My sister Norma and I have been buddies our entire lives. Norma is one of the most interesting women I know. She has been married twice; from these marriages came her four gifts, her children: Freddie, Mario, Leah and Maggie. God has a purpose for each one of their lives.
In 2006 Norma and her family moved to Arizona. I was devastated because I felt betrayed for two reasons: (1) I was not going to see my sister every week, and (2) Norma persuaded our mother and older sister Myra to follow her out of state. Norma wanted a fresh start away from San Bernardino, so she and her then-husband opened a small Mexican restaurant in Mesa, Arizona. As the marriage unraveled, so did the restaurant.
Our Youth
When we were younger we were always looking for adventures. We were the sweet, clean-cut girls being raised by a single mom. Our mother was, by far, one of the strictest parents who ever lived. She watched us like a hawk, and she had our older brothers in training. Together they made our lives a living hell. Thank you, mom; though it was rough going, we girls turned out fine.

Norma was the baby of the family. She did receive special treatment and attention, but jealousy was never a part of our lives. Though it seemed that Norma was favored, and that our mother cared for her more, in reality it was how Norma cared for our mother. It would take me several years to understand why our mother moved to Arizona, but it was all part of God’s great canvas which He was still perfecting. As our mother’s health declined , Norma became her caregiver. God was training Norma for a new career.

The Caregiver
It is never by accident when our lives are re-directed; rather, it’s a assignment from God. Norma’s love for the elderly has led her to working at Canyon Winds Assistance and Memory Care Facility in Mesa, Arizona. This facility has been rated number one two years in a row. I believe that this place is blessed and protected because of Norma’s prayers and a special covering from the Lord. Norma has recently added to her responsibilities as the assistant activities director. She has developed a wheelchair exercise program for memory care. The best part of this program is the life that Norma brings to the group. Despite her students’ impaired memories, they remember Norma and welcome her with a smile. They recall the words to the songs, and it sparks new activity in their lapsed memories.
Bad Cars Syndrome
Norma suffers from purchasing “Bad Car Syndrome.” With the exception of her current car, all her other vehicles came with dysfunctional traits and a lot of mileage. Even in this department God has always taken care of my sister; she has never been stranded. Last summer her son Freddie purchased a used Impala, but it, too, had health issues. After a diagnostic check, the repairs were too out of reach for my sister, so she decided to sell the car.
The New Buyer
The car was not on the market for long. A kind man drove from an hour away to see the Impala. Norma shared with the man the repair work that was needed. They made a verbal agreement, but Norma could not find the title: no title, no sale. Norma said that she tore her house apart looking for that important piece of paper. She called the man and told him that she would go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a duplicate copy. The man kindly agreed to wait because he was very interested in the vehicle.

The Neighbor
When two women and three children live in a neighborhood God sends angels to watch over them. Norma’s neighbor Tim is a hard-working man who watches out for my sister and her family. When my nephew Freddie was layed up after major surgery, he stayed with Norma. Freddie is a friendly guy and quickly took to Tim. Freddie is a servant of God; if you befriend him, you are going to get an earful of Jesus. Freddie had been witnessing to Tim all summer long.
On the day that Norma was to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Tim came out to talk to Norma. He asked “Norma, are you selling the car? How much are you asking for it?” Norma told him the price and Tim responded, “Sell it to me! I will pay you this week.” Norma had already talked to the first buyer and assured him that the deal was done. My sister is a person of her word, and though it would facilitate the sale of the car to Tim, she told him, “I can’t, I promised it to this man.”
After getting the title situated, she called the buyer to arrange a meeting with him on Friday. On Wednesday evening Tim came to Norma’s house and said, “Norma, can we talk about the car?” Norma wanted to explain to Tim that she had already agreed to sell the car. Then Tim told her not to sell the car. He went on to say, “The Lord spoke to me and told me to fix the car for you, so you can’t sell it.” Norma was stunned by two things: she knew that Tim was not a religious man, and why would he do this for her?
God’s Voice
When God speaks to us, He does it so that we will understand Him. His voice stirs several emotions. I know when He speaks to me, my heart starts beating at a more accelerated pace. I know what I’m to do, and until my spirit is free of these emotions, I must do what is asked of me. Norma questioned Tim, “Really, and how did God speak to you?” “I heard a voice, and I felt something in my heart. I knew it was God. He told me to do this for you.” Norma quickly responded that she could not allow him to do this, but Tim insisted. He went on to say that it was up to her, and reminded her that God did speak to him.
Seeing God In All Things
God’s hand was with my sister, and this was a Christmas miracle. God allowed time for the car not to be sold because the title had been misplaced. This gave Tim the opportunity to be used by God. Tim was being introduced as to how God would use him; because he said “yes” his blessings will be many. This is the fruit of my nephew Freddie, who was obedient in sharing the Word of God with Tim. These small seeds produced much fruit, therefore we need to saturate the world with these seeds of love.
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, Thank You for watching over my sister and her family. Thank You for bringing Tim into their lives. We know that there are many Tims in this world who are called to help others. Lord, speak to those who have so that they will give to those in need. Just as You did to Tim, speak to their hearts to do what is right in Your eyes. Amen.
When it is in your power to do it.
If God is speaking to you to give to others this Christmas, do it without question and you will be blessed beyond measure. God Bless You!