The Hollywood Kool-Aid

Graphic art  by Jason Flores

For about a half hour, Mike and I attempted to purchase  Jesus Revolution, a new Christian movie. In frustration, we gave up and spent another half hour scrolling to find something entertaining. Why I decided to choose The Whale will forever remain a mystery.

The Whale

To critique this movie would be to say that the storyline is about dysfunctional characters who are filled with either sadness or anger brought on by the main character’s sinful lifestyle.  Charlie, who is played by Brendan Fraser, is a pitiful, selfish man caught in a state of limbo over the loss of his male partner. In his learned depression, he continues to gorge on food to satisfy his emotional pain. The message of this movie is to portray that it’s acceptable to leave your wife and eight-year-old child to pursue an alternate lifestyle. In the end no one wins. There is no room for God, because God is portrayed as an unnecessary means of salvation.

We all knew that the main character was going to die; but to show him being lifted off his feet, as if he were ascending into heaven, was yet another disturbing message. News Flash! If it were a real-life scenario, along with many unrepentant souls, Charlie most likely would have gone to hell.

We decided to watch this movie because of Brendan Fraser’s recent Oscar-winning performance. Do not bother with this dismal movie. Both Mike and I were highly disappointed. The message is anti-Christian because it portrays  Christianity as a weakness.

The Banshees of Inisherin

This movie was also a disappointment. It’s about a dull young man being rejected by his older friend. The older man threatens to cut off his fingers if the dull man does not leave him alone. The young man can’t understand what he did wrong, so he continues to pursue the friendship until the old man starts cutting off his fingers and throwing them at his front door. Self-mutilation has never been an of interest to me. This movie was as dull as the main character. The only good part was when it was finally over.

Top Gun: Maverick

I loved this movie  because it was clean and fully entertaining. And for these same reasons, it did not get any top awards. This movie captivated all your senses and was made without any hint of Wokeness. I could watch this movie over and over again, and glean something new each time.


Another great movie with great acting! Austin Butler’s convincing portrayal of Elvis was grandiose and the storyline was entertaining throughout the entire movie. Like the audience, I was fully engaged in the singing as well as the sad turns in Elvis’ life. It left me with a better understanding on how Elvis was manipulated by his manager’s greed. Elvis was stripped of his soul, but his talent will live in our hearts forever. He remains “The King.”

These are the worldwide box office figures:

Top Gun: Maverick             $1,481,741,935

Elvis                                             $279,991,514

The Banshees of Inisherin  $46,539,980

The Whale                                  $34,799.696



Hollywood moguls have remained true to themselves by awarding coveted titles to horrible movies. When will they get the message from the real people who support their movies with real life substance. We exist, we have jobs, we raise decent law-abiding children and we attend church services on a regular basis. We want to be entertained, not to be deceived by your attempts to indoctrinate us into believing that sin is acceptable. It’s not, nor will it ever be!

Thank God some movie producers received the memo that we are tired of being fed agendas depicted as the norm. We, who understand the meaning of entertainment, have grown tired of the same malnourished garbage being thrown our way.

Jesus Revolution

This movie is about Chuck Smith, one of the founders of Calvary Chapel, and Greg Laurie. In the mergers of two conflicting cultures, the conservative church is transformed by allowing hippies to join Calvary Chapel. This is Greg Laurie’s story. He is the pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, CA.

These are domestic box office figures:

Jesus Revolution        $45,500,000  (movie released February 24, 2023)


When I left the Catholic Church for a season, I was part of this revival. Mike and I were borderline hippies, who were looking for a church base. My mother had made Harvest Christian Fellowship her home church, so when we visited her we attended Greg Laurie’s church.

Greg Laurie is a dynamic speaker and his messages were always powerful. This church had a rock band to start the service. The music was enticing and the preaching was to get us ready for the Kingdom of God. There was always a dramatic altar call at the end of every service. People would rush up to the altar to receive Jesus in their hearts.

It was a beautiful time of growth for me, but I needed more. I was missing the Eucharist, but the Body of Christ that sustained me could only be found in the Catholic Church. My previous Blog have described this experience. I had to make a choice between the holy contemporary music of the Protestant services or the solemn music played at Mass as I received the Body of Christ. This struggle lasted for several months, so I continued to have one foot in the Protestant services, while the rest of my body grew accustomed to the solemnity of the Catholic Mass.

It’s impossible to fully express my great gratitude for all the Christian churches I attended. Because of these experiences I grew to love the Word of God. I give glory to God for allowing me to wander in the desert for a season. God had a plan for me all along.

