After serving communion, I wanted to secure a good spot for confession.
It was not surprising that the line for confession was really long. I counted five people ahead me and prayed that the Lord would remove any thoughts of impatience. Then It happened, “If every person takes five minutes to confess their sins, it’s going to take 25 minutes. Surely the sweet couple with a sleeping baby in the stroller could not have that many sins. Then the most selfish idea came into my crazed thoughts: I’m only going to take a minute, could I go before you?” After that last horrible thought, I pulled out my rosary and started to pray. As I eased into the prayers, all those thoughts were subsided.
My Confession
Before confessing our sins, we Catholics say a prayer which starts like this: “Bless me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was…(stating how long it has been since your last confession).” But when I was in the confessional I said, “My last confession was two days ago.” The priest replied “Oh two days?” I normally can go five weeks before confessing. But it was Lent and something that I had said about another person was weighing heavily on my heart. I want to have a great Lent, so confessing this transgression freed me of guilt.
Hallow App
I also downloaded the Hallow App on my phone. I joined the challenge, and what a difference it has made in my Lenten journey! Listening to Mark Wahlberg, Jonathan Roumie and Father Mike’s teachings are so beneficial during this holy season.
Mike, Jacob, me and WillJacob, me and Will
Two Lent Birthdays
Our grandson Will and our daughter Sonja both have birthdays during Lent. So on Ash Wednesday we had lunch with Will. He is the sweetest 17-year-old young man and what a joy it is spending time with him.
Lucas, Jacob, Sonja, Mike, Russ and meMary, Robert, Sonja, Russ, Lucas, Mike, Jacob, me, George, and Gina
We took a short weekend trip to the desert to celebrate Sonja’s birthday. It was so relaxing. Spending this special time with Sonja, Russ and the boys was a special treat. To add to this special weekend, we met my brother George, his wife Mary, their grown children, Gina and Robert, for Sunday brunch.
My Synopsis On Lent
The Number 40
Ash Wednesday is 40 days before the Resurrection of Christ; actually that is if you do not count Sundays in between the weeks of Lent. We are called to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and on the Fridays during Lent. The number 40 represents trials, testing and preparing.
40 Days for Noah: Noah and his family endured 40 days of torrential rain in the ark during the flood; they survived because they put their trust in God.
40 Days for Moses: Moses fasted for 40 days twice on Mount Sinai. As Moses was getting instructions from God for the Israelites, they became impatient and had Aaron build a golden calf. Moses interceded on behalf of his people by questioning God (Ex 32:11). He knew that among his people were those with little or no faith. The great prophet Moses also knew that he had to make atonement for his people. (Ex 32:30-32).
The Lord was with Moses during this time of trial, and he found favor with God.
Exodus 33:18-19 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
18 Then Moses said, “Please let me see your glory!” 19 The Lord answered: I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim my name, “Lord,” before you; I who show favor to whom I will, I who grant mercy to whom I will.
Now we are surrounded by false idols; they no longer work in the dark but are in our face mocking God daily.
40 Years In The Wilderness:
Numbers 32:13 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
13 So the anger of the Lord flared up against the Israelites and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until the whole generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lord had disappeared.
40 Days for Ezekiel: Ezekiel rested on his side for 40 days, symbolizing the sins of Israel
Ezekiel 4:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
6 When you have completed this, you shall lie down a second time, on your right side to bear the guilt of the house of Judah forty days; I allot you one day for each year.
40 Days of Jesus' Temptation: Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights. This is the climax and one of the main reasons we partake in Lent (Matt 4:1-11). Before His Crucifixion, Jesus prophesied the total destruction of Jerusalem. Forty years after the Crucifixion, the Roman Empire destroyed the city and burned the Temple at Jerusalem to the ground (Matt 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2).
If all these great prophets, including our Lord Jesus Christ, can endure 40 days and nights without food or water, how much is asked of us to abstain from our familiar indulgences?
Why Ashes?
