Why “My Catholic Roots”

Flanked by two angels (precious Lauren)

It’s  been seven years since I first published the first story on my Blog. This idea came to me during  Advent. I never gave up on this dream until it came to fruition. This was given to me by the Holy Spirit; it came about through much prayer. I felt a strong calling to describe my life experiences by sharing them in a Blog.

The Blog

I wanted to start a Blog but had no idea how to begin this venture, I prayed about it for a very long time. In December of 2015,  I received a dream from the Lord who instructed me to name the Blog “My Catholic Roots Are Showing.” I was also given a vision of what the logo should look like. This was a vivid dream so after journaling, I kept telling God, “But I don’t really want to use the word Catholic because I minister to Protestants as well.”  I reminded the Lord that many of my relatives were non-Catholic, including my son and his family. God knows everything, so after I stopped questioning and complaining about His directions, everything fell into place.


Lauren, a family friend, was in between jobs when she decided to join our weekly Bible study group. I mentioned my dream and she graciously volunteered to help me.  She was an answer to my prayers.  Thanks to Lauren’s hard work and  perseverance, within three days my new Blog was up and running.

The vision the Lord gave me  for the logo was my face with the extensions of my hair being roots . When Lauren designed the logo, she added my face as the “O” in Catholic.

The Vision

The only thing that’s certain is that if God gives you a vision He will see you through it. This Blog is to bring light to non-Catholics the root of our beliefs and to gently guide wayward Catholics back home. I will not  pound anyone over the head with Catholic doctrine to help him better understand the Catholic point of view; rather I will witness through my faith what God is doing in my life. I do not waver in my beliefs; my Catholic faith has brought serving God to its fullest. It took a big trial for me to reach this pinnacle.

The Exit

My history with her majesty, the Catholic Church, started when my eldest brother died of cancer in 1983. There was conflict with a priest at our local parish. He questioned  me about my brother’s funeral arrangements and wanted to know if we attended Mass regularly. All of my siblings were in a state of spiritual limbo and none of us were remotely attending Mass. Aside from Christmas and Easter, I never went to any Catholic services.

I pleaded with the priest that my brother was too sick to attend services, but I knew that it had been many years.  In frustration and anger over the manner in which one priest handled my brother’s death, I left the Catholic Church. Disappointment quickly turned into a hardened heart toward my former church.  Emotionally charged and spiritually void, led me to a 15-year hiatus of bouncing from one Protestant church to another.

The Valley Vineyard

I was led to the Valley Vineyard. There our young family settled in and I found a new love for the Word of God. This ministry was my favorite; we became good friends with the pastor and his wife, but sadly, due to Mike’s job, we had to move to Orange County. So for 15 years I went from Anaheim Vineyard, to Calvary Church, to Calvary Chapel, and many other churches in between. All of these were wonderful growing experiences, but one church in particular continued to  feed into my anger against Catholics. When I heard these negative words from the pulpit about my former church, it intensified my contempt for Catholics even greater.

The Journey

My husband and children were all cradle Catholics; however, my new religion became theirs. This new-found faith brought me to a group that was led by a lady named Michelle. I was so impressed by Michelle’s knowledge and wisdom of the Word of God. Her preaching was powerful and incited my spirit to desire more of God. I wanted so badly to introduce her to my Catholic friends with the intention of converting them. I talked to other Anaheim Vineyard members, and was taken aback when I was informed that Michelle was Catholic! My thoughts were, “How can this be? How can a Catholic have the fire of God like this?” Michelle’s ecumenical giftings allowed her to work alongside popular pastors and many other renowned movers and shakers in the Protestant faith.

From Michelle’s teaching came my introduction to her mother Joanne, also Catholic. I became a member of Christ In You in 1994, attending two weekly services. I fully committed myself to serve in this ministry. In addition I started attending daily Mass. These were the stepping stones that led me back to Catholicism.

Coming Home

I remember the Sunday when I returned to Catholic Mass because it was an unusual experience. I walked in with my husband to the sound of solemn music. The praise and worship was structured.  “What was I doing here?  Is this really from You Lord?”  I was accustomed to lifting my hands in worship and swaying back and forth to the sounds of loud praise music. It took time for me to readjust to the quiet beauty of the Mass, but it all came back to me gradually. The reverence of the people and genuflecting before the Eucharist, the kneeling, the standing –  these physical movements honored and respected the holiness of God.

The Manna

These rituals are unchanging and enriching, but it was not until I received  the Eucharist that the spirit of completeness came over me. It took several services before I realized that truly I was where God had called me. The Eucharist is spiritual food that I cannot live without.  Attending daily Mass is what sustains my walk; nothing can replace the real manna, the true Body of Christ.

The Body of Christ
Father Leonard Mary  presenting the Body of Christ at an outdoor service in Patmos, Greece

Susanna and Helen

During this entire journey my dear friend Susanna was praying for me to return to the Catholic Church. Her gentle, stern approach, was steadfast because she was well catechized and knew how to defend her faith. My best friend Helen, also Catholic, listened to all my preachings  but never wavered from her beliefs either. Flanked by these two strong Catholic women, my ambiguous mind was now at rest.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray that You would continue to give me insight as to the direction for my Blog. May Your Holy Spirit continue to grace me with wisdom on subject matter to touch the hearts of those who are searching, hurting or lost in the journey to You. May this first week of Advent lead them onto the right path.

