Which Type of Christian Are You?

If you serve God or believe in God you will most likely fall into one of these types of Christians. I understand that there are many others, but I’ve narrowed  down to these three. Personally I have experienced  characteristics of all three. I continue to advance in my walk by discovering my purpose in this life.

The Christians On The Path To Sainthood

These persons have forgiveness down to a science; they do not allow anger to enter into their spirits. They figured out what God is all about and are working at helping others see what they are experiencing. They got the memo about servanthood and attempt to do everything in a godly manner. They know when to speak and when to remain silent. They do not offend with their opinions because they understand how to approach a sensitive matter. They understand the concept of putting others before themselves. They are constantly growing spiritually because they have left the things of the world behind. If you ask them to pray for you, they will not only pray, they will fast on your behalf as well. They have developed a deeper purpose for prayer, and want nothing more than to be used by God. They are unwavering in their beliefs and nothing and no one will ever change them. They are living  examples of godly role models on earth.

The Christians With a Pharisaical Attitude

These people think that they know all about God. They listen to a sermon  and understand that it was meant for someone else  not for them. They serve God with their hearts but their eyes get in the way of attaining what God has set aside for them. They attend church services on a regular basis, but fail to fulfill their real purpose in serving God. They want to please the world; they want to be seen as holy but they have not closed the door to the comforts of what the world has to offer. They are generous with their money and at times feel that this is a substitute for their relationship with God. They are too busy to prioritize God in their lives.  They allow sin in their lives, and it’s perfectly acceptable to them. They surround themselves with Christians who believe as they do. They support political positions that are contrary to Biblical teachings. They are lukewarm.

15 “I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. 16 So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

The Everyday Christian

They are hit and miss when it comes to attending church services. Their busy lives get in the way of serving God. They mean well and suffer much guilt when they have been away for a while. Work schedules, soccer games, and social gatherings come before God. They are fully committed to their families and they pray together as a family. They strive to do right before God, and are raising their children with Christian roots. They will not accept the things of the world and are careful with their speech because they do not want to offend others. They would never post anything offensive or political on social media but are offended by others who do.

Pew Report

In a recent Pew report it was discovered that even though Americans are more religious than those in any other country, we are suffering a great decline because people are walking away from their religious beliefs. The groups who are growing are the  “nones.” The atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” have grown from 17% to 26%; they represent 4% of U.S. adults. We’ve become a characterless society by allowing others to dictate what we are to accept and believe. This loss of the truth and godly direction is causing us to operate in fear. This fear is tangible and it seems that a great majority have come down with a new pandemic. This “woke pandemic” causes blindness, it brings on great anger, and wants to control its victims. There is only one cure for this disease: God. Only through the light of God can we make our way out of this darkness. Only through God can we see truth. There is boldness in truth; it offers us hope and restores our faith. I am not afraid to speak the truth, and I will never be robbed of my Catholic beliefs. I recognize a lie because the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to me. The Holy Spirit lives in me and plays a major role in my Christian walk. It convicts me when my speech is unfiltered; it guides my thoughts; it leads me to pray; but, most importantly, it is welcomed in my being.

I see so many postings on social media that are offensive, but I do not respond. I am restrained because the Holy Spirit keeps me from these useless battles. What the Enemy attempts to do through social media is bait Christians into anger. We have no control over social media, but those controlling it do because they are ruled  by the dark side.

15 Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life, is not from the Father but is from the world.

Life Without God

In particular, I believe that the “nones” will come around. They don’t put up with what they consider to be counterfeit religion; they would rather not believe than to be deceived. They will soon discover that void in their lives and attribute it to their lack of knowing God. They realize that something is missing but have not quite figured it out yet. I cannot imagine life without God. I’ve lived a life of “The Everyday Christian” and  felt spiritually empty. I’ve experienced some of  the characteristics of  Christians With a “Pharisaical attitude” as well; but now that wisdom has finally taken root in my spirit, all I want is more of God. I will not give an opinion unless it is asked of me(my family is exempt from this). You can’t change others because you don’t agree with them, and, in most cases, your ideas come across as judgmental. Instead we support others by showing up and giving of our time.

Our Responsibility

It is never too late to do what is right in life. Teach your children early on about God, and be an example of  how to live a Christian life. Make a clear path for your children to follow; otherwise the things of this degenerate world will eat them up with lies. Get involved with what is going on in the classroom and do not open the door to teachings that will confuse their pliable minds. Remember we have a responsibility and accountability before God; if He entrusted you with children, teach them to love God and all else will fall into place.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, we are all on a spiritual road and always need Your guidance. Clear a path for us to meet You. Keep us from the distractions of the world, and shed Your holy light when we wander into the darkness. Give us clear vision and and an ear to hear Your voice. Give us holy discernment to make the right choices. Amen.


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Come Holy Spirit


The Paschal candle

The Paschal candle burning on the altar will soon be extinguished and put away until next year. As Catholics we celebrate Easter until the Feast of Pentecost  “Pentecost Sunday” Our traditions are strongly rooted in the Book of Acts.

