Eight Prison Visits

Before visiting Mario I flew to Arizona to visit his mother Norma.


Me and Norma

Arizona Bound

It was a short trip, two nights to be exact. My sister Norma works weekends, so I planned the trip accordingly. The main purpose for this visit was to meet Gabriel, my niece Maggie’s baby.

The Laundry

Norma and I always have a great time together. We have a lot in common; we are both insecure drivers, always asking Jesus to intervene on our behalf. When I arrived I was wearing a really cute, comfortable outfit, but some of the chicken tostada that I had for lunch stained my top. I wanted to wash it so that I could wear it home. Norma had just put a load in the washer and suggested, “I can throw it in with my laundry, I just started the load.” I got a flashback about all the bleach stains on her black pants and answered, “No, I’m okay.”

While Norma was getting her clothes out to transfer them  to the dryer, she noticed her black pants with a lot of white residue. “Oh my gosh, my pants are still dirty! I need to wash them again.” Then she pulled  her mophead out of the washer. She had forgotten to get the mop out of the machine when she threw in her dark colors. I breathed a sigh of relief!

Mass and Adoration

Lent is very important to me, so I wanted to be sure to attend Mass. We attended the 8:30 a.m. Mass. When I found out that All Saints Catholic Church has perpetual Adoration, I asked Norma and her grandson Eli if they wanted to go into the Adoration Chapel. Eli said that he loved the Mass and Adoration. Although this is about 20 minutes away from Norma’s home, she frequently goes there.

All Catholic churches have Adoration. For instance at my parish it is only on the first Friday of the month. So to say that I was excited is an understatement. I love being before the Blessed Sacrament. You can feel the holiness in knowing that you are in the presence of God.

Bible Study

Norma planned a dinner of mole.  Mole is  chicken prepared  in a sauce made with chili pepper, spices and chocolate. We also had potato salad and mixed green vegetables. My sister lives in senior cottages. She fixed a plate for one of her neighbors. Norma is so generous with her meals.

Our Bible study followed dinner. This grateful neighbor joined Jacob, Norma’s other grandson, Eli and Norma for the Bible study.

Chapter thirty-seven of Genesis describes Joseph and his eleven brothers. I love this story. Joseph went through so many trials.  He was sold into slavery, then thrown into prison for a crime he did not commit. Joseph’s prolific life is still a testament but the Lord was at his side the entire time. We look to him as an example of fortitude in knowing that with God we will prevail.


Gabriel, baby Gabriel and Maggie
Baby Gabriel
Maggie, Eli, Norma, Norma, Jacob and baby Gabriel

Meeting Baby Gabriel

I finally got to meet Gabriel, my niece Maggie’s baby. We met halfway for dinner and had the most delightful time. I had a Margarita and started talking too much. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Maggie, Gabriel and baby Gabriel were an added joy this visit.

The Confirmation

Before I left for Arizona, I made an appointment to visit Mario. I attended Mass and the Gospel on Friday was from Genesis 37. I had planned to read that same chapter to Mario! This is how God works in my life; He always confirms my plans to alleviate any doubt I may have. Norco, CA  is about 30 minutes from my home. From past visits I discovered that St. Mels Catholic Church has Adoration every Friday. So before the visit I drove to Adoration, which is located seven minutes from the prison. I Asked God for total surrender and for our visit to be led by the Holy Spirit.

The Line

Normally I’m the first to arrive at the facility, but since I  had attended Adoration a line had formed. I quickly became the clothes police telling two women that they did not meet the prison dress code, so for about two seconds I felt empowered. One lady from Delano had driven five hours to visit her son. She did not bring any money with her. The rest of us know better because part of the visit is breaking  bread with the person you are visiting. I felt bad for her.

Then I witnessed something that I can’t erase from my mind. A husband and wife were sitting in front of me (I was standing). Then the man plucked a hair from his wife’s chin. I was so disgusted by this action that I looked away.  But when I lifted my head, they were examining the hair! Lord, please get this vision out of my head!

