From Ashes To Glory

We are in the second week of Advent.

December 8th

On December 8th Catholics honor our Blessed Mother Mary’s Immaculate Conception. This refers to the Catholic belief that Saint Anne, Mary’s mother, conceived her without the stain of original sin.

The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

Pope Pius IX formally defined  the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Ineffabilis Deus, in 1854. In 1858 the Blessed Mother Mary revealed her name to Saint Bernadette, an uneducated, peasant girl by saying, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

Mike, Notre Dame Cathedral, 1991

Notre Dame

On December 8th Paris, France will be buzzing. Dignitaries from all over the world will witness the Archbishop of Paris, Laurent Marie Ulrich, consecrate the altar of this grand cathedral. It is by no coincidence that this celebration falls on December 8th. It is the providence of God that this is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Dates and numbers are important in our liturgical calendar.

Holy Number Thirteen

It is not surprising that Satan wants to take over the 13th day of the month. He mimics anything holy, attempting to rob us of our blessings by using the 13th as a cursed number. Those of us who were properly catechized recognize the schemes of the Devil and will not yield to his diabolical antics.

The Blessed Mother Mary appeared to the three shepherd children of Fatima six times between May and October in 1917, always on the 13th day of the month.

Saint John Paul II, Fatima May 2024

Saint John Paul II

On May 13, 1981, while Pope John Paul II was greeting thousands of visitors in St. Peter’s Square, there was an assassination attempt on his life. After over five hours of surgery and the transfusion of six pints of blood, the pope survived. The pontiff credited his survival to Our Lady of Fatima by saying, “One hand fired the bullet, while another hand guided it.” A supernatural force saved him.

On this exact day, May 13, 1981, in Fatima, the pope had given permission for the Third Secret to be read. During the reading of the Third Secret the pope was shot.

The First Secret was the vision of Hell, and the Second Secret was the rise of Communism in Russia. The Third Secret was much more intense and apocalyptic.

The Third Secret Of Fatima

This information is from the Fatima Center in Portugal: In the conclusion to his study of the Third Secret, Frère Michel sums up his findings as follows:

“Having reached the end of our inquiry, we are able to discern, with near certainty, the essential elements of Our Lady’s final secret: While ‘in Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved,’ in many nations, perhaps in almost the entire world, the Faith will be lost. The pastors of the Church will fail gravely in the duties of their office. Through their fault, consecrated souls and the Faithful in great number will let themselves be seduced by pernicious errors spread everywhere. This will be the time of the decisive battle between the Blessed Virgin and the devil. A wave of diabolical disorientation will be hurled over the world. Satan will introduce himself even to the highest summit of the Church. He will blind the minds and harden the hearts of pastors. And God will deliver them to themselves as a chastisement for their refusal to obey the requests of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This will be the great apostasy predicted for the ‘last times’; ‘the False Lamb’ and ‘False Prophet’ will betray the Church to the profit of ‘the Beast’, according to the prophecy of the Apocalypse.”

This Third Secret was given to the three children on July 13, 1917.

Fatima, May 2024

President Trump

There was an assassination  attempt on President Trump on July 13, 2024. His life, too. was spared. In the words of President Trump, “God spared my life not once but twice.” In the same speech President Trump stated that he would restore religion back to our country.


How do we prepare for the great apostasy predicted in the Third Secret? As for me, I will continue to occupy until He comes. My life will be unchanged because God knows my heart. I am a sinner, whose sins have been nailed to the Cross. Attending daily Mass and receiving Holy Communion absolves me of all venial sins. The Devil cannot condemned me nor remind me of my past sins because Jesus paid the price on the Cross for not only me but for everyone.

Fear Not

If you are truly serving God, you have nothing to fear. The Enemy will use every trick in his dirty bag to try to bring you down. He is like an attorney from hell, and logic is his key weapon. But God has given us great discernment and wisdom to fight off the fiery darts of the Devil.

Covered By The Blood

Stay on the right path and know your giftings. We all have special gifts. The closer you approach the throne of God, the more revelation you will receive. Most importantly you must have a covering; mine is the Catholic Church. Be aware of false teaching, and flee if the beliefs of that church do not align with the Word of God. Lastly, stop preaching to Catholics that their doctrine is incorrect. We’ve been around for over 2,000 years, and our first pope was Saint Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ!


I have visited the Cathedral of Notre Dame many times. Once when we were attending Mass, it was crowded with many pilgrims, so we had to stand. At that time Mother Teresa’s nuns were giving communion. When a nun approached me, she motioned for me to open my mouth. As awkward as this was for me, I understood the reverence.

