Is the end near?
In the years that I was away from the covering of the Catholic Church, the core Protestant message was ”The End Is Near.” I believe this ideology is about to be resurrected because in my 71 years I have never witnessed so much evil.
Social Media
I am active on Social Media to promote this Blog, but this is a portal for evil to enter. Being of sound mind does not protect me from scrolling through all the evil misinformation. This fake news is purposefully meant to lure us in. Before you realize it, you’ve entered into a dark abyss. This is a form of hardcore manipulation. My heart aches for those who do not have the discernment to filter out the lies. How do people fall through these cracks of society? It is quite evident that many will listen to the voices ruled by fame.
Bad Influencers
These influencers are paving a clear path to hell. It’s a mesmerizing, spiritual battle that sucks you in. In addition, attached to this fame are evil spirits. Any form of fame is a powerful weapon, and the Enemy uses it to influence weak souls. Any music artist who opens the door to Satan is in for an eye-opening adventure. It does not matter how on top of the world you are, God can bring you down in a microsecond. The only reason He is not doing it now is because God is giving them an opportunity to repent.
Being Accountable
We are all accountable for our actions and God is watching and listening to all the evil. This evil is a silent pandemic that is not only spreading, it’s thriving.
The Mini Retreat
This past Saturday I attended a retreat. Reluctantly I felt a tug in my heart to attend. I knew some of the people that were going to attend, but when I walked into the session, I wanted to leave. There were several persons there who made me feel uncomfortable. I had not talked to them in over a year. With these feelings came disdain. I listened and the message was about loving everyone. Within myself I knew that something was off. “Okay Lord, I love them but do I have to like them?”
I internalized this thought. For a minute I was fine with this warped decision. But the more I listened to the Word that was being shared, the more conviction came over me.
Making It Right
I was struggling with my thoughts of being fine with how I felt. As I was taking notes the Holy Spirit ordered me to get up and help the person who made me feel uncomfortable by setting up for the lunch. I did not hesitate! It was as if the Holy Spirit took over my being. I knew that this person was uncomfortable with me as well. The secular cliche; “out of sight, out of mind” was conveniently working for me. If I truly felt that I had forgiven this person, why did I have these uncomfortable feelings?
The Lord revealed that forgiveness is not only a thought but an action. Forgiveness frees the person from bondage. Though I have fully given this to the Lord, only time will tell if trust will once again be established. I thank God for this lesson because this will clearly allow me to move into another realm of my spiritual walk.
God’s Calling
We all have a calling, and I pray that mine remains on the right track and that God will continue to correct me every step of the way. We have a job to do; we need to form an army of warriors to fight the battle ahead of us. Bring out our shields of faith so that we can quench all the fiery darts of the Enemy. We can’t sit back and watch Satan take over the minds of our children and grandchildren. Our faith needs to be protected.
We can not operate in fear. God did not ask us to be strong. He commanded it!