Thinking about this past election, one thing for which I am so grateful: no more ads. That in itself is a blessing.
Latino Vote
Apparently I was not the only Latino who voted for Trump. According to a CBSNews/YouGov poll, 46% of registered Latinos voted for him as well. Fifty three percent of Latino voters favored Trump’s plan of mass deportation. Seventy six percent of Latinos believe that the crisis at the border was one of the main reasons. According to the Pew Research Center an estimated 36.2 million Latinos were eligible to vote this year. This number has increased from 32.3 million in 2020. The majority of us stand for faith, family and hope.
To me it was a priority to vote for a candidate who protected my faith. Our God given-rights must be protected. We live in a free democracy and should always be allowed to express our love for God. Our values have been shaken with the distorted information about protecting the unborn. Because the Democrats took a radical stance on abortions as their main platform, it did not go well. They need to reexamine their inaccurate information and not use this as a platform in the future. Now they need to reboot their liberal thinking to reach the masses.
For me, a God-fearing Christian, it would he a heinous act to see a puppy being drowned. I would do anything to save it. I know very well that those on the left would do the same. But under these circumstances, when it comes to the subject of saving an unborn baby, it’s a different story. You can give a new title to soften the meaning and gain constituents, but abortion is the killing of an innocent life. Although they changed the name to Women’s Reproductive Rights, it does not dismiss the fact that an innocent child is being sacrificed.
It is up to us as parents and grandparents to guide our children. They not only need parental guidance but spiritual guidance as well. In this cruel world we cannot make it without God. As a catechism teacher I have witnessed the positive difference in my students. I do not know their backgrounds, or if they are being raised by a single parent. All I know is that someone is taking the responsibility to nurture them to become better human beings. The Orange County Diocese requirement to complete this program is two years,
The Retreat
This weekend we hosted a day-long retreat. We played a game where some of the students were asked to do things outside their comfort zone. I have two Brians in my group, and they are both on the introverted side. It was an amazing transition as one Brian had to get in the middle of the group and pretend he was surfing, while the other Brian had to do a silly dance. Much to my surprise they were opening up and expressing themselves without fear.

I am so proud of my grandson Lucas for enduing the eight-hour retreat. During the hour and a half break I walked around the baseball field while he socialized with other students in the youth room.
Adoration was an integral part of the retreat. I made sure that all of my students genuflected before the altar. Later I explained to them that bending one knee to the floor is showing reverence. For an hour we listened to beautiful praise music while we were before the Blessed Sacrament. It was a holy experience for some of the students. I say some because others have not yet reached that level in their spiritual journey.
My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the election results. I pray that we unite as a nation under God. Lord, our country was created under God, and we are the barometer for the rest of the world. We can no longer be seen as a weak and unstable nation. Grace President Trump with fortitude and mighty justice to rule this God-fearing country. God Bless America! Amen.