The Eucharistic Adoration Miracle

Diann and the restored Mother Mary statue

In late August of 2005 the largest and third strongest hurricane made landfall in the United States. Mother Nature and her demonic daughter Katrina ravaged 90,000 square miles, bringing with them winds clocking in at 175 miles per hour. The storm surge was 20-feet high. The final death toll was 1,836 people, mostly from Louisiana, and 238 from Mississippi. Among the survivors were Diann, and her daughter Tayler, and their dog Angel.


Before Katrina
After Katrina
Damage, and clean-up
The mold throughout Diann home


Diann’s home was completely destroyed, submerged under nine and a half feet of water. The water remained in her house for over three weeks. For the first three weeks after Katrina, Diann, her daughter Tayler and their dog Angel evacuated and stayed with family in Alabama. From their they evacuated to Santa Fe, New Mexico to stay with her Nanaine (French for “godmother”). For nine months Santa Fe became their home. Diann had to make two trips back to New Orleans to take care of personal business matters. She needed to apply for a federal grant to rebuild her home and fill out the proper forms for a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) trailer. Once she got clearance for the trailer they moved back home. The FEMA trailer was parked in her driveway during the restoration of her house.


Diann restoration of the Crucifix


The Holy Encounter

Diann, a single mother,  was so devastated; all that was left for her to do was pray. Diann visits the Eucharistic Adoration chapel at her local parish on a regular basis. The chapel also sustained a lot of water damage, and because of this the paint was scaling off the statue of Mary. After Katrina, Diann visited the chapel for  private prayer. She was sitting and praying for 15 minutes when she looked at the statue of Mary and in tears said, “I’m lost, I don’t know what to do, I need help!” She suddenly heard a distinct, soft voice saying, “Make me pretty again.” Diann looked around the chapel to investigate where the voice was coming from, but discovered that she was the only one in the prayer room. Diann thought that she was losing her mind when again the soft voice repeated, “Make me pretty again.” Diann answered, “Mother Mary, are you speaking to me?” And then for the third time she heard “Make me pretty again.” Diann prayed, “Mother Mary, I really don’t know what to do. What would you like me to do?” Then Diann heard “Michael, Michael, Michael.” She stayed in the chapel for a few more minutes, puzzled with the message. She realized that this was a holy encounter and was elevated to a new spiritual realm.  She left the chapel with a heavy heart. Her mind was fixated on the holy encounter, but she did not understand what Mother Mary meant by the name Michael. She kept repeating it in her head, “Michael, Michael, Michael.” Then she received a revelation, “Three Michaels! Oh! Michael’s, the craft store!” She did not waste any time and drove to Michael’s. She approached an employee and asked where she could find supplies to paint religious statues. Diann purchased paint for eight dollars and went home.

Special Permission

Diann knew that she needed special permission to complete this commission from God. She contacted the president of the men’s group at the parish for a directive. His response was, “Have you ever painted before?” Diann’s honest answer was, “No sir.” He then explained that he needed to check with the pastor. Through the providence of God, she received permission. She had no idea what she was up against, but she was obedient to the words spoken to her.

Doing Work Unto The Lord

The statue of Mary was moved to a back room. Diann was talking to Mary, as she always does, and was finished. The original color of the cloak was slate gray. She thought to herself that the color was too dark; then she heard, “Blue.” She responded, “Oh, I can do blue highlights!” She completed her work through much prayer. She then moved on by touching up the crucifix, painting Jesus’ legs, Chest, the Crown of Thorns. Then she added gold highlights to His hair.


Catholic Charities to the rescue

The Blessing

Diann had already experienced being taken advantage of by two unscrupulous out-of-town contractors; she lost $14,000 by trusting strangers with her property. Within a week after she had completed repainting Mary and the Crucifix, she was approved for a $150,000 grant through the program “Road Home.” This program was established by President Bush to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina get their lives back to a state of normality. The special blessing was that this grant money was the largest amount available. Not everyone received this compensation.

