The Battle is Real

When an athletic trains for a race, the training is for a win to reach the goal for the prize that they worked so hard for.  Just as your body can be conditioned to win, so our minds must be trained to win in battles. Some of us have many crosses to bear;such as, serious illnesses, addictions, loss of a love ones, finances,etc. God allows these trials to make us stronger and he will never give you more than you can handle (1 Cor 10:13), God will always give us a way out. We need to stand our ground and use the Word of God as our main weapon against the destructive tactics of the enemy. Maybe you received a bad report from the doctor, what you do with this information will set the standards on your recovery. If you allow fear to come in then you have personally invited the enemy to take hold of your thoughts. Fear is a spirit and a stronghold, you have the authority to bring it down (Rom 8:15) God did not give us a spirit of fear, so that means it comes from Satan. When we operate in fear we are weak in our prayers because trusting God is no longer effective. So you pray but with the lack of faith, your prayer is in limbo. Yes, God hears you but you lack three things to get you through your trials.

  1. Encouragement
  2. Wisdom
  3. Faith

    My arsenal

Without encouragement you feel empty (nobody cares, why me?), without wisdom you do not have the guidance of God, Without faith you cannot pray. All this keeps us in bondage and Satan has you right where he wants you, defeated. When I was told by the neurologist that I had Parkinson’s it was not easy for me to pray, I first had to get over the initial shock.  I cried but then I prayed. God allows us these times of sorrow to bring us into His trusting arms. From every trial we experience, we are to draw from Him and understand that all is in His control, not ours. If we doubt, we are being double minded, such actions holds back from a complete trust in God because inside we waver between conviction and doubt.  God wants us to trust in Him more than ever, and I know that for some of us this is a huge step to take.

A very dear friend of mine is suffering from stage four cancer and in treatment with no signs of remission as of yet. She is trusting God and battling for her life and she should be afflicted with pain but has not had any signs of it. Why? I cannot answer that, but I can share with you that she is a strong believer and servant of the Most High God. Her attitude remains positive as she focuses on a miracle. Will she get this miracle? God answers every prayer with yes, no and wait. As my friend waits, in the interim she is trusting God and that is a remarkable attribute to instill in others.  Whether  her report is negative or positive, she remains focused on the prize at the end of the race.

My Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I cannot do this alone, I am tired, angry, and want to give up! Please Lord help me get through this, I can no longer continue this battle on my own. Dear Lord I cry out to You for Help. Please hear my cry and deliver me from this affliction, help my unbelief and walk me though this darkness.  Thank you Father for caring for me. Please help me in every area of my life to trust in You.  AMEN

Remember you are never alone! He cares and I do too!



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Fill My Cup Lord

My grandson Jacob

Even after attending Mass today a dark cloud wanted to keep me company, these spirits are real and if you do not know how to pray it off  you, it will keep you from doing God’s work. I pushed forth to rid myself of this depression; I prayed for others, answered a few emails and watched of my youngest grandchild for a few hours, he insisted on playing hide and seek.

My walk with the Lord is steadfast and I live to serve Him but I’m still a mere mortal subjected to the attacks of the enemy. It is 1:30 PM and my plans for the day are still not even close to being complete. I consumed flavors potato chips to get me through but that never works. Finally I made my way to the treadmill and that aroused my endorphins; I prayed the Rosary and suddenly that looming cloud disappeared. It’s a mind game with the devil and he has an assignment to rob, to kill, and to destroy (James 10:10).

Please know that you are not alone when you suffer from depression, this is normal, especially when you come off a high for The Lord. The enemy is there as a constant reminder of our shortcomings; he is a lier and we need to put him in his place.

My short simple prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you and praise you for all you that are doing in my life. I know that this spirit of depression is not from you. Lord, please help me get through my day in victory and allow your Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts. I empty my heart, mind and spirit and ask that you Lord will fill it with your perfect love. Your word says that “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”( John 10:10) Thank you Jesus!

Sister Clara

To get back into the spirit of God the pictures of our recent trip reminded me of how greatly we were all used.



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God Shed His Grace On Thee

Aside from attending Mass and belonging to St. Norbert Catholic Church in Orange, Ca  I also belong to a small group “Christ In You”. Don’t bother to looking  it up on the internet because we have no web page. Why? we are technically challenged but do powerful work for the Lord. It is through this group that my missionary trip have come forth.

Today, an ordinary Sunday for most but not for me. I will be teaching on one of my favorite theologians, the Apostle Paul. Paul wrote the Epistles, including, Philippians (my lesson today). Paul was imprisoned when he wrote to Philippians; yet he never lost his joy or direction.  How can you have joy when you are imprisoned? Our world, our country in imprisoned by the lies of the enemy. Never have I witness so much of holding back on the truth. Anything you state on social media that does not conform to the masses you get blasted and called a hater.  The truth will always be the truth; Paul never once gave into lies, he was is imprisoned because he was a  Christian not a criminal. How do we operate in this society with the web of lies? Remember the characteristics of Christ: humility, servanthood , merciful and loving; we are call to be His example. Our country needs God more than ever and just like the Philippians we need encouragement to know that God still sits on the throne and waiting for us to unite in prayer. Pray for our country and that God remains in all that we stand for, our closing hymn at Mass today was America the Beautiful  “America, America God shed his grace to thee is thee…”  Have a Blessed Forth of July!

“Even now,” declares the Lord, return to with all your heart with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Joel 2:12

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