The Checkpoints

We go through two clearances. The first one is minimal; the officers check your ID and make note of the jewelry you’re wearing. They also check the money you bring and use a hand metal detector. From there we formed another line to pass through double gates.

This is the second checkpoint. We sit and wait for our names to be called. At this point we must remove our shoes and belts and get a stamp on the inside of our right wrists. They double-check your jewelry,  then we must walk through a metal detector. Usually these officers are indifferent and rarely have eye contact with us, but the next set of officers are a little more personal. I always feel that we, the visitors, are treated like inmates.

As I hand in my ID, I ask for an outdoor table in the shade. Even though my words are ignored, my request is generally honored.

Table Thirty-One 

I purchased all the food we are going to eat before Mario arrived.  As I passed the lady from Delano, I was convicted because I had all this food in my hands. When Mario arrived I got up and purchased water and a package of Oreo cookies for her and her son. Table thirty-one was perfect.

Bible Study And Buttercup

I had so much to share with Mario about my visit with his mom. I told him about the mop and then I remembered that Norma had wrecked her car. “How did she wreck the car?”  Mario asked. “She ran into her garage!” I answered.

I read from Genesis 37 and though Mario is familiar with the story we both received new insight. We discussed all the text but still could not quite figure out how long Joseph was in prison. We came to the conclusion he was imprisoned from three to eight years.

Mario talked about the puppy he’s training. He is in love with Buttercup because  she brings so much joy to his life. He is training Buttercup to become a service dog. Buttercup will remain with him for several more months.

Great news to report: Mario will be up for parole in mid-July! Please pray for him to do well.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank You for the visit with Norma. Lord, we are asking for favor that  Mario will be paroled in Arizona. Heavenly Father, let this transition be guided by You. I pray that all inmates would seek You for guidance and walk humbly before You. May they never feel abandoned. Amen.

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Lent’s Special Graces

Mikos, me, Mike and Maddie and our beautiful Pacific Ocean

The Gospel reading for Sunday’s Mass was about the Transfiguration.

This Lent is different from last year.  I have incorporated more prayer by shutting out the noise and placing a time limit on social media. My commitment to fasting from noise and social media has deepened my prayer time. I use social media as a means to promote my Blog, so by 5:00 p.m. I shut it down. This is a big sacrifice because during these hours I find myself immersed, being entertained by meaningless posts that occupy too much of my time. May the Good Lord grant me favor; I pray that this will become a permanent change.

Purifying Your Mind

A subtle change has entered my mind. When I start to say something unfavorable about another person, the Holy Spirit filters my words. When God clearly is guiding our thoughts, the evidence of holiness is revealed. For instance, the other day during a phone conversation, the person on the other end was speaking critically about someone we both knew. Normally I would with agreed their statements and added to the conversation. But this time I was overwhelmed with anxiety. It was so bothersome that my heart started beating at an accelerated rate.

Listening to those  harsh words spoken distressed my spirit. Only after I ended the conversation did I come to this realization: the Lord is stripping me of uncharitable behavior.

Following these two great apps daily helps me keep my focus on seeking God.

Hollow App

This is my second year with Hollow. It may be a little on the expensive side, but for ninety days you can subscribe for free. I pray the rosary alongside Jonathan Roumie, as well as following The Catechism In One Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz. I’m also listening to Lent Pray 40.

Lately it’s been a bit challenging to complete the rosary, so this app is allowing me to devote more time and discipline to prayer.

Ascension App

Fr. Josh Johnson from Ascension is teaching how to be Set Free: Daily Lenten Reflections to Overcome the Seven Deadly Sins. In the segment on sloth, Fr. Johnson shared a prayer that we should all be praying as soon as  we wake up. He stated that all consecrated religious, including the Pope, pray this prayer daily: “Lord open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise.”