With the help of Catholic Charities, volunteers from Kansas City and California came to her rescue. These kind people removed all the mold and stripped the house until only the original studs were left of her New Orleans Colonial Cottage. It took three days to get the work completed, but Diann’s beautiful 100-year-old floors were warped. It took her a year to find an honest contractor. after all that time the floors dried out, and the original one-and-a-half inch antique heart pine floors were saved. Just one more added blessing!

Giving Back

Diann was overwhelmed with these blessings and she wanted to give back. She drove around her neighborhood and started to restore religious statues. Using the table in her FEMA trailer, she lovingly restored these religious statues. She has since restored more than 60 statues; her artistry is offered as a gift to the homeowners.

Eucharistic Adoration

At the Last Supper Jesus instituted the Eucharist as His body and blood.

19 Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 20 And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.

Catholics practice Eucharistic Adoration to draw closer to Jesus. Where Jesus is, Mary is also there. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, but our Lord received his flesh from Mary.  because he was born of Mary His outward appearance resembled hers. Mary was immaculately conceived; she could not have any stain of original sin because she was divinely chosen to be the Mother of God. She has been compared to the Ark of the Covenant, carrying Jesus in her womb because God was within her.

Eucharistic Adoration draws you closer to Jesus, the Lord is doing something through this non verbal communication: He is reaching out to us. The fruit of Eucharistic Adoration gives you peace; you become more like Jesus.

My Prayer: Dear Lord, may we all learn to adore You, especially during Christmas. O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ our Lord! Amen.

The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, the water level was inches from the feet of Jesus’Crucifix
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Keeping the Faith

Patricia and Carlos Reyes with five of their six children

Attending daily Mass keeps me grounded. I’m committed to this sacrifice because the challenges of our world are more than overwhelming. We must remain diligent in our prayers; the Devil is loose and is making havoc of all that we hold dear.

The Reyes Family

Carlos and Patricia Reyes and their family are great witnesses in my walk. For months I have sat a safe distance behind them at daily Mass. They are a family of eight, and are obviously noticeable because of the size of their clan but also because their faithfulness. Because of all the outdoor Masses we have become a community by standing the test during these days of uncertainty. I look forward to seeing the familiar faces who want to remain at peace.

The Reyes family takes a lot of time during  “the sign of peace” segment of the Mass. They kiss each other on both sides of the cheeks; the masks are moved down off their faces as they gently complete this spiritual ritual. In my heart they have become the preachers of the Word without saying a word. This is a special type of ministry that has remained firm.

Other than handing out communion to this family, I had never spoken to them until this past Friday. I asked if I could take their picture. Carlos, the patriarch, shared with me that he and his wife Patricia have six children, three boys and three girls. This couple, with the help of God, are raising remarkable citizens.

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged,

    and the glory of children is their parents.

Raising Holy Children

If you want your children to serve God, you must set the example. A single parent cannot use the excuse that two parents are needed. If you do not introduce your children to God at a young age, they will not understand their purpose in life. A family must be grounded in God to live holy a life in this day and age. We are all created to serve one God and, until we find our way, we are lost in a world of defective teachers. We are experiencing this in our public education with the introduction of matters that no children should be subjected to. A well-grounded child will developed the discernment to know what is truth and walk away from lies. It is up to us as parents to establish a strong relationship with God in order to give our children a fighting chance.

I knew all along when our children were small that God had to be an intricate part of their lives. Mike was busy establishing our business, so it was left to me. Many times I felt overwhelmed, but I never gave up. Mike was supportive of most of the decisions I made during this time, but when I left the Catholic Church for a season Mike fell through the cracks of the Protestant churches I attended. Only after I returned to the Catholic faith did he finally commit to attending Mass with me on a regular basis.

