Dear Pope Francis


The Pope greeting

With so much bombardment  of the media, it was impossible to not miss the most shocking of all news feeds. Pope Francis has announced that he supports same-sex civil unions. I, for one, was not surprised by this grievous report.

The Pope Encounter

Cathryn, my editor and me

In April of 2014, our missionary group traveled from Israel to Rome. We were there to witness the canonization of Pope John Paul II. A few days before the blessed event, we had an audience with the Pope. We had tickets, got up extra early, and took a taxi to the Vatican. I had to beg my friend Cathryn to allow me to push her in a wheelchair; thankfully, she agreed. It was a cold morning, but that did not matter because of the excitement of seeing the Pope. We were sitting in the front row; you can’t get any closer than that, right? We were eating the breakfasts that the hotel had prepared for us; then the weather turned. We had umbrellas, but the rain was constant, softly falling over everyone. We were getting soaked. Suddenly these men in long black coats motioned for us; to get up. One girl from the U.S. started to complain, “Why are you doing this? We came from so far away, and now you’re asking us to move?” I had an idea as to what was about to happen. I wanted to tell the foolish girl to be quiet, but I had to push Cathryn. What these men were doing was getting us out of the rain. I was running ahead of others to get a good seat to the private auditorium. The bumps on the cobble stone were causing Cathryn to bounce up and down like a rag doll. That did not matter because I was running to secure a good spot. All I could think of was my plan to get through the massive wooden doors before others. In all the commotion, two rows were formed, with a wide aisle between them. That’s when it hit me: the Pope was going to come in person to greet our small group first! There was a huge, televised live screening that allowed us to see the thousands of people waiting outside St. Peter’s Square. The young American girl started with her lamenting again, “We want to be outside! We want to see the Pope in person, not on a live screen!” This time I gave her a disapproving look, and was about to tell her to shut up when were were all handed a small piece of paper. The paper was written in Italian, but I knew what it said. We were about to experience a holy encounter with the Pope.


My traveling companions, Natalie, me, Carmelita and Angie

The Company You Keep

We were traveling with our lay group that included two Filipinas, one of whom was Carmelita. Carmelita and I had roomed together on several other missionary trips. She was responsible for getting me into the habit of praying more fervently. Late at night if I made the slightest move, Carmelita would say, “Lynda, are you awake?” I was always tired but would reluctantly answer yes. With Carmelita it was never a simple five minute prayer but the entire Rosary with special intentions in between the decades! She is one of the most faithful, holy women that I recognize  as a truly devout Catholic.

Sure enough, just as I suspected, The huge doors swung open and there he was, in the flesh, Pope Francis. Whatever was about to happen was going to be quick and sweet. Carmelita and her friend were sitting next to Cathryn and me. She started to cry, “Oh my God, the Holy Father! The Holy Father!” These were real tears and, as I was witnessing this, a quick thought came to me. “Should I cry too?” With all the emotion and trying decide whether to cry or not, when the Holy Father came to me, I took his hand and kissed his ring. You will never guess what he did to me; he gave me a swift pat on the head and moved to the next person.  I received this as a “Snap out of it moment!”  I had given Carmelita and her friend my phone in order for them to take pictures, but with all their emotions flying all over the place, neither of them could get a good shot. I tried to remember Pope Francis’ outstanding features, all the freckles on his face, the color of his pearly gray teeth and how he smiled and shuffled his feet. I was mesmerized by his presence. This feeling stayed with me the entire day.


