This past week was one of my busiest.
After a five-day hospitalization from COVID in 2021, I asked the Lord to help me with a meaningful project. He gave me the word “nonprofit.” I was uncertain as to what that entailed, I asked again and I heard the word “backpacks.” So this is how the Ciriza/Driscoll Project got its start. We started with 50, but have now expanded our project to 75 backpacks. This is our fourth year.
The Great Deals
After we had delivered all the backpacks to five different schools, we were well pleased with our efforts.
The following week, when I went shopping, I noticed that backpacks were on sale at Marshalls, Ross, TJ Maxx and Macy’s. On different days I started to purchase them; some were marked down as low as $9.00, and if there were five available I purchased all of them. Before long, I had accumulated 26 backpacks that I needed to hide from my husband Mike. This merchandise filled three large-sized bags that I had to store. I kept this tiny secret from Mike for two weeks.
Our attic is not a safe area for someone my age to venture into. I always bump my head on the wood beams and sometimes I can hear the plywood crack under my feet. Regardless, the attic is very large, so without telling anyone, I stored the bags there. No one needed to know until next summer; besides, we rarely go into the attic. Shortly after storing them, for some strange reason Mike went into the attic looking for something. When he came out he asked me about these large bags in the attic. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I answered. “There are three large bags in the attic, who put them there?” he asked. “How should I know?” I lied.

The Confession
My guilty conscience got the better of me, so I went to confession. After confessing all my transgressions about the backpacks and lying to Mike, I received penance. But now my confessor told me that I had to come clean and tell Mike the truth. My character is a lot like that of Lucy Ricardo from the I Love Lucy television show. Lucy was forever getting into trouble, and Ricky would always come to her rescue. That’s how it works for us, as Mike will, at first, get upset, but then he quickly forgives me.
I cannot hide supplies for 75 backpacks and, since Mike is one of the major donors, I started to include him in the ordering. When we work together everything falls into place. For the greater part of this week our home will be a mess, but soon all will return to normal.
The Angelic Encounter
We got a late start ordering supplies. I was in a panic; so many of the bulk items had to be picked up at Walmart because I’m still boycotting Target. On the way to Walmart I made a few phone calls to ask for donations. My grandson Jacob, who was with me, asked, “Why are you calling people and asking for money? That’s embarrassing, grandma.” I quickly answered, “Embarrassing? No, it’s an opportunity for them to get blessed as well.” Then he said, “Either way, it’s still wrong.” I ignored him and made a few more calls.
We needed two shopping carts for all the supplies. Both Jacob and I were taking careful inventory and clearing some of the merchandise off the shelves. As I was checking for the best price on Bic pens, a stranger approached me. “What are you doing?” he asked. “I’m purchasing supplies for 75 backpacks” I answered. “What do you do with them?” he asked. “We distribute them to local schools to help parents who cannot afford to purchase school supplies for their children,” I answered. Then the man pulled out his wallet and said, “I want to bless you. How much money do you need?” I think my eyes must have dilated with this surprising generosity from a complete stranger. “Whatever the Lord leads you to give,” I replied. He gave me $120 in 20-dollar bills. My eyes filled with soft, grateful tears as I hugged him and thanked him.
As I turned the corner with the shopping cart I looked over at Jacob and said, “I forgot to ask his name!” So I went back to get a photo with him and his son. This special young man’s name is Emery, and his son’s name is Levi. He was shopping with his beautiful mother, whose name is Celeste.
This gracious act of kindness taught Jacob a great lesson on benevolence. Sometimes when we distrust and question God about important matters, He always confirms our doubts with a favorable miracle. This is how our Lord works. He also directs us to pray for those in need.
Praying for Ricky
My cousin Rick’s 42-year-old son, Ricky, is at Loma Linda University Hospital fighting for his life. After several attempts to reach Rick, I finally got through. I asked if I could visit Ricky and pray for him. Rick welcomed the gesture, so on Wednesday I drove to Loma Linda University Hospital. When I arrived, I could not believe the grave condition of Ricky. I had a blessed St. Jude medal, some water from Lourdes, and some anointing oil from the lamps of the tomb of Jesus at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. I made it clear that I was not there to give the anointing of the sick; but to pray for Ricky’s healing. Ricky needs a miracle, so I will continue to stand alongside his family in asking God to intervene on his behalf. Jesus, we trust in You!
For those of you who do not understand the powerful intercession of the saints, St. Jude will change your mind. He is the saint of the impossible. For is the reason all the St. Jude Hospitals all over the world are named in his honor . Saints are our heavenly example of how we should live our lives. To put it simply, we Catholics ask for their intercession. The great divide is this: Protestants believe we pray to the saints. We do not! We know Who our Lord and Savior is, and we pray to Him directly.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for sending Emery and blessing our ministry with his kind donation. Continue to bless him and his family. Heavenly Father, my cousin Rick and his family are at the foot of Your Cross, asking for a miracle for Ricky. I am asking for anyone who reads this prayer to come alongside us in agreement. Lord, nothing is impossible for You. Amen.