Breaking Generational Curses


For over 15 years the mantle of the homeless ministry has fallen on my heart.  I will never forget  the encounter with Michael, a scrawny, medium height young man in his early twenties.  After handing Michael a sack lunch I asked him if he needed prayer. In a soft hurting voice he answered yes. As I looked into his eyes I asked him what he needed prayer for, he stated that his father recently died of a heroin overdose, he added that his grandmother also died of the same thing. Michael wanted prayer to be freed of the bondage of heroin himself. This prayer encompassed going back three generations. The Bible speaks of this type of affliction and its attachment to the bloodline as a curse brought on by the sins of our fathers.

“The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clean the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and fourth generation.” Num 14:18

You can break these curses off your familys’ bloodline by this simple prayer:

Dear heavenly Father, I humbly come before you and I ask that you would expose and remove (name curse here) off of my bloodline. I command  this (name curse here) curse off me and and any family members. If there is anything in me that is culpable and keeping from serving you remove it in the name of Jesus. I thank you and praise you for the work you are doing in healing of my family. Amen

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