Rome Part Two

Spanish Steps

When I reviewed the itinerary for Sunday, I knew we were in for another full day of adventure. After passing the Spanish Steps on the way to several dinners, we were finally able to seize the moment and record our experience in photos. The history of the Spanish Steps is a simple one; the Spanish embassy was once located near there. Throughout our four-day stay in Rome, these famous steps were part of our daily routine and our landmark back to our flat.


The Metro

The Metro

After a quick cup of cappuccino and a chocolate-filled croissant, we were off again–but this time we took the metro. I’ve had bad experiences on this public transportation in Europe.  I was pickpocketed in Paris, so I was very watchful. Mikos, our gentle leader, always had his phone pointing to the direction we were headed. But when Will forgot to retrieve his two-day metro ticket, it caused commotion. Mikos had to purchase another ticket for him but when Will tried to use his ticket, it didn’t work; so he turned around and grabbed mine. The metal lever opened for him and I was left with Will’s stupid ticket! After several attempts I made it through.


Will, admiring the ceiling art
Borghese Gallery


Borghese Gardens

The Borghese Gallery

The rich history of the Borghese Gallery starts with a famous family of bankers, art collectors and even a pope. This family was known to have started the banking business with loans to merchants and other business entrepreneurs. The double-entry system was first introduced by the Borghese’s. Their collection of art and appreciation of the fine detail of the work they secured was not only impressive, but, like all masterpieces, it has stood the test of time.

We spent hours admiring the gifts that God had bestowed on these artists. After the museum, we took a stroll into the gardens.  It was as if the art continued there. Will rented a scooter to make his way around the Borghese Garden. We walked and walked, and it was time for the next adventure. By this time Mike did not want to have anything to do with the metro; he took a taxi back to the flat.


Saint John Lateran Basilica
Saint John Lateran Basilica

Saint John Lateran

Saint John Lateran, one of the four major Ancient Major Basilicas, was commissioned by Emperor Constantine. This was the first Christian basilica built in Rome. It is the mother church of the entire Roman Catholic Church.

Across the street is a chapel dedicated to the Holy Stairs (Santa Escala). These were the steps Jesus climbed on the day He was sentenced to death. This would be my fourth time climbing these 28 steps. There is a special prayer that should be said on each step, but I prayed for my family and all those listed on my prayer intentions. I was behind a woman who was reciting  the special prayers. Like a rude driver on the freeway, I cut in front of her because she was taking too long. I quickly asked God’s forgiveness. When I return to Rome I will make the special time and pray these special prayers, as it was intended–holiness as before God.

After the steps we walked across to Saint John Lateran. The magnificence of this basilica is overwhelming! We sat and felt God was in our midst. Above the Papal Altar are two busts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. According to tradition, the skulls or part of these saints’ skulls are within the bust. Also located in the Papal Altar is a wooden table on which St. Peter and many popes are said to have celebrated the Eucharist.  On the left Papal Altar is another table. Tradition claims that it was upon this table that Jesus celebrated the Last Supper.

The Relics from Holy Cross of Jerusalem Basilica

The Holy Cross of Jerusalem

Not far from Saint John Lateran is the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. Again both Will and Maddie rented scooters to make their way along a straight path. The Holy Cross of Jerusalem houses the first class relics brought from Jerusalem by Constantine’s mother, Saint Helena. Located on this side altar of this church are: a nail used in the Crucifixion, two thorns from Christ’s Crown of Thorns, a finger that is said to have belonged to St. Thomas, and a fragment of the True Cross. How do we know that it is indeed the True Cross? According to legend, when St. Helena first discovered the fragments of the three crosses, she took with her a woman who was dying. Upon touching the True Cross the woman was immediately healed.

The Metro: Part Two

The metro is not user friendly to Californians; we are different, we like to take control of our destiny. As Mikos was figuring out how to get to the next stop, I felt that we were headed back to where we started. I dared not open my mouth because I had long ago lost all direction credibility. So as our leader got on the metro first, he discovered it was the wrong one! While Jenny was yelling, “Mike! Mike!” Mikos turned into the Incredible Hulk and, forcing the doors of the metro, he opened them and jumped out! I couldn’t even say, “I told you so!”

On this day I racked in another 10 1/2  mikes of walking!


Sistine Chapel, Blessed Mother Mary interceding on the behalf of others
Us covering The Pieta

The Vatican

We had an early appointment with our tour guide for the Vatican, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. We got up early to catch the metro to Ottaviano, and a 10 minute walk to the Vatican. Our guide explained that we could take photos in the Sistine Chapel but selfie sticks are not permitted. I took several photos and then heard the loud cries of the guards, “NO PICTURES!” Both Mikos and Mike looked at me in great judgment. I was doing what every other person was doing and when I showed them the pictures, Mikos said “You should have taken more!”

It was at this world-famous chapel that I received a great revelation from God. I always ask for Mother Mary’s intercession. As I gazed upon Michelangelo’s masterpiece, there in fullness of God was Mary, the Mother of God, interceding to her Son Jesus on behalf of others. This revelation would be confirmed by other Renaissance artists time and time again. This artwork was inspired by God and the message is crystal clear: Our Blessed Mother Mary intercedes on our behalf.

