Euthanasia, Not The Only Option

13 No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.

This verse clearly states that God will give you as much as you can take.  So why do people choose euthanasia? We all have an assigned time to be born and a time to die. When we take that role away from the Creator, we are destined to be held accountable for our own actions. I can only speak for myself but, if you are truly serving God, you would understand the big picture of life. It’s not complicated  because we are to be witnesses to the rest of the world as to how we manage difficult situations like facing death. You can either give up, or give it to God.


I have known this lady for several years, but due to COVID we both got busy with life. Ann always attended the same 6:15 a.m. Mass as me and we became friends. Once our church opened up for regular indoor services, the 6:15 a.m. Mass was no longer available. I knew that Ann was going to another parish, attending daily Mass and going to Adoration. I had no idea what my friend was about to encounter. In November she developed sepsis and, due to the severity of her condition, both of her legs were amputated. By the time I reached out to her, she was already at a rehab center learning to get in and out of the wheelchair and moving toward prosthesis. Ann wants the freedom to attend daily Mass once again.


Kathy is another lady about my age who attends daily Mass. About a month ago I noticed that she was wearing an unusual hair covering, so I started to pray for her. On Friday after Mass, I approached Kathy and told her I was praying for her. She shared with me that she was suffering from ovarian cancer and had to go through one more round of chemotherapy before her surgery. Her optimistic demeanor was written all over her smile. Kathy is the one person who is always filled with the joy of the Lord.  She exudes instant forgiveness in her everyday mannerisms, and everyone who knows her loves her. She is in total dependence on the Lord for her healing, and she is in my daily prayers.


Carol was a powerful woman in God. She was my dear friend and helped me interpret difficult dreams. Her cancer was slow and excruciatingly painful; she had an aggressive type of metastatic breast cancer that spread to several places in her body. Carol never, ever gave up the fight; instead she offered up her suffering for others. She died a beautiful, peaceful death.


A year-and-a-half ago, Jamie contacted me via Facebook. She was a distant relative of ours.  Other than what she shared on her social media, I knew very little about her. She was highly regarded as a mover and shaker in the public schools. Educating and mentoring students was a gift that she graciously shared with others. She was suffering from pancreatic cancer and, as her health was declining, she continued to post thought-provoking information about life. None of her posts mentioned God. I do not want to be misunderstood about Jamie because I am not her judge; only God is. She kept her communication open to us and we were planning a trip to visit her right before Christmas, but with her health concerns it was not possible. She spent the holidays in the hospital, attempting to manage her pain. Last week she posted what were to be her last public words. She stated that she could no longer fight, thanking her family, friends, colleagues and students. This alarming post was troubling because it left me with so many questions. When we reached out to her she texted back that she had decided to take end-of-life drugs on Wednesday of the same week. I quickly made phone calls to several prayer warriors,  and we started praying for her. I prayed that she would experience the presence of our Lord. I prayed that He would take her home naturally, and I prayed that she would be at peace.

Why did she take this extreme measure? Pancreatic cancer is known as the cancer that causes the highest degree of pain. Pain invades your cognitive thinking and can control your emotions. It seems that Jamie was desperate and gave in to her pain. We serve a merciful God Who knows the hearts of all mankind. To those who cannot bear the crosses God gives us, they, for whatever reason, take control of their personal situations. As Catholics we are taught that end-of-life drugs are forbidden because they are used to assist in euthanasia.

Framed Coming Home Print
Coming Home by Danny Hahlbohn

I took the time to read many of Jamie’s responses on Facebook. She was loved and made a huge impact on her colleagues and students. Mays she rest in eternal peace.


We do not know the hour of our death. That is why we trust God with all of our trials. My friend Ann accepted her fate. She said that while she was in the hospital praying, she did not complain to God; instead she prayed, “I surrender my life to you.” She experienced an inward locution speaking to her and saying, “I gave you the mountain, now climb it.” Ann did not ask for this horrendous trial, but she is withstanding it with the grace of God.

Dear Lord, I pray for an end to euthanasia and for those who are gravely suffering from incurable diseases. Lord, give them the full knowledge of what they will experience in Your Kingdom. I pray for Ann to adjust to her new life and that she would soon be able to return to daily Mass. I lift up Kathy, Lord. Please heal these precious women. Lastly I lift up Jamie. She was Your daughter and her life had worth. I pray that her family will honor her with a beautiful service. Amen.