The ashes that are placed on our foreheads in the sign of the Cross are from the burnt branches from last year’s Palm Sunday. Ashes represent a time of mourning and repentance; this representation is found in many of the Books of the Old Testament (Esther 4:1-3; Dan 9:3; Job 42:6).
Job 42:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
6 Therefore I disown what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes.
No Flowers
In most parishes flowers are not permitted during Lent because it is a solemn time in remembrance of the suffering, death and Resurrection of Jesus. But on Easter Sunday there will be an explosion of flowers; the beautiful scent of the flowers will reach the doors of the entrance, shouting, “Hallelujah” with the greatest fragrance! He is Risen!
No Alleluias
Alleluia comes from the Hebrew word meaning “praise Yahweh.” This is a praise song that is not used during Lent. As Catholics, we focus on the Kingdom coming, not on the Kingdom come. The readings during Lent spotlight the spiritual journey of the Old Testament Israel coming to Christ and the salvation of mankind.
40 Days of Lent
We all suffer the same sins as the Israelites; we lose faith and go our own direction. They went as far as building a false idol. We are different from them because they were in the presence of God and still did not obey. We as Christians strive to be in the presence of God by obeying His Word. The Israelites had the advantage because God was in their midst, but they lost their faith and placed their trust in man. With the God of thunder and lightning, they allowed fear to dictate their path. We must always trust God to make a way for us in every circumstance; as He was with Moses so is He with us. This Lent, make it a special one and set aside all your petty grievances and come clean before God.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I pray for our country during this holy time of Lent. Our country is in a time of mourning with all the violence, and disrespect for life. Lord, have mercy on Your people. I, like Moses, intercede on behalf of all politicians, that they would seek and find You. Lord, remove all those in office who are against Your Kingdom. We pray for the release of all the hostages held in captivity by Hamas. Lord, take out Putin once and for all! Help the people of Ukraine and restore their faith. Dear Lord, shed your light on all who wage wars and bring peace to the nations. Amen.
As a catechist part of my service is to volunteer with my students helping with the Christian Food Distribution. St. Norbert has a regular group of volunteers who lovingly pack the food for those in need. We have all experienced the high cost of food, and our church program does a great service by extending a helping hand. This work is orchestrated by the beautiful, petite Michelle Navarro. Her husband, Paul, two of their four children and two of Paul’s sisters were there to help as well. Twice I have had the honor in helping with this ministry. Michelle’s kind and quiet demeanor brings joy to the laborers. She is an angel sent from heaven with wings sprinkled in gold. For this reason people return to help with this outreach.
Upon my arrival I was sent to the bean and rice station. These sage women have been doing this for years. They joyfully pack and wrap the beans and rice. For these older woman, it was a social gathering with friends with fringe benefits of helping others. It was a pleasure to work with them.
I dare not ask their ages, but it was apparent that several were in their 80’s.
92 year-0ld Zenaida Arcos, credit Carlos Aviles/Diocese of Orange
A recent article in the Orange County Catholic featured a story about our oldest volunteer, Zenailda Arcos. She is 92-years-old! This is proof that volunteering keeps us young!
Training The Youth
Part of this service is training the catechumens to serve. Isiah 58:6-7 speaks of the corporal acts of kindness. For these students to give up a Saturday morning from 9:oo to 12 noon is a clear indication that they are willing to sacrifice their time for the needs of others.
When the rest of the young volunteers arrived. Like well-trained soldiers, they knew what to do. In quick succession over 200 grocery bags were filled with food. The next station was the produce and, depending on what was donated, a family could receive a pretty sizable bag of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Sorting vegetablePacking the fruits and vegetablesThe assembly line
God Will Provide
We have all experienced the high cost of food. For instance our last visit to McDonald’s cost us over $34 for just two meals. It was as if I’d purchased the meals at the airport! Grocery shopping has become an unpleasant weekly fight for savings. I am always looking for the best deals; if my favorite brand is not on sale, I purchase the generic label. Some way, somehow, God will provide for all of our needs.
