The cloud the size of a man’s hand over Lake Arrowhead
1 Kings 18:43-44 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
43 He said to his servant, “Go up and look out to sea.” He went up and looked, but reported, “There is nothing.” Seven times he said, “Go look again!” 44 And the seventh time the youth reported, “There is a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising from the sea.” Elijah said, “Go and say to Ahab, ‘Harness up and go down the mountain before the rain stops you.’”
Thursday’s reading at Mass was from 1 Kings 18:41-46. I have always thought of the prophet Elijah as a bit temperamental. He did as God asked, but at times he feared the outcome. He knew that he was called to get the Israelites back on track with God. He could very well be our modern day prophet; as with Elijah, when he asked the Israelites to gather at Mount Carmel. He asked all the people “How long will you straddle the issue? If the Lord is God, follow him; if Baal follow him.” (1 Kings 18:21) We have in this country plenty of Baal worshipers, and we are currently in a spiritual drought. As like in the times of Elijah, the people were fooled into believing and buying into matters that lack any real substance, let alone any truth. In the times of Elijah it had not rained in three years. After his battle with Ahab and his wicked wife Jezebel, Elijah prayed for his own death. But God had other plans. Though Elijah went to the mountain of God to hide, he could never escape the Lord.
Mount Sinai/ Horeb
Elijah was at the same mountain where Moses met the Lord (Horeb is the alternate name for Mount Sinai). He ran from danger but encounted God! And like Moses he received a great commission, after a theophany. When Elijah heard God’s voice he hid his face. Why would he do this? The prophet knew that his commission was not yet complete. When God asked him; “Why are you here?” (1 Kings 19: 9), Elijah heard the still, small voice of the Lord. The Lord did not appear in a strong violent wind, the Lord did not appear in an earthquake, nor in a fire. The Lord appeared to His servant Elijah in a still, small voice and instructed him on what he had to complete for God. The main purpose of Elijah’s calling was to lead the lost back to the one true God. There was mass confusion among the spiritually challenged Israelites; many of them turned to Baal worship, yet believed that they could also serve the one true God.
CubbyLucas and RussThe girlsCubby, Lucas, Will and MaddieMaddie, Jenny and WillRuss, Mikos, Mike and Cubby
The Still, Small Voice
I often wonder why things do not take a turn for the better in our country. We are certainly inundated with violent winds, earthquakes and fires, yet we fail to hear the still, small voice of God. As gas prices continue to rise, the food prices follow. We in California know what to expect when summer comes in with its sweltering heat. We, the consumers, will be hit again with rolling blackouts. As a nation we need to return to God; that is the only recourse. Like the lost Israelites in the times of Elijah, we need to climb that spiritual mountain and stay there for a few days until we hear from God.
Our Family Mountain Retreat
We traveled to Arrowhead Mountain this past weekend. It was a quick family getaway and both Mike and I were pleasantly surprised that our entire family could be together. Our granddaughter Maddie just completed her volleyball camp and took a few days off from work. William had a free weekend, no basketball until the following week. Lucas and Jacob’s last day of school was Thursday, so we were set. Mike and I arrived a day early and had a heavenly dinner in Blue Jay. I was so happy that I ordered the right dinner because nine times out of ten I order the wrong thing.
Prepared for the wildlife battle
My friend Helen warned me about bears and mountain lions and urged me to carry a stick when taking my walks. The fresh air is different and more peaceful in the mountains, and the wind speaks in a whisper. This warning put a little fear in my heart, so the first day I walked like a mad woman, circling the spacious driveway. The following day Russ found a sizable stick that I could use in case of a bear or mountain lion attack. I kept reciting the Bible verse from Genesis 1:28 because we do have dominion over all living creatures.
Genesis 1:28 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
28 God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the earth.
The mountain flies are bigger and more aggressive here. I had recently watched a video on how to trap and kill flies on Tik Tok. Mikos challenged me, “I bet I can kill more flies with the flyswatter than with your silly concoction.” He was right; the following day I discovered that it only caught a few gnats.