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Love Is In the Air

Several years ago I wrote about my first heartbreak. It happened when I was in third grade and the boy who I loved was about to profess his true love for me or so I thought. I had a special Valentine card set aside for him; the words were simple, but the meaning for an eight-year-old was deep. My heart was ready for this next level of puppy love. When I look back to this chapter of my life, this little boy was nothing to write home about. Joe was a little on the portly side and his front teeth were piled on top of another. So, I can’t explain what really attracted me to him. I, on the other hand, was a sweet, shy little girl with huge brown eyes.

My First Valentine’s Day Memory 

This card exchange was about to reach a crescendo with my heart racing to open the card Joe had given me. My card for him read, “Will you be my Valentine?” but in my mind it read, “Will you one day marry me?” Joe was oblivious to my infatuation and his love for me was not reciprocated. I wanted to open Joe’s card privately so that I could take in the emotions slowly; I wanted this euphoria to last because I was high on love. When I opened his card it showed a cute kitten holding a heart that read “You are sweet.” Well that much was true, but I was still in shock about the rejection my heart felt that day . My best friend Anita, on the other hand, was gloating because in her tiny, baby-like hand was the card that really belonged to me. Joe gave Anita the “Will you be my Valentine” card! The bus ride home was the longest, most agonizing trip ever. I wanted to tell Anita to shut up and to quit smiling, I had no recourse at eight because my heart had no shield and it was broken. I never told a soul about this little trauma. What good would it do? Besides my best friend was the cause. Since this incident no one has ever broken my heart. I, on the other hand, have been the cause of a few broken hearts.

Marcus and his Nino Mike
Helen, Marcus and me
Me and Mike
Me, Gianna and Marcus

Side note: I recently looked up my old nemesis Anita on Facebook and stocked her for a few minutes; she is a retired nurse and still lives in the vicinity of our hometown Brawley. I looked up Joe as well but, due to his common last name, I lost interest after the first page of Joe’s.

The Engagement Party

On Saturday we attended our godson’s engagement party. When Larry and Helen asked us to be godparents at Marcus’ baptism, we were elated. Marcus is the youngest of their five children. We have been part of Marcus’ life from his birth, through every birthday party, high school graduation, college graduation and now we’re awaiting his wedding.

Gianna and Marcus

Marcus was the boy who had all the latest and greatest of toys. On his fourth birthday I decided to write a book about him. The title of the book was “The Boy Who Had Too Many Toys.” The book was a real-life situation because Marcus donated hundreds of his toys to children in Mexico. Though Marcus led a privileged life, he was always taught to remain spiritually humble. To us, he is a normal young man who impresses others because of his gentle spirit; this is something that he learned from his parents. Marcus’ family is the core of his being and this bond has kept him grounded to reality. For Marcus, family is first. Mike and I are not only his godparents, we are connected spiritually. Marcus knows that he can come to me for prayer, and he trusts that I will indeed intercede on his behalf.

Marcus and Gianna

In 2014 Marcus and Gianna met while they were still in high school. I have seen this relationship evolve and have grown to love Gianna. At first I thought it was a high school romance that would fade away, but I now understand that their union was God-ordained and has stood the test of time. We live in a time of chaos, where hook-ups are the norm. The youth of today go through so many partners, the they leave part of their souls with the last person they had an intimate relationship with. This is not the case with Marcus and Gianna, so to witness this type of relationship is refreshing.

Gianna won the hearts of Larry and Helen long ago. Gianna has the gift of servanthood and that encompasses love. Whatever this precious girl does, it’s as if she is doing it as unto the Lord. I saw a great growth in her last year as Helen was suffering through a horrible bout with COVID. Gianna, Marcus and Sarah (Helen’s daughter-in-law) were Helen’s saving grace.

Like Marcus, Gianna’s family plays a major role; her mother has done an excellent job of raising her. Gianna’s grandmother has been a great support in molding her into being the loving young lady she has become. Gianna has several of aunts and uncles who are always watching over her as well. She and Marcus will always be surrounded by family who will support them in great love.

As we were leaving the engagement party, Gianna sweetly announced that Mike and I were also her godparents. We can’t wait to celebrate their upcoming nuptials. It will be a blessed event.

The Real St. Valentine

St. Valentine of Rome is the patron saint of love, young people, and happy marriages.  St. Valentine was put in prison by the Emperor Claudius for marrying couples and professing his faith in Jesus. While he was in prison he healed a jailer’s daughter of blindness, and, on the day of his execution, he left the girl a card signed “Your Valentine.” This is the reason we exchange Valentine’s Day cards.

