One block from when our grandson plays basketball tournaments
Early this week Jacob, my grandson, and I had to go to Smart and Final to pick up raffle tickets. Although this grocery store is less than two miles from my home, I did not feel safe. The homeless, unhoused, displaced (or by any other name that they go by) have become a big concern in our city.
As I was making my turn onto Katella, I noticed from my peripheral vision a tall, thin, white man with matted hair using Katella Avenue to empty his bladder. In view of all the passing vehicles, this disoriented man was relieving himself. “Jacob, don’t look at that man!” I yelled. It was a disgusting sight.
Shopping Carts and Litter
Many retailers are missing shopping carts because the displaced help themselves to them. They place their belongings in them and conveniently go around town collecting other things. To the retailer this has become a financial burden that they pass on to their customers. To retrieve these carts would involve the police because who in their right mind would ever approach the homeless to take something that does not belong to them anyway?
There are not enough trash cans around to fill the garbage these poor people produce. By contrast, the displaced cause fires, property is destroyed and their unhealthy, bad behavior must be addressed.
The State of California
We have all seen the mess our state has made be creating many useless programs costing billions of dollars to solve this dilemma. Nothing seems to work and we have been affected by this complicated crisis. Although politicians use the problems of the homeless as a platform to gain the trust of their constituents, when they are voted into office, the homeless crisis is always put on the back burner.
My Simple Idea
Stop allocating money for climate change and for those who are illegally crossing our borders. Take the billions that our states gave to Planned Parenthood to support abortions and open mental hospitals. We need to clean our streets of human beings who are suffering and have no place to go. One in four of the homeless suffer from metal illness, and in California we have an estimate of over 171,000 homeless people on the streets.
Churches need to get involved by offering free counseling and by visiting and sharing the love of God. I would much rather visit a them in a hospital than confront them on the street.
How our tax dollars are spent in California: This Information is from California Environmental Voters.
With prompting from EnviroVoters, locally-funded partners, and the broader environmental community, we secured:
$45 million for offshore wind through the California Energy Commission
$150 million for community resilience centers
$225 million for clean energy transmission projects in the Climate Catalyst Fund
$61.7 million for ocean protection and carbon sequestration
An increase in $75 million for extreme heat planning and support
$1 billion to ensure that we’re spending to build green infrastructure that will allow us to move away from dirty gas and diesel plants in times of energy scarcity, through SB 849 for the Clean Energy Reliability Investment Plan.
Of course this does not include the billions of dollars to expand access to abortions and the over 31 billion dollars to provide for illegal immigrants
The team: Robert, Leah, me Jane,Gary and a sweet homeless manVeronica, me, Robert, Mary and a group of lovely homeless people
The Homeless Ministry
For 20 years I was in charge of serving the homeless on Skid Row in Los Angeles. I loved serving these people and made many friends. It was a different time; this was before COVID. We as a team felt comfortable and welcomed on the streets. In the beginning we had a large team helping us with this ministry. As the years passed it dwindled to sometimes just three or four of us. In spite of this, I was never afraid because I felt that God was protecting us. I believe that the main reason our ministry was successful was because we respected the homeless. We not only gave them food to eat but we fed them manna from heaven. We watched our backs, and many times different homeless people would join us in handing out the lunches. They also protected us.
I trained the new team members on how to gently handle the homeless. It takes a special gift of empathy to understand that this is the lowest place a human being can be. God closed our eyes to the filth and the smells of the streets so that we could minister. Sixteen years ago our team experienced the worse of all incidents on Skid Row.
Bottom photo: Precious homeless man, me, John, Ruth, Lauren, Carmelita and Robert
The Stabbing
The man’s name was Anthony, a well-groomed parolee, wearing a blue and white plaid shirt buttoned to his neck; I offered him a meal and he politely gestured yes. After a quick introduction, I asked if he wanted prayer. “Can I touch you?” I asked, and he agreed.