The Chair of Saint Joseph Chapel

Mike and I headed back to the flat for much needed rest. I went shopping around the corner to purchase tennis shoes. The strangest thing happened; the weather changed and it started to hail! This weather condition lasted for about an hour.

Mike and I took a taxi back to the Vatican to attend Mass at the Chair of Saint Joseph Chapel. It was glorious!

My Prayer

Lord, I pray for all who doubt Your Holy Divinity. Give them the special graces to know You, especially during this holy season. Blessed Mother Mary, guide all the lost souls to the foot of Your precious Son Jesus. May we all rejoice in Your glorious Resurrection! Amen.



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Italy Part One

When we received the travel itinerary for the trip from our son, I was so impressed with the time and love that he put into the planning of this amazing trip. I rarely boast about Mikos, but both Mike and I felt as though we were in the hands of a loving, considerate tour guide. Mikos took a deep dive in studying the history and culture of Italy for this great adventure. This itinerary is my favorite souvenir.

There are Ten Commandments, but only the fifth comes with a promise. Our son honored us every step of the way.

My hope was to draw closer to our grandchildren, especially Maddie who will be leaving for college soon. Both Maddie and Will have jobs and their busy schedules barely allow time for their family, so it was wonderful to spend this special time with them. Our role as grandparents is to watch our grandchildren bloom and to continue to pray for their well-being.

Our welcoming committee, Hilaria and Elena
We arrived to settle into the flat several hours before the rest of the family. We are accustomed to nice hotels with all the amenities, but this type of accommodations was surprisingly wonderful. We were greeted by Hilaria and Elena, who warmly welcomed us to the Romans’ way of living. Three full bedrooms and two bathrooms, a large living area and a dining room with a kitchen. The best part about the flat was that it was located a stone’s throw away from the Spanish steps. We settled in and started our adventure.
The Church Bells

Before everyone arrived Mike and I took a stroll. We made it to the corner of our street when I heard the church bells calling my name. I told Mike, “I need to go to Mass!” So we did. Mass in the Basilica dei Santi Ambrogio e Carlo was beautiful. After Mass we met two of the parish priests. “You know, Father, when I heard the bells ringing, I knew it was time for Mass,” I said. The sweetest reply from one of the priests, “That a-why we ring the bells.” He could have added “you big dummy” but he didn’t. You never grow tired of hearing the bells, reminding us to pray.

Fr. Gustavo, Mike, me and Fr. David

When the rest of the group arrived, I saw Maddie rushing out of the SUV, taking pictures. We were all so excited to be here!  We took a long stroll, first to the Spanish Steps and then to the Via del Corso to walk to the Trevi Fountain. Both Maddie and Will tossed a coin into the fountain. Then gelato!

Will tossing a coin Trevi Fountain
Our flat had a main door, followed by wrought-iron gates which led to the elevator. Elevators in Europe are mostly cumbersome, and this elevator could only fit maybe three people at the most. Will took on the role of being my elevator buddy, making sure that I was safely transported from point A to point B. This was Will’s calling; he raced me to the elevator doors the entire trip!
Pantheon, Forum, Palatine Hill and Colosseum

I had never visited the inside of the Pantheon. This Roman temple was built in 27 BC, and in 609 AD was dedicated as La Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres. Raphael, the famous Renaissance artist’s tomb is located off to the left of the altar. For a second I closed my eyes and imagined what it would be like celebrating Mass in this 2,000- year-old building.


We met Marco, our guide for the day. Mikos wanted his kids to really appreciate the trip and as much information as he gleaned from the travel guide books, it’s always good to have a guide to answer questions and add new insight to the historical events that took place.

Marco, our guide

Marco’s tour started with the Forum. We stood in front of the famous area where Mark Anthony spoke his famous words, “Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears.” Then we walked past the spot where Julius Caesar was brutally murdered.

The Forum
The Forum
Mikos warned us that it was a three hour tour. Before Marco took us to the Colosseum I needed a bathroom break. When we got to the restrooms, I counted eight women ahead of me and started to panic. Of course only three men were in the men’s line, which included Mike and Mikos. Mikos allowed me passage into the men’s water closet.
I took pictures of Mikos and the family at the Colosseum, but only caught the sky as the background. I was fired on the spot!
Mikos made dinner reservations at ll Chianti. I love Roman food–Caprese salad almost at every meal, bread drenched in olive oil and vinegar and their pasta! I had the most delicious lasagna and shared it with everyone. That’s what we did at almost every dinner; we all experienced each others’ meals. Chianti wine is the best and, though I’m not a big drinker, the wine has to be part of the meal. It really makes sense. Rome by far has the greatest food! Gelato again, but this time I wanted to Americanize it and asked for gelato with cookies and cream. It was heavenly!
On this particular day I walked 25,495 steps, equaling 10 1/2 miles! Only through the grace of God could Mike and I have accomplished this. As I got ready for bed that night,  both of my feet were throbbing in unison. There was never any pain, but it was as if my heart moved to my feet and for several hours the throbbing put me to sleep.

