The Long Journey

My nephew Nick and his wife Michele at Oak Alley

  1. Oak Alley after Hurricane Ida

    Nothing irks me more than unexpected potholes and the inconvenience of road repairs and detours. In our life’s journey we will come across many obstacles that will redirect our walk with God. The other day, for the life of me, I could not get anything together. I needed to run errands, but had to go back inside the house because I kept forgetting things. I couldn’t find my keys, I forgot my water bottle, my phone was on silent so it took longer to find, but thank God, St. Anthony always comes through. Later I find out that there was an accident not far from where I was going. Our distractions could not only give us a message to slow down but save our lives.

Slow Down

We all have our daily routines. You must get ready for your workday and all it entails. If you have children, they need attending to as well.  Before our granddaughter learned to drive, and I had to babysit I had to get up extra early, pack lunches, prepare breakfast and then drive them to two different schools. By the time I got home all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed, thank God it was only for a few days.

The older we get, the slower we take life. My priorities have changed;  all I want to do is secure my free ticket to heaven. I want to share my life’s journey with everyone who crosses my path. God gifted me with a good sense of humor; sometimes all it takes to make someone smile is to get their attention. I have never mastered beating someone over the head with a Bible, but in today’s society it might not be such a bad idea. The Word of God keeps me grounded and when discouragement crosses my path, I take the high road to reach the silence of God’s peace. I don’t know exactly where many Bible verses are, but I do quote them whenever I’m in a state of desperation.

Sometimes when I’m not paying attention I step into dog excrement; my first thought is to get rid of this by taking my shoes off and cleaning them. We step into difficult situations in life as well. All we can do is try to clean off the mess we have caused, or else we walk around with an offensive stench. Our journey will always have choices of roads leading to different paths, but the road to heaven is always available. We clutter our path by wrong influences that take us away from the things of God. At no time does it get more difficult than when we run out of gas or forget to charge the electrical vehicle.


Sometimes I struggle with prayer; I go through powerful prayer for several weeks, then spurts of prayer due to the distractions of the world. One thing is certain: with or without gas my journey in prayer is ever present. It took a while for me to train my spirit to call upon God for all of my needs. My journey led me to many other Christian denominations,  but in the end I came back to the Lord through my Catholic roots. I now have a Catholic church parish; for me it’s a comfortable home with a solid roof covering my beliefs and what I will always represent.

Don’t Give Up On Prayer

For many years I have been asking God for specific things in my life but have not gotten an answer. This does at times discourage me, but I continue on that lonely path, believing that God will answer my request. I’m a sinner, so when conviction overtakes my conscience, I pray. Prayer clears the highways of our minds so that we can reach our destination.  The living waters that Jesus promised refresh our spirits; the more we drink, the more we desire this fountain of healing. As I write this Blog, I thank God for my own health and family’s health. But deep in my spirit I’m doing battle for those who need a miracle with court cases, or healings of cancer, of marriages, and salvation for their loved ones.

I pray for others on a regular basis. Throughout the day my spirit is taking different crossroads to intercede for others. If you ask me to pray for someone or if God puts someone on my heart, I am obligated to pray for that person until He releases me.

The Debris 

My sister Jo and her cat Segundo evacuated to Mississippi

Our country just experienced Hurricane Ida. This cursed girl wreaked  havoc from Louisiana to New York until she finally ran out of breath. Ida’s disrespect of the hundred-year-old oak trees in her path, scattered their lifeless branches on the roads. My sister Jo and her sons surrendered to her destruction; they had to leave due to the loss of electrical power. There will not be a welcome mat spread out for them on their return; rather they will face the laborious task of cleaning up the mess Ida left behind. Without electricity food spoils and has to be discarded; this is another big expense. The Big Easy is a hot mess. While the rest of us are gearing up for the last barbecue of the summer, the people in the path of Ida are resilient and will make their way to the road of recovery. Because there is nowhere else to turn, these cataclysmic trials only make them stronger; they develop a deeper union with our Creator.

In her path of devastation, Ida took the lives of  67 persons  and left millions without power.  Our nephew Torie and his family fled north to Rustin to a friend’s vacation home; later, they rented a two-bedroom apartment for one month until their power is restored. Of this family of five, four suffer from a mild case of COVID. Once the dust settles and the rush of crowds getting gas and food is over, they will head back home.

My Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You for protecting our family during Hurricane Ida. I pray for all who lost family members. Lord, embrace them and comfort their hurting hearts. Heavenly Father, may You always direct our path and clear the way for us to take the pathway You have set for us. I pray for my nephew Mario; give him special graces and favor, and lead him back to You. I pray for Bobbie, who is in need of a miracle; restore her health and hear the cries of her heart. I pray for all who are suffering with COVID. May this pandemic be eradicated from the earth. Amen.


