We drove 6 hours from Zagreb to Medugorje; eating what the rest of world does on road trips, junk food, Croatian cookies, Trail Mix, candy.
It was 6AM Tuesday by the time Josip drove us to the holy mountain called Christ Redemption Hill. Within a first few minutes the incline got the best of me and I was huffing and puffing. Take smaller steps and slow down was the advice given by Jim. I borrowed a walking stick from the hotel and thank God for this cane saved me from many missed steps. The rugged path never changed it’s topography and all I could do was look to where I was going to place my next step. There are bronze depiction the joyous and sorrowful mysteries on the way up; we stopped to pray at each one.
When we reached the cross we sat and I interceded for my friends and family, it is here where Jesus met me. He allowed a special time of solitude and breathed a cool breeze on me. I never felt His love in this way; He seemed to be pleased with me and I rejoiced in the private visitation. There are many people on this path but at this special hour we were undisturbed, just Him. How holy are you Lord to allow me, a simple grain of sand this time.
Then You introduced us to your Mother, she was surrounded my many pilgrims kneeling and asking your intercession.
Many do not understand Mary’s role, she is the Mother of God and He honors her. The fourth commandment is the only one that comes with a promise. “Honor your father and mother , so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. ” Ex 20:12 Jesus honors His Mother.