Our little staycation was definitely a bonding experience. Mike cooked and we ate all our home cooked-meals together. I made sandwiches for the boat ride, but there was one glitch. I forgot to put cheese in Lucas’ ham sandwich; he did not recover well from that incident. One other minor mishap: we only packed three bottles of water, and before the engine started we drank two bottles. When we had finished using the pontoon, we filled it with gas. Jenny, along with Will, Lucas, and Jacob, decided to disembark and wait for us. Both Maddie and I proved to be no use when parking the boat. Mikos told us to either laugh and sit there or help; we chose the former. Both Sonja and Mikos teamed up to help in the effort; honestly I have not seen this type of camaraderie between them since they were toddlers. Russ did a great job and Mike, as always, was our great support. Lastly, thank you, Larry and Helen, for allowing us to stay in your beautiful mountain retreat.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I thank you for the time we had together as a family. I pray that You would always keep us as a strong family unit. Lord, equip us to climb that spiritual mountain and, just as You met Moses and Elijah, meet us there to commission us to do Your holy work. Amen.
This past week I had the privilege of participating in two ceremonies of the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Norbert Catholic Church. It was important for me to follow through with the students I helped on this special journey.
The night before the first Confirmation class received their sacrament, I had a dream that I would stand in proxy for one of the candidates. On the day of the confirmation, I was asked to stand in proxy for a young man whose sponsor was running very late.
Saturday was the Spanish Confirmation, so I arrived extra early to help. As I was sitting in my car sipping my coffee, a student and his family were walking toward the church. The young man’s tie was hanging around his neck untied. The Holy Spirit alerted me that the candidate did not know how to tie it. Without hesitation, I went up to the family and asked if he needed help tying his tie. Both of his parents answered, “Si, por favor.” God guides us when we are needed.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation is the outpouring of the special gifts God has in store for us. It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us; wisdom, making the right decisions, knowledge, and understanding. It gives us courage when we need it and, most importantly, instills in us the fear of God. By being confirmed in the Catholic Church, we also experience an abundance of graces. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is more intimate. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given boldness to take a greater role in the Church. You receive an indelible mark or character on the soul that can never be removed.
God First
If we can make a connection with the mass shooters who have terrorized our schools, it is that they did not have God in their lives. Jillian Peterson, PhD, and James Densley, PhD, collaborated in a study and authored the book “The Violence Project.” With years of studies of mass shootings, they have developed a database to explore the shooters, their backgrounds, guns and motivation. According to this study, there are four commonalities in mass shootings:
Childhood trauma, violence in the home, sexual assault and parental suicides;
Crises weeks or months leading up to the shootings;
Most mass shooters study and copy the actions of other shooters. They want notoriety for their heinous killings; and
The shooters all had the means to carry out their murderous plans.
The Perpetrators
In most cases the perpetrators suffered from severe bullying. We know this because they shared the information via social media. Nearly all the shooters made threatening communications before carrying out their attacks. 93% of the attacks were pre-meditated; they had it in their hearts to kill and developed a plan to carry out their hatred. The perpetrators were aware that this was their final act because they, too, would either kill themselves or be killed by the police. These broken souls were determined to bring others down because they expressed their grievances through violence.
The Fight
We are all in this together. If we do not come together as a God-fearing country, nothing will change. We need to put aside all of our prejudices and fix this once and for all. I believe in the right to bear arms, but we need to come to a consensus as to how to improve the laws so that these mentally deranged individuals will never be allowed to purchase guns. This is a different type of mental illness because these individuals are out to make a name for themselves. They believe their infamous behavior will make those who hurt them suffer, we all suffer! The family life of the Uvalde shooter is slowly trickling in: his mother was a drug abuser; he was raised by his grandparents; he was a loner. I was sickened while watching a news reporter at the home of the perpetrator’s grandparents. The perpetrator’s mother was sitting on the porch praying a rosary! Why now? And why in front of the cameras? Only God knows what went on in that house that spawned a demon.