This Blog was written with the assistance of the Holy Spirit to win fallen-away Catholics back to their roots, and to reach out to Protestants to help them understand and respect the Catholic Church.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I thank You for all the wonderful unity I feel with other Christians. I pray that Hollywood would get the wake-up call and stop all the contrary division it is causing. Lord, touch the hearts of all who are involved in the production of movies; urge them to clean up the mess they have created. Amen.

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National Women’s Month

As we celebrate National Women’s Month, I am grateful for all the wonderful accomplishments of women who have stood their ground, persevered, and, against all odds, made their place in modern history. But the story I’d like to share is about the most humble, courageous woman: Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Her calling to serve God uniquely formed her into one of the most influential women of our time.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

This tiny woman accomplished so much in her life. Mother Teresa ( her title at the time of the speech) was a special guest at the White House for the National Day of Prayer  in 1994. Her entire speech was about love: love of family and neighbor and how we are to receive those who are poor, hungry and homeless. She was there to serve at her full capacity.

Love was her key word and she commanded the respect of all who were there. Her speech was clear and convincing, knowing full well that more than half of her audience was not supporting her godly views, including President Bill and First Lady Hillary Clinton. She was Jesus to them and expressed the love of God to them without judgment.

My signed Bible from Saint Teresa of Calcutta and her business card

Everyone in the audience received a copy of St. Francis of Assisi’s “Peace Prayer.” Saint Teresa invited all who were present to recite the prayer with her. Why did she do this? I believe she was putting all her listeners under the subjection of the Holy Spirit because what she had to say would resonate throughout the nation. This universal prayer was also performed by Elton John at Princess Diana’s memorial service. Mother Teresa moved mountains with her prayers, but it was how she delivered her humble message that affected many.

She spoke at length about the poorest of the poor, and, shared a story of when she brought them in to feed them, how they taught her a lesson on love. This godly saint spoke about their eyes and how to discern people’s emotions by looking into their eyes.  Saint Teresa also spoke about smiling and how joyful it was for her to see people in dire straits show great gratitude by a simple smile.

The Bible speaks about the eyes being the window to our soul.

Saint Teresa’s  Speech

When St. Teresa spoke, she did not hold back. She was not worried about any backlash, or being cancelled because she came with a message from God. She quoted Scripture and used it invariably in her speech. Today, almost 30 years later, would this saint be respected and honored as she was in 1994? Only God can answer that question, but I believe that among us are many Christians who are operating in the spirit of this great saint. Her words were timeless and bold; to speak on the subject of abortion in 1994 was considered risky.

In the words of Saint Teresa of Calcutta:

“But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because Jesus said, “If you receive a little child, you receive me.”  So, every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus — is the neglect of receiving Jesus.

It is really a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.  And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?  How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion?  As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts.

Jesus gave even His life to love us.  So, the mother who is thinking of abortion should be helped to love — that is, to give until it hurts her plans, her free time, to respect the life of her child. For the child is the greatest gift of God to the family because they have been created to love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts.

The father of that child, however, must also give until it hurts.”

Honoring Real Women

No one valued women more than Jesus. This started with His relationship with His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary’s gentle spirit taught Him how to treat women. Our Lord honored His Mother and taught us to do the same. Mary’s role was the greatest example of womanhood. No other woman can compare to her.

Every action we take in life will be our history. Our current president supported his wife First Lady Jill Biden, who celebrated International Women’s Day by presenting an an International Women of Courage Award to a biological male who identifies as a woman. This will be the legacy of President Biden. With this news, Saint Teresa would not be turning in her grave; rather, she would be praying fervently for our country.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, we honor all women who choose to do right in Your eyes. Bless them with Your love. Lord, help me with my struggle to pray for our sitting president. Teach me to operate in  love as Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Help us all to become more loving. Thank You for teaching us that this special love comes from the heart of those who truly love You first. Amen.

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Disneyland’s Club 33

The mouthwash and compact mirror (my only souvenirs)

Club 33 is a private, members only club located in the Orleans section of Disneyland. It cost $33,000 to join, and another $15,000 to keep the membership annually. This is the only place in the park where hard liquor is served. The waiting list to get into this club is four years, but it could take as long as 14 years. You will never see our name on this waiting list.

Die hard Disney Park park patrons Jacob and Lucas

I knew Friday was going to be a busy day, so I started by attending Mass and then staying for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. I prayed for all those on my prayer list and recited a Rosary.
We left for Disneyland at about two o’clock with dinner reservations at Club 33 at six p.m.

I have been to Club 33 a total of three times. The only way you can dine there is through a member’s invitation. Last Friday was the most recent visit. Mike had been holding out on us; he has a good friend who is a member of Club 33.  When we ran into this gentleman at the funeral service of a mutual friend, he offered us the use of his membership at Club 33. Mike said that for years this man has been offering this opportunity to dine at the private club, so we finally took him up on it.

My First Visit to Club 33

Years ago some ladies from Sonja’s elementary school invited me to lunch with them at Club 33. At the time Sonja must have been in either second or third grade. What I remembered about this experience was that all the women ordered salads, but I ordered some type of roasted chicken. I never got the memo that we were all to order the same meal. I had no idea of the exclusivity or privateness of this restaurant, so I did not pay too much attention to any details. I do not believe that we had to pay an entrance fee for the park because the lady who owned the membership graciously took care of that. I was grateful for the experience and my roasted chicken was delightful.

My Second Visit to Club 33

We were guests again, but this time the Club 33 experience was won in a silent auction. We were a party of six, and as difficult as it was to narrow a date for all of us, we picked the worst day. Disney offers private parties for different organizations, which means that they shut down the park for these groups exclusively. This visit was in 1986 or 1987. Something was very unusual about this night; I noticed two women holding hands in the parking lot. I shrugged it off and kept this to myself. When we entered the park, it was apparent that we came on “Gay Night!” This was almost 40 years ago, and the shock of being surrounded by this made us all very uncomfortable. Seriously, we were not only out of our element, we stood out like sore thumbs. It was as if we were at a nudist colony fully dressed! I was worried about running into people we knew, which would have forced them out of  the closet, or worst yet, people running into us, thinking that we were gay and living a double life.

This night was their private party and we crashed it! The organization was called Odyssey Adventures, but in reality it was a gay function. So to say that I remembered Club 33 that night would be an understatement and an eventful evening that is still swirling in my brain. I remembered telling Mike to hold my hand so that it was known that we were straight. I also told Mike not to walk with the men that were with us so as not to give out a gay vibe.

I called Disney the following day to complain, but to no avail.  I also wrote several letters but they did not respond.


The harpsichord Walt purchased for his wife
The hand carved medallion and the molding with gold etching

Club 33, We’re Back!

We finally got Mike to get us a date for Club 33.  Sonja, Russ and the boys have annual passes to Disneyland, so they joined us for dinner. In my past posts I have declared a great dislike for Disneyland and all other amusement parks. I do not like to be around large crowds. But in order to dine at this exclusive restaurant, you must go to the park. The boys were excited for me to ride some of the faster roller coasters. We rode a total of three rides, and I was done! The lines were an estimated 30 minutes each; that’s an hour and a half of my time that I will never get back!When we arrived for our reservation, a young lady with a 1920’s hairstyle and bright red lipstick greeted us, “You can wait here in the lobby until they call you in for your reservation.” In several ornate cabinets were Club 33 memorabilia available for purchase. We were told not to purchase anything until after dinner. There were many rules: absolutely no videos can be taken, and if you’re going to take pictures, it must be solely with your party.

The Powder Rooms

I did not hear the bizarre explanation about the restrooms or that it was forbidden to take any pictures. So when I went to use the facilities, I took so many pictures! Of course I will honor and respect the protocol by not sharing or posting these photos online. The bathroom was beautiful and sparkly clean. As I finished using the mouthwash, a young bathroom attendant walked in as I was putting the bottle of mouthwash in my pocket. I started to explain that I had used it, and I did not want to toss it into the fancy trash container. She was not interested in hearing my life story, so she kindly said, “We have a lot of those, don’t worry.” Then I went on to make small talk with her so that she wouldn’t think I was a thief.

Rebel Wilson, the famous singer, was banned from Disneyland for 30 days for taking a selfie in the women’s secret restroom. I do not understand the big overture about the restroom. I noted the bathroom descriptions: as you walk in, there is a light pinkish, antique lounge, with six tuck and roll buttons. Over the lounge is a beautiful Tiffany lamp, giving light over the comfortable chair. The wallpaper depicts Club 33  logo in brown, with the background in a soft shade of tan. On the wall is a picture of a woman framed in pink and gold. The drapes are dark brown satin and only serve as a statement piece. There is a beautiful, stained-glass window in the shape of a flower. Next to the window is an antique curio cabinet containing crystal perfume bottles and other ornate decorations.

The Dinner

This was a four-course meal and our grandsons were a bit lost when ordering, but they ate what was served. This was not my first fancy food rodeo, so when my first course arrived, it reminded me of Gramercy Tavern in New York, where we were served three fava beans in a swirly sauce. It was Friday during Lent, so I ordered  fish.

The dinner was not the highlight of the evening; it was the ambiance, and everything that surrounded us. I loved the rich wood of the hand-carved medallions holding up every light fixture, but the best part was spending time with our family!

My Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for the repose of the soul of Walt Disney. I pray that Disneyland’s executives would rid itself of all the Woke propaganda and make it the Happiest Place on Earth once again. Thank You for allowing us to share this special experience. Amen.


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