No Excuses

We cannot allow the Enemy to draw us away from our calling. No church is perfect. The Catholic Church has had many challenges these past years, but I choose to remain a Catholic. I will not allow the sins of men  to take my core beliefs from me . Not even the Pope, with all his misguided opinions, will affect the Catholic doctrine that I hold true to my heart.

As a grandparent my role is subdued, but my prayers for our grandchildren are like fire to the ears of God. I hold back nothing when it comes to my family; they are saturated in prayer. This is one of the main reasons I attend Mass on a regular basis. Spiritually I cannot put anything in the way of serving God. When a family member is spiritually wounded, it breaks my spirit too. This is when I cry out to God without ceasing. God hears the cries of a parent. When your children are small, it’s much easier to comfort them. When they get older, and do not understand who God is, this is when you realize you’ve dropped the ball in introducing them to God at a young age. The beauty in this scenario is that it is never too late to fix this problem. We serve a God Who allows us special graces to come to Him with all of our burdens. My advice to parents: Become that godly example to your children, and they will honor you.

In my distress I called upon the Lord;  to my God I cried for help.
From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears
Mike’s COVID 19 birthday celebration: Wil, Mike, Sonja, Jacob, Lucas, and Maddie


2019 Birthday
Honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Norbert Catholic Church

The Birthday

As a family Mike and I attend Mass together. We are a couple who will do whatever it takes to keep peace in our family. We celebrated another COVID-19  birthday at home. Mike shares his birthday with Our Lady of Guadalupe, which makes this day a little more special. We had reservations at Ruth Chris, but, like everything else in life, they were cancelled. We stuck to the Ruth Chris menu and had the best steaks. Jenny, our daughter-in-law, nailed the chopped salad and sweet potatoes; they were delicious. We honor Mike because he is a great example to us as a father, grandfather and husband. His co-workers honored him with a birthday cake and a gift basket. He’s a special guy!

My Prayer:

Dear Lord, we thank You for our families. Our children are a gift from You, Lord, and we entrust them into Your hands. Teach us to always do right by them, and help us to guide them to serve You. Lord, I lift up those who have lost their battle with COVID-19. Comfort the hearts of their families and give them peace. We continue to pray for those who are battling this pandemic. Heal them Lord. Amen.

18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,

    and saves the crushed in spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
    but the Lord rescues them from them all.

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Norma’s Christmas Miracle

Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

My sister Norma and I have been buddies our entire lives. Norma is one of the most interesting women I know. She has been married twice; from these marriages came her four gifts, her children: Freddie, Mario, Leah and Maggie. God has a purpose for each one of their lives.


In 2006 Norma and her family moved to Arizona. I was devastated  because I felt betrayed for two reasons: (1) I was not going to see my sister every week, and (2) Norma persuaded our mother and older sister Myra to follow her out of state. Norma wanted a fresh start away from San Bernardino, so she and her then-husband opened a small  Mexican restaurant in Mesa, Arizona. As the marriage unraveled, so did the restaurant.

Our Youth

When we were younger we were always looking for adventures. We were the sweet, clean-cut girls being raised by a single mom. Our mother was, by far, one of the strictest parents who ever lived. She watched us like a hawk, and she had our older brothers in training. Together they made our lives a living hell. Thank you, mom; though it was rough going, we girls turned out fine.

Me and Norma

Norma was the baby of the family. She did receive special treatment and attention, but jealousy was never a part of our lives. Though it seemed that Norma was favored, and that our mother cared for her more,  in reality  it was how Norma cared for our mother.  It would take me several years to understand why our mother moved to Arizona, but it was all part of God’s great canvas which He was still perfecting. As our mother’s health declined , Norma became her caregiver. God was training Norma for a new career.