Skid Row is the Devil’s territory, so you pray with a watchful eye. As I placed my hands on his shoulders, I noticed a young man in a black hoody come so close to me that he touched my right arm. I thought to myself that this man has no reverence for the things of God, but I continued to pray for Anthony. Suddenly from my left side the hooded man pulled out a sizable knife. This knife was different; it had a curved edge with a fancy, carved gold handle like a Sinbad dagger. He started stabbing Anthony; this happened so quickly and was just inches from me. This was like an out-of-body experience for me. As if in slow motion I looked around at the 15 or so people who were witnessing this heinous crime; not one of them did a thing to help this poor man. Instead they turned and looked the other way; it was as if they somehow were in collusion with the stabber. I started to scream, “Leave him alone!” “Leave him alone!” This got the attention of the others on my team and they rushed over to help. I saw the knife moving in rapid secession and Anthony attempting to dodge the weapon. Again I screamed, “Leave him alone!” Finally the perpetrator fled. Anthony’s neck and face were flushed red and his shirt was shredded but not a drop of blood. Our team surrounded him to comfort him, but he was inconsolable. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” I kept reassuring him but he just continued to drop “F” bombs and said repeatedly that he got stabbed. I explained that he did not get injured because he had a shield of protection while he was being prayed for.
These occurrences are the norm on Skid Row. The police are unable to keep up with the crime and the street people do not get involved for fear of retribution. To this day I understand the role of a guardian angel because both Anthony and I were protected.
The Shock
We were all pretty shaken up from this mindless act of violence. I, like Anthony, was in a state of shock. After leaving Skid Row, I had to swing by my son’s friend Jason’s home to pick up our granddaughter; Jason noticed the distressed look on my face. I gave him a quick summary of what happened and instructed him not to tell my husband Mike for fear that he would not allow me to continue feeding the homeless on Skid Row.
At home I put all anxiety aside and the evening went as usual. Well…until we started watching the movie Hidalgo. There are many fighting scenes in this movie, but one in particular made me jump up from the couch and scream. There it was, the same Sinbad-curved knife almost exactly like the one on Skid Row! Mike looked over at me and asked, “What is the matter with you!” My reply: “Oh nothing.” After several months I did share the incident with Mike, leaving out a few details.
My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the 20 years of serving Your people on the streets. Please open doors to help solve this growing problem. May we elect godly politicians who have a heart to help these hurting souls. Amen.
We live in a tri-level home. The older we get the more challenging the stairway has become. Aside from that, our grandson plays basketball for his high school. The bleachers at some older gyms are rickety, and in some schools there are no rails to aid in guiding your steps. Even with railing, I have to be very careful and sometimes need some assistance getting to my seat. It’s not that I’m out of shape; but fear has set in from climbing up the older bleachers and almost losing my footing.
Genesis 28:12 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
12 Then he had a dream: a stairway rested on the ground, with its top reaching to the heavens; and God’s angels were going up and down on it.
The Bible mentions stairways many times as an allegory. Going up represents reaching a higher level of spirituality. When Jacob woke up from his dream, he realized that he had had a holy encounter with God. He took the stone that he used as a pillow and anointed it with oil. He named it Bethel, which means “the house of God.” The Lord reassured him in the dream that He would be with him and protect him wherever he would go. (Gen 28:10-17)
John 1:51 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
51 And he said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
In the New Testament Jesus gives reference to Jacob’s encounter in His future Transfiguration.
Many of my dreams are about climbing a staircase with broken steps, and, in spite of this I continue to climb. I understand why the Lord gives me these dreams; it’s because I need to persevere in prayer until I reach a revelation from God.
Normally, it takes three years for a new grapevine to produce good grapes. Grapes need to be pruned in order to produce good fruit. Likewise we, too, need to go through a process of growth before we can produce good spiritual fruit.
John 15:5 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.
