Philippians 4:8; it has been my favorite verse and I try to live by its example. Always look for God’s truth in every situation, it’s the honorable thing to do. The rest comes naturally. God wants us to display these virtues in our everyday lives. As we mature, we should become wiser in the wisdom of God. You can’t grow in the Lord on your own; everyone must have a spiritual covering, an accountability to be certain you’re on the right path. After all, our end journey should always be toward heaven.
My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for allowing me to serve You. Make me a better servant and if I become idle, correct me in the way I should go. Use me to my full capacity to lead others to You. Lord, I pray for all seniors to look to You for guidance in their lives and for those who have lost their way, may they seek You, Amen.