I’m Back!
As an 18-year-old youth I was a registered Democrat. In my twenties the Peace and Freedom Party took hold of my young, pliable mind. My thoughts were deeply entrenched in the thoughts that liberated and freed my cerebral branches. I had a mind with God in the shadows, a mind on its own path. I was taking in anyone who would listen, not realizing back then that I had a gift to influence others with seeds of toxic ideologies that had taken hold of my soul. I believed in women’s rights and all that their agenda represented. No man was going to rule my life. This mind had only room for self; my views settled comfortably, and they controlled me. I was angry, but not really sure why.
“There is a way which seems right to man, but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 16:25
The Republican Party
As far as I was concerned the Republican Party was evil, hated minorities and only represented the rich. My jaded thoughts were steeped in my heart; my entire family were registered Democrats; our thoughts were one; we ate the same manna laced with relativism. We had a picture of President Kennedy in our living room, he was our demigod. Our mother loved him and taught us to respect and love our Commander in Chief. President Kennedy will always rate high in my heart.
Mothers Do Know Best
Our mother always had a political influence on me, and up to her dying day she exercised her right to vote. I loved and respected this lesson that she instilled in all of us. She was a patriot and always rooted for the underdog. I honored her dedication to always be heard.
The Transition
Imagine being part of the Peace and Freedom Party and then becoming a Born-Again Christian (I am now Catholic). This was a paradox and the two forces collided with only one winner. During these formative years at Biola University the Word of God was taking hold of my heart, and I could no longer be angry surrounded with so much peace. The growth in my beliefs superseded all, and nothing was more important than pleasing God. My life was finally on track; this gradual but gentle change caused me to see things in a different light. Understanding the meaning of life, the purpose of why I was born, and how God chose Mike as my helpmate was part of His plan. As I surrendered my will to God, my mind was maturing to understandwhat was expected of me as a Christian.
President Trump
I voted for this man because I knew he would make changes. We may not all agree on the fast pace he is taking, but, in reality, he only has four years to clean up the mess. In the usual manner I will continue to pray for God to guide President Trump in every decision.
I pray for all undocumented immigrants who have been in our country for many years, the ones who are law-abiding, God-fearing good people. We need to protect them and develop a system that will help them to become citizens. I understand the protest, but what baffles is that they’re flying flags from their countries. Am I wrong to think that Americans like myself feel that this approach is not helping the matter? I can almost guarantee that these protests are organized by Americans, not undocumented individuals. Regardless of our different opinions, immigration must be conducted in a humanitarian manner.