Norma, me and Mike

The Caregiver

It is never by accident when our lives are re-directed; rather, it’s a assignment from God. Norma’s love for the elderly has led her to working at Canyon Winds Assistance and Memory Care Facility                                             in Mesa, Arizona. This facility has been rated number one two years in a row. I believe that this place is blessed and protected because of Norma’s prayers and a special covering from the Lord. Norma has recently added to her responsibilities as the assistant activities director. She has developed a wheelchair exercise program for memory care. The best part of this program is the life that Norma brings to the group. Despite her students’ impaired memories, they remember Norma and welcome her with a smile. They recall the words to the songs, and it sparks new activity in their lapsed memories.

Bad Cars Syndrome

Norma suffers from purchasing “Bad Car Syndrome.” With the exception of her current car, all her other vehicles  came with dysfunctional traits and a lot of mileage. Even in this department God has always taken care of my sister; she has never been stranded. Last summer her son Freddie purchased a used Impala, but it, too, had health issues. After a diagnostic check, the repairs were too out of reach for my sister, so she decided to sell the car.

The New Buyer

The car was not on the market for long. A kind man drove from an hour away to see the Impala. Norma shared with the man the repair work that was needed. They made a verbal agreement, but Norma could not find the title: no title, no sale. Norma said that she tore her house apart looking for that important piece of paper. She called the man and told him that she would go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a duplicate copy. The man kindly agreed to wait because he was very interested in the vehicle.


Freddie, Norma and me

The Neighbor

When two women and three children live in a neighborhood God sends angels to watch over them. Norma’s neighbor Tim is a hard-working man who watches out for my sister and her family. When my nephew Freddie was layed up after major surgery, he stayed with Norma. Freddie is a friendly guy and quickly took to Tim. Freddie is a servant of God; if you befriend him, you are going to get an earful of Jesus. Freddie had been witnessing to Tim all summer long.

On the day that Norma was to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Tim came out to talk to Norma. He asked “Norma, are you selling the car? How much are you asking for it?”  Norma told him the price and Tim responded, “Sell it to me! I will pay you this week.” Norma had already talked to the first buyer and assured him that the deal was done. My sister is a person of her word, and though it would facilitate the sale of the car to Tim, she told him, “I can’t, I promised it to this man.”

After getting the title situated, she called the buyer to arrange a meeting with him on Friday. On Wednesday evening Tim came to Norma’s house and said, “Norma, can we talk about the car?” Norma wanted to explain to Tim that she had already agreed to sell the car. Then Tim told her not to sell the car. He went on to say, “The Lord spoke to me and told me to fix the car for you, so you can’t sell it.” Norma was stunned by two things: she knew that Tim was not a religious man, and why would he do this for her?

God’s Voice

When God speaks to us, He does it so that we will understand Him. His voice stirs several emotions. I know when He speaks to me, my heart starts beating at a more accelerated pace. I know what I’m to do, and until my spirit is free of these emotions, I must do what is asked of me. Norma questioned Tim, “Really, and how did God speak to you?” “I heard a voice, and I felt something in my heart. I knew it was God. He told me to do this for you.” Norma quickly responded that she could not allow him to do this, but Tim insisted. He went on to say that it was up to her, and reminded her that God did speak to him.

Seeing God In All Things

God’s hand was with my sister, and this was a Christmas miracle. God allowed time for the car not to be sold because the title had been misplaced. This gave Tim the opportunity to be used by God. Tim was being introduced as to how God would use him; because he said “yes” his blessings will be many. This is the fruit of my nephew Freddie, who was obedient in sharing the Word of God with Tim. These small seeds produced much fruit, therefore we need to saturate the world with these seeds of love.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord, Thank You for watching over my sister and her family. Thank You for bringing Tim into their lives. We know that there are many Tims in this world who are called to help others. Lord, speak to those who have so that they will give to those in need. Just as You did to Tim, speak to their hearts to do what is right in Your eyes. Amen.

27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,

When it is in your power to do it.

If God is speaking to you to give to others this Christmas, do it without question and you will be blessed beyond measure. God Bless You!



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