The Seven Deadly Sins

Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth are the seven deadly sins. These sins  are deadly because they are the root causes of other sins that lead to moral corruption. So many lost souls are filled with pride, which opens other doors like greed and envy. Personally sloth has caused my prayer life to become stagnant because of worldly distractions. Lord, deliver me from sloth!

Outward Purging

“Pre diabetic” was written all over MyChart (an online personal medical record). I fight this diagnosis daily, and many times, I lose the battle. This condition can worsen very fast, so now I’m exercising daily. This regimen is new for me, so it takes a lot more discipline. Exercising three or four times a week was the norm, but that’s now changing.

Father and son
Me , Maddie , Jenny and Mike

In the last four years I’ve managed to shed 25 pounds, but apparently I need to lose more. Since my favorite foods are all carb-related, it’s been a challenge to bring my numbers down. If I eat too many carbs, it’s followed by a 20-minute walk.

The Getty Museum 

Mikos and Jenny invited us to visit The Getty Museum in Los Angeles. We knew this venture entails a lot of walking, and we also had to climb many flights of stairs. With a slower pace, both Mike and I kept up. And the best part was I was not winded.

The Coronation of the Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph and Francis   Giulio Cesare Procaccini
St. Bartholomew depicted with a knife because he was skinned to death. Rembrandt
Irises by Van Gogh
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife    Guido Reni

In 1974 the J. Paul Getty Museum opened. Its grounds are as beautiful as its art. Sometimes Mother Nature can be so generous; on this particular day she brightened the sky with a crispy breeze that provided spectacular views. Even though this museum is within driving distance, we had never been there. Off the busy 405 freeway, every time we’d pass the museum I’d make a mental note that one day we would pay it a visit. This museum is free of charge, but you do need to make reservations.

The Art

Of course I wanted to see the famous works of Van Gogh, Rembrandt and any religious artwork. What goes through the mind of great artists while they’re painting? Are their hands and minds moved by God? All that I can say is this: All their gifts are from God. Artists, whether they realize it or not, touch so many by their works. On the other hand, we walked into a modern artist’s work. Although it was beautifully done, this artist had been influenced by the darkness of the occult.

Seeing with my own eyes the beauty captured by Van Gogh’s Irises, made me want to become an art critic. But in my non artistic words, it is simply beautiful. Flowers always represent joy, a new life springing, and this is what I received from Van Gogh’s masterpiece. I felt blessed to finally see one of his paintings.

We are in the second week of Lent and, with a lot of effort, I can feel a difference in my spirit. The more I yield to practicing good virtues, the closer I feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I love being in His Holy Presence. There is a gentle peace that can only come from God. Nothing else suffices.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You for all the gifts You have bestowed on Your people. May those You have hand picked to make a difference in the world have a great awakening. Lord, we are all a blank canvas, waiting for Your Masterful hand to complete in us the beautiful work  for what we were created. Reveal the gifts You have set aside for us, and may we guard and protect them. Amen.


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The Conversion Of Madelyne Jeanne Ciriza

Madelyne Jeanne is our first grandchild and the only girl of our four grandchildren.

The Importance Of Names

Her name is special because it represents both grandmothers. The “lyn” is derived from my name Lynda. In addition, her maternal grandmother’s name is Jeanne, Maddie’s middle name. I affectionately call her Melon because when saying Madelyne in a quick succession it sounds like “Melon.” There are many variations on how to spell her name, but I know of only one Madelyne. Maddie is truly unique and her bold personality is a testament to who God created for His purpose.

The Prophecies

Long before Maddie’s spiritual heart was  being formed, I belonged to a Catholic lay group. Our director was gifted with the word of prophecy. Before the iPhones, we recorded the prophetic words on audio cassettes. Out of habit, replaying the prophetic words about my grandchildren helped me memorize what was spoken. When it came to Maddie, the Word of God was that she would have my mantle. Over and over the same prophetic words about Maddie serving the Lord were confirmed.

