The Sad State of the World

The attempted assassination of former President Trump is another wake-up call for us to unite as a nation.

God’s Protection

Why was President Trump’s life spared? It’s not because the Secret Service was doing a great job (they failed),  but because God has a grand purpose for his life. In my lifetime, never have I witnessed such vicious attack on a human. They tried to destroy him emotional and fined him millions of dollars, tried to him impeached twice, yet he remains steadfast. Anyone else who had gone through that kind of scrutiny would never have survived. He survived because he will protect our country, and we will once again be able to wave our banner for God.

How quickly we forget that when Obama was president we were not allowed to use God in the workplace or wish anyone a Merry Christmas. We need to re-establish God’s rightful place in our country again.

United We Stand

I believe in God and all that His Word stands for.  For centuries skeptics have made many attempts to alter the Bible to fit their personal lifestyles. When I see this type of foolishness, I wait for the truth to be revealed. If we all would take time to read and understand the Ten Commandments, our country would be a better place.

The Devil has been assigned to divide our country, and, so far, he has  been quite successful. So many doors have been opened wide for demons to bring an army of evil to infiltrate our hallowed ground. Our country was founded  on Judeo-Christian principles, and our forefathers, who wrote the Constitution, were God-fearing men. For these words to stand the test of time is only a testament of how richly they are filled with the wisdom of God.

Godly Wisdom

If wisdom does open our eyes to the truth, why are so many blinded by lies? The simple answer to this question is this:  they are not yielded to receive God’s truth.

Fearing God

I know many God-fearing, good Christians who are misled by the lies that are blaring over the airwaves. They are not voting with their God-given conscience because they lack the wisdom to really comprehend the Word of God. If you are constantly hearing how evil a person is and how he is going to take the rights of Americans away, you have fallen into the pit of lies!

I recently did a study on Luke Chapter One, which is about the annunciation of the birth of Christ. When Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth to share the news of her Immaculate Conception, the baby in her womb leaped with joy. But to those who deny the truth about pregnancies this baby “John the Baptist” is not a real human being! This unborn baby, John the Baptist,  had a heartbeat, tiny arms and legs and moved around in his mother’s womb. Yet in today’s world, some well-meaning but misguided Christians would vote to kill him.

The Issues Matter
I am a Republican because this party protects the lives of the unborn and protects the rights of parents. Can’t the world see the damage all this sin has caused? We are treading on the brink of disaster if we allow these sinful behaviors to continue. Don’t get me started on the transgender issues and how studies have discovered the aftermath of any sex-altering surgeries. We need to help in this matter by introducing laws to prevent children from receiving any information  about transitioning until they are 18 years of age. In our country, kindergartners are being indoctrinated to believe that this is normal. This UCLA study does not include the statistics about trans teens who have attempted suicide, which are higher.

More than 40% of transgender adults in the US have attempted suicide!

A new study from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law finds that 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.

Pride Month

This all started in 1999, when then President Clinton declared the month of June “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.” It continued with Obama who in 2009 declared June LGBTQ Pride Month. In 2021 our current President Biden, added a plus to the LGBTQ+. Do you see a pattern here?  I can accept one day, but an entire month is ridiculous! Christmas has one day and so does the Fourth of July.

My prayer is, “Lord, please let  the month of June  pass quickly.” The media’s constant barrage of parades and news reports of how happy and prideful these events have become is a facade. Where is the joy? These are  still the elusive questions. But is there joy in their hearts? Are they free of anger?  No, because anger is what they thrive on, and there is never peace when you are in this frame of mind.

I have nothing against a person who, as an adult, decided to change how God created them.  I will not judge any decision an adult makes because in the end it’s between them and God. I’m not homophobic or racist, I’m an American grandmother concerned for the future of my grandchildren. Don’t insert your ideologies into the minds of our children, God hates this!


I will always protect my grandchildren

Who Do You Represent?

I stand on the Word of God, and I will continue to share the truth. God gave me this Blog to share my beliefs in Him and to be an example of courage in this fallen world. I’m human and fall short of living a godly life daily, but I know Who lifts me up, dusts me off and gets me ready for another battle. Listen to the Words of God! It will change your heart!

My Prayer

Thank You, Lord, for sparing the life of former President Trump. We all witnessed the miracle of the angels that were surrounding himeto protect President Trump’s life. Lord, I lift up those who were injured at this event and for the gentleman Corey Comperatore  who was killed. Comfort them Lord! Amen.

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