Shame on your organization for not canceling this convention! Shame on all those who attended and spoke there as well! How can you not have the decency to respect the loss of these babies and their teachers? What’s wrong with you people? Is it more important to sell more guns than to respect life? Your organization projected a heartless attitude to the world.
I have asked God, “Why? Why is this happening in our country?” The answer is simple: we are a killing nation. We continue to kill babies in their mothers’ wombs, not only in this country but around the world. Our murderous benevolence is coming back to haunt us. We give and give to Planned Parenthood 500 million dollars a year! Our tax payer money is spent helping illegal immigrants who are flooding our country with financial burdens. These statistics are from Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas:
Texans pay between $579 million and $717 million each year for public hospital districts to provide uncompensated care for illegal aliens.
Texans paid $152 million to house illegal criminal aliens for just one year.
Texans pay between $62 million and $90 million to include illegal aliens in the state Emergency Medicaid program.
Texans paid more than $1 million for The Family Violence Program to provide services to illegal aliens for one year.
Texans pay between $30 million and $38 million per year on perinatal coverage for illegal aliens through the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Texans pay between $31 million and $63 million to educate unaccompanied alien children each year.
We pay Big Pharma to continue creating more vaccines for children! What about protecting them from violence? In an article by Jan Phillips, “Big Pharma Makes Big Bucks at Tax Payers’ Expense.” “Congress appropriated nearly 10 billion tax dollars to support development and manufacturing of COVID-19 diagnostics, treatments and vaccines.”
What we need to do is reallocate this funding and hire armed security for all public schools and hire school nurses with special training in psychology in order to defuse these mass shootings.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, all these beautiful lives were taken way too soon. As You receive them in Your loving arms, comfort the families with peace in knowing that they are with You. Lord, fill the void of these families with Your merciful love. Lord, I pray that our senators will come to the consensus to better improve our antiquated gun laws. Lord, wake parents up from their spiritual slumber and tug at their hearts to raise their children with God in their lives. Amen.
For the second time in my life I have had the blessing of watching a sweet hummingbird build a nest. This time is different because the nesting bird (I’ll call her Ruth) is directly outside our kitchen door. We recently had our kitchen painted, and I gave clear instruction to the painters not to disturb Ruth. The painters were most respectful of Ruth’s territory. We all are intrigued by this beautiful act of nature and understand that we must not only protect but respect Ruth’s journey.
Isaiah 49:1 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
1 Hear me, coastlands, listen, distant peoples.
Before birth the Lord called me, from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.
Saving the Babies
We know that these tiny birds have a live span of only four years, so we do our part to protect their nests. Yet when it comes to other matters of life, like a baby in its mother’s womb, suddenly this becomes problematic. You see, in reality there is no difference and in both cases the babies need protection. I have long grown tired of the misconceptions and misrepresentation as to why people continue to support abortion on demand. I’m not going to use my Blog as a platform to try to change the minds of people who are ill-informed. I leave that up to their individual consciences. I will never judge the decision of any woman who chooses what she believes is right for her body. But the “my body, my choice” does not reflect reality. In natural law, Ruth hatches two jelly-bean sized eggs. From that point on, she has lovingly warmed her chicks until they hatched. If this tiny bird has the instinct to protect her eggs, it’s because she understood that by the time her babies hatched, she was there for them. She did not question whether she could provide for them; she knew all along what she learned from her mother: she, too, could become the protector of her chicks because it’s innate. I will use real facts in an attempt to dissuade your heart.
