I woke up Mother’s Day morning with a dream holding me captive. I had my Eziekel toast with coffee and sat in my usual nook in the kitchen and cried. I wondered why God had not answered my prayers. Mike walked in and asked, ” Are you all right?” I answered “What do you think? I’m tired of praying for the same thing and still no answers!” I believe a dream set the stage for my Mother’s Day Pity Party, or getting off on the wrong side of the bed, either way, I did not feel like celebrating that day. I mopped the kitchen floor, and dragged myself upstairs to get ready for the day. I had planned to wear a linen top with black pants but when I tried the outfit on, it was all wrong and uncomfortable. Plan B required Spanx’s and that is never fun. My dress was made of thin nylon material and it was a tad chilly, so the navy blue sweater was perfect, covering all the right parts of my body.
When we arrived at brunch, I still had that weird spirit that was on high alert and sensitive to any remark. It took a good talking from Mike to shake it off.

The brunch at Tap’s was excellent, and as much as I tried different dishes, for once I felt that I did not overdo my eating. My grandsons ate so many chocolate-covered strawberries that I worried that we might get complaints from the management. At one point William got tired of walking back and forth to the chocolate fountain that he filled a bowl with chocolate and brought it to the table. After the Bananas Foster, we exchanged our gifts and headed back home.
I ‘d missed morning Mass so I decided to attend the one at 5:30 P.M. I always parked the car a distance to allow for extra walking. So as I walked toward the church I felt a cool breeze moving my dress. I looked at my shadow and marveled at the flirty waves the dress was making, but it felt really breezy. I made all the way to the steps of the church when I heard the voice of a lady with a heavy Mexican accent saying, “Miss! Miss!” As I turned around, she said, “Your dress!” Boy, did I know what that meant! My flirty dress was caught up in my undergarment! In a panic I readjusted the problem dress, and I prayed no one else noticed, then quickly made my way into the church.

Father Bruce was officiating the service, in which we were celebrating the Ascension of the Lord. That meant that we would be sprinkled with holy water to remind us of our Baptism. As Father passed me, it was as if God had revealed to him that I needed an additude adjustment. Father dipped the sprinkling brush into the water, and I got soaked! I smiled and said to myself, “Okay, Lord, I get it, You wanted to make sure that the holy water really washed away all the dross.”
Atfer Communion all was well, and I left with the peace of God.
The closing hymn at Mass was:
Lord I love to sing your praises
I’m so glad you are in my life
I’m so glad you came to save us…
My prayer:
Dear Lord thank you for this beautiful song, I do love to sing your praises. I thank You for answering and making me wait for provision on unanswered prayers, because everything is in Your perfect timing. Through the waiting You are strengthening my patience and dependence on You. Forgive me, Lord, for behaving so selfishly, for my blessings are many! I think of all the homeless mothers I’ve encountered and pray for their safety and a forthcoming opportunity to be reunite with their children. Amen
The only thing I can share about the dream was that the Scripture of Isaiah 2:19 was given to me. I am still trying to interpret its meaning, I woke up long enough to write down the Scripture and went back to sleep.