I pray that my Blog will enlighten, make you laugh and most of all to seek His Face. Amen.




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Thanksgiving State of Grace

Thanksgiving is the countdown to Christmas.


My daughter Sonja makes all the desserts for Thanksgiving.  After a long day at work, Sonja was excited to start her baking and for the first time her son Jacob helped.  Then it happened, Jacob  accidentally dropped egg shells in the pumpkin pie mix.

You should always have adult company when preparing  meals for a big gathering; never do it alone. After a short phone call and by the tone of Sonja’s voice, I knew I needed to pay a visit.

I got there in time to cool down the emotional temperature. Both of the boys were in their rooms, and on this busy night Russ was at Jujitsu. By the time I arrived, Sonja  had already made a turtle cheese cake, mini pecan pies and was straining the egg shells from the pumpkin pie mixture.


Outdoor decorations by Mike

They had not had dinner, so I texted Russ the biggest fast-food debacle. After the messed-up food order, all was back to normal.

Be A Servant

Mike has always graciously prepared all of our Thanksgiving meals. But we are older now so this undertaking of hosting and preparing dinner has made us realize that, as much as we are unwilling to admit it, we are slowing down. Working alongside Mike in the kitchen has changed; for the first time, he welcomed my assistance in the production of the feast. In the past he would not have wanted any help whatsoever.

Taking a break

We were both up at 5:30 a.m. to get the bird ready. My job consisted of chopping celery, mushrooms, and onions along with cleaning up afterwards. My favorite part of Thanksgiving morning is that Mike traditionally makes breakfast. As the eggs were sizzling, we heard the front door open. I had a feeling it was our son Mikos. He was just in time for breakfast, but the real reason he came was to help.

Mikos had to transport the turkey from the refrigerator in the garage to the kitchen. He also had to cut up corn tortillas for the stuffing and helpe Mike with other tasks.  It was so nice having him around to help. I believe in the near future Mike will reluctantly pass the baton to our son.

Take A Long Walk

Mikos brought Rosie, their golden retriever, so after we had finished our tasks, we walked for four miles. We wanted to visit Mikos’ old middle school to see the tree and read the plaque that was dedicated to his middle school friends who lost their lives weeks apart. Like all public schools, because of all the school shootings,  the gates were locked.

Long walks clear your head, and it’s always a bonding experience. On this day I walked over six miles.

Enjoy The Feast

Jenny, our daughter-in-law, prepared three side dishes and as usual, the dinner was beyond great.  We had great conversation, then it was time for dessert and Bingo.


For the past five years we have played Bingo. I buy all the gifts at a deep discount and warn all winners that each gift is worse than the next. Since I am the caller,  sometimes I transpose the numbers, like calling out “O 17” instead of “O 71.” Because of this, Jacob (Cubby) is assigned a sit next to me to double check the numbers.

Forming A Clean-up Committee

I had already cleaned the stove, so I thought I was way ahead of the game.  Jacob,  like Mike, is a great servant. He started by picking up all the plates, including the chargers.  Our granddaughter Maddie was a great help by washing the silverware. Will dried all the chargers and stacked them up for storage.

The best advice I can offer to a guest is to help with the clean-up. I, like Mike, am a loner when cleaning the kitchen. But this time I welcomed help. Mike was still entertaining his sister and brother-in-law while I was putting away the food and washing all the dishes. I was the modern-day Martha doing all the work  (Luke 10:38-42). It was fine the first hour, but then I felt anger creeping in.

I was about ready to hang up my dish towel, when I noticed on the kitchen table the turkey. The turkey was still sitting in the same greasy pan!  “Oh, hell no!” I said to myself. I yelled for Mike to come and help. In a loud voice I said, “I can’t do this. You need to take care of the turkey!” We still had guests so Mike was kind in his reply “Ok, what do you want me to do?” The dialogue went back and forth, and I was getting a little more agitated each time. Needless to say, I took this anger to bed.


Our grandchildren

Anger can take an ugly turn, so the following morning I went to Mass and to Confession. I poured out my heart about who and why I felt such anger. I felt guilty because my speech seemed rude, but being absolved of my anger set me free.

The Christmas Card Picture

I informed our family that we were going to take our Christmas card photograph on Thanksgiving Day. None of them wanted to participate. So I suggested they come to our house on Saturday for the photograph. I asked my sweet neighbor, Victoria, to stop by at 2:30 for the photo shoot. After 35 shots, we finally agreed on one picture.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank You for allowing us another year of good health. Lord, bless Mike for all the hard work he has done this week: putting up the outdoor decorations, cooking the meal, and the love he puts into all that he does. Lord, bless Russ for helping us by getting all the boxes down, setting up the trees, moving furniture and hanging lights. Please bless Mikos, who was so gracious in helping by preparing the meal.  Bless Jenny for the love she put into all the delicious side dishes that made them taste better. And bless Sonja for her thoughtfulness and loving care in preparing all the beautiful desserts. Amen.


