It came to a screeching holt, then the epiphany, stop eating sweets! Cold turkey, that is the only thing that works in my case. See’s candy, homemade goodies from neighbors, extra rich desserts were dragging me down and even my afternoon nap did not revive my body, the sugar depleted all my energy. This over consumption of sweets was wearing on my mind and bringing me down spiritually. So on Tuesday, December 27th it stopped, no more sweets.
According to Maxwell Maltz, it takes 21 days to establish a good habit but Phillippa Lally, an English research psychologist says it takes more like 66 days.

We have to start somewhere so I started by omitting the sweet jelly on my Ezekiel toast and though it took on the taste of cardboard it was still satisfying. The rest of the day the See’s peanut brittle was calling my name but I ignored the voices and did not cave in.
My history with dieting is complicated, Weight Watcher is not for me because it requires too much planning. I still have all the literature from WW but after three attempts and no real results I abandoned the thought. The worst experience with WW was many years ago a friend and I joined together. It was Easter time and I was eating all the jelly beans and pastel colored M&M’s. On the days that she received her star for a 10 pound loss I got on the scale and gained 7 pounds! This sad true story confirmed my inability to follow a structured program. Jenny Criag and her other diet friends did not go over well with me either. Diet pills make me crazy and keep me up all night so that was out too. The battle is in my head, the mind, the self talk, the outa control, the in control, it’s all in the noggin. I would never go to the extreme of having my gut cut smaller because I understand how my mind works. So though it has only been four days without sugar I feel confident enough to write about it and with the grace of God He will see me through this journey.
This New Years resolution is to establish good eating habits, no sugar.
I feel that this New Years resolution is an improvement from past ones. One year I decided not to put up with anyone’s antics, yeah that was not a good year and I suffered because of my arrogance. Another time I decided to go on a letter writing campaign if I experienced an injustice, I made money from that one. Then there was the be kinder to others, including my husband Mike. I love Mike but he can really make me break every rule when he upset me. Worst resolution was to speak my mind, unfiltered, hmmm that only lasted about a week and offended a few people. What ever your resolution is remember that it take an effort to change, give it at least 21 days and if you can 66 days. God has given all of us a free will and he will be with you to see you through your resolution.
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Cor 10:13)
May this new year grant you the desires of your heart and direct your path to peace.