Grape Picker
When I was in my early teens our mother would take us up to Fresno to visit our cousins. We would always go during grape picking season. The grapes we picked were used for raisins. I did not like picking grapes but in spite of this I complied for two reasons: we got to spend time with our cousins and we got to keep some of our earnings to purchase school clothes.
There is a certain way these grapes had to be harvested. The cut grapes would go from a bind onto paper trays for drying in the sun. It was important that these grapes were placed on a smooth surface; otherwise it would change the integrity of the grape. Many times my foot would make an indentation in the soil; this had to be smoothed out or we would get reprimanded by whoever was overseeing the work.
Admittedly I was, and still am, a complainer. My mother must have grown tired of my pitiful laments. So finally all of my complaining paid off, and I was elevated to babysitting my younger sister and cousins. Life was good!
Making the Connection
Comparatively speaking, I can finally make the connection of the vineyard and how the Lord was pruning us and getting us ready to bear good fruit. In contrast, grapes do not grow from seeds. Grapes are engrafted from other grape cuttings. We, too, are engrafted into the family of God. God would never exclude anyone from being part of His family.
Romans 11:17 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in their place and have come to share in the rich root of the olive tree, 18 do not boast against the branches. If you do boast, consider that you do not support the root; the root supports you.
Stained glass mural at St. Norbert
The Dove
By far the dove is the most frequently mentioned bird in the Bible. Compared to other birds, this unique fowl represents both weakness and peace.
Weakness because metaphorically speaking, a dove is prone to attacks from other prey, and like, us we are weak without God’s protection.
Old Testament Doves
In the Old Testament narrative of Noah, a dove was sent out and returned with an olive leaf in its beak. This was a sign of hope and peace for the future of mankind. Also in the Old Testament doves were given as an offering for the repentance of sin. (Lev 1:14)
Genesis 8:11 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
11 In the evening the dove came back to him, and there in its bill was a plucked-off olive leaf! So Noah knew that the waters had diminished on the earth.
New Testament Doves
In the New Testament the dove first appeared during the baptism of Jesus. When the dove came down from heaven it represented the Holy Spirit.
The baptism of Jesus initiated his ministry as the Messiah. So at the same time the dove symbolizes faith, rebirth, purity and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Homing Doves
I have been to several funerals where doves are released at the gravesite. It is a beautiful send-off to see these glorious white doves fly high into the sky. It offers us all a sense of peace in knowing that our loved ones are part of this celebration of going home to be with their Creator.
My Poem
When I see the white dove in a clear blue sky.
It opens my eyes to glorify.
To know that hope is around and at a glance profound.
Fly high into the clouds, little bird.
Send the message of peace and hope.
Open the portals of heaven and give us a glimpse.
With a wink and a smile, we will wait for a while.
We love visiting Santa Barbara. Our roots are deep because both of our children were born there. Though I rarely go into the Pacific Ocean, I love to be near her. The sounds of the crashing waves, the loud seagulls flying overhead are a small part of what this beautiful city has to offer.
Mike and me
God had His hand on Santa Barbara; her beauty beckons for her to be noticed. We walked for miles, frequented our favorite restaurants but it’s the beautiful Pacific Ocean that I love. In late summer, the Pacific keeps her boundaries at bay but lets you know she is in charge. The ocean praises God with each pounding wave.
Who is Saint Barbara?
Saint Barbara was a beautiful young woman whose pagan father kept in a tower to protect her. Then she professed her faith in Christianity. In his outrage, her father had her tortured and he himself beheaded her. On his way home from the execution, her father was struck by lightning and reduced to ashes.
Saint Barbara
Patron Saint
Saint Barbara is invoked in thunderstorms and is the patron saint of artillerymen, fireman, prisoners and miners.
Junipero Serra
To understand the history of Santa Barbara, California we must talk about Saint Junipero Serra, the Spanish Fray who came to establish the Missions in California.
