving families while others are not. What you experienced in your childhood will either make you stronger, or place you in the victim mentality.

As you grow into adulthood you are either equipped to face the problems of the world or to develop insecurities. These insecurities are solidified by Satan’s voice to remind you of your pasted sufferings. You place yourself in a limbo state of mind and blame others for your failures. God allows you to experience rejection so that you can grow from the experience. It is never too late to receive the gifts God has set aside for you. Until you realize this epiphany, nothing else matters; fame, success, personal goals are like making a wish and blowing on a dandelion.

14 Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life, after all? For you are like a mist that appears for a brief time and then vanishes. 

What matters is the tug in your heart, telling you something is missing. That void will remain in your spirit until you reconcile with God. Your purpose in life is to find the treasures and gifts from your Creator. I like to exercise and I know that’s good for my health, but I will never allow the obsession of vanity to take over my mind. Outward appearance is important, but an obsession with exercising destroys the balance of who you are inside. We must concentrate on our inward beauty as well. You may look great on the outside but to what avail if you are broken spiritually?

While physical training has some value, the benefits of godliness are unlimited, since it holds out promise not only for this life but also for the life to come.

Recognizing Our Creator

If you are a runner, you are a different breed. You run to clear your head, to fill your lungs with good air and to stay in shape. Running is a spiritual journey because your mind naturally goes into deep thought. My husband has always been a runner; not a day passes without him working out on the treadmill. Before the treadmill Mike would run up and down hills in our neighborhood. He runs one hour a day to stay healthy and to start his day with a good workout. This balances his life.

I love to go on long walks, taking in all of God’s beauty. My eyes feast on the brilliant colors of the blooming flowers and trees, and the scent that fills the soft breeze allows me to experience a whiff of another of God’s creations.  All this was created by God for our enjoyment. How can anyone contest God’s creation?

Your Transformation

So how do you get there? We seek what makes us feel good, right? We use our God-given senses to start the long journey home. I know I’m on the right path, but many times the things of the world detour my journey.

Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your minds, so that you will be able to discern the will of God and to know what is good and acceptable and perfect.

If we keep our eyes on the road and focus on the destination, we will eventually arrive. The world is a noisy place, suffering from great pain, but the burdens that we all carry can easily be unloaded.

28   “Come to me, all you who are weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest.

The Lord welcomes the brokenhearted, the downcast, the rejected. He takes us as we are. Allow Him to comfort you and to make you whole because when you are made whole, you can be mightily used by God. Our roads will never be straight, our lives will never be perfect, but one thing is for certain: you will have peace in all circumstances of your life

When I suffered from a severe case of COVID I never once got angry with God. Instead I drew closer to Him. I trusted that He would see me through this trial. The fear of the unknown was always looming, but through prayer all this was lifted. I have an assignment from God: to pray for others, to write about His wonderful deeds, and to be a witness of His love for others.

My Prayer:

From one of my favorite verses: Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lively, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”


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From Ashes

11 For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the Lord—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.
Maddie, me and Sarah

It’s difficult to understand why God allows illness or allows us to go through irrefragable trials. On the second night of being home from the hospital I asked God to give me a new direction in life. I was still recovering from COVID, but I knew that He had other plans for me.

Sarah, Avery and Maddie
Jacob, Sonja and Lucas

As I prayed, the word “nonprofit” kept coming to me. I had never done anything like this, so I continued to pray. Again I received the word “nonprofit.” I asked theLord,”How and what should I do?” Then another word, “backpacks and for me to start with something small.” I continued to pray throughout the week about this matter. Then I took a leap of faith and ordered 24 backpacks. “Ok, Lord, now what?” I prayed again and sent out a few text messages. I wanted these backpacks to be filled with supplies, and that was going to cost money. I sent my granddaughter Maddie for supplies for one backpack so that I could estimate the cost. Then I received a response from Marianela, one of my dear friends. I had asked her to help with five backpacks; she immediately said “yes.” Then I received another text from her that she wanted to help with more. I told her to pray about it, and that’s exactly what she did. She went to church and said that the Lord told her to cover the cost for all the backpacks! This was a confirmation for me to continue with the project.  I ordered another 24 backpacks. My precious friend Jane also helped me with filling more. I know that the Lord will continue to guide my first nonprofit project. I’m still working on establishing it; Sonja and Mike are doing research with the legal aspects of a nonprofit.

16 It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.

Lucas, me and Jacob
A Family Affair

I want to leave a legacy to my grandchildren. I understand that their parents are doing a wonderful job in raising them. I want them to follow in the steps of the greatest of all servants, Jesus Christ. Maddie (Melon) stepped up to the challenge; she, along with two of her friends, picked up the supplies for the first 24 backpacks. It took them over three hours at Walmart to complete the shopping, I could not go because I’m still using oxygen. Sonja, Lucas and Jacob helped with the packing. Before Sonja arrived, chaos broke out between the boys (they’re both hot heads). I told them that we had to pray. The prayer was simple: “Dear Lord, we are doing this work for Your Kingdom. Bring peace and bless the work of our hands.” After the prayer all went smoothly . Since these backpacks are going to public schools I had the boys make cards saying “You are loved.” Will will make the remainder of the cards. A week later Maddie and her friend Sarah came to finish the packing. My granddaughter is busy with her volleyball team; she also has a part-time job that occupies most of her free time. I’m so proud of my family for helping with this loving project. These hours will be considered service hours for all who can help.

Jacob and Lucas making the “Your are loved” cards

Title One Schools

There are twelve Title One elementary schools in the city of Orange. Title One schools were established to provide fair academic services for neglected, delinquent, homeless, students with disabilities, migrant children and at-high-risk students. In order for a school to be considered Title One, 40%  of the students must be considered low-income to receive this federal aid. This program reaches over six-million students nationwide, primarily in the elementary grades.

During twelve years of working with Release Time Religious Education, I worked at four of these elementary schools. I am familiar with the hardships these students face. I have witnessed verbal abuse by teachers because these kids had trouble comprehending what they were being taught. Once I heard a teacher screaming at the top of her lungs while I waited outside the classroom to pick up the students. As I was leaving, I reported this incident to the office. With the Title One program, these students have an opportunity to excel in math, language arts and science through after-school programs.

In order to avoid any red tape, we did not go through the school district. Our daughter Sonja has a friend who is a teacher at one of these schools, so our first distribution will go to her school.

The Dream

I have a lot of dreams; some of them are prophetic. So much doubt comes to my mind about this project, but God always offers faith. On Sunday morning I had a dream that I was pregnant. This dream means  that I’m birthing something new. I have to trust God for the provisions because He planted this seed, and this dream is a confirmation. God knows that I suffer with the St. Thomas Doubter Syndrome; that’s why He gave me this dream.

Age Is Truly A Number

When I headed the ministry for the homeless I was in my late 40’s. This was a 20-year ministry that ended because of my autoimmune disorder; I could no longer feed the homeless because of the  open sores all over my body. Then COVID shut that door permanently. In a few days I will be 69 years old, but that is not going to stop me from serving the Lord. If you would like to be part of this nonprofit, you can reach me by commenting on this Blog or private message me. Hopefully within a few weeks the nonprofit will be established with a donate button. Please remember that even though Title One schools get federal funding, it does not trickle down to the parents. If you cannot support this project, please pray that all we do will be done for the glory of God.


My Prayer:

Dear Lord, we both know how much help I need to take on this endeavor. Please guide me in every decision, so that all donations will be properly distributed into the right hands. May I be ever  mindful of what a great responsibility You have entrusted me with. I pray for those who are willing to support this project to pray first and to do it from their hearts. Amen.

38 Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.”



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