The Cats in My Life

I love cats!


For as long as I can remember a cat was always in my life. During my childhood days I remember one particular cat, Psych (short for psycho) was by far the most colorful. He was crazy and would attack us, causing us to bleed. We once walked a few blocks to a near by baseball field to play. Psych followed us, it was an open field which afforded us no refuge,  and that cat chased us until he caught us and bit and scratched us. My sister Norma’s friend, Jackie was playing with us that day and she got the worse of it. This was Psych’s way of playing; at first it was all fun and games then an evil spirit entered the cat. Jackie ended up at the doctor’s office and developed a deep fear of Psych. We loved Psych and continued to put up with his physical abuse. One night he was crying outside our bedroom window and we snuck him in. He silently attacked us and all we could do is cover our faces because we were forbidden to have him indoors. That night I learned to scream silently. Jo, Norma and I would take turns uncovering our heads to see where he was, as we were captive prisoners to a nine pound beast. In the morning while Psych was sleeping, we checked our wounds. I remember my arms were pretty scratched up, as were my sisters.



Toby was my son Mikos’ cat. Toby moved with us from Santa Barbara, to Whittier, to the Valley and finally to Orange where we make our home today. Mikos loved Toby. We were planning a short weekend getaway to San Diego. As I turned into the driveway of our home I saw Toby. I was sure he would run out of the way but for some reason he ran towards the car. I accidentally ran over his whiskers, I had no idea this happened until I saw Toby was in the bushes.He shaking his head, and when he turned, half of his face was gone! I called Mike, screaming, ” I ran over Toby’s face!”  Mike rushed home, we both scrambled to find the cat before Mikos got home from school. Mikos found his cat and we rushed him to the vet. We were told that Toby needed reconstructive surgery and that he would be on pain medication the rest of his life. The rest of his life ended that dreadful day.


Blanca was our  next cat, but she got into the habit of urinating in shoes, which was most unpleasant. Once Mike was getting ready for a trip, when he got out the suitcase Blanca had peed on it.  I remember reading that baking soda would clean and take the stench out. What a huge mess I made. Mike’s black suitcase now had white powder all over itand it still smelled of cat urine.

Barney Bernard Ciriza, the hole in his chest

Barney Bernard

Barney Bernard Ciriza was one of my favorite cats, but Mike had major issues with him because he was worse than Blanca. Barney Bernard sprayed everywhere, and was no longer allowed indoors. Mike and I were on our way to a party when I asked him to stop at the store because I needed to pick out a birthday card. When I got back into the car, Mike was shirtless. I did not know what to think, so I did not say anything. Then he asked me, “Do you know why I’m not wearing a shirt?” I answered, “No, not really.” Then he said, “Because the cat pissed on my shirt!” Needless to say, we were late for the party.

One Halloween night, some amateurs Satanist failed at an attempted animal sacrifice. Barney Barnard came home with his chest opened about four inches. The vet stitched him up and sent him home. Barney Bernard died on the same day that Mikos graduated from college. Our friends from Colorado were in town and fed Barney Barnard tripas (Spanish for cow guts). He fell victim to a coyote, and I cannot help thinking that the smell from the tripas got my cat killed.I cried for days!

Mookie Mariano

Mookie Mariano

Shortly after Barney Bernard’s death, Mike and I went to a pet store and came home with Mookie Mariano. Mookie loved us and always showered us with gifts. He brought home birds, rats and rabbits. Mookie was the smartest of all our cats and would only come into through the upstairs bathroom window. Once, late at night, he was crying outside the window, and in a daze I let him in. He brought in a huge rat. This really freaked us out. We moved out of our room so that Mike could set up a traps. For three days the rodent would carefully eat around the traps. I posed a question to Mike, “What if the rat is pregnant?” That did it for Mike, and he went upstairs to take control of the situation. I heard slamming and banging for about an hour. Finally, Mike proudly surfaced with his prize catch. After 14 years, we had to put Mookie down because he did not brush his teeth and needed major dental work that did not guarantee a good quality of life.But I learned a hard lesson, all of our cats from that day on were indoor pets.

Today we share our home with two cats. Both of these creatures belonged to our daughter Sonja. How they both ended by here is no mystery. Maxine, the pesky one, was Sonja’s college cat and when she moved back home for a season, Maxine stayed with us. Maxine is at least 19 years old, and much to Mike’s chagrin she enjoys great health. She is not spiritual and will most likely spend the rest of time in purgatory when she finally dies.

Maxine Meow


Prudence, Prudie,Prudencia

Prudence, the other cat, is the cool cat. Unlike Maxine, she does not require tender loving care. I first met Prudence while Sonja and Russ were on their honeymoon; their cats needed to eat and guess who volunteered to go feed them! Prudence slapped my face when we first met, I picked her up to cuddle, her and she went for round two. Prudence was rescued from the alleys of Costa Mesa, California. She was a thug; having to fend for herself left her with emotional scars of not being loved. Since our yellow lab Shardrach’s passing, Prudence has the run of the back yard and she loves to go out for a few minutes, and comes running back inside to use her litter box, so considerate of her. Sonja and Russ had two cats at the time and poor Cleo (the other cat) was getting her butt kicked by Prudence on a daily basis. So that is why Prudence moved in with us and now beats up Maxine.