The Crown of Thorns

Only years later did I discover that the Crown of Thorns is deposited in the treasury of Notre Dame Cathedral. We praise God because the Crown,  along with other beautiful icons, was saved from the fire of 2019. I know soon, God willing, Mike and I will make our way back to Paris to visit Notre Dame and all the other holy sites that France has to offer.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You for restoring Notre Dame. In many ways I believe that You are restoring France as well. Lord, just as You can rebuild edifices, You can restore us. Bring us from the ashes and breathe new life in us all. Amen.








































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The Case Of The Lost Phone


Setting up for Bingo

I lost my phone on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.

Holiday Parking

I normally park a distance from where I’m shopping in order to get some steps in. Because it was such a busy shopping day, I wanted a good parking spot; so I prayed and got the best spot! Stationing my car next to a handicapped parking was ideal. There was a woman ringing the Salvation Army bell directly outside Hobby Lobby. Before exiting the car,  I looked in my wallet for some loose change: two dimes and several pennies, that  was not enough money!

Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby is my go to place for inexpensive Christmas accessories, and I needed to purchase gift prizes for the Bingo game that we play every Thanksgiving. Of course I ended up with stupid, useless items that inevitably will be returned.

Salvation Army

Supporting the Salvation Army has always been part of the holiday season for me, so I felt a tug in my heart to give. Searching deep in every compartment of my handbag, I found a five-dollar bill. I got out of my vehicle and donated the money. Gathering all the stuff that I pulled out of my purse, I quickly shoved everything back into my handbag. I was almost home when I discovered that my phone was missing! “No phone detected,” read  the screen in my car!

Back to Hobby Lobby

Through so many mishaps and two trips back to Hobby Lobby, Sonja found my phone! “Mom, it’s in the parking lot.” Upon returning, a white car was parked where I had originally parked. Needless to say, I was not having a good  day. It had been several days since I had washed my hair, and I was not dressed for anything but cleaning the house. By this time I had gone home and got Mike’s phone. I made several attempts to look under the parked car, but I did not want to get on my hands and knees. I approached a young couple; the man had a cross tatted on his neck. “Excuse me, can you help me?” They both ignored my plea. Who could blame them? I looked like a homeless pan handler. “Please, can you help me, I’ve lost my phone?” They both looked at the phone I held  in my hands, “No, this is my husband’s phone; mine is under this car.” The man agreed to look under the car but to no avail.  There was no phone underneath the car.

Next Step

Mikos called me and told me that the phone was in the parking lot, but it wasn’t. So I drove to Sonja’s. “Mom, what is your Apple ID?” I did have it but it, was stored  in my phone. Sonja was busy baking pies for Thanksgiving, and without the ID she could not help. “You’re going to have to go to the Apple Store to get this sorted out! Good luck with that on Black Friday!” Russ thoughtfully reported the lost phone to the Anaheim Police Department in case it was turned in. By this time my phone had stopped pinging; it was either run over or picked up to be sold on the black market.

The Landline

I begged Mike not to get rid of the landline; thank God we kept it, because this was our means of communication.  Mike’s and Sonja’s cell and Helen’s landline are the only numbers I have memorized. I used Mike’s cell phone to call my sisters because I knew that on Thanksgiving Day I was going to be without a phone.

Our Family
The grandkids

Mike To The Rescue

In my dreams and in real life Mike always comes to the rescue. We got up early Friday and headed to the Brea Mall. Again I silently prayed for a parking spot and we quickly found one. Yes, the line was out the door at the Apple Store, but within an hour I had my new phone. One problem: without an Apple ID I could only receive calls.

Russ was at our house hanging our Christmas lights, so he offered to help me. Nothing was working! I received a message from, informing me  that it would take 12 days to get it restored! When I get negative messages like this, I do not receive them! I prayed.


I called my friend Helen and shared the dismal news. She suggested that I contact Keaton. “He might know your Apple ID,”  she added. Keaton is the young man who  fixes all my Blog issues. After an hour of research and with a lot of patience, Keaton was able to reset the Apple ID. Without a doubt he is a genius.

Moral Of  The Story

There is a moral to this story. Do not go shopping for things you do not need. Be careful of your surroundings, and always keep your phone inside your handbag. I noticed my phone was half way out of my purse when I was shopping. Be organized and, if you’re willing to support the Salvation Army, have  the money in your hand. You can live without a phone for a few days; it’s not the end of the world.  Also make sure your Apple ID is not stored in your phone. Lastly, trust that God will always get you through these situations.

The Lord allows us to go through these trials to slow us down. Earlier this month I was in a fender bender accident. After the investigation, it was concluded that it was my fault. I was impatient, and that caused the accident. I feel that this November  I’ve become a liability; first the car, and now the phone. I do need to slow down. Please pray for me.


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving ; the only downside was that I could not take pictures using my phone,  nor could I send out text messages wishing others a Happy Thanksgiving. We played bingo, but  the winning prizes from Hobby Lobby were left behind.

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, teach us to be good stewards of our money. Everything we have is because You have bestowed and entrusted us with these gifts. May this Advent season bring us closer to You.  May every day be a day of Thanksgiving. Amen.

