Joanne celebrated her 82nd birthday praying for people in Bosnia. Kristofori was only expecting 300 but there were more than 600 at the seminar; not a single person was denied prayer.
Danijel, me and Marko
We go our separate ways today, the rest of the team to Rome for the canonization of Mother Teresa. Jane, Liggett and I are heading home. Both Danijel and Marko drove us to Dubrovnik to catch our connecting flight home; the two and a half hour drive through a mountain road at 2:30 AM required a lot of conversation to keep Danijel awake, Marko slept most of the way so poor Danijel had to endure all my cat stories.
We will miss the company of these two, they were instrumental in coordinating all these events, drove us, translated for us and shared the love of Christ; the fire they have for God is unquenchable.
California and Croatia Teams
Our teams were in unity, after long services, sleepless nights, swollen feet, together with Kristofori we moved a few mountains.
Hotel curifix
In the main conference room of Hotel Mogorjelo is a crucifix for all to view.
We drove 6 hours from Zagreb to Medugorje; eating what the rest of world does on road trips, junk food, Croatian cookies, Trail Mix, candy.
It was 6AM Tuesday by the time Josip drove us to the holy mountain called Christ Redemption Hill. Within a first few minutes the incline got the best of me and I was huffing and puffing. Take smaller steps and slow down was the advice given by Jim. I borrowed a walking stick from the hotel and thank God for this cane saved me from many missed steps. The rugged path never changed it’s topography and all I could do was look to where I was going to place my next step. There are bronze depiction the joyous and sorrowful mysteries on the way up; we stopped to pray at each one.
When we reached the cross we sat and I interceded for my friends and family, it is here where Jesus met me. He allowed a special time of solitude and breathed a cool breeze on me. I never felt His love in this way; He seemed to be pleased with me and I rejoiced in the private visitation. There are many people on this path but at this special hour we were undisturbed, just Him. How holy are you Lord to allow me, a simple grain of sand this time.
Then You introduced us to your Mother, she was surrounded my many pilgrims kneeling and asking your intercession.
Many do not understand Mary’s role, she is the Mother of God and He honors her. The fourth commandment is the only one that comes with a promise. “Honor your father and mother , so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. ” Ex 20:12 Jesus honors His Mother.
Our hotel/grocery store/ bakery Beautiful Croatian Family
Our day started with a short walk to Mass, So many families walking to the the service. It seems that the norm in Croatia is to have more than three children.
The people here are tall, very tall, woman are thin and beautiful and they dress in fashion that have not reached our racks. I purchased a pair of sandals for comfort and fashion, then at one of the services I noticed an elderly nun with the same pair.
Our hotel/grocery store/bakery is located in a small community so we fraternize with the locals. Their daily bread is baked early in the morning and I’ve become a consumer of these great taste, textures and fillings. The only form of excerise has been to the restaurant to the car to the services.
Our two hour drive to Osijek is beautiful during the day but when evening falls it’s a little scary, they drive 100 miles per hour and that is not an exaggeration. So even if you are dead tired you stay awake to keep the driver alert.
There were over 1,200 people at the service in Osijek and just like before they all received prayer. Prayer is a personal matter and we handle it with kit gloves, Last night was no different. Farther Karol stood out in the crowd, so filled with the spirit.
Jane giving Fr. Karol See’s Candy and Danijel
It was midnight by the time the band had packed all the equipment, most of us were done praying with the exception of Joanne, her line is always the longest. I saw a chair flying followed by a body thrown 15 feet. It was a demon possessed woman. Joanne continues to pray for her. I heard three different languages so there were at least three demons. Not gonna, lie it was intense and everyone that knows me know that this kind of stuff make me very uncomfortable. I will not go into detail but this battle continued for 30 minutes. Joanne did not back down and the team was there to back her up in the spirit. Fr. Karol must be an exorcist because he was equipped with holy water, sprinkled the young lady but the demons retorted, screaming NO! NO! Then with his gentle hand he put oil on her forehead and knelt beside her and prayed over her, She was finally calm and coherent. We think we are all trained to handle this but you come face to face you’d better be prepared in prayer and fasting and let the experts handle it.