As we celebrate National Women’s Month, I am grateful for all the wonderful accomplishments of women who have stood their ground, persevered, and, against all odds, made their place in modern history. But the story I’d like to share is about the most humble, courageous woman: Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Her calling to serve God uniquely formed her into one of the most influential women of our time.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta
This tiny woman accomplished so much in her life. Mother Teresa ( her title at the time of the speech) was a special guest at the White House for the National Day of Prayer in 1994. Her entire speech was about love: love of family and neighbor and how we are to receive those who are poor, hungry and homeless. She was there to serve at her full capacity.
Love was her key word and she commanded the respect of all who were there. Her speech was clear and convincing, knowing full well that more than half of her audience was not supporting her godly views, including President Bill and First Lady Hillary Clinton. She was Jesus to them and expressed the love of God to them without judgment.

Everyone in the audience received a copy of St. Francis of Assisi’s “Peace Prayer.” Saint Teresa invited all who were present to recite the prayer with her. Why did she do this? I believe she was putting all her listeners under the subjection of the Holy Spirit because what she had to say would resonate throughout the nation. This universal prayer was also performed by Elton John at Princess Diana’s memorial service. Mother Teresa moved mountains with her prayers, but it was how she delivered her humble message that affected many.
She spoke at length about the poorest of the poor, and, shared a story of when she brought them in to feed them, how they taught her a lesson on love. This godly saint spoke about their eyes and how to discern people’s emotions by looking into their eyes. Saint Teresa also spoke about smiling and how joyful it was for her to see people in dire straits show great gratitude by a simple smile.
The Bible speaks about the eyes being the window to our soul.
Saint Teresa’s Speech
When St. Teresa spoke, she did not hold back. She was not worried about any backlash, or being cancelled because she came with a message from God. She quoted Scripture and used it invariably in her speech. Today, almost 30 years later, would this saint be respected and honored as she was in 1994? Only God can answer that question, but I believe that among us are many Christians who are operating in the spirit of this great saint. Her words were timeless and bold; to speak on the subject of abortion in 1994 was considered risky.
In the words of Saint Teresa of Calcutta:
“But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because Jesus said, “If you receive a little child, you receive me.” So, every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus — is the neglect of receiving Jesus.
It is really a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts.
Jesus gave even His life to love us. So, the mother who is thinking of abortion should be helped to love — that is, to give until it hurts her plans, her free time, to respect the life of her child. For the child is the greatest gift of God to the family because they have been created to love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts.
The father of that child, however, must also give until it hurts.”
Honoring Real Women
No one valued women more than Jesus. This started with His relationship with His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary’s gentle spirit taught Him how to treat women. Our Lord honored His Mother and taught us to do the same. Mary’s role was the greatest example of womanhood. No other woman can compare to her.
Every action we take in life will be our history. Our current president supported his wife First Lady Jill Biden, who celebrated International Women’s Day by presenting an an International Women of Courage Award to a biological male who identifies as a woman. This will be the legacy of President Biden. With this news, Saint Teresa would not be turning in her grave; rather, she would be praying fervently for our country.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, we honor all women who choose to do right in Your eyes. Bless them with Your love. Lord, help me with my struggle to pray for our sitting president. Teach me to operate in love as Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Help us all to become more loving. Thank You for teaching us that this special love comes from the heart of those who truly love You first. Amen.