The Students
It takes a good heart to volunteer, and I was so filled with joy that most of my students were available. not one of them complained and because they were so busy their phones quietly snoozed during the labor. There were students from Villa Park, Servite, Rosary, Mater Dei, Troy, Canyon, and Santa Margarita High Schools. We also had several students from St. Norbert. Together they completed part of God’s great family of servants.
Abraham and Michelle
Abraham is our youth minister and coordinator for Confirmation. He has not only a calling to serve the youth but is inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring special blessings to them. I marvel at his natural way of speaking to the students because he uses the Word of God in a practical way of reaching out. His words are seasoned with wisdom and love. I personally have seen his growth in this program. We need people like him to tug at the hearts of these beautiful souls. None of our students will leave without knowing how much God loves them and how very important they are to the future of mankind. These students will make a difference in this crazy world.
Thank you, Abraham, for planting a seed with your short teaching on the Corporal Acts of Mercy.
Handing out the meals
My Role
Above all I will pray for my students to fully understand the teachings of Christ. We have covered many lessons throughout the last two years, and I have grown fond of their unique personalities and the way they interact with one another. Moreover, the maturity they have developed in understanding deep things of God that will see them through life.
They have touched my spirit and I see a glimpse through the windows of their eyes, filled with the yearning to draw closer to God.
Sometimes it’s difficult to hear God speaking with the distractions of the world. But one day these students’ calling will remain steadfast.
What a beautiful manner to usher in Lent. Though at times I feel inadequate during this holy season, I am so overjoyed that it started with helping the Christian Food Distribution at St. Norbert. To think that our parish provides this service every weekend is amazing!
Corporal Acts Of Mercy
With Lent at our doorstep, I want to re-examine the definition of Corporal Acts of Mercy.
Matthew 25:34-37 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
34 Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
In lay terms:
The Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Welcome the stranger
Heal the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead
My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching us how to express our love to others. I pray for all those who continually volunteer by helping with the Christian Food Distribution. Lord, I pray for all the students who helped with this ministry. May they walk away with hearts filled with joy after helping those in need. Jesus, continue to guide them and use them in all of their giftings.
I lift up Michelle and Paul Navarro’s family, and all volunteers who work tirelessly to make this program a great success.
Lord, help us to serve in several of these Corporal Acts of Mercy, especially during Lent. Amen.
God communicates to us in dreams. This is another way He uses to get our attention.
Joseph’s dream (Genesis 37:5-10)
It’s In The Bible
The Bible speaks of dreams from Genesis to Revelation, and today God is pouring out messages to His people in dreams. Dreams are used to direct us, affirm us, to help us make decisions, and to warn us against impending dangers.
Journaling Dreams
Dreams are symbolic, and many times they are literal. Everyone dreams, but most of you do not remember your dreams because you do not journal them. I have a journal on my nightstand for this purpose. Upon receiving a dream you must journal it, because remembering every detail is very important. Colors, numbers, animals, and people in your dreams – all represent some type of hidden message.
Scripture In Dreams
I once had a dream, but the only thing I could remember was that Proverbs 21 was written on my right hand (right hand means blessings). The interesting thing about this is when I looked up Proverbs 21 this is how it reads:
Proverbs 21:1 New Catholic Bible
1 A king’s heart is like a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he directs it wherever he pleases.
This was a personal message from God. My dreams are so frequent and so long that I have filled many journals. I am going to share a personal dream and interpretation that took place the early morning of September 29, 2008.
The Dream
I was at college sitting in the front row. We had an assignment to write a story. As I started my story my sister Norma came into the picture. This caused me to become disoriented and I went back to my class, but could not find my purse or assignment. I was wearing a white top, white pants, and a beautiful yellow shawl with one white stripe. I looked but I could not find my belongings. As I went down the hall my instructor tried to introduce me to Sherry, who was mean to me. She angrily said, “We have already met!” I went back to the room and all my things had been recovered. Mike (my husband) was getting all my personal things together, like my backpack. He was looking out for me. My sister Jo appeared, and I followed her to a deserted area. She walked into an abandoned building. I followed her and an Asian man attacked me. I tried to yell for help, but the dream ended.