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The Wrath

We are all feeling the anger, pain, and disgust over losing 13 American soldiers and the countless Afghans who were killed by the suicide bombers . Where are all the Biden supporters now? Why aren’t they blasting Facebook with their supportive messages? Biden can’t blame anyone but himself for this debacle. But the liberal media is struggling to unravel a way to spin this story.  The beauty of truth is that it will always prevail and no one will be able to contest it. The families of these beautiful young men and women will always know that they paid the ultimate price for the mistakes of President Biden.

“Save the Date Card”

In the United States it is customary to send out a “save the date card” months before the wedding invitation. This allows their guests to make the proper arrangements to be able to attend the wedding. What the president has done was to essentially send out “save the date cards” to the Taliban. Did it not cross Biden’s mind that Americans had to be evacuated before making this absurd decision? Then he gave out the list of those invited, and injudiciously handed the names of Americans and Afghan allies to the terrorists. How does this get past White House briefings? The Taliban’s history of murdering Afghans who colluded with Americans is no secret; in the eyes of the terrorists these Afghans are traitors.

In Harms Way Using Our Arms

We will never know the real cost or have an accurate account of all the military equipment left behind in Afghanistan. According to, two key reports on the U.S. war chest of military gear in Afghanistan had disappeared from the federal website. If we pay for these audits, the U.S. should provide the information that would allow us to follow the money. Citizens from war-torn Afghanistan are genuine refugees; their claims for political asylum are warranted.

According to the Pew Research Center, the U.S. Border Patrol reported over 200,000 migrants along the U.S.- Mexican border in July. This is the highest monthly total in more than two decades. Newsweek reported that since January 2021, 1,111,000 immigrants have crossed the U.S.- Mexican border.

The numbers are not in yet as to how many Afghan refugees will be welcomed into this country. One thing is certain: it will also be in the millions. Call it what you may, but in my eyes this is another example of poor planning. Who is going to pay for this? If we allow this liberal Congress to continue to rule, they will vote to make every refugee a citizen. Why? Because the Democrats need their votes. But don’t count on the Afghan refugees to vote for them, because they are well familiar with communism.

No God, No Favor

President Biden is a CINO (Catholic in name only). He does not follow the teachings of the Catholic Church and, for this reason, he should be excommunicated from the Church. His beliefs are offensive to God and to most of us, especially Christians who are serving the Lord. His reprobate mindset is cemented and, unless he repents, he will never change. He will forever support ungodly teachings and continue to warp the minds of those who believe his lies. He can not cry out to God because he has forsaken the core teachings and laws that God sent for us to live by. Even if Biden cries out to God, God will not listen to him.

31 We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if one is devout and does his will, he listens to him.
Biden has blood on his hands – not only for the 13 soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our country, but for all the babies killed through abortions and for supporting all the gender dysphoria and whatever else is connected to this confusion of sin. We who believe will continue to pray for God to pull us out of this abyss.

Isaiah 1:15  New American Bible (Revised Edition)

Global Warming Or The Hand of God?
How many natural disasters is it going to take to wake us up? God is slowly lifting His hand from this country because of sin. As of today, this year, 1.66 million acres have burned in California alone.  My sister and some of her family members are hunkered down with Hurricane Ida in their direct path. Please pray for their safety.
21 See, the Lord goes forth from his place, to punish the wickedness of the earth’s inhabitants; The earth will reveal the blood shed upon it, and no longer conceal the slain.

Many Christians are crying out that we are living in the Last Days. It sure seems that way. What we should be doing is asking God to intervene on our behalf and to allow us another opportunity to serve. We can’t be like Lot’s wife, looking back at all the material things she left behind. We must always look ahead, pray without ceasing, and believe that God will change the hearts of evil men. The wrath of God is imminent; the signs are all the natural disasters, global warming and climate change. Call it what you may, it’s banging on our doors.

Romans 1:18 New American Bible (Revised Edition)

 18 The wrath of God is indeed being revealed from heaven against every impiety and wickedness of those who suppress the truth by their wickedness.

