Meet the Team

They call themselves Kristofori, they are young and are making a mark in their country for Christ. As their guest we have been treated with a different level of hospitality, an indescribable love.image
The musicians have recorded several CD’s and their voices command reverance to bring  down the  presence of  God. They are holy and operate in unity, they know their place in God and sing the entire time we are praying for the people. These prayer session can last more than two hours but the songs are as fresh as first one; praise and worship at its finest.

Danijel Katanovic is in charge of this fast growing movement that originally started with Josip Loncar who has moved to a bigger calling of God.

We followed the same  protocol as the previous nights with Joanne’s teaching on understanding your purpose and calling.

We sang and then prayed for everyone in the crowd, every single person came up for prayer. Magdalena, my interpreter and Darko were a great team. I counseled and prayed for everyone that the Lord sent my way.image

It was midnight by the time we were urged to leave. We settled for a familiar dinner at McDonald’s but here the burgers Are tastier. The reason being is that this country is free of genetic altering. The watermelon that I had for breakfast had good old fashion seeds, the grapes are sweet and also have seeds. Oh what a  laborious task to remove the seeds but the flavor is much richer and  healthier for you. Most of the people we met have their own vegetable garden and our hotel serves only fresh picked goods.

The Crotians love the letters “K,” “J”and “H” and are over zealous with accents marks. The only names that I recall are short familiar ones like, Anna or Mimka or Milka other than that their names are way too long but have a beautiful sound. They are not part of the European Union yet, they have the kuna which yields 6 kuna to every dollar.


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The St. Anthony Experience

imageVoloder is a city not far Zagreb, about 45 minute drive.

St. Anthony church is rich in character with great  acoustics, the pews are covered with red velvet  cushions and the saints gather together to share the wall space.
The service started with the rosary followed by the all girls choir, so sweet the sound of these young ladies.Our team leader Linda, from Northern California preached before the Mass.

Linda and Marko, the interpreter
Linda and Marko, the interpreter

Linda’s message was on the spirit of fear, she sited Eph 6:10-12; 1 Cor 9:26; Luke 10:19. Fear is a spirit that once it gets ahold of your thoughts, it takes control, we have  authority to cast this down. Fear has many attachments and it will rob you of your peace and keep you in bondage

The Mass was packed, with standing room only, again the music set the tone for the service, festive yet soft and traditional. Father Nikola must have given a great homily because all eyes were  fixated  on him.

Sister Ivanka and me

After Mass, just like the night before we pray for every person there. I was  privileged to pray for Sister Ivanka, a spirit filled nun.We were then treated to the most delicious dinner at the rectory with Father Nikola hosting. The breaking of bread did not disappoint. Father had shot glasses of a strong drink and for some reason unbeknown to me I drank one. The liquor passed through my body, alerting every area it encountered and settled in my belly like a hot ball of wax, a loud unladylike cough followed.

Father Nikola has a cat and just like my husband kiddingly wishes it dead.image

Father Nikola (standing) Crotian and California team

It is now 3:00 AM , so good night or good morning.

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Split, Croatia

Split is 4 hours from Zagreb and is the second largest city in Croatia. It was a beautiful drive but what we experienced was powerful, more than anything I expected. We are 9 traveling missionaries doing God’s work, it is 4:30 AM and we are just returning to Zagreb. The people from Split are on fire for the Lord, I am not certain on the exact number that attended, more than I can estimates, maybe as many as 500-600. These precious people received with open heart and yielded to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Joanne teaching was about being used of God and to press on under all circumstances; she now preached from a wheelchair. image

We were each assigned an Interpreter and catcher to pray individually for every single person that made the sacrifice to attend this gathering.imageSomething very  out of the ordinary happened when a lady, I believe her name was Natalia came to me and shared that 10 years ago she had a dream of a lady named Linda and that this person was to pray for her then she said it was me in her dream. She started to cry as I prayed for her. Over and over again we were all used,  I can only share some of the excitement that happened this great day of the Lord.


I will add more to this tomorrow.

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