During the four days of our visit in Rome, at the end of each day we would gather in the living area to discuss our adventures. The flat was a perfect setting for our gatherings!

Mike watched a few Italian cooking shows that included a woman, maybe in her sixties, wearing a simple apron in a rather small but functional kitchen. It was nothing like our staged television cooking shows in the U.S.  She was more like me, “The Reluctant Chef,”  but she knew what she was doing.

My Prayer

Lord, how can I start to thank You for all of Your blessings on our family. Thank You for allowing us to attend Mass and pray for the needs of others.  I prayed for all the people who read My Catholic Roots and ask that You bless them. Bless Mikos, Jenny, Maddie and Will for sharing this adventure with us. Amen.

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Rome’s Angel Encounter

Mike and me, 1998
Pope John Paul II

Our first trip to Rome was in 1996. Though and I had a wonderful time, we did not experience the spiritual side that this city has to offer.  I did know some of  the Christian history of Rome, but not enough to visit and appreciate the holy sites. I remember visiting the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and several other secular sites, but when we walked into St. Peter’s Basilica, I was overtaken by its massive beauty. Never had I seen anything so ornately magnificent. I wanted to learn more about the history of the grand Saint Peter’s Basilica as well as other holy sites.

When we returned in 1998, we had a spiritual connection because I had recently joined a Catholic lay ministry. Our leader was part of the exorcist team in Rome; this group was required to make an annual trip to the Vatican for meetings. Joanne, our group leader, had contacted a nun who had connections with the Vatican. She requested that our marriage be blessed by the Pope. We were not granted that request, but Mike and I were still excited about this venture. I had recently returned to the Catholic Church after a long, productive hiatus with the Protestant movement.

The Grand Plaza Rome

Joanne had suggested the hotel that the team had always used. The Grand Plaza Hotel is one of the most beautiful old hotels located on the Via del Corso. Its location is just a stone’s throw away from the Spanish Steps. This hotel is in the heart of Rome’s upscale shopping district, similar to our Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. This area has all the Roman amenities at your feet. There are  wonderful restaurants that the locals frequent, and after dinner we would walk to the Trevi Fountain and have the best gelato.

Me in the Vatican Gardens

The Vatican

From the hotel, we needed to take a taxi to the Vatican, and we were given an address: Borgo Santo Spirito, 4. We walked around for several hours, trying to find the building, and, after an argument over the situation, we decided to have lunch and then try again. We found Borgo Santo Spirito, but could not find the number 4.  Just when we were about to give up, a friendly priest must have noticed our frustration. Without effort, he knew exactly  where to lead us. We thanked him, and walked into a building we had passed several times.

When we arrived, we were handed an envelope with an official letter and two tickets. The letter was written in Italian, and the only part I could interpret was “my name with an escort.” I remembered that Joanne had mentioned that the Swiss Guards were very approachable, so we showed them the letter.  A Swiss Guard motioned for us to go farther to the left side of  St. Peter’s Basilica. We walked into another secured area, but at this point they asked for our passports. We explained that we left them in the hotel’s security box. Thank God we had our driver’s licenses, we so were allowed passage to visit the Vatican Gardens.

Me at the Vatican Gardens


Vatican Gardens

Neither of us knew exactly where we were being led, but suddenly we were alone and walking through the Vatican Gardens! I cried in disbelief. For hours Mike and I made our way through the myriad of greens, topiaries, waterscapes, statues and arches. Occasionally a group of priests or bishops would walk through the gardens. This was our first full  day, and we were in awe of the holiness there. Back in 1998 there were no Vatican Garden tours available for tourists, so we knew how special this was.

The Pope’s Chair in white linen and Mike


Pope John Paul II

The Dream

The following night I had a vivid dream. In the dream an angel appeared, woke me up, and grabbed me by the  hand. I turned and quickly grabbed Mike’s hand. In a great rush, almost as if we were flying, the angel took us to the front rows of seating where the Pope would sit for the Mass. John Paul II was the pope at that time.

With my voice filled with excitement, I woke up and told Mike that we needed to get  to Vatican extra early! Mike asked, “What’s wrong with you? You need to slow down!” My excitement was over the top because I knew this was a prophetic dream. I shared the dream with Mike, and he reluctantly agreed to leave earlier. When we arrived, we handed our tickets to an usher, and the man kept moving us closer and closer until we were sitting in an area reserved for dignitaries. It was exactly what the angel did in the dream! Mike was in a state of disbelief, and I was living the dream.

Journal Your Dreams

Journaling your dreams can help you better understand when God is talking to you. (1 King 3:5-15; Dan 2:19:30; Mt 1:20; Mt 27:19) Not all dreams are prophetic, but when they are, it is because God wants you to receive a message. I knew this dream was from God because it was so real and the fact that it came to fruition validates the message.

My Prayer
Dear Lord, I thank You for all the gifts You have bestowed on us. I pray that You would reveal Yourself in dreams to those who are struggling with making life-changing decisions. Lord, speak to the politicians of this country in dreams and visions that may heed Your voice. Amen.


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