November 3, 2012
You may ask how did we ended up in Nepal and why minister there? When you are called to serve, God is very specific in giving instruction. We were on another missionary journey and our leader, Joanne was given a dream of huge mountains with people wearing usual hats, she had never seen this type of head gear before and inquired of God what it meant. Months later would come the first invitation to minister in Nepal. When the head of our ministry arrived at the Tibet Border and saw the native hats, she knew this was of God. Our team has been to Nepal five times since and we plan to return soon.
We sorted medicines for over 50 pastors in Nepal; the Pastors were coming from many regions; I was excited to make their acquaintance. We had small red duffles bags and filled them with basic cough syrup, aspirin, Pepto Bismol, skin ointments for itching and allergy meds; each team member was responsible for carrying an extra suitcase designated for this purpose.
Our host Pastor Brian and his lovely wife Ruth specialize in rescuing young girls from sex trafficking and bringing them into their sheepfold. Once rescued these beautiful young ladies are feed the love of Christ and are taught different trades such as candle making, sewing and computer classes. Pastor Brian and Ruth also operate a slum school in Kathmandu. I cannot say enough to describe how this couple have dedicated their lives to serve in the most honorable way.
On this day we praised and worshipped followed by the preaching; a powerful message on focusing on your call and to remain humble servants. Each person received prayer with a prophetic word, I was awe stricken in witnessing this event unfold before me. I pray that I develop the same type of fire as these humble pastors, their faithfulness is unrestrained, and filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Our ministry days are jam packed with meetings at different churches, we traveled long distances to meet new pastors and to minister to congregations. After breakfast of mixed grans with yak milk we headed out about an hours drive. It was during the offering that I noticed my wallet is missing. In a quiet panic being escorted out by Brian we travel back to the hotel to look for the missing billfold. I distinctly remembered having it at breakfast because a left a tip on the table but it was no where to be found. I ran up to my room and searched but nothing. I prayed and opened my locked suitcase but again nothing, under the beds, in the bathroom but no wallet. I sat and collected my racing brain; again looking in the luggage but this time the search was more intense. There in the middle of my makeup bag was the elusive wallet. I can only say that an angel must have put it there for safe keeping; even Brian was surprised of the finding.