God speaks to us in many ways, and it was through a dream that He instructed me to continue with a trip to the Holy Land.
I have traveled to the Holy Land for more than 17 years; honestly I do not keep track. The purpose of my travels is to minister as we carry the Cross down the Via Dolorosa on Good Friday. This is also part of my calling in my walk with God.
In 2013 our ministry invited Father Leonard Mary from EWTN, to accompany us as our chaplain. Before Father Leonard became a priest, he was part of our lay group. He had been to the Holy Land many times with our team, but this would be the first time as a priest. This trip included an extension to Turkey, and to Patmos, Greece.
I volunteered to organize a fundraiser to raise money for the trip. The primarily purpose was to be certain that we had the expenses for Father Leonard covered. Father mentioned that Brother Leo, from the same community of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, was also going to join us.
I formed a committee with my daughter Sonja, Deane, Leslie, and Lauren. These woman were all seasoned in fundraising. The first thing on the agenda was to give the event a name. Since it was a pilgrimage, we all reached the consensus that we should named the event “Bread, Wine and a Good Time.”
We made gift baskets, and auctioned off a dinner for eight, with Mike preparing a gourmet meal. Our son Mikos donated tickets to the Laker game, and we raffled off a Coach handbag with matching wallet. Our menu included appetizers, Sonja made pulled pork for sliders, and we had an assortment of fruit and cheese, which complemented the wine tasting.

At the end of the night the money was counted, and we had enough funds to cover Father Leonard’s trip, but there was little left for me. I went to bed grateful for all the support, but was I sad and worried that I was not going to make the trip because of the lack money. I remember speaking to God before I went to bed, saying, “Dear Lord, unless I hear from You, I will be pulling out of the trip tomorrow.”

The following morning I received a dream from the Lord. I got up to journal the details of the dream. If you receive dreams, you should always be prepared with a journal and pen. You may think you will remember the dream, but if you do not journal, more than likely you will forget important details or the entire dream.
The Dream
I was in my back yard, at a party, I could see tables with white linen cloths. The tables looked as if they went on for miles. Father Leonard was with me, and as we greeted people, they handed us money, cash, so much that I could no longer hold it in my hands. I started to place the money around my waist under a belt.
The dream switches: Now I’m walking and a lady from our ministry was in a taxi. She stops, and rolls down her window and tells me, “Get in!” But I answer (pointing to where I was going), “Oh no, I can walk.” I had almost reached the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem. This was the end of the dream.
I knew that this was a confirmation from God that He would supply funds for the trip.
This is my interpretation:
Back yard – Safe, private place
Party – A happy gathering, to celebrate
Tables – Symbol of communion, priesthood, fellowship, divine food (Ps 23:5)
White – Symbol of purity, righteousness, holiness ( Ecc 9:8)
Taxi – A means of transportation
Walking – I know my way
Church of the Holy Sepulcher – is located in the Old City of Jerusalem
Father Leonard was with me; Father Leonard represents Father God, and that He is with me. The Lord was pleased with the fundraiser; the tables represent a banquet, a party. The white linens represent purity; the money from the people is what God had put on their hearts to give. The taxi is there if I needed to get there sooner. I already knew the way by walking, which means that in my (spiritual) walk, I always go to prayer for answers.
Through the generosity of my family and a few close friends, I did get all my money for the trip.

It was during this trip that I got into the habit of attending daily Mass. Istanbul’s population is mostly Muslim, Father Leonard held Mass in the basement of the hotels where we were staying. It was one of the most holy trips and most spiritually rewarding. We had a lot of fun too, as part of the trip included dinner on a boat cruise on the Bosporus in Istanbul. Unfortunately, I had lost my favorite raincoat, and had to improvise by cutting a big enough hole for my head into a thin small blanket. I then wore it as a poncho to the dinner cruise, as it was a bit chilly that night. We danced with other members of the team, while Father Leonard took pictures and kiddingly treated to blackmail us.
Father Leonard lives in Alabama, but made a special trip to thank all the volunteers, and held private Bible study for us. Then when we were done, Father Leonard heard confessions. He is a Holy Man of God, and I pray for him daily.
Currently Father Leonard is working toward another degree, pursuing a Masters of Communication Management from USC. Father also has a Masters of Divinity from Mount St. Mary’s.
When his schedule permits, Father Leonard says the Mass for EWTN, a global Catholic television network based in Irondale, Alabama. DirecTV carries this broadcast on channel 370. This is one of the only stations that I frequent because they operate in the true Word of God, no fake news. I also listen to EWTN via podcast on my phone.
Joel 2:28 New King James Version (NKJV)
God’s Spirit Poured Out
28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
If you have a dream that needs interpreting, email me, and I will be happy to help you with the meaning. [email protected]