My Interpretation
College – Place of higher learning (Godly)
Front row – Good student/wanting to learn
Assignment – Commission
Write a Story – Creativity
Norma- Sister/ close family member
Disoriented – Lost my way
Go Back – Recover
Purse and assignment missing – Loss of Identity/commission lost
Wearing White – Purity/holiness
Yellow shawl – Yellow is a warning color; coward, fear/ it could also mean hope
One white stripe – Little holiness
Hall – Passageway
Instructor – Teacher
Sherry – In real life, she is an acquaintance who practices astrology
Things recovered – Bring back
Mike – Husband/Jesus Christ
Backpack – God has my back
Sister Jo – Sister/family member
Deserted Area – Left alone
Abandoned building – Wanting to be alone
Asian Man- A foreign evil spirit
This dream was about my spiritual growth in the Lord. I received an assignment to write a story but I got distracted by Norma (a family member). I realize that I had lost my way, so when I went back, my personal belongings were missing. I am wearing white, which represents righteousness/holiness. The yellow shawl indicates that my outer garment (me on the outside) was not right, as yellow is a warning color, but the one white stripe indicates that there is hope for restoration.
I was passing through spiritually (the hall) and the instructor wanted to introduce me to a woman who practices astrology; she does not agree with my beliefs, so she is mean to me. (In real life Sherry practices astrology). When Sherry says “We have already met,” it means that I used to read my horoscope. Things are uncovered that were lost. Mike/husband/Jesus has my back (backpack). I am concerned about Jo (a family member) so I follow her, but she wants to be left alone. The Asian man represents a foreign evil spirit, one unfamiliar to me. My two sisters in my dream indicate a great concern for my family; for one family member I drop what I am doing, and for the other I’m concerned about their direction. This was a warning for me not to get so caught up in personal family matters but to remain steadfast and holy.
Do not take dreams lightly, as you may be passing up a prophetic message from God. Most prophetic dreams happen in the early morning, right before you wake up!
Joel 2:28
28 “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
Most Recent Dream, January 11, 2024
The Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy produced a documentary, but before showing it to the world he went to my friend’s service. He shares the documentary to my friend who is a pastor. After sharing the documentary, the pastor goes on to share it on national news. I see my friend’s mother, and she is praying for him.
My Interpretation
Kevin McCarthy – Represents God
The document – A message from God
The document is scriptural
God sharing it with the pastor – It is a private message from God
Sharing it on national news – With the help of God, the message will reach many
His mother praying – His mother is interceding on behalf of her son from heaven
The Speaker of the House represents God, and whatever the documentary is, my friend, a pastor who runs an international ministry, will know about it first. Before the message gets out, the Speaker of the House gives my friend favor. The last part of the dream is about his mother, who is in heaven praying for him.
Sharing Your Dreams
When I called my friend with the news of the dream, he was so excited because he had been studying from the Book of Habakkuk and asking for a Word from God. The pastor’s mother had recently passed. He mentioned to me that he had been waiting for a sign from heaven to know that his mother was interceding for him.
God’s Outreach
Did you know that through dreams many lost souls will be saved, that people will be directed into doing the right thing? Equally important is the fact that when we have something that needs solving and are fixated on the problem, we take it to our sleep. There the Lord will give you instructions on how to deal with a personal relationship, solve a difficult situation like repairing something or solving a math equation. God wants us to have a peaceful night’s sleep.
If you have a recurring dream it may be a confirmation from God to pay close attention to the dream. Always pray and ask God for the interpretation, taking into account that He will see you through this quandary.
My Prayer
Lord, I thank You for the gift of dreams. I pray that You would pour out Your Spirit on those who do not believe in You. Speak to them in dreams, wake them from their spiritual slumber, lead them to touch the tassel of Your cloak. Amen.