When we received the travel itinerary for the trip from our son, I was so impressed with the time and love that he put into the planning of this amazing trip. I rarely boast about Mikos, but both Mike and I felt as though we were in the hands of a loving, considerate tour guide. Mikos took a deep dive in studying the history and culture of Italy for this great adventure. This itinerary is my favorite souvenir.
There are Ten Commandments, but only the fifth comes with a promise. Our son honored us every step of the way.
My hope was to draw closer to our grandchildren, especially Maddie who will be leaving for college soon. Both Maddie and Will have jobs and their busy schedules barely allow time for their family, so it was wonderful to spend this special time with them. Our role as grandparents is to watch our grandchildren bloom and to continue to pray for their well-being.

Before everyone arrived Mike and I took a stroll. We made it to the corner of our street when I heard the church bells calling my name. I told Mike, “I need to go to Mass!” So we did. Mass in the Basilica dei Santi Ambrogio e Carlo was beautiful. After Mass we met two of the parish priests. “You know, Father, when I heard the bells ringing, I knew it was time for Mass,” I said. The sweetest reply from one of the priests, “That a-why we ring the bells.” He could have added “you big dummy” but he didn’t. You never grow tired of hearing the bells, reminding us to pray.

When the rest of the group arrived, I saw Maddie rushing out of the SUV, taking pictures. We were all so excited to be here! We took a long stroll, first to the Spanish Steps and then to the Via del Corso to walk to the Trevi Fountain. Both Maddie and Will tossed a coin into the fountain. Then gelato!

I had never visited the inside of the Pantheon. This Roman temple was built in 27 BC, and in 609 AD was dedicated as La Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres. Raphael, the famous Renaissance artist’s tomb is located off to the left of the altar. For a second I closed my eyes and imagined what it would be like celebrating Mass in this 2,000- year-old building.

We met Marco, our guide for the day. Mikos wanted his kids to really appreciate the trip and as much information as he gleaned from the travel guide books, it’s always good to have a guide to answer questions and add new insight to the historical events that took place.

Marco’s tour started with the Forum. We stood in front of the famous area where Mark Anthony spoke his famous words, “Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears.” Then we walked past the spot where Julius Caesar was brutally murdered.

During the four days of our visit in Rome, at the end of each day we would gather in the living area to discuss our adventures. The flat was a perfect setting for our gatherings!
Mike watched a few Italian cooking shows that included a woman, maybe in her sixties, wearing a simple apron in a rather small but functional kitchen. It was nothing like our staged television cooking shows in the U.S. She was more like me, “The Reluctant Chef,” but she knew what she was doing.
My Prayer
Lord, how can I start to thank You for all of Your blessings on our family. Thank You for allowing us to attend Mass and pray for the needs of others. I prayed for all the people who read My Catholic Roots and ask that You bless them. Bless Mikos, Jenny, Maddie and Will for sharing this adventure with us. Amen.