Maddie and friends
Gull Lake, MN

I kept these things in my heart and prayed about them coming to fruition. Understanding how God works in our families is learning that it’s always in His time. My family is saturated in daily prayers; not a day passes without them being prayed for. My prayer for Maddie had shifted from finding a helpmate to her drawing closer to God.

Maddie’s Parents

There is a wonderful, mysterious relationship between a mother and child. Jenny, Maddie’s mom, is a prayer warrior for her daughter. We all knew that something had gone awry with Maddie, so we prayed. Maddie is blessed with parents who care deeply about her wellbeing. All we could do was come alongside them and pray for Maddie’s mental health.


Maddie was 15-years-old when COVID hit. This really altered her life in all aspects. She could not drive or do anything social. Going on hikes with her parents and brother was not her idea of fun.

Since sixth grade she had been attending a youth group at Calvary Chapel. With the governments mandates the youth group meeting came to a halt. She lost sight of who she was and no longer had a relationship with God; her faith had weakened and she fell into a pit of unbelief. She was devoid of any spirituality.


Maddie was a rebellious teen and she started to develop unhealthy friendships. She was not sure why she was angry but she was. She continued to question God’s existence and, along with her friends, made their own rules. Because of  COVID’s restrictions she had no discipline; she felt like she could get up when she felt like it. She hated zoom classed and felt that it was a waste of time.

The Betrayal

Social distancing was no better. She experienced her first high school boyfriend. Maddie introduced her friends to his friends and they did everything as a group. After a few months Maddie broke up with her boyfriend. Never would she expect her friends to shut her out and exclude her; these girls took sides and it deeply hurt Maddie. To a sixteen-year-old, this was the worse time in Maddie’s life. She focused on college.

New Friendships

Maddie made new friends, healthy-minded girls who were supportive of her. One girl in particular is still her best friend; they met through a Club Volleyball Team. She made other friends who were in her classes as well. Maddie felt the presence of God in her life, but did not have a personal relationship with Him.

High School Life Lesson

Maddie’s high school life lesson is without God you have no control. If you try to control your life, it leads to negativity; nothing good comes of it.

Grand Canyon University

Maddie visited several colleges; she visited Grand Canyon University twice and felt a strong sence of community. This felt different from the other colleges she visited. It seemed that this was a fit for her, and that she would have fun there. She and her best friend roomed together along with four other girls. She was settled and happy but felt a void; she was still trying to find who she was.

The Calling

Maddie had all she wanted; her roommate situation was great. All that had been removed in high schools had been restored, but there was still something missing. She did not feel satisfied. She was invited to attend a retreat, “Kamp Love.” This organization was founded by Christian college students to bring community in Christ.


The Baptism

The Retreat

At the beginning of the retreat Maddie felt that there was a lot of turmoil, a warfare within her spirit. The first night was dedicated to mental and physical wellbeing. “I was still angry, I knew I had to give everything to the Lord.”  She confided in one of the prayer team leaders for two hours and was experiencing the power of God setting her free. The young mentor was led by the Holy Spirit and guided Maddie to the realization that she needed to surrender all to God. She was Baptized that weekend.


Do you think Satan would not notice Maddie’s conversion? No, because once Maddie was saved it was a long process to fully have confidence in herself. Because like the rest of us we have trouble forgiving ourselves. In Maddie’s words, ” Learning more about God’s forgiveness and mercy helped me feel comfortable in the process. My past is a testament of God’s presence and faithfulness…He waited for me.”

The Post

I follow Maddie on social media and when she posted her commitment to Christ, I knew she was home.

My Prayer

Dear Lord,  I thank You for Maddie’s conversion. I know that there are thousands upon thousands of youth who are struggling with spiritual direction. Guide them into Your loving arms and set them free. Reveal Your love to them and use our youth as never before. Set them on fire to serve You and to spread Your holy Word to the nations. Amen.

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