Amazing Grace

“By His breath the heavens are cleared; His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent” Job 26:13

When people are steeped deep into sin we are to  pray for them right? But if the sin continues, it is our responsibility before God to warn them. The way of the world would be to just shrug your shoulders and say, “Oh, well, that’s on them, who is it hurting?” This subject of sin lies heavy on the hearts of believers because we know better. We are never to condemn a sinner, but to expose the sin.

A few weeks ago it was revealed to me that a friend’s younger daughter was involved in a sin of debaurchery. I prayed about warning her, but felt inadequate as how to approach this delicate matter. The young lady is a millennial, so I knew that a text message would be the best means of reaching out.

At last Sunday’s Mass, ” Amazing Grace”  was the closing hymn.  This was when the Lord instructed me as to how to handle the matter.

The author of the song “Amazing Grace,” (John Newton) was one of the worst sinners. He was captain of a slave ship and we can only imagine what scenarios took place on those long voyages, and the sin that was on that man’s heart. It was through the grace of God that in his transformation, he wrote “Amazing Grace.” This hymn transcends many religions and can be heard at  funerals and church services. As I sang the song,  tears filled my eyes for this girl, and I knew what I had to do.

After Mass, Mike and  I went home and had breakfast. The thought of this young woman consumed me, so I could not help but to think that she may have sold her soul to the Devil. I talked it over with Mike and he advised me to leave it alone. Under normal circumstances, I follow the wise counsel of my husband, but this was different. I prayed more, seeking confirmation from God, then I opened my Bible, and this is the verse the Lord gave me:

Ezekiel 3:18 When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

Thank you Jason and Sarah for the artwork

I knew that this was from God and I followed with a simple text message: “Amazing Grace read the words to the song.” A few minutes later came a rude and disrespectful reply. I responded, “I was being obedient to the Lord, you will never hear from me again.” Ten minutes later came another response telling me that God is strong in her life and to mind my own business. I did not respond because my work was done, as she had been warned. The rest is between her and God. I continue to intercede on her behalf, and  know that one day she will have a testimony like the one of John Newton. John Newton was thirty-nine years-old when he received  his real calling. For the next forty-three years of his life he preached the Gospel of Christ.

All we need to do is follow the Ten Commandments, written by the hand of God: nothing has changed with Him.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord, you know the heart of a lost soul, I beg you to send your Hound of Heaven to liberate those who are deep into sin. It is only through Your amazing grace that these persons can change. You are the Maker and Finisher of lost souls, so bring them to the foot of your cross, and surround them with people who will convict them in a loving manner. Dear Jesus, save their souls from the pit of the abyss. Amen


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The Waiting Game

Mario and me

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”  Hebrews 13:3

There are over 2.3 million people incarcerated in the United States; in fact, our country has more prisoners than any other nation. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, 46% of these offenses are drug-related.

Norma, Mario and Mario’s nieces and nephews, Eli, Bella, and Jacob

In some way or another we are all connected to, or know someone who is or has been incarcerated. My nephew Mario is part this statistic. He did not take a life, but drugs played a part. The combination of drugs and violence is a passage to sin. When your mind no longer belongs to you, it is surrendered to Satan. There is nothing more pleasing to the devil than brains distorted with drug-induced rage.

Mario and his sister Leah and her three children, Bella, Jacob, and Eli

We have never given up on Mario. Saturday, Norma, his mother, and I went to visit him in Adelanto, CA. There are many strict rules to abide by when visiting a prisoner. No sandals, no blue, red, or khaki clothing; no sleeveless tops, no smart watches, etc. You are allowed $50 in one-dollar bills per person. Forget about bringing your handbag because you are only permitted to have your car keys and driver’s license. If you do not adhere to this rules you will not be allowed to visit; it does not matter if came from Timbuktu, you will be turned away.