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Bringing Joy To The World

Our Holy Land tree

December 3rd is the first day of Advent.


The liturgical seasons of the Catholic church are beautifully arranged,  allowing us time to prepare for Christmas. The word Advent is derived from ad+venire;  its Latin meaning is “to come, ” “to come towards.” That is the state of mind we should all be preparing for. We, as Christians, are to renew our desire for the Lord at a deeper level. We prepare our spirits and our hearts to humbly receive special graces during the Advent season. Advent is referred to as “Little Lent.” We are preparing for the arrival of Jesus in our hearts. The best way to prepare during Lent is to give of ourselves.

Helping Others

Every Saturday our parish generously distributes food to over 300 families. This is done on a volunteer basis. The service is  from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon.  If you are able and willing to participate in this compassionate outreach, it is a perfect way to start Advent.

If you are brave enough, you can stand outside an abortion clinic and pray the rosary. My son-in-law Russ tricked me into doing this. He called me and asked if I wanted to attend a Catholic Bible study with him. To me that’s a no brainer, a family member and Bible study? I was in. He gave me an address and told me to meet him there. I got a little suspicious when he told me to park at the 99 Cent Store parking lot. The address was not right, so I parked where instructed. Russ then told me to meet him across the way on Tustin Street. This street  in Orange is a major artery, with six lanes to cross. Suddenly I see Russ waving to get my attention. He was standing in front of the Planned Parenthood clinic, and our Bible study was to pray the rosary at the entrance. Despite my uncomfortable reaction, I did enjoy the experience.

Visit Prisoners

Every jail inmate has a family, and I can speak from experience that many of these inmates do not get visitors. This past weekend my sister Norma sacrificed her work to make a trip out to see her son Mario. My sister also arranged for two of her grandsons to visit Mario as well. This was not an easy task; she had to go through a lot of red tape to get the boys’ clearance. They needed a copy of their original birth certificates plus a notarized letter from their mother giving them permission for the visit. Her granddaughter Bella also came, but she was not given approval because her application was not turned in on time.

Norma, Jacob and Eli
Bella and Jacob

I know that my sister sheds many tears for her son, but she kept all her emotions to herself.  As a family they had a wonderful visit, but as a mother she can’t help but worry about Mario’s future. She cries when she speaks of him. My sister is so strong, I know that she will one day see her son succeed. These are the promises of God for those who love Him.

I, too, plan to visit Mario before Christmas. The joy you bring to an incarcerated individual lasts a lifetime, not only for them but for you as well.

The Holy Spirit is ever present during our visits. Our conversations are filled with the love of Christ. Our deep connection through God causes us to remember those who are less fortunate. Yes, there are many at this particular prison that have a life sentence. We need to pray for our relatives who are in prison and, if you cannot visit, write to them. A written letter will be something that they will read over and over again. Bring joy to them by letting them know you care. Tell them that God is not done with them yet, and that He has a perfect plan for their lives once they get out. But mostly pray, pray, pray for them.

Christmas Overload

This time of year brings great joy to the spirits of many. We are transformed into busy people. Since Thanksgiving was so late this year, I decided to put up Christmas. Every room of our home is filled with Christmas cheer! I started in mid-November by putting up the Mexican tree, and the following day I decorated the kids’ tree.

Since discovering that hoarding might become a problem, I no longer purchase Christmas ornaments. I had accumulated so many ornaments that I had to purchase more trees, hence all the themes. The Holy Land tree is one of my favorites. All the olive wood, hand-cut ornaments bring me great memories of all the years I traveled to the Middle East. I hope one day soon I can return. Our cat Prudie has stationed herself in the manger. She loves to be one of the animals in the Nativity and, in a special way, she is guarding the Christ child.

I wanted our home to be filled with joy when Norma and her family arrived, so as she was visiting Mario I decorated the upstairs bathroom and bedroom.

Our guest room

My Cat Prudie

We are not sure exactly how old Prudie is, but we know that she is over 20 years old. We are very careful not to let her outside without supervision. Last Monday night she got out. Neither Mike nor I had any idea that she was outside. It was not until the following morning while I was proofreading my Blog that I heard her crying. She was cold and very hungry. The following day as Mike was raking up the leaves from under the tree, a fig fell off the tree and hit him on the head. As he looked up he made eye contact with a rat. He chased the rat across the garden, but the dirty rodent  got away. Prudie must have gotten wind of this, because the following morning she caught the rat and left it for Mike. It was an early Christmas present.

Prudie guarding the Child Jesus

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for all of us to draw closer to You during Advent. Open our hearts to be yielded to Your calling. Lord, I pray for the lonely, broken-hearted, and all who have not come to the knowledge of who You are. Pray for all those in prison, that they may they feel Your holy presence during this most joyful season. Amen.

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