Imagine living in the time of Jesus, walking alongside Him, taking in all the spiritual lessons and being filled with the love of God. Then suddenly it’s all taken away from you; Jesus was no longer in your presence, but you are aware that something supernatural has taken place with His Resurrection. Prayer is the only recourse, and that is exactly what His followers did.

In the Old City of Jerusalem, located in the Jewish section, is the Upper Room. In this very room Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the apostles prayed continuously for nine days before the world first experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had many times introduced this doctrine to His disciples, but they were too spiritually inept to receive His message. In the Upper Room they were all praying in one accord when fire from heaven fell on them. It was a powerful movement that not only shook the room but the world.

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.

Early in the morning the city was filled with Jewish visitors who came from foreign lands to celebrate the Jewish Passover. At 9 a.m. the power of God fell upon them.  Many passersby thought that persons in the Upper Room were drunk, but Peter set them straight.

15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning.

My Experience

After leaving the Catholic Church for a season, I had been part of a Pentecostal movement for years. Speaking in tongues was openly practiced at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Someone from across the room would start speaking in tongues, while on the opposite side came the interpretation. Strange as it sounded, I accepted this as part of the service. Personally I did not speak in tongues at that time but always wondered what it would be like. After returning to the Catholic Church I joined a lay group that was really into the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.  When I first  experienced this, my heart was beating out of my chest. I heard the leader say, “Don’t think about it, just loosen your tongue, allowing the spirit of God to flow.” I felt pressured because nothing was coming out of my mouth. I did not want to pretend that I was speaking in tongues, so I remained quiet. It took several months for me to receive this gift.  The sound of praise as sung in tongues is the closest to what I imagine angelic praise music is like. Whenever I am anxious and cannot pray, I pray silently in tongues; it’s a gift that calms my spirit in knowing that I am communicating with God. Unlike Pentecostal Christians, Catholics are more subdued about this private language between them and God. As for me, it is a holy language between me and God; if I pray in tongues publicly, it is always in a small prayer group.

The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Before going in for an MRI to be examined for a torn meniscus,  I was praying  in the Spirit (tongues). The technician told me that the procedure would last 15 minutes. The last time I had an MRI it lasted 30 minutes. “Is it still a loud banging noise?” I asked. “I’m afraid so,” she answered. She gave me some large  earphones and asked if I wanted to hear music during the procedure. Without thinking I said yes, but I requested Christian music. I started to pray again when this ridiculous rap music started! It was as if it was in unison with the banging of the MRI machine. I wanted to yell for the technician to come back in and turn off this unwanted noise, but I was trapped. The only relief was that it was Christian rap. Thank the good Lord that the 15 minutes went by fast. When the technician returned she asked, “Was that rap music you were listening to?” Yes, I answered! She apologized for the annoyance. Before I left I asked if I could take a picture of myself near the MRI machine. She explained that that was against their regulations but that I could take a picture outside the door. I took two quick pictures and left.

The image of Our Lady

The following day, while scrolling through my pictures, I came across the picture of the dreaded MRI machine. I’m always aware of my surroundings, so before I set my leg into the huge machine, my eyes scanned the entire room. Looking up was a plastic mural of trees with orange leaves with a peek of a blue skyline, and to the right were two windows. It was 7 a.m. on a gloomy morning, but when I pulled up this picture on my phone something popped up! I could see the image of  Saint Pio of Pietrelcina  (Padre Pio) and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the first window. I showed it to my daughter Sonja, who said, “Mom, there is nothing there. What are you talking about?” It bothered me a little that she could not experience what I’d envisioned. Later that night while we were having dinner, I showed it to her again, but at a different angle. She excitedly shouted out, “I see her! I see her!” In all honesty  I understand that these images are a sign to some; but to others it can come across as problematic. I received it as a sign from God that Mary was watching over me and Padre Pio was interceding on my behalf.

Padre Pio, middle of the window

The Great Commission

There were so  many holy inscidents in the Upper Room that day. The power was handed over to the apostles, and on that particular day Peter ministered to both Jews and Gentiles, baptizing and converting over 3,000 believers.(Acts 2:41)  After much prayer, lots were cast and Matthias was chosen as the new apostle. (Acts 1:23-26) The great commission was in full force and nothing could stop the fire of the Holy Spirit. The fear that the Apostles  felt after experiencing Jesus’ death had turned into boldness, and the fire within them could not be quenched. We, too, have this gift when we pray for others, when we lay hands on the sick, and when we believe God for the impossible. The Holy Spirit should be guiding us in every area of our lives. This is the same message the apostles were sharing almost 2,000 years ago, and it has not changed because the Word of God has not changed.