When we first arrived, we were assigned Table 9, but I requested Table 8 because it was just steps away from the vending machines and microwave. There are four chairs, and one side of the square table is marked with red along the edge. This is reserved for Mario, as he must be facing the prison guards. As soon as we arrived,  we hit the vending machines and got Mario a breakfast burrito, $3.50 and a $1 Coke. We purchased other food for ourselves and we broke bread with lively conversation. We talked about other family members, we laughed about a lot of out of control things. Our laughter is not for the sake of keeping Mario entertained, but whenever my sister and I get together, it’s a combination of one mishap after another.  For example, when we arrived I misplaced my driver’s license twice; once it was Norma’s fault. We must pass through two high security gates that make a startling noise when slamming shut. We were greeted by two serious-looking young women with tightly wound-up hair. Norma was one of the and  first to get clearance, one of the guards checking us in slipped a pair of blue examining gloves. “Are you going to frisk me?” Norma asked. “Are you hiding something?” The guard answered.  I told Norma that the guard is not a doctor, and to hurry up so that I could get processed. The guard then kiddingly asked Norma  if she could take her pulse. Norma was so rattled by the question that I was laughing out of control. I noticed that Norma’s undershirt was really low cut in the back and made a remark about it. Norma was so nervous and so upset with me, that she was struggling to get her shoes on. Norma was not paying attention to fact that she had put her shirt on inside out. I tried to tell her but she told me to shut up. By this time both guards were laughing. Mario loves to hear these stories.

Mario has grown in understanding how to work with the system. He has taken advantage of the programs offered to further his education. With each collage course completed, 2 weeks are knocked off his sentence. I see the change in his heart, with peace radiating from his eyes.

Mario attends a regular Bible study classes, and has learned to get through difficult situations by praying and turning to the Word of God. Mario stands on the verse from: Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

According to Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.:

4.8 Million people are on parole or probation

95% of  all these convicts will be released from prison or jails and return to society

2 out of 3 released inmates will commit crimes again

Only 40% of those who receive Christian training commits new offenses.

My sister Norma is Mario’s intercessor, and it is through her faith that she and Mario get through this ordeal.  We as his family continue to pray for his well being and protection, and for the Lord to prepare him to succeed in all of his endeavors.

“I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”  Matthew 25:36

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For Purple Mountains Majesites

Mike raising Old Glory
God Bless America!












When Katharine Lee Bates, reached the top of Pike’s Peak in Colorado, she took in the majestic wonders of  God’s creation and was inspired to write “America the Beautiful.” This poem was first published on July 4, 1895. “America the Beautiful” was later turned into the song. This ballad comes second to “The Star-Spangled Banner” as our country’s National Anthem.

By Katharine Lee Bates (1859-1929)
Music by Samuel Augustus Howe (1847-1903)

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!

America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassion’d stress
A thorough fare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness.

America! America!
God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.

O beautiful for heroes prov’d
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life.

America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine.

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears.

America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

“America the Beautiful” is my favorite patriotic song. These lyrics came from the beauty of God’s creation. I cannot think of a more appropriate time to speak of American patriotism than today, I feel as if I received an assignment from my fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Duffy to write an essay on the Fourth of July. So here is my long overdue composition.

Mrs. Duffy, my 5th grade teacher
Jacaranda ground foliage
My neighbor’s Jacaranda

Purple is my favorite color, especially this time of year when the stately Jacarandas are in full bloom. Other times of the year these trees blend in with the rest of all green trees. Jacarandas designer clothing is from above, dressed up in their best purple array of flowers that bloom endlessly. The Jacarandas welcome in late spring, and peak in early July.  These trees return again for a standing ovation right before winter. They color the sky and scape the earth with purple, and fill the air with a sweet scent of heaven. California is the only place where Jacarandas bloom twice a year. This is my purple majesty, and it connects me to a tangible beauty of our country, and this is one of many reasons why I love the good old USA.

The state of mind of America does not reflect her beauty. America’s spirit is broken, so until we settle our differences, I choose to look beyond and welcome her big sky and all that encompasses her glorious scenery.

Our flag will fly perched on the rooftop, on the Fourth of July.  It will make a statement of patriotism. It will adorn our home with pride, and the red, white and blue will forever wave to all who pass by. I am an American that still believes the lyrics inspired by God, written by Katharine Lee Bates. I hold on to the verse “God shed His grace on thee” as an infallible truth as to how our country was established. We are still one nation under God, striving to keep our country at peace, and with God nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37).

My Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You would give us all a sign of Your holy presence in our country. We are so divided, and it seems that all hope is vanished. Only You Lord can bring us back to one nation under God. Only You can restore what was lost. By Your model, teach us to be loving, respectful, and accepting of others differences. Guide us to do Your holy will.  Amen



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