The crowds
Me with only 3 hours of sleep

The Canonization of Pope John Paul II

April 27, 2014, was the day  of the canonization of  His Holiness John Paul II. We had a wake-up call at 3:00 a.m. No vehicles of any sort were allowed near the Vatican, so we had to take the metro. Our tour guide warned us to stay together because of the crowds. I had purchased a small folding stool in California; this would prove to be both a blessing and a curse. All the entrances to St. Peter’s were secured with barriers. We were a group of about eight. As soon as we exited the metro, our group was violently separated. In a rush, a police officer opened a small portion of the barrier and hundreds tried to make their way in, trampling others in their path. We lost half of our group with that episode. We reached an area on the side of St. Peter’s and we stayed there for hours. A Polish group kept singing the same annoying song; it was undoubtedly  a praise song but it was way too early to receive this blessing. Then a Polish man pulled out an accordion and started playing music. My heavy, sleep-deprived eyes were rudely forced opened by this irritating music. We were all taking turns sitting on the stool. Nothing was more uncomfortable than this stool but we needed to rest our feet. I wanted to cry from the pain of sitting on this three-legged stool, but the pain of standing outweighed it. Finally after six hours the barriers were opened, and once again the crowds rushed to get in. I closed my eyes and tried to recall our front row seats from the days before this mayhem. Now we were so far back, sitting on the cold cobble stones, reduced to peasants. Not even the stool from hell brought us any reprieve.

The Special Surprise 

As we settled on the cold ground, the most beautiful music filled the crisp air. I cannot compare anything to this welcoming sound; it quieted the crowds into submission and ushered in the anointing. On this special day Pope Benedict XVI  and Pope Francis shared the same stage. I love Pope Benedict, so this was magical for me to witness. Now I understand why Pope Benedict stepped down. He foresaw the evil the Church was going to go through.

Present-Day Pope Francis

Pope Francis’ ambiguous remarks are weighing heavy in my heart. Many Spirit-filled Catholics have been carefully listening to what he is attempting to introduce. I, for one, struggle with who he really represents. In my observation our Pope comes across as worldly with undertones of Socialism. His opinion on gay unions was so misinterpreted that by the time it hit the news, gay Catholic couples were being interviewed, rejoicing in celebration. The Pope never said that the Catholic Church’s position on marriage between a man and a woman was going to be altered. The Church would never allow this. Our Pope never clarified this statement, so who could blame the news media with this confusing, speculative misinformation.

The presence of evil will always be allowed by God. We need to remain steadfast in our Catholic beliefs and fight the good fight. Satan and his minions are working double-time to destroy anything that is holy. This type of evil is much stronger than ever before. It is almost tangible and, for certain, you can see it with your own eyes.


Dear Lord, I pray for Pope Francis, that You would touch his heart and convict him when he is out of Your holy order. Lord, we beseech You to help us through these trying times. Strengthen us spiritually to fight this battle and to have victory for Your Kingdom. Lord, I pray for the national elections in our broken country. Lord, bring forth the man who will protect the rights of all humans,  the sanctity of marriage and the right to life. Please hear our prayers.  Amen.

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Finding Your Way Back Home

Swallows and their mud nest
The Old Stone Church

On October 23rd we celebrated the Feast of San Juan Capistrano and the return of the swallows of San Capistrano to Goya, Argentina. I live in Southern California, which is about 30 minutes from San Juan Capistrano. The Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded by Father Juan Junipero Serra on November 1, 1776.  On October 23rd, the swallows circle the Mission one last time before they leave on a 6,000-mile journey to Argentina. They will return on March 19th, the Feast of Saint Joseph. These common cliff-nesting swallows do not understand the religious significance of their journey; the only thing that comes natural is their instinct to find their way back home.

the majestic Golden Altar

We all have that same instinct in our spirit. We all need to make our way back home to our Creator. Until you come to terms with this supernatural phenomenon, you will always have something missing in your spirit. This spiritual homecoming is what completes us because it unites our heart, mind, soul, and spirit to God.

The Israelites

It took the Israelites  40 years to find their way home. They kicked and screamed at every turn; but when they finally reached the Promised Land, they realized they were home. The entire time God was with them; He fed them their daily bread (manna); they had fresh water to drink; and when they wanted a change in the menu, God brought them quail. Our Lord continues to provide for those who are still wandering in the desert of life. God is with them every step of the way. They can’t see Him because they have allowed the things of the world to weigh them down. Their eyes become clouded with tears from the pain of living in the desert. The desert is extremely barren, miserably hot and dry in the summer, freezing cold and unforgiving in the winter.