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Peace In A Troubled World


Peace is mentioned in the Bible over 400 times, and in most cases it has to do with divine revelation. Peace is what our hearts yearn for; we can rest in the assurance that when we are at peace we can get through any trial.

In my personal experience, whenever I’m confronted with a dire situation my first reaction is to panic. After a few minutes I gather my crazy thoughts and submit them to prayer.  Prayer always reverses the panic and calms my spirit. Aside from that, prayer changes everything, and trusting in God will bring peace.

We have all been  given the same tools to get through our spiritual battles, but until we surrender all to God, we will struggle to attain peace.


How do we surrender? When our prayers are not immediately answered, many of us resort to impatience.  Surrendering all to God is complicated because we, out of habit, take things into our own hands and start to worry about the problem again. Not trusting God during our storms opens the door to fear. Once fear creeps in, we begin to believe that God does not hear our pleas. All this self- talk leads to another level of despair. Fear and despair make a perfect potion for self-pity. With self-pity we view ourselves as victims.

Out Of God’s Realm

A victim mentality is exactly where the Enemy wants you. Yes, you pray, you cry out to God but deep down you are too weak to surrender. Why? You did not surrender all your burdens to the Lord because you lack trust.

Learn From The Master 

When Jesus was with His disciples on the Sea of Galilee a violent storm engulfed the waters. The disciples were filled with fear and thought they would all die. What was Jesus doing at this time? He was peacefully asleep. Jesus was calm in all the storms of His life because He was in the constant presence of God in prayer. Nothing could break His peace. Not even the Crucifixion robbed Him of His peace.

Lauren and Sylvia

Lauren and Sylvia are two young women who are in the midst of a storm; both are suffering from cancer. As I prayed for these two women I ask that God would strengthen their family members so they could continue to battle on their behalf. I am praying for a miracle. I know that many are coming alongside them, petitioning for the same thing. These types of storms are teaching us to travail and to have faith and trust God.

The doctors’ reports are just another reason for us to pray. If the report is negative, we continue to bombard heaven. In the battlefield, we wait for our commander Jesus to direct our prayers. We never give up until we hear from God. I pray for Lauren and Sylvia to experience the presence of God and to have peace during this horrendous trial.

My sisters: Jo, me and Norma

My Sister Jo

About a month ago my sister was having two procedures done. One of the surgeries was a full hysterectomy. I was concerned about this because these surgeries combined were going to take six hours. Pleading with Jo I said, “Why, can’t you do these procedures separately?” She replied, “No, I want it over with! Then I thought that maybe she should have a partial hysterectomy. Needless to say, I was concerned. I prayed about it and on the day of her surgery I offered up my communion on her behalf.

The Surgeries

I was in contact with her oldest son, Frank, calling him for updates. Finally after  the two procedures her doctors said the surgeries were successful . The following week Jo received a call from one of the doctors. He informed her that she had developed  first stage cancer. The doctor went on to explain that it was a good thing that she had decided on a total hysterectomy; otherwise the cancer would not have been detected.

The Lord knows everything, and He put it in my sister’s heart to proceed with what I believed was an unnecessary surgery. I praise God that this cancer was found and removed. During this entire time my sister had peace about her surgeries; nothing was going to deter her decision.


A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine approached me after Mass. She was in tears as she asked me to pray for her daughter Amiee. Through a routine examination cancer was found and she was scheduled to get further testing to see how far the cancer had spread. My friend said that Amiee did not want to share any news with her children until the results of the tests were available. I prayed so hard for Amiee’s healing, and I know her family was waging war on the same battlefield.

The following week I looked for my friend after Mass and asked about the tests. With tears of joy she announced, “The doctors could not find a trace of cancer!” We hugged and praised the Lord for this victory.

I see my friend at daily Mass.  We both share the same thoughts about being under the covering of a God-fearing church; this offers us peace. And receiving communion on a regular basis amplifies our inner peace.

Attaining Peace 

I have mentioned this on several of my Blogs: we all need a covering. My covering is the Catholic church. I know where to go when my life gets out of whack, or when I have fallen short and have sinned.  Through my fellowship with God and the Eucharist, I can survive all that the Enemy throws my way. Whenever I feel guilty about something that I’ve said, the Holy Spirit immediately convicts me and my conscience becomes unsettled. If I cannot shake off the bad feelings, I go to confession. But for the most part receiving communion frees me from the guilt.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I continue to pray for Lauren and Sylvia because I know that You hold them in the palm of Your Holy Hand. Comfort them and give them a supernatural dose of peace during their trial.

As we gather together as a family during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season, grant us peace to get along with our families. May we not only open our homes but our hearts as well, offering love and peace.

Lord, we need peace in this world that is filled with hatred and anger. Send Your healing angels throughout the corners of the world to bring peace. Change the hearts of those who oppose the Word of God. Annihilate the plans of the Enemy and destroy all of his strategies to do evil. Amen.





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