My Valentine roses

Anything having to do with love always stems to Christianity. We celebrate the Feast Day of St. Valentine on the 14th of February. My “Valentine” Mike  of 50 years has already filled our house with the scent of a dozen red roses.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for all marriages, that You would bless them with love. Jesus, help the youth of today to respect themselves and to remain pure. Teach them to love You first so that they, in turn, will grow to love themselves. Lord, bring the youth to serve You as never before. Amen.


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Myra, Nick, Jo, standing Danny and Maggie

One of the most complex spiritual subjects is purgatory. The word “purgatory” is not mentioned in the Bible, but there are several Bible Scriptures that guide us to believe that we must be purged of all of our sins before entering into the presence of God.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that:1031. “The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. [Cf. Council of Florence (1439): DS 1304; Council of Trent (1563): DS 1820; (1547): 1580; see also Benedict XII, Benedictus Deus (1336): DS 1000.] The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire. [Cf. 1 Cor 3:15; 1 Pet 1:7.] As for certain lesser faults, we must believe that, before the Final Judgment, there is a purifying fire.”

In other words, we as Catholics believe that there is a place of purification before entering heaven. We also believe that the purification process involves pain. Lastly, we believe that prayer from those on earth can assist those who are going through the purification. Those who are in purgatory will be saved but only by going through the fire of purging their sins.  Nothing unholy can enter into the Kingdom of God.

The Dreams

My three sisters: Myra, me, Norma, Jo and Maggie

I had a dream about my sister Myra. I remember the dream vividly. My other sister Jo and I were getting Myra ready for her wedding. Both Jo and I were fussing over her dress to make sure that the fit was perfect. When I woke up from the dream, I did not understand its meaning.  It had been seven years since Myra had passed away and she had never been married. I journaled the dream and wondered what it meant. I prayed for the repose of Myra’s soul, but not with a lot of intensity. Purgatory was something that I did not fully understand.

In the Word of God, Jesus is referred to as the Bridegroom. In Myra’s case, I believe that the Lord gave me an insight into her spiritual crossing from purgatory into heaven. The Lord was showing me that Myra was being adorned to meet her bridegroom Jesus, and Jo and I were helping her prepare for the marriage.

The Bible speaks about when we get to heaven that our bodies will be perfect. This is another dream that I had about a dear friend’s son. Victor died a week after Myra. He suffered from pancreatic cancer. I had this dream about five years ago. The dream setting was in an auditorium with theater-type seating, I was sitting toward the back.  In the dream Victor was on stage; the odd thing about this was that he was shirtless. His body was perfectly chiseled, like someone who regularly works out. This did not fit Victor’s normal physical appearance. Michael, Victor’s brother, walked in and sat next to me. We were both in awe as we watched Victor on stage. Michael asked me, “Is that really Victor?” “Yes,” I answered. Victor was receiving some type of special reward.

Why did the Lord entrust me with this dream? I believe that Victor’s mother needed special comfort and assurance that her son was now with the Lord. As Catholics we have opportunities to offer up Masses for the repose of the souls of the dearly departed.

Mike and I are regulars at the 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Norbert Parish. There are two young men who are also regulars: one reminds me of a friend’s son, and the other looks like a nephew of ours that passed away a few years ago. I mention these two men because I feel that I am to say a prayer for the first man and for the second man, because he resembles our nephew.  Seeing this man reminds me to pray for the repose of our nephew’s soul.

21 He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself.
Jo’s Dream
My sister’s dream was about our mother. In the dream our mother had a piece of chocolate cream pie and was dancing while eating it. She was wearing a beautiful, light-colored, flowy chiffon dress with a blue sash. As Jo described the dream, mother was wearing a beautiful lace apron as well. She offered Jo a piece of the pie.

This dream is loaded with symbolism: the pie represents pie-in-the sky, one of the delicious desserts you will receive in heaven. The flowy, chiffon dress is heavenly clothing; and the blue sash is what our Blessed Mother has worn in many of her apparitions. Her dancing represents the joy of being in heaven. To me this dream means that our mother was purified and is now in the presence of God.

Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception
Our Lady of Grace
In no way am I an expert on purgatory. I can only share what God has given me, and I believe that He has entrusted us with special gifts so that we can share them with others. I believe purgatory is real because how can we be so arrogant as to believe that we are  holy enough to be in the presence of God? I can’t attend Mass without showering and putting on my Sunday’s best, so I, too, must prepare to meet my Maker clean.
My Prayer:
I thank You, Lord, for all the beautiful gifts You have bestowed on us. Prepare our hearts to always be ready to meet You. Lord, I love to be in Your Holy Presence and I continue to pray for all those who remain in my daily prayers, especially those who are suffering from cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Heal them, Lord. Amen.
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