God will not be mocked: godless leaders will not go unpunished. In the words of Biden, “We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.” It’s a little too late to play the tough guy! Biden’s ill-advised, disastrous policy decisions will become his downfall.
My Prayer
Dear Lord, let us never forget the brave soldiers who were taken from their families at such a young age. May You comfort broken hearts and heal the anger and pain of these families. Through all this agony, bring peace to them. Lord, You are the Healer, the Comforter, the One we seek when we are numb from our brokenness. We pray for President Biden to repent and to serve our country in the Name of God and all it stands for. I pray for my sister Jo and her family; protect her and all that are in Hurricane Ida’s path. Amen.
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Time To Dethrone Governor Newsom


King Newsom
King David


Despite  California’s reputation for being a liberal state, there are plenty of people like me who are not going to go down without a fair fight. We’ve grown tired of the dinosaurs and their juvenile offspring who have been ruling our state for way too long.

He had a son named Saul, who was a handsome young man. There was no other Israelite more handsome than Saul; he stood head and shoulders above the people.

Governor Newsom reminds me of a modern day King Saul. Tall, handsome, and, loved by his people, King Saul thought himself invincible, but when he disobeyed God, he was stripped of his kingdom. It takes more than good looks to run a kingdom, and, in Newsom’s case, he has failed our state miserably by allowing radical groups to hijack our public schools by teaching Critical Race Theory. I’m appalled by the lack of follow through on matters concerning our borders, and how it’s all about to come to a full boil on the back burners. The misuse of federal dollars to keep people from working has done nothing but create more chaos. Our governor has extended a long arm to make victims of those affected by COVID. His actions have caused our economy to greatly suffer by teaching those on the receiving end to become dependent on government aid. This problem trickles down to all businesses suffering the brunt of inflation by having to adjust their  employees’ rate of pay. This cycle continues to the consumers who must pay for the added expenditures. In the end we all bear the financial burden brought on by these bureaucratic handouts.

The Recall

Last week I received my ballot to recall Governor Newson. Yes, I want him out but what a mess of confusion this ballot is! I’m still praying for God to give me a clear sign as to who would be the strongest candidate. The media has targeted Larry Elder to smear his character and destroy his campaign. This tells me that Elder is a threat to the Democrats. The most insulting claim is that he is black only in color. This baffles me! All this time were not the liberals fighting for blacks to advance? Not in Larry Elder’s case; his views are too far right. One thing I will take into consideration with Mr. Elder is that he wants to take on the Teachers Union. It’s time to not only take a swing at this bully Goliath but to make this organization understand that parents should have the last word with their children’s education.

The Ballot

If conservatives really want this recall to succeed, we need to be united. How can this happen with 24 Republicans on the ballot? There are nine Democrats, two Greens, one Libertarian and ten Nones. Of all these names I am familiar with only two: Larry Elder and Caitlyn Jenner. Bruce Jenner has always been a conservative so I imagine that despite his new “they/them” his conservative views remain the same. The “Nones” really are a big concern because they are like wolves in sheep’s clothing; three of them are involved in education. I have eliminated all but two: Larry Elder and maybe John Cox. As much as I would like to write in a certain candidate, it would be a lost cause.

Cleaning Up California

There is so much at stake with this recall: we need to have our heritage and our freedom restored. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs; this is the main reason the United States has been blessed. God has always been our protector, but, like the Israelites, Newson’s supporters wanted a new king. They rejected the true God for a king who would not only rule over them but make them slaves.

Can we not see what’s going on around us? It’s pretty clear to many that God has allowed all this to take place. Did the pandemic scare us straight? The fires, the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the fall of nations, climate change – have these calamities put your spirit in check? The way of the world is to despair;  but God offers hope, and this hope is what I see on the horizon for our beautiful state of California. I  don’t wish evil for Governor Newsom, but he has allowed disastrous policies to prevail in our state. Now he needs to be held accountable. Governor Newsom’s name is tainted, even if things go in his favor. If history is told with truth, Newsom will go down like King Saul.
The Irony of Saul’s Death
As the story of 1 Samuel continued, God anointed David as King. Saul in his imaginary kingdom continued to fight battles. The prophet Samuel had died and God did not answer Saul’s request, so Saul called on a medium, the witch of Endor. Saul was desperate for answers. Who is Governor Newsom consulting? Newsom has the same spirit as King Saul. Out of fear, Saul took his life by falling on his sword.
Saul said to his armor-bearer, “Draw your sword and run me through; otherwise these uncircumcised will come and abuse me.” But the armor-bearer, badly frightened, refused, so Saul took his own sword and fell upon it.
My Prayer:
Dear Lord, I pray for Your wisdom in this recall election. May we as Your children obey Your Word. Lord, help us to make the right decision in choosing among this candidates. Guide us to do what is right in your eyes. Lord, You exposed the lies of Governor Cuomo; do the same for the governor of our great state. I pray that you prick Governor Newsom’s conscience, Lord, give him an understanding as to why he is being recalled. Amen
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