Information from Human Life International
“In the United States, six states surveyed the reasons women obtained abortions from 1996 to 2011. They found that abortions done with the stated justification of saving the life or physical or mental health of the mother accounted for only about 2.3% (1 out of 43) of all abortions; abortions for rape and incest accounted for 0.13% (1 out of 769) of all abortions; and about 0.59% (1 out of 169) abortions are done for fetal birth defects (eugenics).
Overall, the hard cases combined account for about 3% (1 out of every 33) of all abortions done in the United States today. This means that about 97% of all abortions are performed for social or economic reasons or to please people close to her such as parents, husband, or boyfriend. These numbers represent the sum of surveys of 1.29 million aborting women done in Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Utah.”
“On May 11, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a $125 million dollar abortion industry funding proposal designed to expand abortion services and incentive abortion providers to move into California. The Newsom Administration is seeking to capitalize on the Supreme Court’s anticipated overturn of Roe v. Wade.”
So who exactly is going to foot the $125 million bill? We are! Because our governor is proposing that our state provide services for anyone out of state, citizen or illegal alien, to fly them out to California, provide accommodations, pay for their time off from work and babysitting if necessary. He might as well throw in a couple of tickets to Disneyland too!
Maybe I can’t tug at your heart about the sinful nature of abortions. But perhaps emptying your wallet will help you understand the deep-seated evil that this represents. Our state is in dire straits. How many more financial hits can we endure?
The Targeted Groups
The number one killer of Blacks is not diabetes, heart attacks, or homicide. It’s abortions!
Perceiving and Addressing the Pervasive Racial Disparity in Abortion
“Black women have been experiencing induced abortions at a rate nearly 4 times that of White women for at least 3 decades, and likely much longer. The impact in years of potential life lost, given abortion’s high incidence and racially skewed distribution, indicates that it is the most demographically consequential occurrence for the minority population. The science community has refused to engage on the subject and the popular media has essentially ignored it. In the current unfolding environment, there may be no better metric for the value of Black lives.”
“Yet, the evidence is clear that for many decades Black children in the United States have not had, and do not have today, an equal opportunity to survive until birth. The most recent CDC report on abortion in the United States indicates that, in 2016, the Non-Hispanic Black abortion rate (25.1 abortions per 1,000 women age 15-44) was 3.8 times the Non-Hispanic White rate of 6.6. One could reasonably hope, given the pattern of declining abortion rates for 3 decades, that the racial disparity in abortion also would be decreasing. However, between 2007-2016, the Black rate declined 29% and the White rate declined 33%-meaning that the racial disparity actually increased rather than decreased during that time period. It is also important to note that 5 states that did not report race-specific abortion data (or no data at all in the case of California) to the CDC (California, New York, Texas, Florida and Illinois) account for fully half of all U.S. abortions and a third of all Black women of child bearing age. Further, the CDC notes that non-reporting states have “populations of minority women so that the absence of their data reduces the representativeness of the CDC data.” This means that the existing CDC reports possibly underestimate the size of the racial disparity in abortion nationwide.” National Library of Medicine -National Center for Biotechnology Information
Do Black Lives Really Matter?
No, because Black women, along with other minorities, are targeted and groomed for abortions. If you noticed in the article above, the states mentioned have the highest minority populations. They do not want to be included in any statistical data because they are the machine driving this train wreck. In this case we can chalk one up for Planned Parenthood, California, New York, and Black Lives Matter as victorious at pulling the wool over the world’s eyes. But the battle has just begun and ALL truth will be revealed.
Catholics and Abortions
It’s not surprising that priests do not use the pulpit to preach against abortions. Sadly, according to a recent Pew Report, more than half of Catholics believe it’s a woman’s right to abort her child. So any argument contrary to this belief would offend half of the parishioners! It remains for people like us to understand the demographics and the truth about how blacks infants are being killed.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, You are the giver of all life. I ask that every evil schemes behind abortions be exposed. Lord, we are a broken nation that needs Your help and guidance to promote unity. May Your Holy Spirit fall upon our nation to make us one with You. Amen.