The reason Jesus spoke in parables was to make certain that the Kingdom of God would be understood by all . There are over 46 parables in the New Testament. My favorite is The Parable of the Sower.
My Parable
Two old men wanted to live in the same White House. They were both familiar with this house; one man still lives in the house, while the other man worked there years ago. Each of these men had pets. One man had an elephant with a loud trunk. This elephant was opinionated and let the world know what he was thinking. The other man had a donkey. This stubborn donkey kicked and hee-hawed when it did not get its way. So the two old men planned a contest between their pets; whichever animal made the loudest and longest noise would win the race. There is one problem, the donkey is favored by the liberal press. This race will take place on November 3rd. The moral of the story is we must make a prayerful, conscious choice in casting our ballots.
Pray, Then Vote
My urgent prayer is not just for one group but for all of us to live in harmony. We cannot allow militant organizations who seek to overthrow our government, and to infiltrate the minds of our youth. The white supremacists, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter agendas cannot be allowed to sway this election. Black lives do matter, but our government does not have to radically adopt their Marxist ideologies in order to protect them. Sorry, LGBTQ, and trans people, feminists, and Planned Parenthood, this is not about you. It’s about the Blacks who have been treated unjustly by police. We need to keep the subject matter separate and not allow every socialist group to ride on the shirt tails of Black people who have been affected by police brutality. I can guarantee that these groups came together because of their hatred of the founding principles for our democratic constitutional republic. That’s what they did to Jesus before His Crucifixion. The Jews hated the Romans but, for the sake of malevolence, they joined forces.

White Privilege
To the radical, leftist student demonstrators: you’re nothing more than wanna be revolutionaries. Your liberal parents have spoon fed you lies and sent you to elite colleges. For what? To get arrested for rioting and tagging? Wow! I wonder what the future has in store for you. According to an article in the New York Post, all these privileged white kids come from affluent backgrounds. Their parents have rescued them but failed miserably at disciplining them. The outcome of there upbringing have produced spoiled, willful anarchists who will stop at nothing to get their way because that is how they where raised. You can read the story for yourself. New York Post “Inside the Privileged Lives of Protesters Busted for Rioting in Manhattan.”
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, I pray for all those who are caught up in the confusion of this election. I pray that before they mark their ballots, You would speak to their conscience. I ask for a peaceful outcome in this election. Lord, extend Your Holy Hands and reach down to protect us from any backlash from any angry mods. May we who truly serve you do what is right in Your eyes. Amen