The Lord remained faithful to the lost Israelites, He provided a comfortable cloud covering by day, and fire by night. How much more will He do for you?

with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;

The San Juan Capistrano Swallows

These cliff-nesting swallows must prepare for their long journey home. For more than two centuries they have made their mud nests under the Roman arches of the Franciscan monastery of Capistrano. According to an article in the story of the swallows, they travel for 30 days to reach Mission San Juan Capistrano on March 19th ( During their voyage, to avoid wasting any time, they do not eat or drink because they fly from dawn to sunset. They fly at an altitude of 6,600 feet because this helps them catch favorable tail winds. They fuel their tanks with flies, spiders and worms for their long journey. Once they arrive, they restrengthen their nests for the birth of new life.

29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 And even the hairs of your head are all counted. 31 So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.

The Papal umbrella granted by the Holy See proclaiming Mission San Juan Capistrano a Basilica

God’s Plan

These swallows are no different from us when we finally arrive home. We want to stabilize our lives by renewing our spirits for new life. God’s plan is not for us to be abandoned in the desert, but  for us to seek what He has in store for us. Our life in the desert is a learning experience  that involves strenuous obstacle courses for our minds. If we fail, the Lord is there to spot us. He patiently waits for us to cross that finish line.

When I returned to college as an adult, I had to take a class on statistics. This was the most challenging class I have ever taken. When it was time for the final, I knew I was doomed. All of the younger students finished the test in no time, but I was still trying to figure out how to use my computer to get to the problems. I was the last person in the class. It was past 9:30 p.m. when I went to the professor to let him know that I could not finish the final because I needed more time. He looked at me and said, “Take all the time you need, I will wait for you to finish.” With those words, a load was lifted off of me and I finished the test. This is exactly what God does for us; He gives us all the time we need to pass our life test.

Mission San Juan Capistrano

On Sunday morning Mike and I took a ride to San Juan Capistrano to attend Mass in the Basilica. This Mission is known as the Jewel of Missions. We arrived early so that I could walk the grounds and visit the Chapel of FatherJuan Junipero Serra, but due to COVID-19 it was closed. We attended the 9:00 a.m. Mass. It had been years since I last visited this church. As I walked in, my eyes were fixated on the altar. Surrounded with gold are Jesus “top center,” St. Juan Junipero Serra to His right and St. Kateri Tekakwitha to the left. Beneath her is St. Francis of Assisi, the Virgen de Guadalupe (at the feet of Jesus) and St. Joseph (to the bottom right). In the Jubilee Year 2000 this Mission was proclaimed a Basilica. This title was granted by Pope John Paul II. This honor was granted by the Holy See because of its historical and cultural significance in welcoming pilgrims.

Before Mass I was silently praising God when I heard the sound of music; the organist began to play a solemn hymn. This hymn was not only to welcome the parishioners but to unction the Holy Spirit. At exactly 9:00 a.m. the church bells rang as if  to wake up this sleeping community. I love the sound of church bells; they make my heart rejoice to be in the House of God.

My Prayer:

Dear Lord: I lift up to You those who are struggling with substance abuse, anger, loneliness and abandonment. Only through Your Holy Spirit can they make their way out of the desert. Lord, allow them to speak these simple words,”Jesus, I trust in You.” Put a new song in their hearts, and wipe away all their tears. Deliver them from all the bondages that have kept them from serving You. May the manna You feed them nourish their spiritual dry bones. Refresh them with Your holy water and bring them home. Amen.


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The Parable of the Election

The reason Jesus spoke in parables was to make certain that the Kingdom of God would be understood by all . There are over 46 parables in the New Testament. My favorite is The Parable of the Sower.