Mike is not a fan of cats, and for that reason we have three cat boxes. We both share in the cleaning of the boxes. Even though it appears that cats are well groomed, they are messy, and leave fur and hair balls everywhere. They also jump on to the tables we eat off and barf on our clean bedding. Their most offensive act is leaving their business inches from the cat box.

There is no mention of Cats in the Bible, but they were created by God to give us life learning lessons; they teach us who’s the boss.


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Soren’s Miracle


Not everyone understands our missionary journeys or our calling to serve in Israel.  This trip was challenging; when we  first started the planning, the airfare was only $740 round trip. This seemed feasible, but by the time everyone was on board, the price had risen up to $1,250.  I cleared out my savings and was still a little short of funds. I prayed at Adoration  (prayer before the Blessed Sacrament) and received a simple message from God: “Trust me.” Mike is always watching my bank account and he is my angel when it comes to all of my needs.

Our entire team struggled with finances this time around. We questioned whether this was really God’s will for us and continued to seek guidance. God always answers prayers and we were in agreement to press on with the journey.

The Holy Land’s inflation was evident: the food and taxi fares were exorbitant, much higher than the last time we were there. We were there for two reasons: to carry the Cross in drama down the Via Dolorosa, and to intercede for others.

My daughter Sonja made a lifetime friend while attending college. Aaron (this is how she spells her name) is part of our family, spending many holidays with us; she was always in charge of making the ham on special occasions. Aaron moved back to her hometown in Montana and in January she was blessed with a baby boy.

Aaron and  Zak’s beautiful baby boy Soren was born on New Year’s Day. Soren came into the world with a condition that would need a lot of medical attention; a hole in his heart. This condition was preventing him from gaining the normal amount of weight. Soren was scheduled for surgery in May to correct the problem. When Sonja informed me about Soren I started pray. Soren was added to my daily prayers at Adoration and I promised Aaron that this petition would go before God in the Holy Land.

At the Wailing Wall when I prayed for this little angel, I asked God to shrink the hole in his heart. Yesterday I received this text message from Aaron:

I called Aaron and we cried tears of joy. This miracle is truly a gift from God and it is inclusive of every prayer that went forth for Soren. We give glory to God for His divine intervention on Soren.

In many ways I am Aaron’s second mother, she has always had mine and Mike’s heart. My heart is filled with joy to celebrate this victory with her and Zak. To God be the glory!


“I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word according to all Your name.” Psalms 138:2

This verse is speaking of the Wailing Wall.

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Wailing Wall

Pater Noster

Our day stared with a brisk walk from our hotel to the Pater Noster. This site is where Jesus taught his disciples the  “Our Father.” The Our Father prayer is displayed in many different languages throughout the complex.

We had our hearts set on going to the Wailing Wall. We started at the Damascus Gate only to be turned away. Something is not right in Jerusalem, because the presence of police and military is everywhere and there is a lot of tension, more than I have ever experienced. The New Gate was completely  barricaded and we had to climb over one of the barriers, I am not a hurdler, and for a second I thought I could crawl through one of the openings,  I got a good laugh out of my friends. After witnessing two nuns climb over, I did the same, but with a little more drama. The Jaffa Gate was ridiculous, and when we asked the police what was going on, no answer, no explanation, “just go!”

The Zion Gate gives access to the Wailing Wall, but again the fully armed police and army personnel were guarding the entrance. We waited there for a half an hour when suddenly we were allowed in, but only to be turned away. In our last effort we walked to the Dung Gate, where finally we made it in. The Dung Gate is the only gate with airport-type security, and it has been like this for as long as I can remember.

The Wailing Wall
Your prayer request

To our surprise, the Wailing Wall/Western Wall was empty and for the first time in years, we were able to pray without disturbance. For an one and a half hours, Jane and I interceded for many. I stuffed the rest of the prayers into the  crevices of the wall. A cool breeze and birds singing were a sign of God’s presence. There are no trees here; the birds nest in foliage like weeds high above the cracks of the wall. The songs of the feathered creatures sounded like they were praising God.

The Western Wall is the only part of the Second Temple that was not destroyed, and is sacred to both Jews and Christians alike. The Western Wall was closest to the Holy of Holies and the Divine presence of God has never departed.

The stone where Jesus wept in the Garden of Gathsemine

We made our way back to the Via Dolorosa  and had the best shawarma. From there we walked to the Garden of  Gethsemane, and it too was empty. We had it all to ourselves and took our time praying.

The Upper Room

It was a day of uphill struggles, and three hours to get to the Wailing Wall, but we persevered. With all the commotion on the outside of the walls, the Holy sites were unscathed and perfect for spending time with God. The Upper Room, where Jesus had the Last Supper, and washed  the disciples’s feet, and where the power of the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost, had few visitors; again we had it to ourselves and prayed.

Indeed He has risen! Have a Blessed Easter!

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