We celebrate Pentecost because it is also the birthday of the Catholic Church; the Apostle Peter became our first pope.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You for sending down Your Holy Spirit. May we always protect this precious gift and never take it for granted. Lord, use us to do the work You commissioned for apostles. Send us out, Lord. Amen

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The Silent Fragrance of God

Flowers from our garden

I have always appreciated God’s gifts in nature, so to say I stop and smell the roses is an understatement. I not only smell them, I cut them and fill my house with the their fragrance. After Mass  about a week ago, as I walked to my car, my knee buckled underneath me and caused a sharp, unusual pain. I didn’t give it a second thought, but then it happened several more times. After seeing the doctor, he said that it was a torn meniscus.

Because I exercise on a regular basis, this setback has made me slow down, but I wondered why God allowed this. I’m not upset, but not being able to accomplish normal tasks is frustrating. Attending daily Mass is part of my regular routine, but giving up my position of Eucharistic Minister was definitely a huge sacrifice. I can’t take the chance of dropping the Body of Christ because of a bum knee.

Why God Slows us Down

I have been feeling a void in my spirit. I’d pray but to no avail; it felt dry and I knew something was missing. I went to my confessor and explained the vacancy in my soul. I had given up shopping for Lent, so I was making up for the lost time by shopping online. Many wasted hours of online shopping were becoming part of my daily routine. When the packages arrived, the euphoric feeling lasted only a few minutes. I was stuck in the middle of  a road leading to a world filled with worldliness. I felt the detachment: nothing was satisfying, purchasing new clothes had turned into a monotonous grind. From that came another bad habit of Netflix, which captured the boredom and turned it into a fixation. I suffer from addictive behavior and, as much as I do not want to come to terms with this, all this had taken over the spiritual part of my thinking. Yes, I was praying, but all the distractions were taking me away from reaching a deeper spiritual level. This troubled me because it was not characteristic.

The Confession

When my confessor told me to stop talking, I did not understand. I asked, “Do you mean for me to go into contemplative prayer?” “No, just stop talking,” he explained. I was still in the dark, and did not understand. So again I asked, “Do you mean stop talking now?” “No, just stop talking,” he replied. As my penance he told me to say one Hail Mary but to take ten minutes when reciting the prayer. Needless to say, I was puzzled. It took a few days to realize what the priest meant. It was about my interior dialogue, you know that self-talk, the language inside your head. It was beating me up because I had temporarily fallen from grace.


When we allow the Devil to get into our brains, he is going to ambush us through half-truths. In my case I was not praying with fervor, but my negative self -talk was telling me that I was unspiritual. I am not! I was greatly distracted, and the enemy knew how to harass me by reminding me that something was off with my prayer life.

Did you know that only 18% of our brain activity comes from the outside, but 82% comes from inside, through self-talk? We are either building ourselves up or tearing ourselves down. If our self-talk is not in harmony  with the Word of God, it’s self-defeating. People who suffer from depression or anxiety are negative self-talkers. When we bring into our adult lives the hurtful memories we experienced as children  we are using the same self-talk but now it is imprinted into our brains. While many of us can shrug off these painful memories, many of us suffer because we believe the lies – that’s what the Devil wants us to keep in our memories.

Did you know that the average person speaks 150 to 200 words per minute? But when we internally dialogue (self-talk) we process even  more, as many as 1,400 words per minute. With self -talk comes images; our minds go even deeper into what we are thinking. We create an environment with what we think. Words spoken against us will stab our hearts if we allow them to penetrate our spirits.  (Ps 64:1-10)

The Torn Meniscus

When my knee buckled over, I felt a deep, sharp pain. Throughout the day I had more painful encounters with my right knee. After a quick examination, the doctor suspected a torn meniscus. I talked to certain people with the same problem; some shared stories that they had never healed after surgery, while others said it was an easy procedure. On Tuesday I am scheduled for an MRI. I have no idea what the outcome of this will be, but an appointment with an orthopedic specialist is scheduled eleven days later. I have not given it a second thought; worrying about this has never crossed my mind. I understand that this is in the hands of God, and He will see me through this ordeal.

I know some people who worry about everything, so much so that they mark their calendars to remind themselves to worry. There is a perfect Bible verse for people like this:

for as he thinks in his soul, so is he

Being Silent Before God

When I empty my thoughts and pray, it brings peace. To silence your mind is necessary because you are exercising a part of your spirit to become one with God. We need all of our senses to obtain this glorious union: our taste, sight, touch, smell and sound.

O taste and see that the Lord is good;

    happy are those who take refuge in him.

To hear the voice of God, you must be silent. We can’t hear Him if we are speaking. In comparison it is as if you are speaking with someone who will not let you get in a word because he can’t stop talking.

11 Then the Lord said: Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will pass by. There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the Lord—but the Lord was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake—but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 after the earthquake, fire—but the Lord was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound.

This Sunday the Mother’s Day homily confirmed the content of this Blog. It was about being silent before God. I experienced His love as I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. It was a silent, private moment I shared with our Lord.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord, never allow us to become so distracted that we lose sight of You. Help us to develop a deeper relationship with You. Allow Your Holy Spirit to reign in us forever! Amen.



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