It all started after the Christmas Mass. My throat was feeling a little raw, so after leaving church I went to bed. Not wanting this illness to escalate, I decided to drive myself to Urgent Care, but by the time I arrived they had already closed. The following day, just as I suspected, my condition worsened. This time Mike drove me to Urgent Care. Nothing too serious but, because of my age, I was given a seven day’s dosage of antibiotics.
I have a tendency to misjudge others for wearing masks, especially if they are in a car driving by themself. I hated the whole mask mandate during COVID and was so excited when the ban was lifted. When I give out Holy Communion at Mass to people who insist on wearing masks, it is my responsibility to be sure that that person has removed the mask and ingested the host.
I learned a lesson about mask wearers; it’s not my business as to why they choose to wear a mask. I found myself wearing a mask when walking into Urgent Care. I did not want to compromise the health of others, and now I somewhat understand why people wear masks. There are exceptions to the rule and a small percentage of these mask wearers are suffering from some type of paranoia or phobia. To those few random people, free yourselves of all fear!
It’s Saturday night 10:57 p.m. and I can’t sleep. Normally most of my writing for this Blog is inspired by the readings or homilies from the daily Mass. But due to the cough and slight fever, there was no way I could attend Mass.
My hacking cough sounds like an elderly old man who has spent his entire life smoking and finally paying the price for his youthful pleasures. In the past, muscling through these illnesses was always a breeze…not anymore!
Old And Sick
Jacob, our 12-year-old grandson, was sick last week but that did not stop him from attending the Boat Parade or spending the night at a friend’s house. It took him one full day of rest to recover. Not me. Today is day five, my laundry is piling up, the floors need to be cleaned, the sheets need changing, and at this point none of this is going to get accomplished anytime soon.
Mike has been making all the meals and keeping the kitchen clean. He really took the “in sickness and in health” part of our vows to a new level. How he keeps up with my lamenting is a miracle.
The Changing World
Another misjudgment on my behalf is prescription medication. Homeopathic has always been my preference, but now I have to set up timers for the special medication I need to take three times a day. And that does not include the thyroid medication, plus the antibiotics and cough syrup. I refused to get any type of flu or COVID immunizations because from my own experience I know for a fact that a dirty flu shot caused my autoimmune condition. All these immunizations are products of China.
Feast Days
I have missed the feast days of Saint Stephen, the first martyr, Saint John, the Apostle and Evangelist, The Holy Innocents, martyrs and today, Sunday, December 29th, the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Saint Stephen
In Acts Chapter Seven, Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr, is introduced. Stephen was assigned to oversee the daily distribution to the widows of the community. The Word of God was spreading, so Jewish priests were also being converted. As in all cases, as soon as the spread of Christianity occurs, Satan comes in with a vendetta to destroy the work of God. Thus Stephen was accused of blasphemy. Because of the tenets of the highest Jewish court, the Sanhedrin could not tolerate that Stephen was placing Jesus above Moses.
In one of the longest narratives written in the Bible Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, explains the historic transition from Jewish beliefs to Christianity. The words that flowed from deep within him captured the truth of how the Israelites disobeyed God so many times. The members of the high court knew that Stephen was exposing their uncircumcised hearts and ears.
In 2025 the situation will remain as it was 2,000 years ago. Some will come around, while others will continue to live a life walking around with scales over their eyes. If we could all take into account the beautiful act of martyrdom from Saint Stephen, we would understand why he, without fear, preached the truth.
Telling The Truth
Saint Stephen, because he was filled with the Holy Spirit, was given one of the greatest platforms to preach the Word. He was completely aware of the venomous character of the Sanhedrin and how they would react to his preaching, but that only fueled the fire in him to spread the Gospel further. He also knew that being a witness and exposing truth to these stiff-necked leaders would cost his life.
As they ordered his stoning, the Sanhedrin witnessed the calm demeanor of Stephen. As the sky opened up to welcome him home, his last words were: