It’s been a week of back and forth communication with, my host provider. After a four hour conversation with someone from a foreign country, I was assured last Monday that would be up and running in 48 hours. Sometimes because we have no control over the situation, we trust in the services that we pay for. Godaddy opened another “ticket” which meant that now it could take as long as 72 hours. I had to take matters into my own hands and hired Keaton. Keaton, an IT specialist, was the one who got me out of this mess. In the future please know that if I have not posted it’s either because under the weather or the Blog is down
Christianity and politics can coexist but only if you follow God’s Ten Commandments
The Bible
The Word of God should be our only source for following and living a righteous life, but for many it is not. Some, including well-meaning Christians, have convoluted the Bible and have walked away from its original meaning. You cannot change the Word of God to make it what you believe to be right. Our guide is the written Word, and we, as Christians, should know the difference between right and wrong. There is clear evidence that this is a norm, a misguided way of thinking that allows us to believing that some sin is acceptable because society condones it.
Romans 12:2 New Catholic Bible
2 Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your minds, so that you will be able to discern the will of God and to know what is good and acceptable and perfect.
The World
The realization that those who have stepped away from the true precepts of the Bible have joined forces with the secular masses who don’t have a belief system. The two can be compared because one is blinded by lies while the other is indifferent to the truth. There is more hope for the latter because at least they can have a fresh start. Those whose beliefs have been tainted by lies yet still believe that they are serving God have actually crossed over to the dark side. There is clear evidence of this because they are ruled by anger.
1 Timothy 4:1 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
The media thrives on anger. This type of anger is deep-seated, almost as if it were coming from the soul. It is evident in all the protesters, all the women who demonstrate to protect their so-called “reproductive rights.” This anger is a spirit that has infiltrated our country, our states and our cities. The words anger or angry are mentioned in the Bible over 400 times. This is a lesson for us not to operate in anger. We need to take accountability for our actions and learn to humbly apologize for our angry outbursts.
James 1:19-22 New Catholic Bible
19 Remember this, my beloved brethren: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak and slow to anger. 20 For human anger does not bring about the righteousness of God. 21 Therefore, rid yourselves of everything sordid and of every wicked excess, and welcome in all humility the word that is implanted in you and is able to save your souls.
22 Be doers of the word and not just hearers who only deceive themselves.
Society and Anger
Those who continue to take a stand against the Word of God will reap what they sow. You will never convince a God-fearing, God-serving Christian that there are more than two genders. This lie has penetrated the hearts of many who now believe otherwise. My observation of those who have hijacked this stage of life in order to get their point across: they are always filled with anger. For instance, take a hard look at the protesters against pro- life and the pro-Palestinians; they are indignant and arrogant because their minds are filled with hatred. These two familiar spirits work together to tear apart our society; they are fueled with toxic poison from Satan himself.
Psalm 73:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition)
6 Thus pride adorns them as a necklace;
violence clothes them as a robe.
The Light
Vote with your God-given conscience! Understanding the Word of God offers us a different type of light. This light exposes the lies. I will never return to my old ways of liberal thinking. We cannot allow social norms and accept sinful behaviors simply not to offend others or feel the need for society to be inclusive. I never vote for candidates who support diabolical attacks against Christianity. My support will be and forever remain based on Christian teachings.
Hebrews 13:8 New Catholic Bible
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I stand for the protection of the unborn and marriage between one man and one woman. I come against all the demonic forces who are ruining the lives of so many of our youth. Those so-called medical doctors are pumping confused children with puberty blockers to help them transition to another gender, a process that will change their lives forever.
Those are those distorted political views of the Democratic Party. They no longer hide what they believe and have created so many laws, making our state a sanctuary for abortions. If you support these beliefs, you’re following left wing politicians down the road to perdition.
Our country is ruled by bullies, and the media have a major role in making sure they continue to give them a platform. This is why I rarely watch any news; it is twisted with sarcasm and opinions that are completely biased.
I drove to Long Beach to attend my friend Robert’s funeral service. The route took me off the freeway for a distance. I’m not familiar with this city, but the week prior I visited a friend’s home there. I found that part of the city charming, lined with really nice homes. But on the way to St. Anthony’s Catholic Church I felt vulnerable; and made sure all my doors were locked. The area that I drove through was really depressed; you could tell that Long Beach has taken a beating. So many homeless, or as the name has been changed to “unhoused.” Either way Long Beach has got to get it together for the Olympics because many events will take place there.
We need not concern ourselves with the unhoused because by the time the Olympics are in town the cities will be cleaned up. The politicians only work for recognition and the cutting of the proverbial ribbons.

Los Angeles
In several of my past Blog writings I have mentioned that I headed a ministry to the homeless for 20 years. Each year the problem only got worse. Skid Row is the capital of this homeless population. This problem will continue as long as democrats are in charge. Los Angeles needs to be renamed: The City of the Lost Angeles.
Colossians 2:8 New Catholic Bible
8 Make sure that no one leads you astray with an empty and deceitful philosophy that depends on human tradition and worldly principles, and not on Christ.
My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, lead all those who have lost their way back into your sheepfold. Remove the scales from their eyes so that they can see the true light. Amen.