And he told them many things in parables, saying: “Listen! A sower went out to sow.
And as he sowed, some seeds fell on the path, and the birds came and ate them up.
Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil,
and they sprang up quickly, since they had no depth of soil.
But when the sun rose, they were scorched; and since they had no root,
they withered away. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them.
Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Let anyone with ears listen!”
My question to all who are serving the Lord: Where did your seed fall?  If you are supporting a party that does not believe in Judeo-Christian values, your seed has fallen on rocky ground. We have two distinct choices, and their positions could not be made any clearer. Kamala Harris has stated that she supports killing a baby that has been delivered full term. What part of that narrative needs interpretation? She would murder a baby, and have no qualms about it. Joe Biden, on the other hand, claims to be Catholic, but does not follow the teachings of the Catholic Church. He is in one accord with his running mate about killing full-term babies. Last week in his Town Hall meeting, Biden stated that he would defend the rights of eight-year-old transgender children. This is the most alarming statement yet! What does an eight-year-old child know about transgender identity and gender reassignment surgery? Is is not the parents of these innocent children who should be protecting their children against this indoctrination? There is no doubt that Joe and Kamala’s seeds fell on the path; the birds came and devoured them because they have no sense of morality.
Now 45%  of this countrys’ Catholics are listlessly meandering, looking for their seed that landed among the thorns. They are going to get cut up attempting to retrieve their seeds. They will watch their seeds get choked by making hasty, refutable choices. We all need to understand this parable to give us a lesson on the outcome of our country’s future. It’s is never too late to prepare for the good harvest. Use the tools that the Lord has so graciously handed you to seek the truth. We need justice to prevail, and for this election not to change our form of government. We need to once and for all rid ourselves of this hatred and polarization.

My Parable

Two old men wanted to live in the same White House. They were both familiar with this house; one man still lives in the house, while the other man worked there years ago. Each of these men had pets. One man had an elephant with a loud trunk. This elephant was opinionated and let the world know what he was thinking. The other man had a donkey. This stubborn donkey kicked and hee-hawed when it did not get its way. So the two old men planned a contest between their pets; whichever animal made the loudest and longest noise would win the race. There is one problem, the donkey is favored by the liberal press. This race will take place on November 3rd. The moral of the story is we must make a prayerful, conscious choice in casting our ballots.

Pray, Then Vote

My urgent prayer is not just for one group but for all of us to live in harmony. We cannot allow militant organizations who seek to overthrow our government, and to infiltrate the minds of our youth. The white supremacists, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter agendas cannot be allowed to sway this election. Black lives do matter, but our government does not have to radically adopt their Marxist ideologies in order to protect them.  Sorry, LGBTQ, and trans people, feminists, and Planned Parenthood, this is not about you. It’s about the Blacks who have been treated unjustly by police. We need to keep the subject matter separate and not allow every socialist group to ride on the shirt tails of Black people who have been affected by police brutality. I can guarantee that these groups came together because of their hatred of the founding principles for our democratic constitutional republic. That’s what they did to Jesus before His Crucifixion. The Jews hated the Romans but, for the sake of  malevolence, they joined forces.

Mug shots of white privileged, New York Post

White Privilege

To the radical, leftist student demonstrators: you’re nothing more than wanna be revolutionaries. Your liberal parents  have spoon fed you lies and sent you to elite colleges. For what? To get arrested for rioting and tagging? Wow! I wonder what the future has in store for you. According to an article in the New York Post, all these privileged white kids come from affluent backgrounds. Their parents have rescued them but failed miserably at disciplining them. The outcome of there upbringing have produced spoiled, willful anarchists who will stop at nothing to get their way because that is how they where raised.  You can read the story for yourself.  New York Post “Inside the Privileged Lives of Protesters Busted for Rioting in Manhattan.”

My Prayer:

Dear Lord, I pray for all those who are caught up in the confusion of this election. I pray that before they mark their ballots, You would speak to their conscience. I ask for a peaceful outcome in this election. Lord, extend Your Holy Hands and reach down to protect us from any backlash from any angry mods. May we who truly serve you do what is right in Your eyes. Amen

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