Proverbs 31 is the last chapter in the Book of Proverbs.
Asking God
Asking God for direction in every area of your life will take discipline. I always ask God to give me a dream, a prophetic dream before going to bed. As much as I desire this, most of the time I sleep right through my dreams. But last Friday night, with all the interruptions by my cat wanting a drink of water, one part of a dream stuck. I distinctly heard “Proverbs 31.” During my slumber I kept repeating Proverbs 31 over and over again so that I’d remember it when I woke up.
Proverbs 31
This is a popular proverb, mostly known for portraying an ideal woman as virtuous, strong and selfless. Equally important to this proverb is verse eight.
Proverbs 31:8 New Catholic Bible
8 Speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves, and defend the rights of the destitute.
March For Life 2023 poster, same proverb the Lord gave me! Credit: Christina Herrera/EWTN
March For Life
This past Friday at the “March For Life” in Washington D.C., they did speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. This organization has been marching for 50 years. The estimate of those participating was between 50,000 and 100,000. Regardless of the many years or the people attending, no major news media thought it newsworthy.
Thank you, EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network), for your wonderful coverage of the March For Life.
The New Army
I talked to my friend, Brother Leo from EWTN, who was at the march and he shared with me that bus loads of high school and college students made up a large number of the participants. God is training a new army of millennials to stand up for the sanctity of life. These young people will not be swayed by false doctrine. A well-trained soldier knows where to stand on the battlefield.
In freezing weather March For Life participants endured the snow and walked peacefully from the State Capital to the steps of the Supreme Court. With peace comes love, and this was projected throughout the march. The Lord led the way.
God’s Confirmation
If you ever doubt if a message is from God or not, He usually confirms it. When I was searching for images of the March for Life, I came upon signage quoting the Scripture the Lord gave me in the dream! This was after I had written the Blog. Honestly, I can’t stop praising His name!
Proverbs 31:22-23 New Catholic Bible
22 She makes her own bed quilts and wears fine clothes of linen and purple. 23 Her husband is well respected at the city gates as he takes his seat with the elders of the land.
If I could hold a candle to this virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31, my road to heaven is a sure thing. I have accomplished many lifetime milestones in my Christian walk, but I still can’t follow a recipe to save my life. For this reason I’m an elusive Reluctant Chef, producing one bad meal after another.
I’m fully aware that I cannot make my own bed quilts nor do I favor linen; especially linen pants. They always stretch out too much and make me look two sizes larger. My favorite color is purple, and my closet is filled with this color.
Proverbs 31:26-31 New Catholic Bible
26 When she opens her mouth, wisdom issues forth, and on her tongue is kindly advice. 27 She keeps close watch on the conduct of her household, and she does not eat the bread of idleness.
I pray that one day every time I open my mouth, words of wisdom will ensue. On most occasions I offer sound, godly advice, but the best advice is to read the Bible and pray.
If my grandkids are not being good Christian examples, I turn into the biggest rat and tell their parents. They will not get away with bad behavior.
Proverbs 31:30-31 New Catholic Bible
30 Charm is deceptiveand beauty is fleeting,
but the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Give her a share in what her hands have accomplished, and let her works bring her praise at the city gates.
I’m right on the cusp of fleeting beauty and, as my wrinkles become more pronounced, I can say my inner beauty is increasing my love for God. Dying my hair more frequently is the reminder that one day the transition from dark brown to subtle gray is not far coming. I will never alter my body to look younger, but I will continue to exercise. Planking several times a week for over 20 seconds is a grand accomplishment!
The Fear of the Lord is the balance in our beliefs, for without fear who are we accountable to? The fear of the Lord is not being afraid of God. It’s respecting His authority, trusting His love and judgment and being obedient to His commandments. Confessing our sins on a regular basis gives us the ability to not wallow in our transgressions.
The Fear of the Lord
We cannot be afraid to speak truth or to hide our love for God because we may be offending others. God gave us all a voice, and if your voice is filled with godly wisdom, start preaching. Tell the world about your life and how serving God has made you a better human being. Defend the rights of the innocent, especially those babies who deserve to have the right to be born.
Look to God for guidance and don’t look back on all your mistakes; rather, offer them up to God. Move forward and create your own march. Listen to the sounds of heaven and follow the greatest leader of all mankind: Jesus Christ! Become the person God created you to be. He will show you the way. Remember, you are only here for a season, so make a difference for the better.
Most importantly support pro-life candidates and pray for their victory. Yes, fear the Lord in trembling and be accountable for what comes out of your mouth!
My Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for this simple dream and the knowledge that came with the message. Continue to use me, an imperfect human striving to reach out to others. Amen.
On January 8th we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord.