Saint Serra
This holy man of God was in charge of overseeing farmland, livestock and infrastructure from San Diego to San Francisco. It’s no surprise that our state owes a lot of our agricultural expertise to the Franciscans.
California Crops
California produces more crops than any other state. There are over 400 types of fruits and vegetables, including nuts. California produces 80% of the worlds almond’s. Almond milk, almond butter and my favorite, Almond Joy candy bars – all developed because the Franciscan padres brought the first almond tree from Spain. In order to celebrate Palm Sunday, the Franciscans planted the first palm trees at the Mission San Diego de Alacala.
Mission Grapes
In order to have Mass the Franciscans needed wine for communion. Catholics will never use anything other than real wine for communion. This has been a practice since the Last Supper. In 1779, Saint Junipero Serra planted California’s first vineyard at Mission San Juan Capistrano.
Mission grapes were also grown by the monks of the Santa Barbara Mission in the hills of Santa Barbara County. The last of the Mission grapes were at the San Gabriel Mission in the San Fernando Valley.
El Camino Real
El Camino Real/The Royal Road was built so that Junipero Serra could travel from San Diego to Carmel and to secure safe passage for travelers. This road also paved a way to reach and convert Native American tribes to Catholicism. Saint Serra used this road to check on the progress of the Missions.
Bad Press
It’s not surprising that Junipero Serra has received bad press these past couple of years because of the protest of Saint Serra’s alleged abuse of Native Americans. This attack is really aimed at the Catholic Church. There is no historical truth to charges that this priest took advantage of the Native Americans. Moreover there is proof that Saint Serra defended the rights of the Native Americans. The Monks and indigenous people learned from each other because both had much to offer. The Catholic Church offered a covering and protection for the indigenous people.
If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes easy to convince others.
I could never express my disbelief and anger when this saint’s statues were defecated and torn down. The truth will always prevail. Always!.
This is an excerpt written by Archbishop José H. Gomez addressing his concern over the removal of Saint Serra statues:
St. Junípero came not to conquer; he came to be a brother. “We have all come here and remained here for the sole purpose of their well-being and salvation,” he once wrote. “And I believe everyone realizes we love them.” …
St. Junípero was 60 years old when he traveled 2,000 miles from Carmel to Mexico City to protest the injustices of the colonial system and demand that authorities adopt a “bill of rights” that he had written for the native peoples. That was in 1773, three years before America’s founders declared this nation’s independence with those beautiful words: “all men are created equal … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”
Mission Santa Barbara
I was not going to miss Mass, so we made plans to attend the 9:00 a.m. service at the Mission. I told Mike we needed to get there early because it was going to be a packed service. He never believes me. As we made the left turn into the parking lot, this Mission always majestically makes a grand appearance. We parked and walked up several steps to be greeted by a Franciscan priest. On our way in I could hear the choir practicing and from the outside it sounded beautiful.
Mission Santa Barbara, me and Father Derek
We sat toward the front and Mike was surprised to see the church pews quickly filled. With the opening hymn came the priest and the altar servers; one was carrying the Franciscan San Damiano Cross. The liturgical music quickly filled the atmosphere and I felt as though we were part of this great invitation in welcoming the Holy Spirit.
Statue of Saint Francis and Saint ClairSanta Barbara Mission Altar
The Responsorial for this Mass was: If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. (Ps. 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
Psalm 95:1-2 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
A Call to Praise and Obedience
1 Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord; cry out to the rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms.
Psalm 95:6-7
6 Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. 7 For he is our God, we are the people he shepherds, the sheep in his hands.
Aside from the gentleman sitting directly behind Mike who sneezed three times, it was a perfect service.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, with all the fake news that is being spread throughout the world, I ask that You would intervene and reveal truth so that our history will not be distorted by lies. I pray that those who believe that Saint Serra came to abuse the indigenous people would come to the understanding that he was sent by God to do His work. Amen.