Philippians 4:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
Meditate on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
This is one of my favorite passages from the Bible. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians while he was in prison in Rome. These are simple instructions on how to grow spiritually with a foundation of love. Paul uses Jesus as the model for humility and selfless love. Paul also uses himself as an example of how to endure through trials and challenges.
Give your heart to Jesus
Paul’s words are a perfect recipe for living a loving Christian life. He starts with whatever is true. In this world of deception, we must always look for truth. Truth is the first ingredient because we must all operate in truth.
The word truth appears in the Bible approximately 237 times, depending on what Bible you use.
Whatever things are noble. There is no substitute to Christ, this is a lifestyle that Paul is trying to get across. To be noble is to recognize the dignity of being part of God’s creation. To be a child of God is of great nobility. if we do not recognize the nobility of ourselves and others, we are falling short on how to treat others.
“But we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9
Whatever things are just is relying on your conscience to filter out thoughts that are not Christlike. Self-discipline includes choosing words that are seasoned with love.
Whoever things are pure is to see people through the eyes of Christ. We must put into practice moral virtue, to understand how Jesus lived his life, as a perfect example of virtue. Jesus was the first liberator of women, always respecting their positions in life and giving them honor, and restoring their faith without question.
Whatever things are lovely is to find the beauty that God sees in every area of creation, especially human beings, because we are made in his image.
Whatever things are of good report is to share the Good News of the Word of God. To encourage those who are hurting with loving words. Do not attend pity parties, because the celebration is meant to bring you down too. You should instead become the friend that brings good news.
Prudence ( Prudie) wishes all of you a Happy Valentine’s day
It does not matter how bad things may appear; if we learn to meditate on this passage, the circumstances will change for the better.
Purge yourself of all that is not of God; all negative things must go. Press through, and slowly the Holy Spirit will manifest. We must clear our minds to make room for God. It is there where He will meet you. Go into the Holy of Holies in your prayer closet. What do I mean by this? In the Old Testament only the Jewish high priests were allowed to enter the most holy place. When Jesus died on the Cross the curtains from the Holy of Holies were torn in two, and now we have access to these holy things.
Ask God to lead you there, and don’t stay in the outer courts, where you can only receive a partial blessing. Seek Him until you feel His holy presence.
This is a powerful experience, but it takes discipline and perseverance. This type of growth is developed when the Lord recognizes that you are ready to eat this holy meat.
Whenever the Lord opens a new door, the enemy is right there, to distract us from going further. It could be an argument with a loved one, an illness, or anything to take your eyes off God. Remember what Peter experienced when he took his eyes off God. Peter fell into the water, in a instant, a thought of distrust took him down, and yet he was an apostle. If Peter can be distracted where does that leave us?
29 So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:29-30 NKJ
This Valentine’s Day I pray for Jesus to fill your heart with the true love that is noble, just, pure and lovely…give your heart to Jesus, He will never break it!