The simple way to explain baptism is to understand that Adam was born of the flesh and Jesus was born of the Spirit. Because of Adam’s original sin, we all need to be baptized. By this sacrament one receives the Holy Spirit and is forgiven of all sins that were committed before baptism. This makes the baptized person a new creature. Through this rite we become adopted as a child of God and a member of the Catholic Church. In the case of an infant, the water is poured over the baby’s forehead; in an adult, the body is immersed in water. This is a holy sacrament to protect us from evil.
The Lord’s baptism was the beginning of His ministry. The Book of Mark is filled with vivid stories of Jesus casting out demons. There is a connection here because in order for Jesus to cast out these demons, He had to be baptized first. In His baptism Jesus was anointed for His ministry.
Mark 1:10-11 New International Version
10 Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. 11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
My Baptism
I remember my baptism because I was a four-year-old child. My younger sister Norma was a year old, and my sister Jo was seven. We were all baptized on the same day. Looking back on that day, I have a sense of great gratitude that our mother took on this spiritual commitment for us. Whether I realized it or not, it was part of my journey and baby steps into who I have become today.
If your children are not baptized, it is your responsibility before God to do this. Please do not become one of those parents who say, “This is their personal choice, and when they get older they will decide.” No they won’t! And the longer you wait, the more problematic it will become. The Sacrament of Baptism helps us fight demons in our life because we belong to God.
Two Movies
Over the weekend I watched two movies: Leave The World Behind and Nefarious. This is my personal critique:
Leave The World Behind
This movie is entertaining but offers no hope. The characters are forced to figure out life after losing contact with the rest of the world. They have no television, no Internet, no cell phones, and no explanation for all the bizarre things that are happening around them.
This forces two families to live together in an attempt to understand what has become of their world. No one knows what to do; they are all baffled and attempt to remedy the situation by escaping. In their world they feel that they have the intellect to solve the mystery. No one cries out to God, because in their world God does not exist. The story line had Kierkegaard’s signature philosophy of existentialism in plain view, so this movie will be popular with the general public.
Nefarious, on the other hand, teaches us how to rebuke demons. The story line is about an atheist who has to evaluate a prisoner. The prisoner is filled with demons; he shows the audience the source of evil, and that demons have power over people who are weak in their beliefs. The demons manifest themselves by knowing specific characteristics about the atheist. This movie offers the Christian believers an opportunity to reflect on their lives and to make sure that no doors are opened for the Enemy to enter.
Ports of Entry
In Hindu culture the positions and movements of planets and stars are believed to provide guidance and auspicious timing for upcoming events based on their position at the time of a person’s birth. They are believed to give insight into personality traits, marriage, careers and human relationships. But the Bible tells us to trust in God and warned against these beliefs. (Isaiah 8:19-22)
The Enemy loves to trick us into believing that horoscopes are innocent and just for fun. They may start off like that, but the deeper you enter into astrology the greater the possibility you have opened a door for the Enemy. All Satan needs is a cracked door to come in.
Yoga is another entry to the occult. Yes, stretching is good for the body, but all the poses have names of deities, since some of the poses offers worship to Hindu Gods. Now you have invited more demons and after a while the party of demons will take over.
Ouija Boards
I remember as a young teen we bought a Ouija Board for fun, but it was not so much fun when the board communicates with you! I threw that demonic game board in the trash! Stay away from Ouija Boards! As an adult I had to renounce using it. This definitely has an evil spirit attached to it.
Tarot Cards
When I was a novice Christian, I thought that it would be a good idea to walk around Jackson Square in New Orleans quietly renouncing the evil spirits of the Tarot card readers. When I returned home I developed the most unusual cold/flu symptoms that lasted more than three weeks! The evil spirit got the best of me because I did not pray before doing this.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to “unveil” the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
Fortune tellers/Mediums
Years ago when my son’s friend was killed in an accident, his mother was desperate to find some comfort or explanation for his death. We both went to see a woman who used crystals. I knew as soon as I walked into the living room that there was something very dark about this person. When you are gripped with fear, it is not of God. I wanted to leave as soon as we arrived, but I was polite and stayed with my friend. I never went back and had to renounce ever being there. This is witchcraft! (Lev 19:31;20:6)
Remember fortune tellers and mediums get their dysfunctional gifts from the Enemy. Yes, they have knowledge and will use it to win you over. Their readings captivate young people who have no knowledge of God or those who have never been baptized.
New Age/Crystals
Calling on Mother Earth and believing that you yourself are a demigod open so many portals to the Enemy. Satan loves it when your free spirit is about you and takes advantage of the fact that you have no spiritual covering.
When I was in the hospital with COVID I had a dream that someone had placed different sized crystals around my body to cause me harm. In my weak state of mind I had to cry out to God to cancel any assignment the Enemy had to hinder my recovery.
Crystals are another means of opening the doors to demonic activity. Some people believe crystals have healing properties for physical and emotional benefits; they believe that they promote good energy to help rid our bodies and minds of negative energy. Do not get caught up in the snares of the Enemy! The world will try to convince you, but believe God instead!
My Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for giving me discernment on how to keep the doors closed to the Enemy. Lord, I pray for all who are dabbling into the occult by practicing any of these sinful behaviors. Father, open their eyes to Your truth, and deliver them from all evil. Amen.
Malachi 3:19-21 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
19 For the day is coming, blazing like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble, And the day that is coming will set them on fire, leaving them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of hosts. 20 But for you who fear my name, the sun of justice will arise with healing in its wings; And you will go out leaping like calves from the stall 21 and tread down the wicked; They will become dust under the soles of your feet, on the day when I take action, says the Lord of hosts.
The Lord has allowed enough sin in this world to swallow all of us alive, and the year of reckoning has finally arrived.
The Vatican
The ambiguity coming from the Vatican has left us all in a quandary. What did the pope really mean, and why does it need to be explained? Why does the media welcome this news with such glee? I am referring to the blessing of same-sex couples. With God there is no hidden agenda. His message is simple and does not need an explanation.
I will not use this platform to attack the Catholic Church, nor will I condemn the words of our pope, which greatly saddened me. Instead I will patiently wait on God and concentrate on His blessings, reminding myself of Who sits on the throne. Besides, the gates of hell will not prevail, against it. The Catholic church will remain because God planted it on solid ground. (Mt 16:18) We pray for a spiritual cleansing.
The Truth
How do you distinguish a lie from the truth? If you truly have a healthy relationship with God, the Holy Spirit will reveal truth. Occasionally when I watch the secular news I know immediately if the reporting is indeed factual or fabricated. We must take into consideration that any matters having to do with secular news are based on profit; the more sensational the report, the better the ratings. (John 14:17)
1 John 4:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
6 We belong to God, and anyone who knows God listens to us, while anyone who does not belong to God refuses to hear us. This is how we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of deceit.
Living in a Lost World
With eyes wide open many refuse to see the truth. Nothing will change the true believer’s mind about same-sex marriages. God loves them and wants them to live saintly lives. Although they believe that the marriage can be blessed, it is not scriptural. Unfortunately there are priests who will bless these unions, but in the eyes of God they are unacceptable. Marriage is between a man and woman. (Lev 18:22) I fear any Catholic priest who supports same-sex marriages will face judgement without mercy because they know and have been taught the Word of God. ( Jeremiah 50:6)
We have been living in a bubble of lies, but God will expose the truth. Sometimes I feel surrounded by so much distortion that I want to scream. It is maddening!
Public Schools
For years our public schools have been a target of the Enemy. Satan would want nothing more than to destroy the future of our children. Slowly the Devil has chipped away and opened doors from the pit of Hell to indoctrinate students into believing that transgender is normal and acceptable. Those who have supported this agenda will be held accountable for the young lives that they have affected. (2 Timothy 4:3)
Big Pharma
I recently took my cat Prudie to the vet. As several of us waited for our pets, a man walked in with his dog. This man was a talker; even if we did not want to hear what he was saying, we were forced to. He wanted to make sure that his dog was going to get his second COVID vaccine. So now Big Pharma has a surplus of these vaccinations so it is giving them to our pets? This is news to me because of all the dogs we have owned, we have never given them any sort of a flu shot.
COVID Vaccine For Pets
According to Complexity Science Hub Vienna, there have been only 174 cases of canine COVID reported worldwide! So now that human beings have removed the scales from their eyes about this vaccine, Big Pharma is pushing it on our pets! The truth will always prevail.
Lost Trust
Why is Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Lapado calling for a halt of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine? And why have only 3% of Americans received the COVID booster? The CDC and FDA have failed the American people. When the truth about the vaccines remains hidden, people lose trust. Without trust, Big Pharma will lose.
Social Influencers
I have Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook accounts. I use these social media platforms for promoting this Blog. A couple of weeks ago I posted a video that offended others. Of course my intentions were meant to come across as comical, but others did not receive it that way. I quickly removed the video from my page because I want to lead others to Christ, not anger them.
As soon as I hear the F-bomb drop on social media, I immediately move on. You do not need to use profanity on social media to gain more followers. Be yourself and others will recognize your honesty.
Being Held Accountable
You may have millions of followers, but where are you leading them? Many social influencers are leading our youth into more confusion. They’re talented and fly in private jets; these are blessings from God. We do not need to know how liberal they are, or how their fame has catapulted them, but are they qualified to give any sort of advice? They need to be careful because God is not only watching them, He can take it all away.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, I praise You and believe that all that hidden agendas will surface and truth will prevail. Many will be in shock with the outcome of Your great reckoning. I pray for those who are steeped in self-love, causing many to go astray. I pray that they willl wake up to see the glory of Your existent and pay homage to all the gifts You have given them. Father, You are the great judge, and we say, “Enough!” Save us Lord! Amen.